Byond ID: Petepie
Colonial Marines Character: John Wolfe
Age: 16
Gender: Male
Timezone: UTC +0:00
On average, how many hours are you available per week to moderate? 25 Hours
Do you have a Skype account (Skype is REQUIRED)? Yes
Do you have any previous experience in being staff (not just SS13)? No
Did you play any of the previous Colonial Marine servers? No
What other servers do you play on? Mainly Hippie station or TG
What are the 3 biggest servers you play on besides CM? Only Hippie Station and TG
Have you had an application to Colonial Marines before? No
Are you currently a staff member elsewhere (not just SS13)? If so, where? No
Have you ever been banned for more than 24 hours on Colonial Marines? No
Have you ever been banned for more than 24 hours on ANY server? If so, where and When (roughly)? Hippie Station, early October I believe. It was a permanent ban as I outed one of my fellow cultists. I took a month off of SS13 and made a ban appeal and I've been playing on Hippie since then.
Common Staff Situations:
Write a description of what you would do in each situation (BELOW) the situation. If you start it on the same line, I'll assume you can't follow directions and auto-decline your application.
1. A player is firing his weapon in the briefing area near the start of the round.
I would pm the player firing the weapon to find if there is a valid reason, like another player attacking other marines, if they could provide no valid reason or did not respond I would check the player's notes to determine if this was a repeated offense and if it was I would apply for a permanent ban otherwise I would give a 24 hour ban and add a note saying they had done this. If there was a valid reason I would leave it to MPs to deal with.
2. The Sulaco has a breach to space.
I would investigate if the breach was intentional and if it was I would check the player's notes, if this was has happened before i would ban them for 1 hour, if it hadn't happened before I would pm the person who caused the breach warn them about rule 15. After this I would add a note that they had caused a breach and had been warned.
3. The marines want the nuke codes because they claim they are losing too many marines. There are currently 4 aliens and 20 marines in your /who.
I would deny the nuke codes and make an announcement that the nuke codes are reserved for emergencies and that if another invalid request was made all pay would be reduced.
4. A Sulaco researcher has made several napalm grenades and hands them out to marines. One of the marines throws the grenade into Logistics. There are no admins or other moderators online.
I would inform the researcher of rule 8 and ban them for 1 hour. Then if the marine who threw the grenade was a new player I would inform them of rule 8 add a note and ban them for 3 hours as they had not only used the napalm grenade but also used it on Sulaco. If they were more experienced players I would pm them and remind them of rule 8, add a note about the event, if they had already done something similar recently I would ban them for 24 hours but if it was the first time I would ban them for 5 hours.
5. A played is starting to talk about the things he did with your mom last night over Ahelp.
Warn them to stop and inform them of rule 3, if they continued to break that rule I would mute them from ahelp. I would also add a note about them being disrespectful.
6. You notice a marine with a name that doesn't fit our naming rules.
I would pm them asking that they change the name for next round and inform them of rule 2 of the marine specific rules. Although if the name was specifically made to be insulting I would change the name during that round and add a note about the event.
6a. The marine is arguing that: They've used the name for several years, no one has told them to change it before, and that they didn't know it was a rule.
As stated at the start of every round ignorance is not an excuse, I would tell them this and if they continued to argue and not change the name next round I would ban them for 30 minutes.
7. You see a Sulaco Doctor with an M41A rifle strapped to his back running around the briefing area. There are wounded in medbay, and the other doctor is in surgery.
I would pm him and tell him to drop the gun and return to medbay to do their job, if they refused I and it was a repeated incident I would ban them for 1 hour and job ban them.
8. You see a Squad Medic performing surgery on the planet. He claims it was because there were no doctors in the FOB.
I would inform him that this does not excuse powergaming, inform them of rule 10, tell them to bring the patient back to Sulaco so they can be helped.
9. The round is stagnating. There are 30 marines and 4 aliens. The marines won't leave the Sulaco, and the aliens won't attack. What would you do, to "encourage" the sides to engage each other?
I would see if any ghosts were currently spectating, if there are any spectators I would make an announcement stating that the aliens were reproducing at a worrying rate and that if they did not stop them soon the aliens would overrun them, I would give the aliens a few monkeys to start with and if the marines continued to refuse to attack I would add more monkeys which would hopefully cause the aliens to attack. If there were no spectators available I would just make an announcement that if the aliens weren't dealt with soon nobody would get paid.
10. The round ends, and a marine starts unloading his weapons on other marines.
I would pm the marine and inform them of rule 6 then ban them for 3 hours and add a note about what happened.
11. A marine who has recently awoken is using soap to slip other marines.
If this continued to happen for 10 minutes and the MPs did nothing to stop them I would pm the marine and tell them that they should stop and that they had to do there job, if they ignored me or continued to do it I would ban them for 30 minutes and add a note about the event.
12. A marine has killed another marine. When you ask him why, he said it was because the other marine had punched him.
I would pm the marine that was killed and ask them about there side of the story, then I would check the logs to see if each story is true or if their was valid escalation, if their was then I would leave it as an IC issue and let the MPs and commander deal with it, otherwise if the marine that was still alive randomly attacked the dead marine I would inform them of the rule about griefing and if this was the first problem they caused I would ban them for 12 hours, if it was a repeated offense I would give a 24 hour ban and if the marine had been constantly griefing I would give a 7 day ban and appeal for a permanent ban. In all the situations that result in a ban I would add a note about them griefing.
Any additional information you'd like to add?
I do not have a lot of involvement in the community so I simply want to use this opportunity to learn about moderating and I can understand why I would be denied.
I used the admin protocols in this topic: viewtopic.php?f=57&t=5647 As I could not access the one in this topic: viewtopic.php?f=62&t=1918
Also the rules in this topic: viewtopic.php?f=62&t=1918 appear to be outdated as I found and followed these rules:
Petepie - Moderator Application
- Hycinth
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Re: Petepie - Moderator Application
Literally one post on the forums, and I don't recognize your CKEY or character name.
Also, your answers aren't great, and imply a lot more powers than you have as a moderator, as well as being... just... not standard procedure at all...
Also, your answers aren't great, and imply a lot more powers than you have as a moderator, as well as being... just... not standard procedure at all...
- SASoperative
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- Location: Mobile constantly. Never really in one spot for long.
Re: Petepie - Moderator Application
^ Basicly stated above.
- Petepie
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Re: Petepie - Moderator Application
- SASoperative
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- Location: Mobile constantly. Never really in one spot for long.
Re: Petepie - Moderator Application
Any more feedback?
- matchafrappe
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Re: Petepie - Moderator Application
Hycinth and SASoperative both agreed that your answers weren't that good. To respond to their feedback with an emote instead of corrections or a "thank you for your criticism" is unacceptable to me; it seems very childish. The point in making this application is to convince staff to let you become part of their team. Posting an emote does nothing except show that you cannot constructively respond to what they have to say. I want to say that there are good points to the answers in your application, but I cannot find any.Petepie wrote:¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Spread the positivity, everyone!
- LordeKilly
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Re: Petepie - Moderator Application
My mouth was gaping open for some of these, especially at the amount of bans and the non-linear times given for each ban. I really think you should play the server before applying for a moderator.

- SASoperative
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- Location: Mobile constantly. Never really in one spot for long.