Age: 22
Gender: m
How would you define yourself? (Coder, Mapper, Spriter): Spriter
If Coder, what languages?
English, Gibberish
Any previous experience developing with SS13?
Way back in the days of yore, I lead a dev team working on our own codebase. Made a LOT of assets and kicked a lot of asses. It eventually fell through due to our coders being both awful at code and lazy fucks.
Proof of any previous or current work:
I've got a fair amount of work on my other machine, which is currently at the other end of the country. If this app gets slapped with a 'PROVIDE MORE EVIDENCE', I'll put it on hold till I can access that stuff. It's a pretty meagre collection, but hopefully conveys my style and what I can and can't do.
In the interests of this application, I made a lot of this in the last 2 days:
PMC OUTFITS(done expediently and recently solely for this app):
The Starship Trooper:

I have replaced this twice thrice too many times now. This is a thing to note, I'm never satisfied with shit I make ever.
"Art is never finished; only abandoned" - Classical philosopher and songwrite, DJ Khaled
The Jungle Thunder:

The Mallcop(updated in edit cos his helmet and shading were annoying me):

The Ghost Buster:

All these images have more layers than shrek, I can show just the jumpsuits, remove straps, helmets, belts anything like that if you'd like
WEAPONS (these were designed for vanilla ss13, for context):
The Hulkbuster:


Heavy Flamethrower:

OTHER SHIT THAT ISN'T SS13 (overworld assets from an RPG I started, again I'm on my laptop so I'm reaching here):
Protagonist Overworld Walk Cycle:

Hoers Sidewalk but as a sheet:

And that is all the complete spritework I have on this HD as of now.
How well do you know Git?
I've never used it as anything but a repository for grabbing /tg/ sprites and the like (base humans, par example) for working with. Seems simple enough, I can learn real quick.
Your primary job is server development, not policing the server. You may be given Moderator-level of access but you should *not* be invoking any administrative actions unless there are no moderators or Admins online. Do you understand? (Yes/No)
Moderating a ss13 server is the last thing I want to do. 100% understood.
Anything else you'd like to add?
Really the main thing to mention here is that I'm pretty low on a portfolio. I can get more in time, hell I could make some more shit, but I think what I've presented gives a pretty varied selection of the sort of stuff I've got experience with - it's not much, but it's only really there to give an impression of my style, right?
Should also say I'm fairly out of practise - main reason I'm applying tbh. Not had much to direct myself at, kinda want a challenge and a means to improve.
Finally - the forum account is pretty new, but I've been playing on the server for a while (I generally avoid ss13 forums where possible). I play as Boris, which I feel makes me fairly 'recognisable'. Should also mention I'm not a fan of circlejerky cult of personality shit, in my experience leads to metabuddies and other bad things. I've been very active on suggestions and shitposting in the chatbox mainly. Hopefully my relative obscurity won't be an issue.
Oh and also, some of those weapon sprites iirc were based on other weapons. As I recall, I took like 3 guns, took parts of them and combined them, and then gradually replaced each part until it was a new thing. Gave me a body to work with, but there MAY still be parts of for example the ion rifle in the hulkbuster - declaring that upfront, I did make those like a year ago.
pls b nice