Hunk1 Application.

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Hunk1 Application.

Post by Hunk » 26 Feb 2016, 13:44

Byond ID: Hunk1

Colonial Marines Character: Janos Audron


Gender: Male

Timezone: GMT -3

On average, how many hours are you available per week to moderate? 21 to 42 hours per week. Depends of my work rate.

Do you have a Skype account (Skype is REQUIRED)? Damien.Haynes3

Do you have any previous experience in being staff (not just SS13)? Basic Admin on Hypatia Station 13

Did you play any of the previous Colonial Marine servers? Yes.

What other servers do you play on? None, i returned to byond few weeks ago.

What are the 3 biggest servers you play on besides CM?-

Have you had an application to Colonial Marines before? No.

Are you currently a staff member elsewhere (not just SS13)? If so, where? No.

Have you ever been banned for more than 24 hours on Colonial Marines? No.

Have you ever been banned for more than 24 hours on ANY server? If so, where and When (roughly)? No.


Common Staff Situations:
Write a description of what you would do in each situation (BELOW) the situation. If you start it on the same line, I'll assume you can't follow directions and auto-decline your application.

1. A player is firing his weapon in the briefing area near the start of the round.
At first PM about what occured, and wait for a response. If a response come, i would ask about his reasons to do that and show that's against the rules and he is disrupting the gameplay and to refrain of doing that. If i don't recieve a answer, i would weaken or use any other incapacitating tool so that the MP's could arrest that player and do a proper jugdement of his IC actions. Regarding to OOC actions: If the player understand his error and the conversation goes on a proper way, i would update a player note (not sure if this code has the ability to put notes on the player database.) and keep a close watch on that player for future actions. IF the player does not cooperate at all and exit the server or ghost, i would ban him and give a extended ban for ignoring staff and grieffing other players.

2. The Sulaco has a breach to space.
I would investigate the nearby mobs/players and access the var menu for any clues of the player that did it. Pm the player that did, and wait for a response. If player goes SSD, he has a deadline of 3 minutes to comeback (in case of internet disconnection) and then ban the player. If the player answers, i would seek his reasonings and show that it's bad gameplay and would give him a ban (short ban).

3. The marines want the nuke codes because they claim they are losing too many marines. There are currently 4 aliens and 20 marines in your /who.
That's a no-no. Unless a highermin says so, it's a no-no. Every single round if they have many casualities and ask for nuke codes it wound not be fair for the aliens. Once at 30-35ish rounds it's ok, but every single round it's a no-no. it ruins the fun.

4. A Sulaco researcher has made several napalm grenades and hands them out to marines. One of the marines throws the grenade into Logistics. There are no admins or other moderators online.
I would at first hand, weaken the marine and PM him. If he dosen't answer, it's a outright ban. if he answers the PM i would explain that's against the rules and that he violated the rules and apply a lower time ban and update his notes. After that, i would reach the researcher to find out who he gave the napalm grenades, If he cooperates i would handle a lower time ban otherwise it is a extended ban.

After dealing with the researcher, i would deal with the other marines in possesion of the grenades, PMing them asking to dispose the grenades or even deleting if necessary. if any of those grenades get used, i would PM that marine and handle the ban according to the cooperation of that player.

5. A played is starting to talk about the things he did with your mom last night over Ahelp.
Those players are the ones worth of the mute verbs. If the players continue to harrass the staff by other ways (metagaming, abuse of the pray verb), it's a outright ban. No one needs insults about moms.

6. You notice a marine with a name that doesn't fit our naming rules.
I would PM that marine, that the name dosen't meet the rules standards and i would ask him a new name so that i could change. In case if player ignoring the PM, i would give a random name.

6a. The marine is arguing that: They've used the name for several years, noone has told them to change it before, and that they didn't know it was a rule.
My counter argument is: "That's a rule, and i spotted you. Please select a new name or i will choose a random name for you." Those type of players are the ones capable of pulling arguments for 10 minutes, 10 precious minutes that you could be watching the gameplay, so avoiding argumentation is the best on this case. Direct and clear.

7. You see a Sulaco Doctor with an M41A rifle strapped to his back running around the briefing area. There are wounded in medbay, and the other doctor is in surgery.
would PM the doctor, telling that is not allowed, it's neglect of duty, and he should return to medbay to assist the wounded, Also telling that he should wear only a pistol. Refuse in obeying would lead into a ban.

8. You see a Squad Medic performing surgery on the planet. He claims it was because there were no doctors in the FOB.
Order the doctor to stop. Lack of human resources on a low marine count is a part of the game, he has to deal with it. It's not his duty. Refusing to acomplish would lead into a jobban.

9. The round is stagnating. There are 30 marines and 4 aliens. The marines won't leave the Sulaco, and the aliens won't attack. What would you do, to "encourage" the sides to engage each other?
I'll be honest. I don't know. But i'm willing to learn how. I guess something that i would do is impersonate a Superior officer (On a higher rank than the commander ,someone from CENTCOM) to command the marines to return to the planet. If the players refuse, i would do something like a count down to Aliens minor victory and end the round, there is no actually a way to force them, at least i don't know what i could do as STAFF to force them except for bans or jobbans but still banning 30 players for being scared is ridiculous.

as i said, i'm willing to learn.

10. The round ends, and a marine starts unloading his weapons on other marines.
I would pause the round end and relay a admin or mod announcement to stop with the end round griefing. If some of the players refuse, is a immediate 3 hour ban according to rules.

11. A marine who has recently awoken is using soap to slip other marines.
PM him to stop that, pranks are annoying. if the player refuses, it's a round ban. Strict as that.

12. A marine has killed another marine. When you ask him why, he said it was because the other marine had punched him.
It's overwhelming force and is unecessary, i would say to that player that is griefing and he would recieve a ban for that, a small time if it's his first offense and advise him on next time to use the disarm intent and call for help on public comms. To the other marine that died, i would PM him about his reasons, and give him a harsher ban for griefing.

Any additional information you'd like to add?

I am sorry if there is any grammar problems, English is not my native language and i am brazilian. I'm willing to help the community and i love if i had the chance.
Last edited by Hunk on 26 Feb 2016, 18:06, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Hunk1 Application.

Post by MauroVega » 26 Feb 2016, 14:20

I don't recognize neither you or your Ckey
Neutral leaning to -1
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― Sun Tzu, The Art of War

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Re: Hunk1 Application.

Post by matchafrappe » 26 Feb 2016, 15:02

I have you seen you play before. You did not seem to really know a few of the rules. In addition, I can forgive the grammar but there were some answers I found iffy.

Number 10 where states, "I would pause the round end and relay a admin or mod announcement to stop with the end round griefing. If some of the players refuse, is a immediate 3 hour ban according to rule". I don't believe an announcement is necessary as the end-round grief could continue while you're making that announcement which results in more casualties.

The answers are nice because I can easily grasp at what you're trying to say, but I'm worried that other players won't be able to understand as well as I do when you try to explain clearly and concisely what they did wrong or how they can improve. Add to that I have witnessed you with an infraction on the rules and, the next round after that infraction, you mentioned something along the lines of "I am sorry, I'm going to disconnect...I can't deal with their[the marines'] stupidity" in LOOC in your role as XO/CO. This makes me believe you're a quitter. For now, it will have to be a -1 from me.

Whether or not you get accepted, I just want to encourage that you should persevere in a tough situation, even if marines do not really want to listen to orders. In addition, you should read more books. Right now, you're better than me for already knowing two languages but I believe you can reach a higher professional level of English speech if you read more non-fiction books.
Spread the positivity, everyone!

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Re: Hunk1 Application.

Post by Feweh » 26 Feb 2016, 15:19

No idea who you are


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Re: Hunk1 Application.

Post by Hycinth » 26 Feb 2016, 15:25

...Who the fuck are you, again?


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Re: Hunk1 Application.

Post by SecretStamos (Joshuu) » 26 Feb 2016, 17:14

This is probably the nail in the coffin, but

Code: Select all

[08:00:23]ATTACK: Janos Audron (as Hank 'The Tank' Scott) (hunk1) shot Avalona Moore () with a the pistol bullet
[08:00:24]SAY: Ositma Q. Balor/Tchernobog : How many men are alive on sulaco?
[08:00:25]ATTACK: Janos Audron (as Hank 'The Tank' Scott) (hunk1) shot Avalona Moore () with a the pistol bullet
[08:00:26]EMOTE: Avalona Moore/ : <B>Avalona Moore</B> screams!
[08:00:26]ATTACK: Janos Audron (as Hank 'The Tank' Scott) (hunk1) shot Avalona Moore () with a the pistol bullet
[08:00:26]EMOTE: Avalona Moore/ : <B>Avalona Moore</B> screams!
[08:00:28]ATTACK: Janos Audron (as Hank 'The Tank' Scott) (hunk1) shot Avalona Moore () with a the pistol bullet
[08:00:28]OOC: (LOCAL) Hunter (771)/AeroJounin : Fuck logic
[08:00:28]ATTACK: Janos Audron (as Hank 'The Tank' Scott) (hunk1) shot Avalona Moore () with a the pistol bullet 
Mind explaining this? From the dialogue pulled from the logs, Avalona (the CO, who executed a marine earlier in the round) appeared to be handcuffed and defenseless when you opened fire on her.

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Byond: Hunk1

Re: Hunk1 Application.

Post by Hunk » 26 Feb 2016, 17:28

SecretStamos (Joshuu) wrote:This is probably the nail in the coffin, but

Code: Select all

[08:00:23]ATTACK: Janos Audron (as Hank 'The Tank' Scott) (hunk1) shot Avalona Moore () with a the pistol bullet
[08:00:24]SAY: Ositma Q. Balor/Tchernobog : How many men are alive on sulaco?
[08:00:25]ATTACK: Janos Audron (as Hank 'The Tank' Scott) (hunk1) shot Avalona Moore () with a the pistol bullet
[08:00:26]EMOTE: Avalona Moore/ : <B>Avalona Moore</B> screams!
[08:00:26]ATTACK: Janos Audron (as Hank 'The Tank' Scott) (hunk1) shot Avalona Moore () with a the pistol bullet
[08:00:26]EMOTE: Avalona Moore/ : <B>Avalona Moore</B> screams!
[08:00:28]ATTACK: Janos Audron (as Hank 'The Tank' Scott) (hunk1) shot Avalona Moore () with a the pistol bullet
[08:00:28]OOC: (LOCAL) Hunter (771)/AeroJounin : Fuck logic
[08:00:28]ATTACK: Janos Audron (as Hank 'The Tank' Scott) (hunk1) shot Avalona Moore () with a the pistol bullet 
Mind explaining this? From the dialogue pulled from the logs, Avalona (the CO, who executed a marine earlier in the round) appeared to be handcuffed and defenseless when you opened fire on her.
Avalona simple turned her shit upon a survivor. I really didn't understand why her done that. she promoted the survivor to XO, then shottgunned him to beheading, then when we were investigating and were going to arrest her, she shot 3 marines with a incendiary gun incapacitating me and another marine. After the occurance, the other marines supported me to become the new commander, i became and called execution on her. Strictly IC issues.

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Re: Hunk1 Application.

Post by SecretStamos (Joshuu) » 26 Feb 2016, 17:30

Hunk wrote: Avalona simple turned her shit upon a survivor. I really didn't understand why her done that. she promoted the survivor to XO, then shottgunned him to beheading, then when we were investigating and were going to arrest her, she shot 3 marines with a incendiary gun incapacitating me and another marine. After the occurance, the other marines supported me to become the new commander, i became and called execution on her. Strictly IC issues.
Thank you. I've heard enough.
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Re: Hunk1 Application.

Post by Hunk » 26 Feb 2016, 17:36

matchafrappe wrote:I have you seen you play before. You did not seem to really know a few of the rules. In addition, I can forgive the grammar but there were some answers I found iffy.

Number 10 where states, "I would pause the round end and relay a admin or mod announcement to stop with the end round griefing. If some of the players refuse, is a immediate 3 hour ban according to rule". I don't believe an announcement is necessary as the end-round grief could continue while you're making that announcement which results in more casualties.

The answers are nice because I can easily grasp at what you're trying to say, but I'm worried that other players won't be able to understand as well as I do when you try to explain clearly and concisely what they did wrong or how they can improve. Add to that I have witnessed you with an infraction on the rules and, the next round after that infraction, you mentioned something along the lines of "I am sorry, I'm going to disconnect...I can't deal with their[the marines'] stupidity" in LOOC in your role as XO/CO. This makes me believe you're a quitter. For now, it will have to be a -1 from me.

Whether or not you get accepted, I just want to encourage that you should persevere in a tough situation, even if marines do not really want to listen to orders. In addition, you should read more books. Right now, you're better than me for already knowing two languages but I believe you can reach a higher professional level of English speech if you read more non-fiction books.
Matchafreppe, thanks for the advices. Explaining the Announcement, i always take the dialog first then be a trigger happy on banhammer, this is one thing i learned on hypatia station.

And about that day, i was really pissed off because i was trying to roleplay accordingly as Commander like the ADVICE on start round demans, but when marines started to kill each other, going SSD and stop obeying commands, i got mad, but nothing that 30 minutes out of the game to calm down didn't helped.

The thing is, those violations happens VERY often when admins are not around and tend to ruin the fun and screws everyone game. No, i'm not a quitter, that would not happend at all if we had a moderator online, and this is what's motivates me to apply for a staff ranking, i have experience and i belive that i can help the community.

For now, i take those constructive criticism. Thank you.

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Re: Hunk1 Application.

Post by TR-BlackDragon » 26 Feb 2016, 17:59

I'm ganna -1 cause I have never heard of you. Also you must be able to speak and understand English well as we are an English server. Second, yea that happened.... points at Joshuu's post..... also we are in need of active staff. 3 to six hours a week just isn't as active as we are currently searching for.

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Re: Hunk1 Application.

Post by Hunk » 26 Feb 2016, 18:04

That's my mistake, i misread that. I'll correct that. Thank you Black dragon.

Also, i do understand english, i have small problems with grammar, but isn't anything huge.

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Re: Hunk1 Application.

Post by LordeKilly » 09 Mar 2016, 19:30

Never seen you ICly, and I can't really understand you. To be a moderator, you should probably have a very good grasp of the language if you're interacting with players most of the time.


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Re: Hunk1 Application.

Post by SASoperative » 14 Mar 2016, 17:13

I am going with denied my friend.
