Eternalnight264 - Moderator Application
- eternalnight264
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- Posts: 66
- Joined: 12 Apr 2017, 22:33
- Byond: Eternalnight264
Eternalnight264 - Moderator Application
Byond ID: Eternalnight264
Colonial Marines Character: Vitori Swiftclaw (Others if I get around to make them.)
Age: 20
Gender: Male
Timezone: CDT (GMT -5) / CST (GMT - 6)
On average, how many hours are you available per week to moderate?
I will try to be on a few nights a week, or when I have time during the day. I can be on for a few hours a night if I'm around, my work schedule is hectic so I can't give a solid timeline but I will be on when I am free and able to.
Do you have any previous experience in being staff (not just SS13)?
Not very much else but SS13, but I was staff on a server called 'Alium Deathtrap 13' for the course of at least a year and was there when the server shut down. Note, the server is no longer active, and hasn't been for a few years.
Did you play any of the previous Colonial Marine servers?
What other servers do you play on?
I occasionally go on Yogstation if I want a more serious vanilla SS13, or Hippiestation if I intend to play with my friends who don't like as much of a serious setting or I am trying to teach them things.
What are the 3 biggest servers you play on besides CM?
Yogstation and Hippiestation.
Have you had an application to Colonial Marines before?
I have never applied for anything here before.
Are you currently a staff member elsewhere (not just SS13)? If so, where?
I am not currently staff on any other servers.
Have you ever been banned for more than 24 hours on Colonial Marines?
I have never been banned from this server before.
Have you ever been banned for more than 24 hours on ANY server? If so, where and When (roughly)?
As far as I recall, I was not.
Are you familiar with the chat program Slack (its use is required)?
I have never heard of it before, but I am willing to learn how to use it.
Common Staff Situations:
Write a description of what you would do in each situation (BELOW) the situation. If you start it on the same line, I'll assume you can't follow directions and auto-decline your application.
1. A player is firing his weapon in the briefing area near the start of the round.
I would keep an eye on the situation, if it was an accidental, I would allow MPs to handle it, or let it progress naturally and ensure it did not escalate too far as to ruin the round for some players. If the player continued to fire and was intentionally aiming at other marines, I would sleep him and inquire as to what was going on. Once figuring out the situation and determining his history of things such as this, I would apply the appropriate punishment/warning, rectify the situation by healing any marines that needed assistance, then pin a note on him for if I needed to edit my ban note. (Edited: Un-ban then re-ban might a better option instead of leaving an addition note? Unsure.)
2. The Sulaco has a breach to space.
At first I would determine what caused the breach. If the breach was caused by something naturally occurring in the round such as the shuttle crashing or a predator explosion, I would leave it. If the breach was accidental and non-serious, I would most likely let the players deal with it and inform the cause of it what he had done wrong. If the breach was intentional and large, I would repair the damage and try to restore proper atmos to the area if it's viable, punishing the player with a temporary or permanent ban, depending on his history and severity of the incident. If it was player-caused, I would leave a pin.
3. The marines want the nuke codes because they claim they are losing too many marines. There are currently 4 aliens and 20 marines in your /who.
Only Head Staff Members may give out nuke codes, so I would check with them or let them handle it.
4. A Sulaco researcher has made several napalm grenades and hands them out to marines. One of the marines throws the grenade into Logistics. There are no admins or other moderators online.
If there are marines in logistics and they are obviously there, I would assume he was griefing and question him, putting him to sleep if he continues to muck about and try to cause issues. If it was an accident and nobody was seriously injured, I would let it be handled IC, perhaps asking him why he did it however. If he did it on purpose or it caused massive damage, I would consult his previous history and punish him if required, leaving a note.
5. A played is starting to talk about the things he did with your mom last night over Ahelp.
I would make the Ahelp as 'Response not necessary' and only respond if he persisted, muting if he does not stop. I would also pin a note, noting this.
6. You notice a marine with a name that doesn't fit our naming rules.
I would inform him of the naming conventions and ask him to change it when the next round starts. As for the current round, I would change it for him. (I am not sure if moderators here have this power.) I would also remind him at the next round start to remember to change his name. Punishment may be required if he does not change it. (Edited: Make sure to add a note about it in case the player attempts it again.)
6a. The marine is arguing that: They've used the name for several years, noone has told them to change it before, and that they didn't know it was a rule. (Edited, If player seems upset or wishes to appeal link to the ban appeals, mute if persisting.)
I would inform him of the rules again, and give him a temporary ban if he doesn't comply. I would also let him know that even if he was allowed in the past, he must change it now.
7. You see a Sulaco Doctor with an M41A rifle strapped to his back running around the briefing area. There are wounded in medbay, and the other doctor is in surgery.
I would inform the doctor that he is not allowed to carry such a large weapon when in a non-marine role with no clear and present danger, also letting him know he should head back to the medbay to help the wounded, giving him the doctoring guide if needed. If he does not comply, punishment in the form of a job ban may be required. I would also leave a note. (Edit: Note not required due to ban reason being listed? Will do as-needed!)
8. You see a Squad Medic performing surgery on the planet. He claims it was because there were no doctors in the FOB.
I would inform him that medics are not authorized to do so, and if he did not end the surgery as soon as he was able, I would punish him with a brief ban, or more, if his previous record indicated such. A job ban might be necessary if this thing continues. Leave a note, of course. (Edit: Ensure patient is secure and transferred before making the player end it, oops!)
9. The round is stagnating. There are 30 marines and 4 aliens. The marines won't leave the Sulaco, and the aliens won't attack. What would you do, to "encourage" the sides to engage each other?
If both sides continued to disengage, I would try to get an admin to help with MOTHER, but if that did not work I would use the Queen Mother first, perhaps giving the aliens a tip or something of that nature to egg them on and get them to leave their hidey-hole. If that didn't work, I would probably send a fax about a special mission from Weyland, in the hopes that would do the same, but for the marines.
10. The round ends, and a marine starts unloading his weapons on other marines.
That is supposed to be a three hour ban, I believe, no warnings.
11. A marine who has recently awoken is using soap to slip other marines.
This is mostly an IC matter, so I would leave it. If this sort of thing happened on a regular basis, or it was clear the player was only here to do mild-griefing stuff like that, I would give them a warning, or a temporary ban if required. I would leave a note if it came to the point where I would need to warn them, as well.
12. A marine has killed another marine. When you ask him why, he said it was because the other marine had punched him.
At first I would investigate to determine if that was really what happened, then inform him that IC fights can be escalated within reason and kept IC, but only within reason. I would heal the player that was killed, and then warn or ban the murderer depending on his previous record and if he acknowledges his mistake. Leave a note, naturally.
Any additional information you'd like to add?
Not at this time.
Colonial Marines Character: Vitori Swiftclaw (Others if I get around to make them.)
Age: 20
Gender: Male
Timezone: CDT (GMT -5) / CST (GMT - 6)
On average, how many hours are you available per week to moderate?
I will try to be on a few nights a week, or when I have time during the day. I can be on for a few hours a night if I'm around, my work schedule is hectic so I can't give a solid timeline but I will be on when I am free and able to.
Do you have any previous experience in being staff (not just SS13)?
Not very much else but SS13, but I was staff on a server called 'Alium Deathtrap 13' for the course of at least a year and was there when the server shut down. Note, the server is no longer active, and hasn't been for a few years.
Did you play any of the previous Colonial Marine servers?
What other servers do you play on?
I occasionally go on Yogstation if I want a more serious vanilla SS13, or Hippiestation if I intend to play with my friends who don't like as much of a serious setting or I am trying to teach them things.
What are the 3 biggest servers you play on besides CM?
Yogstation and Hippiestation.
Have you had an application to Colonial Marines before?
I have never applied for anything here before.
Are you currently a staff member elsewhere (not just SS13)? If so, where?
I am not currently staff on any other servers.
Have you ever been banned for more than 24 hours on Colonial Marines?
I have never been banned from this server before.
Have you ever been banned for more than 24 hours on ANY server? If so, where and When (roughly)?
As far as I recall, I was not.
Are you familiar with the chat program Slack (its use is required)?
I have never heard of it before, but I am willing to learn how to use it.
Common Staff Situations:
Write a description of what you would do in each situation (BELOW) the situation. If you start it on the same line, I'll assume you can't follow directions and auto-decline your application.
1. A player is firing his weapon in the briefing area near the start of the round.
I would keep an eye on the situation, if it was an accidental, I would allow MPs to handle it, or let it progress naturally and ensure it did not escalate too far as to ruin the round for some players. If the player continued to fire and was intentionally aiming at other marines, I would sleep him and inquire as to what was going on. Once figuring out the situation and determining his history of things such as this, I would apply the appropriate punishment/warning, rectify the situation by healing any marines that needed assistance, then pin a note on him for if I needed to edit my ban note. (Edited: Un-ban then re-ban might a better option instead of leaving an addition note? Unsure.)
2. The Sulaco has a breach to space.
At first I would determine what caused the breach. If the breach was caused by something naturally occurring in the round such as the shuttle crashing or a predator explosion, I would leave it. If the breach was accidental and non-serious, I would most likely let the players deal with it and inform the cause of it what he had done wrong. If the breach was intentional and large, I would repair the damage and try to restore proper atmos to the area if it's viable, punishing the player with a temporary or permanent ban, depending on his history and severity of the incident. If it was player-caused, I would leave a pin.
3. The marines want the nuke codes because they claim they are losing too many marines. There are currently 4 aliens and 20 marines in your /who.
Only Head Staff Members may give out nuke codes, so I would check with them or let them handle it.
4. A Sulaco researcher has made several napalm grenades and hands them out to marines. One of the marines throws the grenade into Logistics. There are no admins or other moderators online.
If there are marines in logistics and they are obviously there, I would assume he was griefing and question him, putting him to sleep if he continues to muck about and try to cause issues. If it was an accident and nobody was seriously injured, I would let it be handled IC, perhaps asking him why he did it however. If he did it on purpose or it caused massive damage, I would consult his previous history and punish him if required, leaving a note.
5. A played is starting to talk about the things he did with your mom last night over Ahelp.
I would make the Ahelp as 'Response not necessary' and only respond if he persisted, muting if he does not stop. I would also pin a note, noting this.
6. You notice a marine with a name that doesn't fit our naming rules.
I would inform him of the naming conventions and ask him to change it when the next round starts. As for the current round, I would change it for him. (I am not sure if moderators here have this power.) I would also remind him at the next round start to remember to change his name. Punishment may be required if he does not change it. (Edited: Make sure to add a note about it in case the player attempts it again.)
6a. The marine is arguing that: They've used the name for several years, noone has told them to change it before, and that they didn't know it was a rule. (Edited, If player seems upset or wishes to appeal link to the ban appeals, mute if persisting.)
I would inform him of the rules again, and give him a temporary ban if he doesn't comply. I would also let him know that even if he was allowed in the past, he must change it now.
7. You see a Sulaco Doctor with an M41A rifle strapped to his back running around the briefing area. There are wounded in medbay, and the other doctor is in surgery.
I would inform the doctor that he is not allowed to carry such a large weapon when in a non-marine role with no clear and present danger, also letting him know he should head back to the medbay to help the wounded, giving him the doctoring guide if needed. If he does not comply, punishment in the form of a job ban may be required. I would also leave a note. (Edit: Note not required due to ban reason being listed? Will do as-needed!)
8. You see a Squad Medic performing surgery on the planet. He claims it was because there were no doctors in the FOB.
I would inform him that medics are not authorized to do so, and if he did not end the surgery as soon as he was able, I would punish him with a brief ban, or more, if his previous record indicated such. A job ban might be necessary if this thing continues. Leave a note, of course. (Edit: Ensure patient is secure and transferred before making the player end it, oops!)
9. The round is stagnating. There are 30 marines and 4 aliens. The marines won't leave the Sulaco, and the aliens won't attack. What would you do, to "encourage" the sides to engage each other?
If both sides continued to disengage, I would try to get an admin to help with MOTHER, but if that did not work I would use the Queen Mother first, perhaps giving the aliens a tip or something of that nature to egg them on and get them to leave their hidey-hole. If that didn't work, I would probably send a fax about a special mission from Weyland, in the hopes that would do the same, but for the marines.
10. The round ends, and a marine starts unloading his weapons on other marines.
That is supposed to be a three hour ban, I believe, no warnings.
11. A marine who has recently awoken is using soap to slip other marines.
This is mostly an IC matter, so I would leave it. If this sort of thing happened on a regular basis, or it was clear the player was only here to do mild-griefing stuff like that, I would give them a warning, or a temporary ban if required. I would leave a note if it came to the point where I would need to warn them, as well.
12. A marine has killed another marine. When you ask him why, he said it was because the other marine had punched him.
At first I would investigate to determine if that was really what happened, then inform him that IC fights can be escalated within reason and kept IC, but only within reason. I would heal the player that was killed, and then warn or ban the murderer depending on his previous record and if he acknowledges his mistake. Leave a note, naturally.
Any additional information you'd like to add?
Not at this time.
Last edited by eternalnight264 on 13 Apr 2017, 18:42, edited 1 time in total.
- TheSpoonyCroy
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Re: Eternalnight264 - Moderator Application
Before the obligatory "You haven't been here long comments" due to the day old account come in. I will say he has been in the game for around 3 weeks (started back in 27th of March).
- For question 1, minor point but probably best just to remove the ban for a sec and rewriting it if you want to edit the note, since adding in additional notes to make slight edits will give off the wrong impressions at first glance.
- For question 2, I believe if a breach isn't caused by a natural method, which you have listed, they will be sealed even if due to people being idiots (mostly marines in this case...)
- For question 6, don't forget to note down the name (in the player's notes) incase the player leaves and comes back at a later time and you aren't online to deal with them again
- For question 6a, I would also suggest you tell them, if they disagree with this being an ok or not name, they can file a ban appeal here:
- For question 7, minor point but if you give them a ban for it, probably won't need to note it down since the ban will require a reason for it
- For question 8, make sure they seal up the player and send them to the proper place before handing out a punishment since you rather not have the unconscious player be stuck in anesthetics hell.
- You generally play around the 12 - 20 timeslot (prime time), we always need capable hands during these times, so that is a plus
- Kavrick
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Re: Eternalnight264 - Moderator Application
Looks pretty solid although i dont know you IC or OOC so its hard to get a good sense of character, 0 for now, will change depending on other replies.
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- eternalnight264
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- Byond: Eternalnight264
Re: Eternalnight264 - Moderator Application
Thanks to both of you for the feedback, I'll keep it in mind!
I added an addendum to the relevant points to both note that I saw it, and for future reference if I, or somebody else, ever needs to look it over.
I added an addendum to the relevant points to both note that I saw it, and for future reference if I, or somebody else, ever needs to look it over.

- Eenkogneeto
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Re: Eternalnight264 - Moderator Application
I don't recall interacting with you ever IC or OOC, which isn't always a bad thing really... Your answers fit the bill and nothing looks to be wrong enough that it couldn't be fixed during trial by seeing how others handle things or hands on experience...
So I'm leaning towards +1 to give you a shot
Here's a few hypotheticals because it's always interesting to hear how people may handle an investigation and the questions on the app usually skip past it. I'm sleep deprived so if they don't make sense just tell me to go to bed.
Situation 1: (Ignore the names)
Adminhelp from Crunch Beefsteak: Balderson the Third shot me because I slipped him with soap earlier.
You mark the ahelp and do a quick check which reveals that indeed he was shot by Balderson a good amount of time after the two last interacted, What would your next steps most likely be? (You don't need to reach a resolution like applying a ban or anything, Just talk about your handling of the ahelp from that point, Messages you might send and questions to ask)
Situation 2:
While observing the round you come across some chaos outside the FOB
Nobody involved has adminhelped, And salt is not flowing in looc or deadchat, but three marines got in a shoot-out with each other outside the FOB and now two of them are bleeding out or dead. There's no other staff on to have witnessed it, So how would you handle or investigate the situation you observed? (Would you let it go if they didn't ahelp, Start asking observers what happened, Or ask for those involved to tell their sides of the story... that sort of thing is what I'm wondering here)
So I'm leaning towards +1 to give you a shot
Here's a few hypotheticals because it's always interesting to hear how people may handle an investigation and the questions on the app usually skip past it. I'm sleep deprived so if they don't make sense just tell me to go to bed.
Situation 1: (Ignore the names)
Adminhelp from Crunch Beefsteak: Balderson the Third shot me because I slipped him with soap earlier.
You mark the ahelp and do a quick check which reveals that indeed he was shot by Balderson a good amount of time after the two last interacted, What would your next steps most likely be? (You don't need to reach a resolution like applying a ban or anything, Just talk about your handling of the ahelp from that point, Messages you might send and questions to ask)
Situation 2:
While observing the round you come across some chaos outside the FOB
Nobody involved has adminhelped, And salt is not flowing in looc or deadchat, but three marines got in a shoot-out with each other outside the FOB and now two of them are bleeding out or dead. There's no other staff on to have witnessed it, So how would you handle or investigate the situation you observed? (Would you let it go if they didn't ahelp, Start asking observers what happened, Or ask for those involved to tell their sides of the story... that sort of thing is what I'm wondering here)
- eternalnight264
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- Joined: 12 Apr 2017, 22:33
- Byond: Eternalnight264
Re: Eternalnight264 - Moderator Application
(I happen to enjoy those names thank you very much!)
S1: First off, I would ask Mister Beefsteak whether or not he was sure it was entirely intentional, as given the time that had passed it could have been a poorly-timed coincidence, I would rather try and cover the simple bases first than to get too many people involved. If he insisted, I would then inquire with Baldy McBalderson as to why he felt the need to shoot him, not stating my own theory first so as to see if he owns up to it or not. If he admits to doing it on purpose, I would warn him (Or more, depending on the severity of griefing. If it was a single shot, I think a warning would suffice.). If it was an accident, I would go back to Beefsteak and inform him of this, then I would keep an eye on Balderson inn case something like it were to happen again, in which case further action might have to be taken. I would also leave a note on Balderson to note that he preformed a revenge shooting, if it in fact turns out that is what happened.
S2: Well, at first I would leave it and do a check to see exactly what happened. Mostly, I would be looking for things such as Aliens taking damage from them or recieving damage from said aliens. I've played enough to know that lethal damage from friendly fire is definitely a possibility, even in the case of three separate people. I would leave it, in that case. If it turns out that it was just the three, isolated, firing upon each other, I would try to see what was said before hand and inquire with the first shooter as to what happened. However, if the first shooter gave a satisfactory answer, I may leave it there, but if there was any doubt, I would ask the other two and compare stories. If there is no complaining, there shouldn't really be need of that much punishment, but if the players object to this, then further action may be needed. As usual, notes are definitely paramount, though if it was an all-around good situation, I might only leave a note that they are all apt to open fire on each other for no reason as, of course, player enjoyment is paramount. (If it was on purpose, that is.)
S1: First off, I would ask Mister Beefsteak whether or not he was sure it was entirely intentional, as given the time that had passed it could have been a poorly-timed coincidence, I would rather try and cover the simple bases first than to get too many people involved. If he insisted, I would then inquire with Baldy McBalderson as to why he felt the need to shoot him, not stating my own theory first so as to see if he owns up to it or not. If he admits to doing it on purpose, I would warn him (Or more, depending on the severity of griefing. If it was a single shot, I think a warning would suffice.). If it was an accident, I would go back to Beefsteak and inform him of this, then I would keep an eye on Balderson inn case something like it were to happen again, in which case further action might have to be taken. I would also leave a note on Balderson to note that he preformed a revenge shooting, if it in fact turns out that is what happened.
S2: Well, at first I would leave it and do a check to see exactly what happened. Mostly, I would be looking for things such as Aliens taking damage from them or recieving damage from said aliens. I've played enough to know that lethal damage from friendly fire is definitely a possibility, even in the case of three separate people. I would leave it, in that case. If it turns out that it was just the three, isolated, firing upon each other, I would try to see what was said before hand and inquire with the first shooter as to what happened. However, if the first shooter gave a satisfactory answer, I may leave it there, but if there was any doubt, I would ask the other two and compare stories. If there is no complaining, there shouldn't really be need of that much punishment, but if the players object to this, then further action may be needed. As usual, notes are definitely paramount, though if it was an all-around good situation, I might only leave a note that they are all apt to open fire on each other for no reason as, of course, player enjoyment is paramount. (If it was on purpose, that is.)

- Eenkogneeto
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Re: Eternalnight264 - Moderator Application
S1: This is on the lines of what I was imagining when I wrote it, For reference, I was picturing an entirely unrelated to previous interaction case of normal FF, Ask a few questions, Maybe a light warning and a note just in case it becomes a habit.eternalnight264 wrote:(I happen to enjoy those names thank you very much!)
S1: First off, I would ask Mister Beefsteak whether or not he was sure it was entirely intentional, as given the time that had passed it could have been a poorly-timed coincidence, I would rather try and cover the simple bases first than to get too many people involved. If he insisted, I would then inquire with Baldy McBalderson as to why he felt the need to shoot him, not stating my own theory first so as to see if he owns up to it or not. If he admits to doing it on purpose, I would warn him (Or more, depending on the severity of griefing. If it was a single shot, I think a warning would suffice.). If it was an accident, I would go back to Beefsteak and inform him of this, then I would keep an eye on Balderson inn case something like it were to happen again, in which case further action might have to be taken. I would also leave a note on Balderson to note that he preformed a revenge shooting, if it in fact turns out that is what happened.
S2: Well, at first I would leave it and do a check to see exactly what happened. Mostly, I would be looking for things such as Aliens taking damage from them or recieving damage from said aliens. I've played enough to know that lethal damage from friendly fire is definitely a possibility, even in the case of three separate people. I would leave it, in that case. If it turns out that it was just the three, isolated, firing upon each other, I would try to see what was said before hand and inquire with the first shooter as to what happened. However, if the first shooter gave a satisfactory answer, I may leave it there, but if there was any doubt, I would ask the other two and compare stories. If there is no complaining, there shouldn't really be need of that much punishment, but if the players object to this, then further action may be needed. As usual, notes are definitely paramount, though if it was an all-around good situation, I might only leave a note that they are all apt to open fire on each other for no reason as, of course, player enjoyment is paramount. (If it was on purpose, that is.)
All in all, I think this is a fairly good way to handle it the note may come off as a tad severe for people reading it later as written there, But without much to go on avoided jumping to conclusions and remembered to get everyones' side of the story and keep an open mind.
S:2 This is much in line with how I handled an almost exact same situation, Did some investigating and asked them their sides of the story, nobody involved in the shooting felt it was improperly escalated so I just had a word with them each about opening fire on each other in the future and didn't feel the need to take it any further than that.
It's a tough call when there's nobody else online to ask what they think about it and ultimately if it didn't negatively impact the round, I gotta agree that it needn't be heavily punished unless they have a history of such things.
I would note that I typically find it best to ask someone nearby if they know what caused the shooting first if they aren't busy, since they may have heard the argument that started it all and give you a good place to start when asking those involved, Or for that matter even have seen the cause of it (Such as a young runner with fancy footwork) and aren't likely to have any personal bias about it.
Here's where someone with more authority comes in and yells at me for doing it all wrong myself, But I liked the answers you gave regardless.
- eternalnight264
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- Posts: 66
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- Byond: Eternalnight264
Re: Eternalnight264 - Moderator Application
Thanks for the feedback! I'll try to keep that 'Asking an observer' thing in mind, to be honest that never really crossed my mind as I figured I would have access to logs and would rather use those instead of relying on testimony, but I'll try to do that if it ever comes up.

- Eenkogneeto
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Re: Eternalnight264 - Moderator Application
Logdiving is typically a lot of effort* compared to just a few questions and a bit of collaborating of stories. You could do it for this sort of thing, But if you get the same story from several different sources you won't need to unless you're going to be handing out a hefty ban or submitting a permaban appeal and need to be doubly sure Bumblechump Cucumberbatch actually ERP'd with Stella Gabriella in the middle of the FOB and nobody saw but one ghost with suspiciously cropped screenshots.eternalnight264 wrote:Thanks for the feedback! I'll try to keep that 'Asking an observer' thing in mind, to be honest that never really crossed my mind as I figured I would have access to logs and would rather use those instead of relying on testimony, but I'll try to do that if it ever comes up.
*As far as I know, I never really got much of an explanation on if there was an easier way that how I've been doing it.
Don't be afraid to ask what someone saw, If you're polite they may just reveal something that a person involved 'forgot' to mention when telling his side of the story.
- Finefire984
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Re: Eternalnight264 - Moderator Application
I don't know you OOC or IC. The earliest records I can find of you is in March and I feel that it would be too early to make you a mod. I like that you have some experience of being staff. By what other mods are saying, it seems like you have good answers to the situations. I'm going to give you a borderline +1. You'll be able to get more experience as part of staff and will learn the rules better. You talked about the server you were staff on ended a while back, and it tells me you've played ss13 for a while.

Mentor -December 18, 2016
Moderator: July 20, 2017
- slc97
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Re: Eternalnight264 - Moderator Application
I remember you from back on AD. You did fine as a staff member from what I saw there.
You're open to criticism, which means you're teachable, and you seem to have a relatively solid understanding of our rules. I'm gonna go ahead and +1 this, and we can iron everything out in the trial phase.
You're open to criticism, which means you're teachable, and you seem to have a relatively solid understanding of our rules. I'm gonna go ahead and +1 this, and we can iron everything out in the trial phase.
- Seehund
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- Posts: 497
- Joined: 11 Aug 2015, 12:28
- Location: Unter dem Meer.
Re: Eternalnight264 - Moderator Application
I'll have to chime in on this.
I worked extensively with Eternal, back on AD, where I was also an administrator, and I can support this application whole-heartedly.
Aside from what slc already said, you're also fairly good at coming up with the right solution to a seemingly fairly complicated situation and the likes, and I don't think I've ever had to come after you because you'd done the wrong thing.
You're fairly polite when dealing with players, which is always a plus, and I can't recall seeing you lose your cool under stress, which is a fundamental skill in this environment.
All in all, +1.
I worked extensively with Eternal, back on AD, where I was also an administrator, and I can support this application whole-heartedly.
Aside from what slc already said, you're also fairly good at coming up with the right solution to a seemingly fairly complicated situation and the likes, and I don't think I've ever had to come after you because you'd done the wrong thing.
You're fairly polite when dealing with players, which is always a plus, and I can't recall seeing you lose your cool under stress, which is a fundamental skill in this environment.
All in all, +1.
When the voice from the shadows calls you
When the wind whips past your ears
Will you stand when the weight is upon you
Or will you go to your knees in fear?
When the wind whips past your ears
Will you stand when the weight is upon you
Or will you go to your knees in fear?
- Feweh
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- Posts: 4870
- Joined: 24 Feb 2015, 19:34
- Byond: Feweh
Re: Eternalnight264 - Moderator Application
Understand youll have to improve your forum activity.
Understand youll have to improve your forum activity.