Byond ID: GlowingVerity
Colonial Marines Character: Jamison Rheinlander, Lazar 'Czar' Kotrylevi, Lana Tixij, Savannah Danglars (A long, long time ago), innumerable randomly generated names and characters in between my four main characters. I also play aliens a lot when I'm not feeling like wading through baldies. I main Queen, Hunter, Ravager, and Boiler in roughly that order of preference.
Age: 16
Gender: Male
Timezone: US Eastern
On average, how many hours are you available per week to moderate?
I'm available essentially all day after 4 o' clock except Friday, in which case I will likely be ready to moderate at around 5 unless something comes up. On the weekends, again, I am available nearly all day. (I usually am up from 9 AM to 4 AM on Saturday, at that)
Do you have any previous experience in being staff (not just SS13)?
I've been staff on two GMOD roleplay servers but I've quit the game and resigned these positions. I'm the founder and administrator of my school's Improvised Theatre club, which currently consists of 20+ members. Managing teenagers is not foreign to me. In SS13, I was briefly a mod on Apollo Station before it collapsed.
Did you play any of the previous Colonial Marine servers?
Yes. I've been playing Colonial Marines since there was Colonial Marines to play. I think I've logged hours in every iteration, including our Pre-Alpha.
What other servers do you play on?
I played on Apollo before Lazar (the Owner) left, then Paradise for a week because I didn't know CM was back up, and haven't played any SS13 servers except CM since. It's been about a year since I've played another server, I think.
What are the 3 biggest servers you play on besides CM?
See above.
Have you had an application to Colonial Marines before?
Are you currently a staff member elsewhere (not just SS13)? If so, where?
I am not currently staff anywhere else in SS13 or on any videogame servers.
Have you ever been banned for more than 24 hours on Colonial Marines?
If I have, I don't remember. I am quite sure I have not, though.
Have you ever been banned for more than 24 hours on ANY server? If so, where and When (roughly)?
I was banned anywhere from a day to a month on Apollo when I first started SS13 because I was a chucklefucker way back in 2014 or 2013 when I was a wee babu. Obviously, I've come a long way since then.
Are you familiar with the chat program Slack (its use is required)?
No, but I am definitely willing to become as familiar as is required. I pick things up fast.
Common Staff Situations:
Write a description of what you would do in each situation (BELOW) the situation. If you start it on the same line, I'll assume you can't follow directions and auto-decline your application.
1. A player is firing his weapon in the briefing area near the start of the round.
I will ask the player if he or she is new to SS13 or CM, and if the answer is a believable yes, I will ask a mentor to help the player learn the basics or do so myself. Many chucklefuckers chucklefuck because they do not know better, and growing the playerbase is always preferable to banning without a second thought. If the answer is a clear lie or a blatant no, I will give a single warning to immediately stop and behave as well as provide a link to the server rules and let it be dealt with IC. If the action continues or is particularly severe (IE the player is shooting other marines or is majorly disrupting the round) I will immediately notify the player that they are breaking rule 6, the griefing rule, and give them an appropriate 24 hour ban.
2. The Sulaco has a breach to space.
Depending on the nature of the breach, I would likely patch it. However, if the round is nearly over and the SM explodes, it's an IC issue and I would let it be handled IC. If the breach was intentional, IE a marine SADARing a window, I would notify the marine that it is EXTREMELY bad to breach the Sulaco as it is potentially round ruining. I would give the marine a 7 day job ban from Spec, CE, Maint tech, and Squad Engineer so that they do not have access to dangerous equipment. If it was an alien purposely breaching the Sulaco, I would be much harsher. I would inform the player that it is metagaming to breach the Sulaco as well as directly against the server's rules and give them a 4 or 5 hour server ban regardless of whether or not there was an intent to metagame.
3. The marines want the nuke codes because they claim they are losing too many marines. There are currently 4 aliens and 20 marines in your /who.
I would give a M.O.T.H.E.R. scan demonstrating that their odds are completely fine, thus handling the issue IC.
4. A Sulaco researcher has made several napalm grenades and hands them out to marines. One of the marines throws the grenade into Logistics. There are no admins or other moderators online.
I would immediately freeze or sleep the marine throwing the grenade and ask him what he thinks he's doing. On the off chance it was an accident, IE a missclick, I would job ban the marine from Researcher in case he decides he likes chucklefucking with grenades and add an admin note. Otherwise, I would let it be handled IC because he shouldn't have had it in the first place. For the researcher, I would immediately notify them that they have made an insanely stupid choice that violates rules 3 and 4 under researcher specific rules. As the researcher was at the core of the problem, I would properly discipline he or she by handing out a 24 hour ban. It is common sense to not give dangerous grenades to the masses.
5. A played is starting to talk about the things he did with your mom last night over Ahelp.
Brush it off, and not respond. Mute the player from OOC, LOOC, and ahelp. They've simply lost that privilege until they can prove in some other way that what they say is worth being heard.
6. You notice a marine with a name that doesn't fit our naming rules.
Politely notify them of this violation of the rules, confirm that they will change it next round, and give them a cheeky name that is something like the name but is not in violation of the rules. For example, Burt Reynolds would become Burp Henkols. If the name is blatantly offensive, for example, a slur, and clearly without light-hearted intent, I would hand out a 24 hour chucklefucking ban with no warning. There is no excuse and if the player cannot figure out where they went wrong, they do not deserve to play CM.
6a. The marine is arguing that: They've used the name for several years, noone has told them to change it before, and that they didn't know it was a rule.
If the player argues, refer them to rule 3 and give them a 2 hour ban to cool off. The word of the staff is law and if you have a problem, you can raise it on the forums. Ahelp is not the channel for petty arguments.
7. You see a Sulaco Doctor with an M41A rifle strapped to his back running around the briefing area. There are wounded in medbay, and the other doctor is in surgery.
Tell the doctor to do his job for the love of God. If he is chucklefucking, job ban him from Sulaco doctor, Squad Medic, and CMO, and let it be handled IC. If he argues with me about what his priorities should be, refer him to rule 3 and give him a two hour ban to cool off.
8. You see a Squad Medic performing surgery on the planet. He claims it was because there were no doctors in the FOB.
Inform the player that this is blatant metagaming. Accept not excuse. Squad medics, as a rule, cannot perform surgery for balance as well as RP reasons. Give the player a job ban from Squad medic for a few days and tell them that if they want to practice surgery, to play a Sulaco doctor role.
9. The round is stagnating. There are 30 marines and 4 aliens. The marines won't leave the Sulaco, and the aliens won't attack. What would you do, to "encourage" the sides to engage each other?
Option one, the least intrusive, would be to send a bioscan through M.O.T.H.E.R. to basically tell the marines to get off their asses and go fight. If it is the aliens' fault, I would give a Queen-Mother order. If either or both does not succeed, I would send an XRT or a Dutch's Dozen to get the round going again, most likely an XRT.
10. The round ends, and a marine starts unloading his weapons on other marines.
Inform the marine that this is against the rules, then explain why (as many players do not know that end-round combat logs are HELL), and give them a 1 hour ban to cool off. If the player comes back and does it again, give them a 24 hour ban.
11. A marine who has recently awoken is using soap to slip other marines.
I would tell the marine he is a cheeky cunt in a friendly manner, change his name to something cheeky, and add a note. If there is an overtly malignant manner to his throwing soap, I would consider a one or two hour ban but it should generally be handled IC.
12. A marine has killed another marine. When you ask him why, he said it was because the other marine had punched him.
I would fairly assess the situation, first of all. There are two many unknowns to make a fair judgement based off of what the first marine said alone. The other may have gotten out his gun first with the intent to kill but like many chuklefuckers, was not robust enough and was killed. While the rule of "who hits first is at fault" applies, it is important to note that the marine who escalates a conflict is more often at fault. I would add a note to both players, to start off, and then depending on who escalated the conflict to lethal force first would ban the player who decided to use lethals first for 24 hours and the other marine for 2 to cool off.
This is all provided there was no roleplay going on and that the dead character is not alright with being dead. If there was a roleplay reason, such as a nasty fight started over something childish, and the dead marine is okay with being dead until they can be cloned, then I would simply let things play out IC. Either way, the marine who is now a murderer would be sitting out the rest of the round. Marine law dictates that murder is a perma-brig or execution and a ban would be redundant and inappropriate if things were handled as IC actions and no griefing was committed.
Any additional information you'd like to add?
I've been playing SS13 since my balls dropped and it's become a part of me. It has taught me social skills, gotten me into acting (which I now run a club for at my High School), and has taught me about life. The last part probably the least. I love SS13, and I love CM. I love the Alien lore the most out of any Sci-Fi lore ever. It's rich, and it's creepy, and it's deep. There's a lot to love. I've been thinking about how I can help out with the server in a way that is not a donation (I am currently saving all the money I can for College expenses) and I think my presence as a moderator would help out. I am a vocal supporter of Apop (God bless him) in deadchat and OOC and I won't try to extend my influence outside of where it ought to be. Moderators should stick to moderating. They are not on the server to screw with players or influence rounds, and I am wholeheartedly committed to this. As someone who has experience running a group in real life, I understand the importance of respect and cordiality. I have an honest belief that this application is satisfactory and knowing myself to the extent I do, I am confident I could serve the server and its players effectively. However, I am aware that many of you (the staff, the players) do not know me as much as the more memorable players. For example, Xur or the blessed Bill Carson. This tends to be part of my MO: Make as little noise as possible so you don't cause trouble. This is a useful quality for a moderator, in my opinion.
This is where the biggest problem concerning me lies. I am not a household name on the server. While people nearly exclusively have positive receptions of my characters, I have played countless times as a randomly named character and often play for a few months and then take a break for a few months when something rubs me the wrong way. Essentially, I'd the deadbeat older brother of the server. I watched it grow up but I'm not always there. I love the server, my dear younger brother, but sometimes it seems like he barely recognizes me. However, like any good story about a golden-hearted but troubled older brother, I have experienced a character arc of epic proportions and will now be here for the server's softball games and give the server a nice pat on the back. I'll give the server its first talk about sex, and I'll make sure the server makes good grades. "It's what your dad would have wanted, Server. You can do it, Champ," I'll say to the server as I ruffle its hair and sign its report card.
Joking aside, I am truly committed to the server. The most likely assumed problem from my past patterns of on-again-off-again obsession with the server is that I have the potential to not be online when required. However, I can assure anyone concerned, I will have an incentive to be on the server for whatever amount of time is required and will perform my duties on a timely basis every day as long as I am a moderator. The second problem, my lack of extravagant reputation, is also irrelevant in my opinion. While a handful of people may not know me, I know them. I am familiar with the majority of longtime CM players and I am confident that I can be fair and balanced in my judgments. It is with these promises that I fill the gaps in my qualifications. In addendum: If any of the staff have a major fault with me, please let me know. Do not be afraid to deny this application on any grounds: I will improve on anything deemed necessary to improve on and apply some other time if I think I meet the staff's standards. I also plan to continue to play on the server regardless of whether or not I become a moderator. It's a lot of fun and I'm glad you guys are keeping it running smoothly.
EDIT: Concerning my lack of forum posts, I have a tendency to lurk on forums and as previously stated I do not attempt to make waves. If this is a problem, please articulate that.
EDIT II: Added that I play as aliens very often, which explains for some of my lack of renown.
GlowingVerity - Moderator Application
- glowingverity
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- Byond: Glowing Verity
- Aetsuki
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Re: GlowingVerity - Moderator Application
I'm not 100% happy with this answer, slightly because of the lack of seriousness, and in part because it's too harsh. A 24 hour ban is usually the preface to a perma, and you should check their notes before issuing any punishment.glowingverity wrote: 1. A player is firing his weapon in the briefing area near the start of the round.
I will ask the player if he or she is new to SS13 or CM, and if the answer is a believable yes, I will ask a mentor to help the player learn the basics or do so myself. Many chucklefuckers chucklefuck because they do not know better, and growing the playerbase is always preferable to banning without a second thought. If the answer is a clear lie or a blatant no, I will give a single warning to immediately stop and behave as well as provide a link to the server rules and let it be dealt with IC. If the action continues or is particularly severe (IE the player is shooting other marines or is majorly disrupting the round) I will immediately notify the player that they are breaking rule 6, the griefing rule, and give them an appropriate 24 hour ban.
If a marines SADAR'd a window on the Sulaco, it's just as harsh as a punishment as if a xeno did it. Marines shouldn't be SADARing any windows on the Sulaco, and xenos shouldn't be aciding holes to space. Overall I'd give a PM and a warning to start off, after checking their notes.glowingverity wrote: 2. The Sulaco has a breach to space.
Depending on the nature of the breach, I would likely patch it. However, if the round is nearly over and the SM explodes, it's an IC issue and I would let it be handled IC. If the breach was intentional, IE a marine SADARing a window, I would notify the marine that it is EXTREMELY bad to breach the Sulaco as it is potentially round ruining. I would give the marine a 7 day job ban from Spec, CE, Maint tech, and Squad Engineer so that they do not have access to dangerous equipment. If it was an alien purposely breaching the Sulaco, I would be much harsher. I would inform the player that it is metagaming to breach the Sulaco as well as directly against the server's rules and give them a 4 or 5 hour server ban regardless of whether or not there was an intent to metagame.
Check both player's notes to see if they have prior history and investigate, and decide whether or not a ban is appropiate. I'd give the researcher a warning and depending on their notes, a possible job-ban. I'd also check if the marine accidentally threw the grenade, speak with them, and hand likely a 3ish hour ban for them to review the rules.glowingverity wrote: 4. A Sulaco researcher has made several napalm grenades and hands them out to marines. One of the marines throws the grenade into Logistics. There are no admins or other moderators online.
I would immediately freeze or sleep the marine throwing the grenade and ask him what he thinks he's doing. On the off chance it was an accident, IE a missclick, I would job ban the marine from Researcher in case he decides he likes chucklefucking with grenades and add an admin note. Otherwise, I would let it be handled IC because he shouldn't have had it in the first place. For the researcher, I would immediately notify them that they have made an insanely stupid choice that violates rules 3 and 4 under researcher specific rules. As the researcher was at the core of the problem, I would properly discipline he or she by handing out a 24 hour ban. It is common sense to not give dangerous grenades to the masses.
I think it's too much to mute him from all three. At most, his ahelp privilege after a warning, and add a player note.glowingverity wrote: 5. A played is starting to talk about the things he did with your mom last night over Ahelp.
Brush it off, and not respond. Mute the player from OOC, LOOC, and ahelp. They've simply lost that privilege until they can prove in some other way that what they say is worth being heard.
6 and 6a are again, harsh. Same as I said prior, about a 3 hour ban to review the rules if they have issues with it being changed. Also check and write notes.glowingverity wrote:The word of the staff is law.
7-10, same deal, overly harsh.
This can be handled ICly, particuarly without a ban unless it gets particuarly intrusive. Also changing the name is completely unnecessary unless it violates naming rules.glowingverity wrote:11. A marine who has recently awoken is using soap to slip other marines.
I would tell the marine he is a cheeky cunt in a friendly manner, change his name to something cheeky, and add a note. If there is an overtly malignant manner to his throwing soap, I would consider a one or two hour ban but it should generally be handled IC.
I'm not happy with these ban times. Depending on prior notes, some can be let off with a warning, or it can escalate to a minor ban with a noted warning. Even if the dead person is okay with being dead, there is a proper escalation of force that should have been followed by both sides. A warning and reference to the rules should be given, along with a note.glowingverity wrote: 12. A marine has killed another marine. When you ask him why, he said it was because the other marine had punched him.
I would fairly assess the situation, first of all. There are two many unknowns to make a fair judgement based off of what the first marine said alone. The other may have gotten out his gun first with the intent to kill but like many chuklefuckers, was not robust enough and was killed. While the rule of "who hits first is at fault" applies, it is important to note that the marine who escalates a conflict is more often at fault. I would add a note to both players, to start off, and then depending on who escalated the conflict to lethal force first would ban the player who decided to use lethals first for 24 hours and the other marine for 2 to cool off.
This is all provided there was no roleplay going on and that the dead character is not alright with being dead. If there was a roleplay reason, such as a nasty fight started over something childish, and the dead marine is okay with being dead until they can be cloned, then I would simply let things play out IC. Either way, the marine who is now a murderer would be sitting out the rest of the round. Marine law dictates that murder is a perma-brig or execution and a ban would be redundant and inappropriate if things were handled as IC actions and no griefing was committed.
All in all, I'm not happy with your answers. Most of them seem extremely harsh, joking, or unnecessary. Almost all of them fail to mention an investigation into notes, and escalate to a 24 hour ban way too quickly. From all this, it's a -1 from me.

- slc97
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Re: GlowingVerity - Moderator Application
I gotta agree with Aetsuki here. I'm seeing a lot more attempts at being funny in your app than attempts at enforicthe rules.
You fail to mention investigations in most of your answers and you pretty much jump straight to banning instead of analyzing the surrounding situation and either advising or warning the player for the future.
Also, SADARs can't be used on the Sulaco.
Anyway, -1 from me.
You fail to mention investigations in most of your answers and you pretty much jump straight to banning instead of analyzing the surrounding situation and either advising or warning the player for the future.
Also, SADARs can't be used on the Sulaco.
Anyway, -1 from me.
- Snypehunter007
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Re: GlowingVerity - Moderator Application
Same from me -1. I don't want to accuse you of not reading the rules but your #10 doesn't mention the fact that ERG is an immediate 3 hour ban, no warning nothing. On the topic, a lot of your application is quite harsh. I good example (out of several) is your #6a. While arguing with staff is kinda frowned upon it doesn't warrant a ban of any sort unless they are being extremely rude and disrespectful.
Reached "Leet" post status on 3/14/17.
Death of the Suggestion Killer - 11/30/2017
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Death of the Suggestion Killer - 11/30/2017
Staff History:
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- glowingverity
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- Joined: 09 Jan 2016, 14:33
- Byond: Glowing Verity
Re: GlowingVerity - Moderator Application
I'm very happy to get this feedback. I've come to the same conclusion over the last few days on the server that you've likely come to based on this application: My understanding of the rules isn't good enough, and I'm not at the level of maturity I need to be at to be a moderator. Thank you for reviewing my application, and I've saved all of the words of advice you have given me (particularly Aetsuki's, thank you for the stellar review of each situation) and I'll remember them if I make another application in however many months it is until the next time moderators are needed again after this wave. I understand that rejection is a part of life and I'm just pleased that my application was considered.
There's no more discussion to be had in my opinion, I'm just not ready. -1 from me, honestly, and I don't mean that with sarcasm. Reviewing my application, I don't even like most of my answers. This can be locked and deleted whenever is convenient.
There's no more discussion to be had in my opinion, I'm just not ready. -1 from me, honestly, and I don't mean that with sarcasm. Reviewing my application, I don't even like most of my answers. This can be locked and deleted whenever is convenient.
- Feweh
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Re: GlowingVerity - Moderator Application
No problem.