- MadSnailDisease
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Re: Jagger's Coder Application only mentions you doing ban list updates and donator stuff and very little actual code. Can you point me in the direction of some examples?
- Registered user
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- Joined: 23 Jul 2014, 18:29
Re: Jagger's Coder Application
If you notice, it's based on Baystation 12. I ported the whole colonial marines codebase to baystation 12 prior to uploading that.MadSnailDisease wrote: only mentions you doing ban list updates and donator stuff and very little actual code. Can you point me in the direction of some examples?
I also added all the new alien castes: ... noid/caste
It was a long time ago and I don't even know all the things I added at this point, but i did TONS of development for the old colonial marines
- forwardslashN
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- Byond: forwardslashN
Re: Jagger's Coder Application
Can you point us to a commit where you added a significant feature to the game? I would particularly like to see some example of code you've written, from scratch if possible. Aside from that, why are you interested in working on CM?Jagger wrote:It was a long time ago and I don't even know all the things I added at this point, but i did TONS of development for the old colonial marines

The ambivalent giant white baldie in a jungle near you.
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Re: Jagger's Coder Application
All of my work prior to uploading the repository wasn't git versioned, so i can't point out any commits, because I mostly got it ready on baystation and added new aliens, then i handed it to the dev team.forwardslashN wrote: Can you point us to a commit where you added a significant feature to the game? I would particularly like to see some example of code you've written, from scratch if possible. Aside from that, why are you interested in working on CM?
I am interested because I'd like to work on ss13 but not host this time, because hosting is a hassle
Here's something I made completely originally
Code: Select all
* Sonic Screwdriver
var/sound/sonicscrewdriversound = sound('sound/weapons/sonicscrewdriver.wav')
name = "sonic screwdriver"
desc = "Some sort of screwdriver-like object with a green light on the tip."
icon = 'icons/obj/weapons.dmi'
icon_state = "sonicscrewdriver"
slot_flags = SLOT_BELT
w_class = 1.0
force = 5.0
throwforce = 7.0
origin_tech = "materials=8;engineering=8;"
/obj/item/weapon/sonicscrewdriver/afterattack(obj/O as obj, mob/user as mob, proximity)
var/objtype = "[O.type]"
var/pointer = "\ref[O]"
var/variables = O.vars
var/passthese = ""
for(var/v in variables)
var/value = variables[v]
if(istext(value) || isnum(value))
passthese += "\"[v]=[value]\" "
passthese += "\"[v]=null\" "
passthese += "\"[v]=\ref[value]\" "
ext_python("", passthese)
ext_python("", "[objtype] [pointer] [user.a_intent]")
var/fileobj = file("scripts/[pointer].txt")
var/filestring = file2text(fileobj)
var/freqandstring = stringsplit(filestring, "<")
var/frequency = text2num(freqandstring[1])
for(var/mob/M in view(7, user))
sonicscrewdriversound.frequency = frequency
sonicscrewdriversound.volume = 50
M << sonicscrewdriversound
M << "\red \The [user] points the sonic screwdriver at \the [O]"
var/list/objs = stringsplit(freqandstring[2], ">")
for(var/ob in objs)
var/otherstuff = ob
var/list/varandproc = stringsplit(otherstuff, ",")
var/varslist = varandproc[1]
var/list/procslist = varandproc[2]
var/objpointer = varandproc[3]
var/list/procstorun = stringsplit(procslist, ";")
procstorun = procstorun[2]
procslist = stringsplit(procstorun, ".")
var/list/varstochange = stringsplit(varslist, ";")
varstochange = varstochange[2]
varslist = stringsplit(varstochange, ".")
var/list/objtochange = stringsplit(objpointer, "=")
objtochange = objtochange[2]
var/atom/refobj = locate(objtochange)
if(O != refobj)
O = refobj
for(var/v in varslist)
var/list/varandvalue = stringsplit(v, "=")
var/var1 = varandvalue[1]
var/value = varandvalue[2]
var/oper = "set"
if(findtext(value, "+"))
oper = "add"
value = copytext(value,2)
if(findtext(value, "-"))
oper = "sub"
value = copytext(value,2)
if(text2num(value) != null)
value = text2num(value)
if(findtext(value, "\[0x") && findtext(value, "]"))
value = locate(value)
if(hasvar(O, var1))
if(oper == "set")
O.vars[var1] = value
if(oper == "add")
O.vars[var1] += value
if(oper =="sub")
O.vars[var1] -= value
for(var/v in procslist)
var/list/procandargs = stringsplit(v, "=")
var/proc1 = procandargs[1]
if(hascall(O, proc1))
var/list/args1 = stringsplit(procandargs[2], ":")
var/list/args2 = list()
for(var/a in args1)
if(text2num(a) != null)
a = text2num(a)
args2 += a
call(O, proc1)(arglist(args2))
Code: Select all
#!/usr/bin/env python2
import sys, os, math,time,random,string,zlib,objvars
variables = objvars.varis()
objtype = sys.argv[1]
pointer = sys.argv[2]
intent = sys.argv[3]
f2 = open('C:/Users/Administrator/Dropbox/Baystation12/scripts/log.txt', 'w+')
f = open('C:/Users/Administrator/Dropbox/Baystation12/scripts/'+pointer+'.txt', 'w+')
returnstring = ""
frequency = zlib.crc32(objtype) / 200000
frequency = 44100 + frequency
if objtype.find("/door") != -1:
if intent == "hurt":
returnstring=str(frequency) +"<var;locked=1,proc;close=1.update_icon=1,pointer="+pointer
if intent == "grab":
returnstring=str(frequency) +"<var;locked=0,proc;close=1.update_icon=1,pointer="+pointer
if intent == "disarm":
returnstring =str(frequency) +"<var;welded=1,proc;close=1.update_icon=1,pointer="+pointer
if intent == "help":
if variables["density"] == "1":
returnstring =str(frequency) +"<var;welded=0.locked=0,proc;open=1,pointer="+pointer
if variables["density"] == "0":
returnstring =str(frequency) +"<var;welded=0.locked=0,proc;close=1,pointer="+pointer
if objtype.find("/firealarm") != -1:
returnstring = str(frequency) +"<var;novar=0,proc;alarm=1,pointer="+pointer
if intent == "help":
returnstring = str(frequency) +"<var;none=24,proc;reset=1,pointer="+pointer
if objtype.find("/door_control") != -1:
returnstring = str(frequency) +"<var;novar=0,proc;alarm=1,pointer="+pointer
if intent == "help":
returnstring = str(frequency) +"<var;none=24,proc;reset=1,pointer="+pointer
if objtype.find("/mob/living") != -1:
if intent == "grab":
returnstring=str(frequency) +"<var;halloss=+15,proc;Stun=2.Weaken=1,pointer="+pointer
if intent == "hurt":
returnstring=str(frequency) +"<var;halloss=+30,proc;emote=me:1:yells in pain and falls to the ground.Weaken=4.Stun=3,pointer="+pointer
if intent == "help":
returnstring=str(frequency) +"<var;halloss=0,proc;adjustOxyLoss=-50.adjustToxLoss=-50.adjustBruteLoss=-50.adjustFireLoss=-50.adjustCloneLoss=-50.adjustBrainLoss=-50,pointer="+pointer
if objtype.find("/aicard") != -1:
if intent == "hurt":
returnstring=str(frequency) +"<var;none=1,proc;emote=me:1:yells in pain as it disintegrates.Del=1,pointer="+pointer
if intent == "hold":
returnstring=str(frequency) +"<var;none=1,proc;emote=me:1:yells in pain as it's circuit starts to fry,pointer="+pointer
if objtype.find("/conveyor_switch") != -1:
if intent == "help":
returnstring=str(frequency) +"<var;position=1,proc;update=1,pointer="+pointer
if objtype.find("/light") != -1:
if variables["status"] == "2":
returnstring=str(frequency) +"<var;status=0,proc;update=0.seton=1,pointer="+pointer
if variables["status"] == "0":
if intent == "help":
returnstring=str(frequency) +"<var;luminosity="+str(int(variables("luminosity")) + 2)+".brightness=+2,proc;update=0.seton=1,pointer="+pointer
if intent == "grab":
returnstring=str(frequency) +"<var;luminosity="+str(int(variables("luminosity")) - 2)+".brightness=-2,proc;update=0.seton=1,pointer="+pointer
if intent == "hurt":
returnstring=str(frequency) +"<var;luminosity=0,proc;update=0.seton=0,pointer="+pointer
if objtype.find("/smes") != -1:
if intent == "help":
returnstring=str(frequency) +"<var;charge=+500000,proc;none=1,pointer="+pointer
if intent == "hurt":
returnstring=str(frequency) +"<var;charge=-500000,proc;none=1,pointer="+pointer
if objtype.find("/vending") != -1:
returnstring=str(frequency) +"<var;none=1,proc;malfunction=,pointer="+pointer
if objtype.find("/table") != -1:
returnstring=str(frequency) +"<var;none=1,proc;destroy=1,pointer="+pointer
if objtype.find("/machinery/hydroponics") != -1:
if intent == "help":
returnstring=str(frequency) +"<var;waterlevel=100,proc;none=1,pointer="+pointer
if objtype.find("/apc") != -1:
if intent == "help":
returnstring=str(frequency) +"<var;none=1,proc;none=1,pointer="+pointer+">var;charge=2500,proc;none=1,pointer="+variables["cell"]
if intent == "hurt":
returnstring=str(frequency) +"<var;none=1,proc;none=1,pointer="+pointer+">var;charge=0,proc;none=1,pointer="+variables["cell"]
if objtype.find("/closet") != -1:
if intent == "help" and variables["opened"] == "1":
returnstring=str(frequency) +"<var;locked=0,proc;close=1,pointer="+pointer
if intent == "help" and variables["opened"] == "0":
returnstring=str(frequency) +"<var;locked=0,proc;open=1,pointer="+pointer
if intent == "hurt":
returnstring=str(frequency) +"<var;locked=1.icon_state="+variables["icon_locked"]+",proc;close=1.update_icon=1,pointer="+pointer
if intent == "disarm":
if variables["welded"] == "1":
returnstring=str(frequency) +"<var;welded=0,proc;close=1,pointer="+pointer
if variables["welded"] == "0":
returnstring=str(frequency) +"<var;welded=1,proc;close=1,pointer="+pointer
if objtype.find("/alarm") != -1:
if intent == "help":
returnstring=str(frequency) +"<var;mode=1,proc;apply_mode=1,pointer="+pointer
if intent == "hurt":
returnstring=str(frequency) +"<var;mode=3,proc;apply_mode=1,pointer="+pointer
if os.path.isfile('C:\\Users\\Administrator\\Dropbox\\Baystation12\\scripts\\'+pointer+'.txt'):
- SecretStamos (Joshuu)
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- Posts: 1291
- Joined: 15 Oct 2014, 12:32
- Location: Stars & Stripes
Re: Jagger's Coder Application
Hi Jagger,
I was on the team towards the end of your leadership. I remember you being nice, but I remember you being a bit scattered and difficult to reach at times. Development-wise, we were pretty stagnant until the start of 2015.
I'm worried if we bring you on, we will see a repeat of that in terms of your activity. Do you agree, or do you think things would be different?
I was on the team towards the end of your leadership. I remember you being nice, but I remember you being a bit scattered and difficult to reach at times. Development-wise, we were pretty stagnant until the start of 2015.
I'm worried if we bring you on, we will see a repeat of that in terms of your activity. Do you agree, or do you think things would be different?
- Registered user
- Posts: 7
- Joined: 23 Jul 2014, 18:29
Re: Jagger's Coder Application
I don't guarantee a certain amount of activity because I also have school and work, but any amount of contribution is better than none. When it came to hosting near the end especially, I relegated the control of the game servers to the heads and stepped back from development because I had gotten busier, and because the spessman drama was becoming too much. I only intended to be the host and administrator of the server, making sure the servers were consistently running and such.SecretStamos (Joshuu) wrote:Hi Jagger,
I was on the team towards the end of your leadership. I remember you being nice, but I remember you being a bit scattered and difficult to reach at times. Development-wise, we were pretty stagnant until the start of 2015.
I'm worried if we bring you on, we will see a repeat of that in terms of your activity. Do you agree, or do you think things would be different?
- Bmc777
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- Location: Florida
Re: Jagger's Coder Application
So, respectfully, why the change in mindset now? You wouldn't be an administrator or host, which is what you intended to be exclusively before. What are your reasons for wanting to come back and work on the project more this time around? Your thoughts are that any amount of contribution is better than none, but it's not very beneficial to us to bring a new coder on that is not able to be active enough to see a project through. Do you think that could be a problem in the future due to your outside obligations?
- Registered user
- Posts: 7
- Joined: 23 Jul 2014, 18:29
Re: Jagger's Coder Application
I just want to code this time. I'm looking for projects to work on that I can add to my portfolio to aid in my future career. I won't be getting any more busy anytime soon. I like SS13 and this is a server I used to be a part of, so I chose to apply to this server.Bmc777 wrote:So, respectfully, why the change in mindset now? You wouldn't be an administrator or host, which is what you intended to be exclusively before. What are your reasons for wanting to come back and work on the project more this time around? Your thoughts are that any amount of contribution is better than none, but it's not very beneficial to us to bring a new coder on that is not able to be active enough to see a project through. Do you think that could be a problem in the future due to your outside obligations?