Desolane900 Moderator Application

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Desolane900 Moderator Application

Post by Desolane900 » 03 Jan 2016, 02:49

Byond ID: desolane900

Colonial Marines Character: Saul Freytia

Age: 18

Gender: Male

Timezone: EST

On average, how many hours are you available per week to moderate? 10-40 hours and any number between.

Do you have any previous experience in being staff (not just SS13)? I've moderated several Twitch chats and a server on GMOD.

Did you play any of the previous Colonial Marine servers? No.

Have you had an application to Colonial Marines before? If I did I don't remember doing so.

Are you currently a staff member elsewhere (not just SS13)? If so, where? Currently a Twitch streamer's chat room.

Have you ever been banned for more than 24 hours on Colonial Marines? I've never been banned at all.

Common Staff Situations:
Write a description of what you would do in each situation (BELOW) the situation. If you start it on the same line, I'll assume you can't follow directions and auto-decline your application.

1. A player is firing his weapon in the briefing area near the start of the round.

Put him to sleep and ask him what the hell he's doing. If I don't get a response in a minute or two, or if he gives me some retarded response, I will inform him that he will be getting a short ban from the server.

2. The Sulaco has a breach to space.

Let Engineering ICly deal with it but if there is no Engineering staff or they can't currently fix it and it is detrimental to continuing the round, I would patch it discreetly.

3. The marines want the nuke codes because they claim they are losing too many marines. There are currently 4 aliens and 20 marines in your /who.

Man up. Deal with it. Move on. ie. Refuse and give a Central Command update telling them ICly to go fight and stop whining.

4. A Sulaco researcher has made several napalm grenades and hands them out to marines. One of the marines throws the grenade into Logistics. There are no admins or other moderators online.

First of all, the Researcher would not have gotten past grenade number one. But to answer the question, I would PM the marine and kindly tell him to not do that again after fixing the damage it caused. Then I'd delete the rest of the grenades from the map and tell the Researcher that making them is illegal.

5. A played is starting to talk about the things he did with your mom last night over Ahelp.

Inform him that I was there as well but he was too drunk to remember.

6. You notice a marine with a name that doesn't fit our naming rules.

Kindly tell him that the name needs to be changed or there will be negative repercussions.

6a. The marine is arguing that: They've used the name for several years, noone has told them to change it before, and that they didn't know it was a rule.

Tell them to read the rules before reminding them that the name needs changed or they can't play on this server.

7. You see a Sulaco Doctor with an M41A rifle strapped to his back running around the briefing area. There are wounded in medbay, and the other doctor is in surgery.

Tell him to drop the gun and go do his job or he will be job banned or worse.

8. You see a Squad Medic performing surgery on the planet. He claims it was because there were no doctors in the FOB.

Tell him that there are never doctors in the FOB and that all Marines in need of surgery should be sent back to the Sulaco for a real doctor to do it.

9. The round is stagnating. There are 30 marines and 4 aliens. The marines won't leave the Sulaco, and the aliens won't attack. What would you do, to "encourage" the sides to engage each other?

ICly inform them that the operation is expensive. The longer it goes on the more money it costs and sooner or later the Marines will not be getting paid if they do not finish the operation soon.

10. The round ends, and a marine starts unloading his weapons on other marines.

Put him to sleep and tell him if he does it again he will get a short ban.

11. A marine who has recently awoken is using soap to slip other marines.

I hate when that happens.

12. A marine has killed another marine. When you ask him why, he said it was because the other marine had punched him.

Check the logs to make sure that is the real story and if he did overreact then I would fix the situation and tell him that if he continues doing that then he will be banned for a certain amount of time.

Any additional information you'd like to add? Nope.
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Re: Desolane900 Moderator Application

Post by Seehund » 03 Jan 2016, 08:13

It's nice that you keep warning people they will be banned, but I assure you, sometimes you just have to do it.

Onto some criticism;
5) Banter is well and good, but I suggest you just tell them to simmer down and not clog up the PMs with that shit - mute them if you need to.
8) Good answer, though there CAN be cases where there's doctors at the FOB.
10) That's an immediate 3-hour ban, no sleep, no nothing.
11) Great answer. (Read: dripping with sarcasm.)

Again, this is my opinion..
You seem quite laid back, I'm not sure if you'd enforce the rules to their correct extent.
For now, -1.
Last edited by Seehund on 03 Jan 2016, 13:40, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Desolane900 Moderator Application

Post by SASoperative » 03 Jan 2016, 13:14

Look above and there are most of your problems. Your amount of time put in the server seems realistic. My main concern with you is your forum activity is pretty low... Neutral I will monitor this for a while and see more input..

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Re: Desolane900 Moderator Application

Post by Westhybrid » 03 Jan 2016, 19:51

I've seen you in-game and you've been a very stand-up regular on the server. As for your answers, there are some issues here and there, but nothing that wouldn't warrant you having a Trial. As for your forum activity, I'm a testament to that being fixable and still getting a Trial, and you have a lot more posts than when I applied.

Fix your forum activity, but other than that, +1.
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Re: Desolane900 Moderator Application

Post by Desolane900 » 03 Jan 2016, 19:57

Westhybrid wrote:I've seen you in-game and you've been a very stand-up regular on the server. As for your answers, there are some issues here and there, but nothing that wouldn't warrant you having a Trial. As for your forum activity, I'm a testament to that being fixable and still getting a Trial, and you have a lot more posts than when I applied.

Fix your forum activity, but other than that, +1.
I never see much on the forum worth adding to or or bothering to look at. Most of the shit on here is TL;DR or completely irrelevant to my interests.
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Re: Desolane900 Moderator Application

Post by Seehund » 03 Jan 2016, 21:26

WhereTheWhiteWomen wrote: [...] or bothering to look at. Most of the shit on here is TL;DR [...]
Generally speaking, that's a horrible attitude. As a member of the staff, you will want to keep up to date with pretty much everything, in order to maintain a general awareness of the community.
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Re: Desolane900 Moderator Application

Post by Feweh » 03 Jan 2016, 21:45

WhereTheWhiteWomen wrote: I never see much on the forum worth adding to or or bothering to look at. Most of the shit on here is TL;DR or completely irrelevant to my interests.
Pretty much blew your chances with becoming staff with this comment, in my opinion at least.
Essentially walking into a job interviewing and saying you don't care about the Company enough.


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Re: Desolane900 Moderator Application

Post by Desolane900 » 03 Jan 2016, 22:19

Feweh wrote: Pretty much blew your chances with becoming staff with this comment, in my opinion at least.
Essentially walking into a job interviewing and saying you don't care about the Company enough.

Walking into McDonalds as the health inspector doesn't mean you need to listen to the employee gossip. You do your job and deal with problems as they arise. It's simple.
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Re: Desolane900 Moderator Application

Post by Feweh » 03 Jan 2016, 22:27

WhereTheWhiteWomen wrote: Walking into McDonalds as the health inspector doesn't mean you need to listen to the employee gossip. You do your job and deal with problems as they arise. It's simple.
Unfortunately knowing whats going on and being apart of the community is important part of being on the staff team. Interacting with the community shows further interest and dedication to the server as a whole.

Good response though, except youre still being interviewed for the health inspector position ;)

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Re: Desolane900 Moderator Application

Post by Jack McIntyre » 04 Jan 2016, 00:29

-1 for now, but may go to neutral, as a moderator you will have to sign in on the forums and keep a eye on things, not saying you won't do it, but your answer was a bit worded wrong for my taste. Seen your character before in game so I know you do play regularly. Get your forum attention on par and I will support ya.

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Re: Desolane900 Moderator Application

Post by Desolane900 » 04 Jan 2016, 00:49

Jack McIntyre wrote:-1 for now, but may go to neutral, as a moderator you will have to sign in on the forums and keep a eye on things, not saying you won't do it, but your answer was a bit worded wrong for my taste. Seen your character before in game so I know you do play regularly. Get your forum attention on par and I will support ya.
I'm not going to say "I hate the forums and will never get on them." but if the position calls for it then yes, I would browse the forums and keep up to date.
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Re: Desolane900 Moderator Application

Post by TR-BlackDragon » 04 Jan 2016, 07:34

I'm going to go with a -1. Not wanting to do half the job because you think it's irrelevant rubs me wrong.

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Re: Desolane900 Moderator Application

Post by SASoperative » 04 Jan 2016, 17:41

Yeah.... Sorry bud you got my -1 whenn you basicly stated your deal with the forums. Moderators are required to be active on the forums

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Re: Desolane900 Moderator Application

Post by Ralios » 04 Jan 2016, 17:55

TL;DR: If he was a trial mod, that would motivate him to contribute more on the forums and follow the flow of the community. Give 'em a chance and see if he develops. If not, then he is not committed enough to be a moderator. He has the actual administrative part of the job (enforcing the rules and furthering enjoyment of the players) down fairly well, and if all he needs is that extra push, then give it to him.

I can see where's he's coming from in regards to forum posting. It is possible to keep up with the inner affairs of the community simply by reading, which is important, but so is giving your input. Sometimes, though, you just don't have something to say to the conversation.

I would much rather see someone who creates quality conversation on the forums, even if it's not as often, compared to someone who constantly posts on every thread just to raise that little post count of theirs in order to be considered for mod or rise in the community (i'm sure we've all seen this person once or twice). In their minds, visibility = quality. Although, a combination of both frequency and quality is great. I'm not saying the applicant does either of these things. Just a thought.

If he's willing to contribute more to discussions and follow along, then why not give him trial and see him develop not only as a moderator, but as a community figure? Seems unfair to crack down on someone if you expect to be perfect right off the bat. If he continues to not show effort in the forums, even after being given this position, then that would turn my vote to a -1.

+1, good luck dude. just thought i'd give my two cents as an objective third party. i feel like some of the votes in applications piggyback on other posts and follow the bandwagon instead of sincerely looking into it and providing their own opinion.

edits: forgot to add edits down here. all edits were just adding a bit more to my argument, along with grammar fixes. tl;dr added as well.

edit2: after rereading and constantly revising my post, i came to notice that the general tone i had set was very demanding. please note that this response was not made with that in mind, anything that could come off as an order is just a suggestion. sorry if anybody took it the wrong way.

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Re: Desolane900 Moderator Application

Post by Lostmixup » 05 Jan 2016, 04:17

Most of the answers work, but I simply don't find them satisfactory enough - number 11 especially. I'm okay with letting some things slide here and there, but as a moderator it's your job to make sure that kind of stuff doesn't happen. Your answers give the impression that you'd let a lot of things slip by, and generally do a poor job as a moderator.

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Re: Desolane900 Moderator Application

Post by Desolane900 » 05 Jan 2016, 04:44

Lostmixup wrote:Most of the answers work, but I simply don't find them satisfactory enough - number 11 especially. I'm okay with letting some things slide here and there, but as a moderator it's your job to make sure that kind of stuff doesn't happen. Your answers give the impression that you'd let a lot of things slip by, and generally do a poor job as a moderator.

I will admit I am a joking and generally carefree person but that doesn't mean I won't get serious when needed to. I work at a grocery store and honestly I don't give a shit if someone shoplifts but because it is part of my job, I have told management about shoplifters on several occasions to give an example of being lax but still doing my job as needed.
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Re: Desolane900 Moderator Application

Post by Desolane900 » 05 Jan 2016, 04:46

SASoperative wrote:Yeah.... Sorry bud you got my -1 whenn you basicly stated your deal with the forums. Moderators are required to be active on the forums
Like I said, if I need to get on the forums and be involved in the community, I will by all means do it and do it right.
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Re: Desolane900 Moderator Application

Post by Desolane900 » 05 Jan 2016, 04:49

TR-BlackDragon wrote:I'm going to go with a -1. Not wanting to do half the job because you think it's irrelevant rubs me wrong.
I never said getting on the forums is irrelevant. I said a lot of posts people make on here are irrelevant in the sense that they don't need looked at simply because the Subject is something not worth clicking on and reading because of it not contributing to what I want to read about. If being a moderator means I have to swim through the posts, relevant to my interests or not, I would do it in a heartbeat.
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Re: Desolane900 Moderator Application

Post by Logi99 » 05 Jan 2016, 18:38

Who are you? Saul Freyntia. Never heard of him. Your activity on the community and in-game looks horrible.
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Re: Desolane900 Moderator Application

Post by Feweh » 05 Jan 2016, 18:50

Logi99 wrote:Who are you? Saul Freyntia. Never heard of him. Your activity on the community and in-game looks horrible.
Thanks for the feedback guy who has the same amount of posts and I also dont know in-game.

Jump on the fucking bandwagon there eh?

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Re: Desolane900 Moderator Application

Post by Logi99 » 05 Jan 2016, 19:02

Feweh wrote: Thanks for the feedback guy who has the same amount of posts and I also dont know in-game.

Jump on the fucking bandwagon there eh?
The majority of things I do on the community is read, hence I have this amount of posts. And also there is an admin who has known me since the most nostromo days. By the way Pink, I am in GTM timezone and I've only gotten to see you once.
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Re: Desolane900 Moderator Application

Post by Ralios » 05 Jan 2016, 21:18

Logi99 wrote: The majority of things I do on the community is read, hence I have this amount of posts. And also there is an admin who has known me since the most nostromo days. By the way Pink, I am in GTM timezone and I've only gotten to see you once.
I see them often. You probably don't live in the same timezone as them.

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Re: Desolane900 Moderator Application

Post by Adjective » 06 Jan 2016, 05:03


Your application is decent, but it drops sarcasm and banter. Your dealings of situations is decent, but you do not go to the extent that you should. For example, when a researcher is making Napalm, the researcher is at fault too and is to receive at minimum a warning/marked notes. You also, gave an answer I dislike for the "Mother" question, and you refrained from answering the soap question. You are active and I have seen you frequently through variant times in the day, and you do not reflect negatively in personality. However, as stated before, you must be frequent on the forums and in-game to be a member of staff.

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Re: Desolane900 Moderator Application

Post by SASoperative » 04 Feb 2016, 03:06

Denied. Just sorry I do not think you would really fit in with our staff given how many -1s you have and that your forums activity is still fairly low.
