Age: 18
Gender: Male (Female on the inside)
How would you define yourself? (Coder, Mapper, Spriter): Spriter
If Coder, what languages?
Any previous experience developing with SS13? None.
Proof of any previous or current work: So first thing I did was make a recolor of the Queen (I named her The Red Monarch) from old BayStation code and added a tad bit more things to her.

The next one I did I was thinking of having Angel Wing backpack but then I read that the donor items have to be Alien themed but I was loving it. This was also my first Custom Sprite.

This last one I was also thinking as Custom Items for players since I matched them according to Marine Team Colors. But then I decided that Apop could use it as one of his Custom ERT. The colors are Command Black, Charlie Purple, Bravo Yellow, Alpha Red, and Delta Blue.

How well do you know Git? I honestly have no idea what Git is.
Your primary job is server development, not policing the server. You may be given Moderator-level of access but you should *not* be invoking any administrative actions unless there are no moderators or Admins online. Do you understand? (Yes/No) Yes.
Anything else you'd like to add? I know my Sprites have major room for improvement, but I'm always willing to get better, mainly because Spriting is fun to me even though I just started.