Byond ID: Hyperio (current and old acount Darth Bobby but it seems to childish so I've just created a new one).
Age: 20
Gender: Male
Timezone: (UTC+02:00) France
Do you have any previous experience in being staff (not just SS13)? : I'm moderator/GM on a RPG forum with a few active members, so it doesn't really matter. The forum is based on the pretty famous (for francophone people) fantasy-comedy world Naheulbeuk.
Did you play any of the previous Colonial Marine servers? : No.
What other servers do you play on? : Currently none. I've played a dozen of shifts on Paradise Station last summer and a dozen on YogStation this year.
What are the 3 biggest servers you play on besides CM? : See above. Only 2 servers.
Have you had an application to Colonial Marines before? : No.
Are you currently a staff member elsewhere (not just SS13)? If so, where? : See above.
Have you ever been banned for more than 24 hours on Colonial Marines? : Nope.
Have you ever been banned for more than 24 hours on ANY server? If so, where and When (roughly)? : No.
Are you familiar with Slack (It's use is required)? : I'm not, but I will become if I have to be familiar with it.
What type of Developing do you want to do (Mapping, Spriting, Coding, other)? Mapping.
Do you know how to use Git? No, but I''ll read a few tutorials.
Links to samples of your work : None. I'm a rookie mapper but I have two months and a half incoming with free time in the evening, so I'll be able to practice by myself and by doing your tasks.
Your primary job is server development, not policing the server. You may be given Moderator-level of access but you should *not* be invoking any administrative actions unless there are no moderators or Admins online. Do you understand? (Yes/No) Yes.
Anything else you'd like to add ? In September and after, I'll have to focus on my studies so I'll have fewer free time.
Hyperio - Mapper Application
- Feweh
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Re: Hyperio - Mapper Application
Look, I'm not a Dev here... but I'm going to point out the obvious.
1. No one most likely has any idea who you are.
2. This is your first post on the forums.
3. You have no examples of your mapping to show us.
4. You have 0 experience mapping.
5. You're only available for 3 months basically.
6. You haven't even been actively playing SS13, as you've stated the last time you played was last summer.
1. No one most likely has any idea who you are.
2. This is your first post on the forums.
3. You have no examples of your mapping to show us.
4. You have 0 experience mapping.
5. You're only available for 3 months basically.
6. You haven't even been actively playing SS13, as you've stated the last time you played was last summer.
- Hyperio
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Re: Hyperio - Mapper Application
I played a dozen round on YogStation this year (i.e "school year", since last September). I wasn't including the round on Colonial Marines server this year. Not plenty of rounds, I have to admit. I'm not pretending to be an experienced player.
I have 0 experience mapping, yes. You'll be able to judge my talent with the application tasks (if the fact that you don't know me doesn't disqualify me immediately of course).
I have 0 experience mapping, yes. You'll be able to judge my talent with the application tasks (if the fact that you don't know me doesn't disqualify me immediately of course).
- Infernus
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Re: Hyperio - Mapper Application
I doubt that Apophis will accept you due to few points that Feweh brought up, but at least you can learn a bit of mapping.
Since you are new to it, you will have harder tasks
Make sure you include piping and wiring.
Do all of 3 task below:
Task I - A research department
- Pick a science branch and map it. It can either be xenobiology, bomb making, or something completely new. Be creative, don't make a generic science room like on other server. It must be special in some way.
Task II - Factory
- A giant room filled with various machines. Can be a giant disposal system, a mech factory, combat dildos manufactury, anything you can think of. Make sure that machine placement has some logic. Like, it starts with metal, goes with conveyor belts to metal press, and like that all the way to the finishing products. The machine you place doesn't have to do what it does in code. I just need to see how you think it should look like if it did what it should in your map.
Task III - Your Imagination
- Make something speshul. A new map project in paint, a 5x5 secret room, something we never saw. The more details you use, the better. Be very creative here.
Usually, there are no deadlines, but since I am leaving at 10.6. for 3 months (And I will most likely have no internet access), you have to finish it until 9.6., as I wont be able to review it. (Others can, though)
So, don't post your work unless you are done. You can either present them all at once, or one by one.
If you present your work, you may not do any more changes to it.
Feel free to PM me any time in the next few days if you have any questions regarding your tasks.
Since you are new to it, you will have harder tasks
Make sure you include piping and wiring.
Do all of 3 task below:
Task I - A research department
- Pick a science branch and map it. It can either be xenobiology, bomb making, or something completely new. Be creative, don't make a generic science room like on other server. It must be special in some way.
Task II - Factory
- A giant room filled with various machines. Can be a giant disposal system, a mech factory, combat dildos manufactury, anything you can think of. Make sure that machine placement has some logic. Like, it starts with metal, goes with conveyor belts to metal press, and like that all the way to the finishing products. The machine you place doesn't have to do what it does in code. I just need to see how you think it should look like if it did what it should in your map.
Task III - Your Imagination
- Make something speshul. A new map project in paint, a 5x5 secret room, something we never saw. The more details you use, the better. Be very creative here.
Usually, there are no deadlines, but since I am leaving at 10.6. for 3 months (And I will most likely have no internet access), you have to finish it until 9.6., as I wont be able to review it. (Others can, though)
So, don't post your work unless you are done. You can either present them all at once, or one by one.
If you present your work, you may not do any more changes to it.
Feel free to PM me any time in the next few days if you have any questions regarding your tasks.

- Hyperio
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Re: Hyperio - Mapper Application
Task I : Marinology Department,Weyland-Yutani’s best scientists created this field of research to breed the perfect Marine, subtle mix of tactic and fighting spirit. Marines born there grow with their nemesis (toy version) to take away the fear they induce in the hearts of men. They learn how to handle weapon, how to resist to toxins (mithridatism room), how to survive in hostile areas, how to butcher an animal. To increase their aggressiveness, they have to fight each other for food (close the shutters, throw food in disposal unit, open the shutters). Of course, the whole facility is made from the best construction materials and the grilles of the cells are electrified.
Task II : You called it ! A brand new combat dildos factory ! That may explain the shape of those spaceships... Production steps : melting, inclusion of a special additive, injection moulding, apposition of the logo of the brand, washing, painting, washing, sample testing, wrapping. The operating room is necessary to face the consequences of testing this kind of “weapons”.
Task III : Welcome inside a Marine’s mind ! Let’s call him Bob ! Well, it’s quite clear that Bob’s mind is a mess. After years fighting xenos, one can’t really blame him for that. However, he remains a true marine : the foundations of his mind are as strong as his biceps. He’s always telling what he has on his mind, being silent only went shit really hit the fan. Bob love making the inventory of his ammo boxes, this hobby saved his life more than once. He keeps his deepest in a secure safe made of hardened safe, but shhh... can’t say more or I’ll put my life in danger. Bob’s greatest dream is to be so strong that he would be able to play with xenomorphs. It might be an unrealistic dream, hope keeps you alive. Like the majority of his buddies, Bob’s diet consists of coffee and snacks, with premium cigars from time to time. Why all this coffee ? Because Bob doesn’t sleep well since he was attacked by a facehugger during his sleep. Thus his shotgun is now his second pillow. Bob try to keep his thoughts well-ordered, a limited success. Oh ! I forgot ! Our marine drinks gallons of beer every week ! But be careful, beer is a sacred liquid, not like coffee, and one mustn’t spill it on the floor. Bob is a follower of the Flying Spaghetti Monster, pastafarianism guides his life. His second carreer choice was to become a space pirate to restrict the galactic warming. Bob love growing flowers and talking to them, he’s never told anyone, afraid that the other marines would make fun of him.
Waiting for your reviewing
I hope the fact that you didn't know me very well isn't a too limiting factor.
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I hope the fact that you didn't know me very well isn't a too limiting factor.
- Infernus
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Re: Hyperio - Mapper Application
I'm very surprised by your work.
You pretty much nailed all three tasks.
You have my +1 for mapping, but it is up to Apop to decline/accept this app.
I suggest you start playing on CM more often and get known within the community to boost your chances.
You pretty much nailed all three tasks.
You have my +1 for mapping, but it is up to Apop to decline/accept this app.
I suggest you start playing on CM more often and get known within the community to boost your chances.

- Minijar
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Re: Hyperio - Mapper Application
While I like your factory I'm gonna -1 for Fewehs reasons and your science lab looks like a clone of xenobio to me.
- forwardslashN
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Re: Hyperio - Mapper Application
I'm curious as to why you want to work on CM considering you don't actively play it or SS13 in general, don't have any dev experience, and so on. Also, you generally don't want to run pipes or wires underneath walls unless you have no other choice.

The ambivalent giant white baldie in a jungle near you.
- apophis775
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Re: Hyperio - Mapper Application
Let me make this fast: