Byond ID:
[list]Austria, the great inventer of the Wieners and the Wiener Schnitzel.[/list]
Birth date:
[list]5 Feb 1999[/list]
Today's date:
[list]10 Oct 2015[/list]
I am 6091 days old.
Which is 870 weeks and 1 day.
That's 16 years and 247 days, including 4 leap days,
or 16 years, 35 weeks and 2 days.
In other words, that's 200.16 months.
Therefore, I am 16.68 years old.
How I would define myself (Coder, Mapper, Spriter):
Programming Languages:
Markup Languages:
[list][*]HyperText Markup Language[/list]
Stylesheet Languages:
[list][*]Cascading Style Sheets[/list]
Scripting Languages:
Any previous experience developing with SS13?
How well do you know Git?
[list]Pretty well. Addition:
[*]Github Educational Account[/list]
My primary job is server development, not policing the server. I may be given Moderator-level of access but I should *not* be invoking any administrative actions unless there are no moderators or Admins online. Do I understand?
[list]Yes, I do understand and support a strict restriction.[/list][/b]
Additional Skills/Hobbys of no/less relevance:
[list][*]SHA-256 Bitcoin Mining
[*]Setting up Web/Gameservers
[*]Russian and German Language
[*]Hyper-V Server Management
[*]SS13 Tcomms Codeing[/list]
Anything else you'd like to add?
[list]I am able, but not limited to useing the Programming Languages listed above. This means that I'm able to learn and apply new languages and skills very easily. In addition I'm currently attending the best higher technical High school in my Country. Further more I've got around 4-8 hours time to code or play daily. [/list]
“The master has failed more times than the beginner has even tried” – Stephen McCranie