NGGJamie - Moderator Application
- NGGJamie
- Host
- Posts: 370
- Joined: 13 Mar 2017, 07:24
- Byond: NGGJamie
NGGJamie - Moderator Application
Byond ID: NGGJamie
Colonial Marines Character: Lenny 'Harm' Shaw (Previously Lenny 'Rabbit' Shaw)
Age: 24 (25 in October)
Gender: Male
Timezone: GMT -6 (Central US) however I play from 1-9AM depending.
On average, how many hours are you available per week to moderate? Average, 2 rounds a day. Lately I've been maintaining at least 1 per day, more on days off.
Do you have any previous experience in being staff (not just SS13)? I was a Lead Head Administrator, and Head Administrator for 5 years on a SAMP community which is my namesake. I served as their Director of Technology, and at another point headed up all of their staff investigations.
Did you play any of the previous Colonial Marine servers? I started on TG, then Bay. I've played a couple rounds of Paradise. Never staff on any others.
What are the 3 biggest servers you play on besides CM? See above. However I don't play enough of them anymore to really say I still do, it's largely just here.
Provide links to any previous Colonial Marines applications that you've made: Not applicable.
Are you currently a staff member elsewhere (not just SS13)? If so, where? Retired Lead Head Administrator at above mentioned SAMP community.
Have you ever been banned for more than 24 hours on Colonial Marines? Never banned at all.
Have you ever been banned for more than 24 hours on ANY server? If so, which server, when, and what for? I've never been banned on any game servers in several years.
Are you familiar with the chat program Slack (its use is required)? Of course.
Common Staff Situations:
Write a description of what you would do in each of the following situations. Do not write on the same line as the situation - use the space below it or make space as needed. Failure to do this proves your inability to follow instructions and your application will be automatically denied.
1. A player randomly shoots someone at round start and MPs have detained him.
I would check their notes for similar, primarily grief-related infractions. I would then speak to them to get a better handle on the situation. Often times people who do this are new players that don't know what's going on, and all that's necessary is to let them know what they're doing isn't how the server works, and show them the proper rules and guides. In most cases, the MPs are more than capable of handling this situation without staff intervention otherwise. If they have history, a ban of proper escalation might be applied here starting at the 24h mark, but this is usually not likely as people who are intentionally griefing often don't just shoot one person. If it is grief, the dead player would be healed.
2. The ship has a breach to space and a bunch of players have died or are dying as a result.
If it was a breach caused by a dropship, it would be left alone as it's a proper IC event. Otherwise the Almayer is designed to attempt to prevent any intentional attempt at causing a breach. If it was player caused, I would speak to the player and attempt to ascertain if it was malicious or not, and otherwise if it's the cause of a bug. If it was a malicious grief, then I'm leaning toward at least a 3 day ban after fixing the breach and healing those damaged since the player actively subverted applied protections by some means.
3. You see a player walking around the ship naked and clearly lost.
I would direct a mentor their way or help them out myself. In the latter case, I often help people until the point they gear up to ensure they have a basic understanding of mechanics and how the server works, then throw the guides at them to be optimally time-efficient while giving them enough guidance that they might be less intimidated by having to read guides on how things work. In my experience as a Mentor, I find this to be an effective method.
4. A player is being very rude to you in Adminhelps and requesting to speak to an Admin+ staff member.
Giving the angry player a certain level of understanding, and also a peek into your reasoning goes a long way here and will more often than not defuse the situation. The only time a form of punishment might be considerable here is if they really start crossing boundaries and abusing the AHelp system without curtail, in which a 3 hour ban might be most applicable to allow them to cool down and informing them they're free to make a staff report if they feel I've wronged them that severely. If an Admin+ happens to be online and chooses to intervene, then they may of course step in if they feel they should. Their rudeness would be noted in any case.
5. You notice a player with a name that doesn't fit our naming rules. The player is arguing that: They've used the name for several years, no one has told them to change it before, and that they didn't know it was a rule.
Even if they used the name for a long time, there's a high chance it simply went unnoticed because the reference wasn't caught previously, or nobody actually looked at their name if they play roles like Standard a lot. In either case, the naming rules apply and they will be told to change it at the start of the next round with a note added to them that they have been warned about the name. If they continue to not do so during subsequent rounds, they will receive a 3 hour ban to encourage them further.
6. You see a Maintenance Tech running around in armor and carrying a rifle. The security level is green with no threat present.
No rule is broken here as this is MP-enforced now. No action necessary. Now if they're trying to go out to the front lines or "hunt down" xenos on the ship, that isn't their job nor is it the job of any other non-combat crew role. This would earn them a note, and potentially a 3 to 24 hour ban if they have prior history of it depending on how bad that history is.
7. You see a Squad Medic performing surgery on the planet. He claims it was because there were no doctors in the FOB.
They'll be noted and informed they should safely stop the surgery immediately by cauterizing the person and sending them to the ship for surgery by a Doctor or CMO. If they have a previous history including a normal ban, a medical ban and a 3 day ban would be applied.
8. The round is stagnating. There are 30 marines and 4 aliens. The marines won't leave the ship, and the aliens won't attack. What would you do, to "encourage" the sides to engage each other?
I would subtle message the person in-charge with the thought that WY and High Command might not be pleased if the operation runs on too long. I believe another ability within Moderator power is to send out a Queen Mother message to the Hive and tell them to get a move on it. Alternatively if an Admin is on, maybe suggest they use their powers to spice things up even more for encouragement.
9. The round ends, a MARINE starts shooting a hostile IRON BEAR and the IRON BEAR Adminhelps complaining he was killed after the round ended.
The AHelping player would be informed that no rule was broken, as opposing sides may fight after round end. Other combat logs between friendlies, or "for the hell of it" are EORG.
10. A marine is running around disarming, punching and stealing gear at round start.
This is minor and an MP is capable of handling this fairly easily. I've dealt with this exact thing as a player during a round, it's a lot more fun to deal with it IC. Note check would happen just-in-case, but the chances of it leading to any necessary intervention is highly unlikely.
11. A marine has killed another marine. When you ask him why, he said it was because the other marine had punched him.
They would be advised to re-read the rules particularly focusing on improper escalation regardless of the case. If they have a history, I would apply a ban accordingly. I prefer not to specify a time for this because it can vary heavily.
12. An issue arises that requires Admin+ abilities.
I would slack to attempt to alert an admin to deal with the situation with detail on what the problem is, or if they are in-game but simply didn't notice a quick in-game PM will do the trick.
13. There are minor racist comments going on IC. 9 of the 10 people are laughing and RPing but one player gets offended and Adminhelps about it.
Light IC racism is allowed on the server, and if all but one person is laughing at it then it probably isn't over the threshold where punishment is necessary. The player would be informed of this properly and would simply have to deal with it properly. This baring in mind if they choose to take IC action, it must still be justified. OOC offense is not cause for IC action.
14. A marine opens fire at round start in briefing killing multiple marines and instantly logs off.
A 7 day ban would be applied to the player with proper notation. A likely perma request may follow. Those wounded/killed would be AHealed.
15. You see a player playing a xeno larva/chestburster run towards the frontlines and die.
The player would be questioned as to their intent and noted with explanation that larva are the lifeblood of the xenomorph side, and losing larva not only prevents dead players from re-joining a round, but leaves their team with one less xeno which may affect the round outcome. They would receive an alien and 24 hour ban if they do it a second time.
16. You see a xeno memeing, saying AYYLMAO, REEEEEE etc in hivemind chat.
They would be informed that although hivemind isn't exactly like marines talking, it still has to be kept reasonable within IC and memes kept to a minimum. If it continues excessively they could be noted and given a 3 hour ban to review rules. However this is very minor and I wouldn't even note them the first time, it would take a lot to escalate to any sort of punishment.
17. A xeno player calls the shuttle a "dropship". A different xeno player complains to you that it's metagaming/failRP to call it a "dropship".
The player would be told that the hivemind is instant transmission of thought and we only use English because there's no better alternative. Fluff terms like metal bird are encouraged but not required and hivemind is intended to give as accurate of a description as possible.
18. A Command staff player at briefing near round-start mentions there are aliens on the planet.
The player would be noted, and possibly command banned if they have a history of doing this. It is possible that they could have slipped it out unintentionally due to nervousness, inexperience, or other humanly errors. They would be reminded regardless that the marines have no knowledge of what caused the issues at the colony or about the alien infestation.
19. A Marine kills another Marine on the EVAC Pod to take the last spot and claims it was RP as he was saving himself.
This is a complex situation that can easily swing between no action taken, or harsh action taken. The reasoning itself is sound but the execution of what happened as told by both sides, and the history of the player in question are key deciding factors into whether this becomes a rules issue or not. Was killing the other marine really necessary? If so was it roleplayed correctly? Does this person have a history of this excuse, improper escalation, or griefing? Logs will be checked to confirm the stories when they become available if necessary. Without exact context, there is no way to answer with an exact action to be taken here. However some consideration might be applied if the player is in the wrong because they might believe in good faith that their reasoning is valid.
20. You see a fellow staff member give wrong information in an Adminhelp or incorrectly enforcing a rule.
In this case giving a friendly[b/] suggestion would usually be apt. If something is truly grossly wrong, a head might need to be consulted. Extra emphasis on not calling them out and straight up saying they're wrong.
20a. You see a fellow staff member abusing his powers in-game.
This would be taken directly to a Senior or Head for review and/or potential discipline, depending on how severe the abuse is. It is not my place to pass judgement on this.
21. You see a player talking in OOC chat about what he did with your mom last night.
Leave it be, it's not a big deal or worth the trouble.
Any additional information you'd like to add?
I have been very careful to avoid specifying certain punishments and instead providing ranges in the above. I am an advocate of reason first, punish if reason doesn't work or if history shows signs of belligerence. I take a lot of consideration to the situation when applying punishments to player attitude and history and that simply can't be replicated to an extent here where I am very comfortable giving solid answers on a definite punishment without that context being present. So I am aware for this reason that a lot of answers might sound vague or repetitive.
Colonial Marines Character: Lenny 'Harm' Shaw (Previously Lenny 'Rabbit' Shaw)
Age: 24 (25 in October)
Gender: Male
Timezone: GMT -6 (Central US) however I play from 1-9AM depending.
On average, how many hours are you available per week to moderate? Average, 2 rounds a day. Lately I've been maintaining at least 1 per day, more on days off.
Do you have any previous experience in being staff (not just SS13)? I was a Lead Head Administrator, and Head Administrator for 5 years on a SAMP community which is my namesake. I served as their Director of Technology, and at another point headed up all of their staff investigations.
Did you play any of the previous Colonial Marine servers? I started on TG, then Bay. I've played a couple rounds of Paradise. Never staff on any others.
What are the 3 biggest servers you play on besides CM? See above. However I don't play enough of them anymore to really say I still do, it's largely just here.
Provide links to any previous Colonial Marines applications that you've made: Not applicable.
Are you currently a staff member elsewhere (not just SS13)? If so, where? Retired Lead Head Administrator at above mentioned SAMP community.
Have you ever been banned for more than 24 hours on Colonial Marines? Never banned at all.
Have you ever been banned for more than 24 hours on ANY server? If so, which server, when, and what for? I've never been banned on any game servers in several years.
Are you familiar with the chat program Slack (its use is required)? Of course.
Common Staff Situations:
Write a description of what you would do in each of the following situations. Do not write on the same line as the situation - use the space below it or make space as needed. Failure to do this proves your inability to follow instructions and your application will be automatically denied.
1. A player randomly shoots someone at round start and MPs have detained him.
I would check their notes for similar, primarily grief-related infractions. I would then speak to them to get a better handle on the situation. Often times people who do this are new players that don't know what's going on, and all that's necessary is to let them know what they're doing isn't how the server works, and show them the proper rules and guides. In most cases, the MPs are more than capable of handling this situation without staff intervention otherwise. If they have history, a ban of proper escalation might be applied here starting at the 24h mark, but this is usually not likely as people who are intentionally griefing often don't just shoot one person. If it is grief, the dead player would be healed.
2. The ship has a breach to space and a bunch of players have died or are dying as a result.
If it was a breach caused by a dropship, it would be left alone as it's a proper IC event. Otherwise the Almayer is designed to attempt to prevent any intentional attempt at causing a breach. If it was player caused, I would speak to the player and attempt to ascertain if it was malicious or not, and otherwise if it's the cause of a bug. If it was a malicious grief, then I'm leaning toward at least a 3 day ban after fixing the breach and healing those damaged since the player actively subverted applied protections by some means.
3. You see a player walking around the ship naked and clearly lost.
I would direct a mentor their way or help them out myself. In the latter case, I often help people until the point they gear up to ensure they have a basic understanding of mechanics and how the server works, then throw the guides at them to be optimally time-efficient while giving them enough guidance that they might be less intimidated by having to read guides on how things work. In my experience as a Mentor, I find this to be an effective method.
4. A player is being very rude to you in Adminhelps and requesting to speak to an Admin+ staff member.
Giving the angry player a certain level of understanding, and also a peek into your reasoning goes a long way here and will more often than not defuse the situation. The only time a form of punishment might be considerable here is if they really start crossing boundaries and abusing the AHelp system without curtail, in which a 3 hour ban might be most applicable to allow them to cool down and informing them they're free to make a staff report if they feel I've wronged them that severely. If an Admin+ happens to be online and chooses to intervene, then they may of course step in if they feel they should. Their rudeness would be noted in any case.
5. You notice a player with a name that doesn't fit our naming rules. The player is arguing that: They've used the name for several years, no one has told them to change it before, and that they didn't know it was a rule.
Even if they used the name for a long time, there's a high chance it simply went unnoticed because the reference wasn't caught previously, or nobody actually looked at their name if they play roles like Standard a lot. In either case, the naming rules apply and they will be told to change it at the start of the next round with a note added to them that they have been warned about the name. If they continue to not do so during subsequent rounds, they will receive a 3 hour ban to encourage them further.
6. You see a Maintenance Tech running around in armor and carrying a rifle. The security level is green with no threat present.
No rule is broken here as this is MP-enforced now. No action necessary. Now if they're trying to go out to the front lines or "hunt down" xenos on the ship, that isn't their job nor is it the job of any other non-combat crew role. This would earn them a note, and potentially a 3 to 24 hour ban if they have prior history of it depending on how bad that history is.
7. You see a Squad Medic performing surgery on the planet. He claims it was because there were no doctors in the FOB.
They'll be noted and informed they should safely stop the surgery immediately by cauterizing the person and sending them to the ship for surgery by a Doctor or CMO. If they have a previous history including a normal ban, a medical ban and a 3 day ban would be applied.
8. The round is stagnating. There are 30 marines and 4 aliens. The marines won't leave the ship, and the aliens won't attack. What would you do, to "encourage" the sides to engage each other?
I would subtle message the person in-charge with the thought that WY and High Command might not be pleased if the operation runs on too long. I believe another ability within Moderator power is to send out a Queen Mother message to the Hive and tell them to get a move on it. Alternatively if an Admin is on, maybe suggest they use their powers to spice things up even more for encouragement.
9. The round ends, a MARINE starts shooting a hostile IRON BEAR and the IRON BEAR Adminhelps complaining he was killed after the round ended.
The AHelping player would be informed that no rule was broken, as opposing sides may fight after round end. Other combat logs between friendlies, or "for the hell of it" are EORG.
10. A marine is running around disarming, punching and stealing gear at round start.
This is minor and an MP is capable of handling this fairly easily. I've dealt with this exact thing as a player during a round, it's a lot more fun to deal with it IC. Note check would happen just-in-case, but the chances of it leading to any necessary intervention is highly unlikely.
11. A marine has killed another marine. When you ask him why, he said it was because the other marine had punched him.
They would be advised to re-read the rules particularly focusing on improper escalation regardless of the case. If they have a history, I would apply a ban accordingly. I prefer not to specify a time for this because it can vary heavily.
12. An issue arises that requires Admin+ abilities.
I would slack to attempt to alert an admin to deal with the situation with detail on what the problem is, or if they are in-game but simply didn't notice a quick in-game PM will do the trick.
13. There are minor racist comments going on IC. 9 of the 10 people are laughing and RPing but one player gets offended and Adminhelps about it.
Light IC racism is allowed on the server, and if all but one person is laughing at it then it probably isn't over the threshold where punishment is necessary. The player would be informed of this properly and would simply have to deal with it properly. This baring in mind if they choose to take IC action, it must still be justified. OOC offense is not cause for IC action.
14. A marine opens fire at round start in briefing killing multiple marines and instantly logs off.
A 7 day ban would be applied to the player with proper notation. A likely perma request may follow. Those wounded/killed would be AHealed.
15. You see a player playing a xeno larva/chestburster run towards the frontlines and die.
The player would be questioned as to their intent and noted with explanation that larva are the lifeblood of the xenomorph side, and losing larva not only prevents dead players from re-joining a round, but leaves their team with one less xeno which may affect the round outcome. They would receive an alien and 24 hour ban if they do it a second time.
16. You see a xeno memeing, saying AYYLMAO, REEEEEE etc in hivemind chat.
They would be informed that although hivemind isn't exactly like marines talking, it still has to be kept reasonable within IC and memes kept to a minimum. If it continues excessively they could be noted and given a 3 hour ban to review rules. However this is very minor and I wouldn't even note them the first time, it would take a lot to escalate to any sort of punishment.
17. A xeno player calls the shuttle a "dropship". A different xeno player complains to you that it's metagaming/failRP to call it a "dropship".
The player would be told that the hivemind is instant transmission of thought and we only use English because there's no better alternative. Fluff terms like metal bird are encouraged but not required and hivemind is intended to give as accurate of a description as possible.
18. A Command staff player at briefing near round-start mentions there are aliens on the planet.
The player would be noted, and possibly command banned if they have a history of doing this. It is possible that they could have slipped it out unintentionally due to nervousness, inexperience, or other humanly errors. They would be reminded regardless that the marines have no knowledge of what caused the issues at the colony or about the alien infestation.
19. A Marine kills another Marine on the EVAC Pod to take the last spot and claims it was RP as he was saving himself.
This is a complex situation that can easily swing between no action taken, or harsh action taken. The reasoning itself is sound but the execution of what happened as told by both sides, and the history of the player in question are key deciding factors into whether this becomes a rules issue or not. Was killing the other marine really necessary? If so was it roleplayed correctly? Does this person have a history of this excuse, improper escalation, or griefing? Logs will be checked to confirm the stories when they become available if necessary. Without exact context, there is no way to answer with an exact action to be taken here. However some consideration might be applied if the player is in the wrong because they might believe in good faith that their reasoning is valid.
20. You see a fellow staff member give wrong information in an Adminhelp or incorrectly enforcing a rule.
In this case giving a friendly[b/] suggestion would usually be apt. If something is truly grossly wrong, a head might need to be consulted. Extra emphasis on not calling them out and straight up saying they're wrong.
20a. You see a fellow staff member abusing his powers in-game.
This would be taken directly to a Senior or Head for review and/or potential discipline, depending on how severe the abuse is. It is not my place to pass judgement on this.
21. You see a player talking in OOC chat about what he did with your mom last night.
Leave it be, it's not a big deal or worth the trouble.
Any additional information you'd like to add?
I have been very careful to avoid specifying certain punishments and instead providing ranges in the above. I am an advocate of reason first, punish if reason doesn't work or if history shows signs of belligerence. I take a lot of consideration to the situation when applying punishments to player attitude and history and that simply can't be replicated to an extent here where I am very comfortable giving solid answers on a definite punishment without that context being present. So I am aware for this reason that a lot of answers might sound vague or repetitive.
Synthetic Application-Leonard [Accepted] - Predator Application-Thei-De Na'Tauk [Accepted]
Server Status
Mentor: 06/28/2017 - 08/07/2017 / Trial Moderator 08/07/2017 - 08/25/17 / Moderator 08/25/17 - 10/11/17 / Trial Admin 10/11/17 - 10/30/17 / Senior Mentor 10/30/17 - 03/15/18 / Mod Manager 03/15/18 - 07/08/18 / Coder 07/08/18 - 07/27/18 / Host 07/27/18 - Present
I run Linux on all of my machines and actively reject Windows. I have some cool dotfiles up on Github for configuring some of my favorite stuff.
Server Status
Mentor: 06/28/2017 - 08/07/2017 / Trial Moderator 08/07/2017 - 08/25/17 / Moderator 08/25/17 - 10/11/17 / Trial Admin 10/11/17 - 10/30/17 / Senior Mentor 10/30/17 - 03/15/18 / Mod Manager 03/15/18 - 07/08/18 / Coder 07/08/18 - 07/27/18 / Host 07/27/18 - Present
I run Linux on all of my machines and actively reject Windows. I have some cool dotfiles up on Github for configuring some of my favorite stuff.
- driecg36
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- Posts: 607
- Joined: 26 Mar 2017, 20:24
- Byond: driecg36
Re: NGGJamie - Moderator Application
He's a good, mature guy, and would make a great mod, even if the application was garbage. On top of that, the app seems good at a first glance.
Very solid +1 from me.
Very solid +1 from me.
Some guy.

- Adralimas
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- Joined: 29 May 2017, 19:12
- Location: Canadia land!
- Byond: Adralimas
Re: NGGJamie - Moderator Application
Good answers, Good guy, Good mod potential, +1 from me!
Joe 'Broccoli' Campbell Broadcasts: SOMEONE STOLE THE MEGAPHONE AGAIN! ... -funny.jpg

- NescauComToddy
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- Location: Sao Paulo
- Byond: NescauComToddy
Re: NGGJamie - Moderator Application
Appropriate answers and a valid application. I'm sure Jamie would be a good moderator. +1
Man'sur, The Victorious', Cetanu's Al'nagara.
Retired staff (moderator).
Man'sur, The Victorious', Cetanu's Al'nagara.
Retired staff (moderator).
- Finefire984
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- Byond: Finefire984
Re: NGGJamie - Moderator Application
Jamie is a really good mentor. He's professional is ahelps, and his answers are good. I think he would be a good moderator. +1

Mentor -December 18, 2016
Moderator: July 20, 2017
- TexasTwoStep
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- Location: Texas
- Byond: TexasTwoStep
Re: NGGJamie - Moderator Application
This application goes to show that putting in your time as a Mentor and having a mature resolve goes a long way towards becoming a staff-member. You'd make a great addition to the team, and so long as you keep up your activity I hope to see you as an Administrator further down the line.
- Kavlo
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Re: NGGJamie - Moderator Application
Competent mentor, answers are good, haven't had any bad experiences with them (or at least none I remember).
Lochlann Healy the Marine Here's my good ol' dossier!

Mentor : 28th November 2016
Mod : 14th February 2017
Admin : 7th June 2017
Retired : 4th January 2018
Mod : 20th April 2018
Admin : 19th September 2018

Mentor : 28th November 2016
Mod : 14th February 2017
Admin : 7th June 2017
Retired : 4th January 2018
Mod : 20th April 2018
Admin : 19th September 2018
- TheSpoonyCroy
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- Joined: 07 Dec 2015, 02:11
Re: NGGJamie - Moderator Application
You oddly asked for this (I still don't understand why...)
- For question 1, this is fine
- For question 2, good but a few things for this.
► Show Spoiler
- For question 3, good.
- For question 4, for the ban, you might want to base it off history but 3 hours is pretty normal but if this is an ongoing issue it might be better to follow standard ban escalation time 3 hr -----> 24 hrs -----> 3 days -----> 7 days however your response is quite levelheaded
- For question 5, can you write me a example note for the name: Joshua Graham
- For question 6, nice work avoid that pitfall.
- For question 7, 3 days might be a tad harsh here unless I'm misunderstanding something here
- For question 8, this is a fine answer and a very good use of SM. Its vague but it gets the point across without actually yelling at a player to get a move on.
- For question 9,good
- For question 10, fine response
- For question 11, cautious approach but how about I set up the scenario for you and tell me what you would do with this player in question.
Ok you have a player known as SenticousCatus, here are his notes:Player's activity if you need itCode: Select all
Was warned about improper escalation. Warned by AlabandicalOwl Aug 4 2017
Code: Select all
[13:24:05]ACCESS: Login: SenticousCatus/(SenticousCatus) from IP1-CID1 || BYOND v511 [Jul 2017 31-Wednesday.log] [13:24:05]ACCESS: Login: SenticousCatus/(SenticousCatus) from IP1-CID1 || BYOND v511 [Jul 2017 31-Wednesday.log] [08:02:34]ACCESS: Login: SenticousCatus/(SenticousCatus) from IP1-CID1 || BYOND v511 [Aug 2017 01-Thursday.log] [08:02:34]ACCESS: Login: SenticousCatus/(SenticousCatus) from IP1-CID1 || BYOND v511 [Aug 2017 01-Thursday.log] [08:03:46]ACCESS: Login: SenticousCatus/(Ralphie Sydney) from IP1-CID1 || BYOND v511 [Aug 2017 01-Thursday.log] [08:11:01]ACCESS: Login: SenticousCatus/(Ralphie Sydney) from IP1-CID1 || BYOND v511 [Aug 2017 01-Thursday.log] [08:12:36]ACCESS: Login: SenticousCatus/(Ralphie Sydney) from IP1-CID1 || BYOND v511 [Aug 2017 01-Thursday.log] [08:25:59]ACCESS: Login: SpeusticWhale/(SpeusticWhale) from IP1-CID1 || BYOND v511 [Aug 2017 01-Thursday.log] [08:26:07]ACCESS: Login: SpeusticWhale/(Nathan Sydney) from IP1-CID1 || BYOND v511 [Aug 2017 01-Thursday.log] [08:27:54]ACCESS: Login: SenticousCatus/(Ralphie Sydney) from IP1-CID1 || BYOND v511 [Aug 2017 01-Thursday.log] [08:28:10]ACCESS: Login: SenticousCatus/(Ralphie Sydney) from IP1-CID1 || BYOND v511 [Aug 2017 01-Thursday.log] [08:28:45]ACCESS: Login: SenticousCatus/(Ralphie Sydney) from IP1-CID1 || BYOND v511 [Aug 2017 01-Thursday.log] [08:29:19]ACCESS: Login: SenticousCatus/(Ralphie Sydney) from IP1-CID1 || BYOND v511 [Aug 2017 01-Thursday.log] [08:30:12]ACCESS: Login: SenticousCatus/(Ralphie Sydney) from IP1-CID1 || BYOND v511 [Aug 2017 01-Thursday.log] [08:30:17]ACCESS: Login: SenticousCatus/(Ralphie Sydney) from IP1-CID1 || BYOND v511 [Aug 2017 01-Thursday.log] [08:57:47]ACCESS: Login: SenticousCatus/(Ralphie Sydney) from IP1-CID1 || BYOND v511 [Aug 2017 01-Thursday.log] [05:04:56]ACCESS: Login: SenticousCatus/(Ralphie Sydney) from IP1-CID1 || BYOND v511 [Aug 2017 01-Thursday.log] [05:06:00]ACCESS: Login: SenticousCatus/(Ralphie Sydney) from IP1-CID1 || BYOND v511 [Aug 2017 01-Thursday.log] [05:23:14]ACCESS: Login: SenticousCatus/(Ralphie Sydney) from IP1-CID1 || BYOND v511 [Aug 2017 01-Thursday.log] [05:36:50]ACCESS: Login: SenticousCatus/(Ralphie Sydney) from IP1-CID1 || BYOND v511 [Aug 2017 01-Thursday.log] [05:37:42]ACCESS: Login: SenticousCatus/(Ralphie Sydney) from IP1-CID1 || BYOND v511 [Aug 2017 01-Thursday.log] [05:38:41]ACCESS: Login: SenticousCatus/(Ralphie Sydney) from IP1-CID1 || BYOND v511 [Aug 2017 01-Thursday.log] [05:42:30]ACCESS: Login: SenticousCatus/(Ralphie Sydney) from IP1-CID1 || BYOND v511 [Aug 2017 01-Thursday.log] [05:51:33]ACCESS: Login: SenticousCatus/(Ralphie Sydney) from IP1-CID1 || BYOND v511 [Aug 2017 01-Thursday.log] [05:53:10]ACCESS: Login: SenticousCatus/(Ralphie Sydney) from IP1-CID1 || BYOND v511 [Aug 2017 01-Thursday.log] [05:54:12]ACCESS: Login: SenticousCatus/(Ralphie Sydney) from IP1-CID1 || BYOND v511 [Aug 2017 01-Thursday.log] [05:59:16]ACCESS: Login: SagittiferousPorcupine/(SagittiferousPorcupine) from IP1-CID1 || BYOND v511 [Aug 2017 01-Thursday.log] [10:00:27]ACCESS: Login: SagittiferousPorcupine/(Cody Sydney) from IP1-CID1 || BYOND v511 [Aug 2017 01-Thursday.log] [10:29:19]ACCESS: Login: SenticousCatus/( Ralphie Sydney) from IP1-CID1 || BYOND v511 [Aug 2017 01-Thursday.log] [10:29:54]ACCESS: Login: SenticousCatus/( Ralphie Sydney) from IP1-CID1 || BYOND v511 [Aug 2017 01-Thursday.log] [10:30:21]ACCESS: Login: SenticousCatus/( Ralphie Sydney) from IP1-CID1 || BYOND v511 [Aug 2017 01-Thursday.log] [10:31:19]ACCESS: Login: SenticousCatus/( Ralphie Sydney) from IP1-CID1 || BYOND v511 [Aug 2017 01-Thursday.log] [10:43:30]ACCESS: Login: SenticousCatus/( Ralphie Sydney) from IP1-CID1 || BYOND v511 [Aug 2017 01-Thursday.log] [10:46:39]ACCESS: Login: SenticousCatus/( Ralphie Sydney) from IP1-CID1 || BYOND v511 [Aug 2017 01-Thursday.log] [11:04:57]ACCESS: Login: SenticousCatus/( Ralphie Sydney) from IP1-CID1 || BYOND v511 [Aug 2017 01-Thursday.log] [11:06:49]ACCESS: Login: SenticousCatus/( Ralphie Sydney) from IP1-CID1 || BYOND v511 [Aug 2017 01-Thursday.log] [11:05:28]ACCESS: Login: SenticousCatus/( Ralphie Sydney) from IP1-CID1 || BYOND v511 [Aug 2017 01-Thursday.log] [11:12:21]ACCESS: Login: SenticousCatus/( Ralphie Sydney) from IP1-CID1 || BYOND v511 [Aug 2017 01-Thursday.log] [11:18:46]ACCESS: Login: SenticousCatus/( Ralphie Sydney) from IP1-CID1 || BYOND v511 [Aug 2017 01-Thursday.log] [11:20:04]ACCESS: Login: SenticousCatus/( Ralphie Sydney) from IP1-CID1 || BYOND v511 [Aug 2017 01-Thursday.log] [11:20:24]ACCESS: Login: SenticousCatus/( Ralphie Sydney) from IP1-CID1 || BYOND v511 [Aug 2017 01-Thursday.log] [11:20:34]ACCESS: Login: SenticousCatus/( Ralphie Sydney) from IP1-CID1 || BYOND v511 [Aug 2017 01-Thursday.log] [11:20:41]ACCESS: Login: SenticousCatus/( Ralphie Sydney) from IP1-CID1 || BYOND v511 [Aug 2017 01-Thursday.log] [11:21:22]ACCESS: Login: SenticousCatus/( Ralphie Sydney) from IP1-CID1 || BYOND v511 [Aug 2017 01-Thursday.log] [11:23:54]ACCESS: Login: SenticousCatus/( Ralphie Sydney) from IP1-CID1 || BYOND v511 [Aug 2017 01-Thursday.log] [11:27:14]ACCESS: Login: SenticousCatus/( Ralphie Sydney) from IP1-CID1 || BYOND v511 [Aug 2017 01-Thursday.log] [11:27:26]ACCESS: Login: SenticousCatus/( Ralphie Sydney) from IP1-CID1 || BYOND v511 [Aug 2017 01-Thursday.log] [11:27:42]ACCESS: Login: SpeusticWhale/( SpeusticWhale) from IP1-CID1 || BYOND v511 [Aug 2017 01-Thursday.log] [11:35:50]ACCESS: Login: SpeusticWhale/( Nathan Sydney) from IP1-CID1 || BYOND v511 [Aug 2017 01-Thursday.log] [11:35:51]ACCESS: Login: SenticousCatus/( Ralphie Sydney) from IP1-CID1 || BYOND v511 [Aug 2017 01-Thursday.log] [11:38:29]ACCESS: Login: SenticousCatus/( Ralphie Sydney) from IP1-CID1 || BYOND v511 [Aug 2017 01-Thursday.log] [11:38:31]ACCESS: Login: SenticousCatus/( Ralphie Sydney) from IP1-CID1 || BYOND v511 [Aug 2017 01-Thursday.log] [11:38:56]ACCESS: Login: SenticousCatus/( Ralphie Sydney) from IP1-CID1 || BYOND v511 [Aug 2017 01-Thursday.log] [11:38:57]ACCESS: Login: SenticousCatus/( Ralphie Sydney) from IP1-CID1 || BYOND v511 [Aug 2017 01-Thursday.log] [11:41:46]ACCESS: Login: SenticousCatus/( Ralphie Sydney) from IP1-CID1 || BYOND v511 [Aug 2017 01-Thursday.log] [11:41:48]ACCESS: Login: SenticousCatus/( Ralphie Sydney) from IP1-CID1 || BYOND v511 [Aug 2017 01-Thursday.log] [11:49:37]ACCESS: Login: SenticousCatus/( Ralphie Sydney) from IP1-CID1 || BYOND v511 [Aug 2017 01-Thursday.log] [11:49:54]ACCESS: Login: SenticousCatus/( Ralphie Sydney) from IP1-CID1 || BYOND v511 [Aug 2017 01-Thursday.log] [11:50:19]ACCESS: Login: SenticousCatus/( Ralphie Sydney) from IP1-CID1 || BYOND v511 [Aug 2017 01-Thursday.log] [11:50:49]ACCESS: Login: SenticousCatus/( Ralphie Sydney) from IP1-CID1 || BYOND v511 [Aug 2017 01-Thursday.log] [11:51:47]ACCESS: Login: SenticousCatus/( Ralphie Sydney) from IP1-CID1 || BYOND v511 [Aug 2017 01-Thursday.log] [11:54:04]ACCESS: Login: SenticousCatus/( Ralphie Sydney) from IP1-CID1 || BYOND v511 [Aug 2017 01-Thursday.log] [12:00:13]ACCESS: Login: SenticousCatus/( Ralphie Sydney) from IP1-CID1 || BYOND v511 [Aug 2017 01-Thursday.log] [12:00:14]ACCESS: Login: SenticousCatus/( Ralphie Sydney) from IP1-CID1 || BYOND v511 [Aug 2017 01-Thursday.log] [12:00:16]ACCESS: Login: SenticousCatus/( Ralphie Sydney) from IP1-CID1 || BYOND v511 [Aug 2017 01-Thursday.log] [12:02:40]ACCESS: Login: SenticousCatus/( Ralphie Sydney) from IP1-CID1 || BYOND v511 [Aug 2017 01-Thursday.log] [12:05:11]ACCESS: Login: SenticousCatus/( Ralphie Sydney) from IP1-CID1 || BYOND v511 [Aug 2017 01-Thursday.log] [12:11:22]ACCESS: Login: SenticousCatus/( Ralphie Sydney) from IP1-CID1 || BYOND v511 [Aug 2017 01-Thursday.log] [12:18:10]ACCESS: Login: PecuariousWeasel /(PecuariousWeasel) from IP1-CID1 || BYOND v511 [Aug 2017 01-Thursday.log] [12:22:23]ACCESS: Login: PecuariousWeasel/( Andrew Sydney) from IP1-CID1 || BYOND v511 [Aug 2017 01-Thursday.log] [12:24:17]ACCESS: Login: SenticousCatus/(SenticousCatus) from IP1-CID1 || BYOND v511 [Aug 2017 01-Thursday.log] [12:24:17]ACCESS: Login: SenticousCatus/(SenticousCatus) from IP1-CID1 || BYOND v511 [Aug 2017 01-Thursday.log] [15:12:20]ACCESS: Login: SenticousCatus/(SenticousCatus) from IP1-CID1 || BYOND v511 [Aug 2017 01-Thursday.log] [15:12:20]ACCESS: Login: SenticousCatus/(SenticousCatus) from IP1-CID1 || BYOND v511 [Aug 2017 01-Thursday.log] [15:13:04]ACCESS: Login: SenticousCatus/(Ralphie Sydney) from IP1-CID1 || BYOND v511 [Aug 2017 01-Thursday.log] [08:02:34]ACCESS: Login: SenticousCatus/(SenticousCatus) from IP1-CID1 || BYOND v511 [Aug 2017 02-Friday.log] [11:16:56]ACCESS: Login: SenticousCatus/(Ralphie Sydney) from IP1-CID1 || BYOND v511 [Aug 2017 03-Saturday.log] [11:18:17]ACCESS: Login: SenticousCatus/(Ralphie Sydney) from IP1-CID1 || BYOND v511 [Aug 2017 03-Saturday.log] [11:18:26]ACCESS: Login: SenticousCatus/(Ralphie Sydney) from IP1-CID1 || BYOND v511 [Aug 2017 03-Saturday.log] [11:20:13]ACCESS: Login: SenticousCatus/(SenticousCatus) from IP1-CID1 || BYOND v511 [Aug 2017 03-Saturday.log] [11:20:13]ACCESS: Login: SenticousCatus/(SenticousCatus) from IP1-CID1 || BYOND v511 [Aug 2017 03-Saturday.log] [14:55:16]ACCESS: Login: SenticousCatus/(SenticousCatus) from IP1-CID1 || BYOND v511 [Aug 2017 03-Saturday.log] [14:55:16]ACCESS: Login: SenticousCatus/(SenticousCatus) from IP1-CID1 || BYOND v511 [Aug 2017 03-Saturday.log] [15:13:30]ACCESS: Login: SenticousCatus/(SenticousCatus) from IP1-CID1 || BYOND v511 [Aug 2017 03-Saturday.log] [15:13:30]ACCESS: Login: SenticousCatus/(SenticousCatus) from IP1-CID1 || BYOND v511 [Aug 2017 03-Saturday.log] [23:32:40]ACCESS: Login: SenticousCatus/(SenticousCatus) from IP1-CID1 || BYOND v511 [Aug 2017 04-Sunday.log] [23:32:40]ACCESS: Login: SenticousCatus/(SenticousCatus) from IP1-CID1 || BYOND v511 [Aug 2017 04-Sunday.log] [23:32:54]ACCESS: Login: SenticousCatus/(Ralphie Sydney) from IP1-CID1 || BYOND v511 [Aug 2017 04-Sunday.log] [00:17:54]ACCESS: Login: SenticousCatus/(SenticousCatus) from IP1-CID1 || BYOND v511 [Aug 2017 04-Sunday.log] [00:17:54]ACCESS: Login: SenticousCatus/(SenticousCatus) from IP1-CID1 || BYOND v511 [Aug 2017 04-Sunday.log] [00:18:05]ACCESS: Login: SenticousCatus/(Ralphie Sydney) from IP1-CID1 || BYOND v511 [Aug 2017 04-Sunday.log] [08:05:43]ACCESS: Login: SenticousCatus/(SenticousCatus) from IP1-CID1 || BYOND v511 [Aug 2017 04-Monday.log] [08:05:43]ACCESS: Login: SenticousCatus/(SenticousCatus) from IP1-CID1 || BYOND v511 [Aug 2017 04-Monday.log] [08:10:45]ACCESS: Login: SenticousCatus/(Ralphie Sydney) from IP1-CID1 || BYOND v511 [Aug 2017 04-Monday.log] [08:12:37]ACCESS: Login: SenticousCatus/(Ralphie Sydney) from IP1-CID1 || BYOND v511 [Aug 2017 04-Monday.log] [08:12:52]ACCESS: Login: SenticousCatus/(Ralphie Sydney) from IP1-CID1 || BYOND v511 [Aug 2017 04-Monday.log] [08:39:27]ACCESS: Login: SenticousCatus/(Ralphie Sydney) from IP1-CID1 || BYOND v511 [Aug 2017 04-Monday.log] [05:00:56]ACCESS: Login: SenticousCatus/(SenticousCatus) from IP1-CID1 || BYOND v511 [Aug 2017 04-Monday.log] [05:00:56]ACCESS: Login: SenticousCatus/(SenticousCatus) from IP1-CID1 || BYOND v511 [Aug 2017 04-Monday.log] [05:05:43]ACCESS: Login: SenticousCatus/(Ralphie Sydney) from IP1-CID1 || BYOND v511 [Aug 2017 04-Monday.log] [10:37:46]ACCESS: Login: SenticousCatus/(Ralphie Sydney) from IP1-CID1 || BYOND v511 [Aug 2017 04-Monday.log] [10:38:11]ACCESS: Login: SenticousCatus/(Ralphie Sydney) from IP1-CID1 || BYOND v511 [Aug 2017 04-Monday.log] [10:38:11]ACCESS: Login: SenticousCatus/(Ralphie Sydney) from IP1-CID1 || BYOND v511 [Aug 2017 04-Monday.log] [10:51:41]ACCESS: Login: SenticousCatus/(SenticousCatus) from IP1-CID1 || BYOND v511 [Aug 2017 04-Monday.log] [10:51:41]ACCESS: Login: SenticousCatus/(SenticousCatus) from IP1-CID1 || BYOND v511 [Aug 2017 04-Monday.log] [11:10:26]ACCESS: Login: SenticousCatus/(SenticousCatus) from IP1-CID1 || BYOND v511 [Aug 2017 04-Monday.log] [11:10:26]ACCESS: Login: SpeusticWhale/(SpeusticWhale) from IP1-CID1 || BYOND v511 [Aug 2017 04-Monday.log] [11:10:37]ACCESS: Login: SpeusticWhale/(Nathan Sydney) from IP1-CID1 || BYOND v511 [Aug 2017 04-Monday.log] [08:35:32]ACCESS: Login: SenticousCatus/(Young Runner (924)) from IP1-CID1 || BYOND v511 [Aug 2017 05-Friday.log] [08:36:05]ACCESS: Login: SenticousCatus/(Young Runner (924)) from IP1-CID1 || BYOND v511 [Aug 2017 05-Friday.log] [08:37:04]ACCESS: Login: SenticousCatus/(Ralphie Sydney) from IP1-CID1 || BYOND v511 [Aug 2017 05-Friday.log] [08:37:34]ACCESS: Login: SenticousCatus/(Ralphie Sydney) from IP1-CID1 || BYOND v511 [Aug 2017 05-Friday.log] [08:53:31]ACCESS: Login: SenticousCatus/(SenticousCatus) from IP1-CID1 || BYOND v511 [Aug 2017 05-Friday.log] [08:53:31]ACCESS: Login: SenticousCatus/(SenticousCatus) from IP1-CID1 || BYOND v511 [Aug 2017 05-Friday.log] [08:57:40]ACCESS: Login: SenticousCatus/(Ralphie Sydney) from IP1-CID1 || BYOND v511 [Aug 2017 05-Friday.log]
- For question 13, good
- For question 14, sweet and simple. This works
- For question 15, good but adding in a 24 hour ban with a jobban would probably unnecessary. Maybe a 3 hour with jobban attached or just a jobban due to it being xeno.
- For question 16,fine
- For question 17, good.
- For question 18 , good and I like that you mention intent here since that really is the job of a mod trying to figure out what needs to be done and it simply can't be simple as a true false statement.
- For question 19, good
- For question 20, fine
- For question 20a, fine
- For question 21, good.
- NGGJamie
- Host
- Posts: 370
- Joined: 13 Mar 2017, 07:24
- Byond: NGGJamie
Re: NGGJamie - Moderator Application
TheSpoonyCroy wrote:
- For question 2, good but a few things for this.
A: So let's get some of the other indicators out of the way that are considered as this person is spoken with about what they're doing. They appear to be mostly experienced playing Aliens and have spent no short amount of time on the server, including enough time to release phoron and metagame the xenos by referring to them as "giant lizards" like most of the playerbase does in-character. So, he's not brand new by any stretch and has at least a decent understanding of English. His note regarding him shooting other marines and being clueless he did something wrong indicates he was likely griefing, as he'd played the server for at least one or two rounds prior to receiving that note.► Show Spoiler
The things to look for before initiating further conversation are: Where was he going in atmos? Did he seem like he was going there as an isolated area to start planting weeds for a mini-hive or did he look like he had a specific target through melting specific walls, or being too interested in certain objects like the atmos piping (Besides using it as a vent to crawl)? Onto the conversation, there is a difference in the type of confusion shown by someone who lacks game knowledge, and someone who lacks knowledge of why they are being confronted for what would be ultimately benign reason due to a misunderstanding. This is not a player who is going to be absolutely clueless to the fact that atmos is an important room. Every room in engineering that isn't for storage holds an important purpose to the ship's operation. So if his answers are unreasonably confused beyond what he should understand with his reasoning making little sense, then I would say he's putting up a front to grief which is supported by his notes. The only thing that comes to mind that could justify confusion may be his 2+ year break from the game, but I would say that's unlikely if he got that far as a xeno in this round. In this case, considering he already either somehow got out of his perma, or caught a lucky break; I would vote to put in a renewed perma request after this incident.
If his confusion does feel apt, and all of his reasoning in order then I would be inclined to let him be for a while and see if he makes any clear griefing attempt or if he fills his justification, placing a note of the incident either way. It would be worth asking older staff if anyone might remember his previous perma after those 2 years to see if it was lifted but simply not found, he got lucky and the staff member forgot to put in the request, or someone caused the decision to change before it was entered. Aside from the specifics of how believably confused and consistent he is, listening to my gut on whether someone is telling the truth or not has always done me a great service in the past. If my gut is telling me something is off, then it's worth inquiring further into.
Some additionals to look at might be if he was on orders from the Queen to do something non-grief related in that area, or if he said something previously that might indicate what he was going to do there.- For question 4, for the ban, you might want to base it off history but 3 hours is pretty normal but if this is an ongoing issue it might be better to follow standard ban escalation time 3 hr -----> 24 hrs -----> 3 days -----> 7 days however your response is quite levelheaded
Agreed, answer assumed it was their first time.- For question 5, can you write me a example note for the name: Joshua Graham
A: "Player was spoken to about using the name 'Joshua Graham', which can reference a famous author, or the Burned Man's real name from the Fallout series. Stated he was not aware of the reference, but would change it at next roundstart."- For question 7, 3 days might be a tad harsh here unless I'm misunderstanding something here
A: Thinking back, I probably mistakenly wrote days instead of hours and simply didn't catch it during proofreading. The other area where I put down 3 days was Question 2, and that was a response to a hypothetical mass grief via space breach. Compared to that, a medic performing surgery is almost harmless unless they are REALLY DEDICATED to performing surgery as a medic to the point they've actually escalated that far in the ban chain and by that point probably already appealed at least one medical job-ban.- For question 11, cautious approach but how about I set up the scenario for you and tell me what you would do with this player in question.
Ok you have a player known as SenticousCatus, here are his notes:Player's activity if you need itCode: Select all
Was warned about improper escalation. Warned by AlabandicalOwl Aug 4 2017
A: At the most base of levels, after finding out more about the situation, for the sake of answering the question we'll say he's not justified after being spoken with and because of his prior note deserves to be escalated. Normally the response from me to this would be a 3 hour ban+note, however if we're assuming I already have this activity information before actually applying the ban it appears that he is multikeying given that I see 5 occasions in this activity log where he logged in with more than one key at once, and judging by his notes he's never alerted staff of a friend/family member also playing with him as the rules state you must do.Code: Select all
[13:24:05]ACCESS: Login: SenticousCatus/(SenticousCatus) from IP1-CID1 || BYOND v511 [Jul 2017 31-Wednesday.log] [13:24:05]ACCESS: Login: SenticousCatus/(SenticousCatus) from IP1-CID1 || BYOND v511 [Jul 2017 31-Wednesday.log] [08:02:34]ACCESS: Login: SenticousCatus/(SenticousCatus) from IP1-CID1 || BYOND v511 [Aug 2017 01-Thursday.log] [08:02:34]ACCESS: Login: SenticousCatus/(SenticousCatus) from IP1-CID1 || BYOND v511 [Aug 2017 01-Thursday.log] [08:03:46]ACCESS: Login: SenticousCatus/(Ralphie Sydney) from IP1-CID1 || BYOND v511 [Aug 2017 01-Thursday.log] [08:11:01]ACCESS: Login: SenticousCatus/(Ralphie Sydney) from IP1-CID1 || BYOND v511 [Aug 2017 01-Thursday.log] [08:12:36]ACCESS: Login: SenticousCatus/(Ralphie Sydney) from IP1-CID1 || BYOND v511 [Aug 2017 01-Thursday.log] [08:25:59]ACCESS: Login: SpeusticWhale/(SpeusticWhale) from IP1-CID1 || BYOND v511 [Aug 2017 01-Thursday.log] [08:26:07]ACCESS: Login: SpeusticWhale/(Nathan Sydney) from IP1-CID1 || BYOND v511 [Aug 2017 01-Thursday.log] [08:27:54]ACCESS: Login: SenticousCatus/(Ralphie Sydney) from IP1-CID1 || BYOND v511 [Aug 2017 01-Thursday.log] [08:28:10]ACCESS: Login: SenticousCatus/(Ralphie Sydney) from IP1-CID1 || BYOND v511 [Aug 2017 01-Thursday.log] [08:28:45]ACCESS: Login: SenticousCatus/(Ralphie Sydney) from IP1-CID1 || BYOND v511 [Aug 2017 01-Thursday.log] [08:29:19]ACCESS: Login: SenticousCatus/(Ralphie Sydney) from IP1-CID1 || BYOND v511 [Aug 2017 01-Thursday.log] [08:30:12]ACCESS: Login: SenticousCatus/(Ralphie Sydney) from IP1-CID1 || BYOND v511 [Aug 2017 01-Thursday.log] [08:30:17]ACCESS: Login: SenticousCatus/(Ralphie Sydney) from IP1-CID1 || BYOND v511 [Aug 2017 01-Thursday.log] [08:57:47]ACCESS: Login: SenticousCatus/(Ralphie Sydney) from IP1-CID1 || BYOND v511 [Aug 2017 01-Thursday.log] [05:04:56]ACCESS: Login: SenticousCatus/(Ralphie Sydney) from IP1-CID1 || BYOND v511 [Aug 2017 01-Thursday.log] [05:06:00]ACCESS: Login: SenticousCatus/(Ralphie Sydney) from IP1-CID1 || BYOND v511 [Aug 2017 01-Thursday.log] [05:23:14]ACCESS: Login: SenticousCatus/(Ralphie Sydney) from IP1-CID1 || BYOND v511 [Aug 2017 01-Thursday.log] [05:36:50]ACCESS: Login: SenticousCatus/(Ralphie Sydney) from IP1-CID1 || BYOND v511 [Aug 2017 01-Thursday.log] [05:37:42]ACCESS: Login: SenticousCatus/(Ralphie Sydney) from IP1-CID1 || BYOND v511 [Aug 2017 01-Thursday.log] [05:38:41]ACCESS: Login: SenticousCatus/(Ralphie Sydney) from IP1-CID1 || BYOND v511 [Aug 2017 01-Thursday.log] [05:42:30]ACCESS: Login: SenticousCatus/(Ralphie Sydney) from IP1-CID1 || BYOND v511 [Aug 2017 01-Thursday.log] [05:51:33]ACCESS: Login: SenticousCatus/(Ralphie Sydney) from IP1-CID1 || BYOND v511 [Aug 2017 01-Thursday.log] [05:53:10]ACCESS: Login: SenticousCatus/(Ralphie Sydney) from IP1-CID1 || BYOND v511 [Aug 2017 01-Thursday.log] [05:54:12]ACCESS: Login: SenticousCatus/(Ralphie Sydney) from IP1-CID1 || BYOND v511 [Aug 2017 01-Thursday.log] [05:59:16]ACCESS: Login: SagittiferousPorcupine/(SagittiferousPorcupine) from IP1-CID1 || BYOND v511 [Aug 2017 01-Thursday.log] [10:00:27]ACCESS: Login: SagittiferousPorcupine/(Cody Sydney) from IP1-CID1 || BYOND v511 [Aug 2017 01-Thursday.log] [10:29:19]ACCESS: Login: SenticousCatus/( Ralphie Sydney) from IP1-CID1 || BYOND v511 [Aug 2017 01-Thursday.log] [10:29:54]ACCESS: Login: SenticousCatus/( Ralphie Sydney) from IP1-CID1 || BYOND v511 [Aug 2017 01-Thursday.log] [10:30:21]ACCESS: Login: SenticousCatus/( Ralphie Sydney) from IP1-CID1 || BYOND v511 [Aug 2017 01-Thursday.log] [10:31:19]ACCESS: Login: SenticousCatus/( Ralphie Sydney) from IP1-CID1 || BYOND v511 [Aug 2017 01-Thursday.log] [10:43:30]ACCESS: Login: SenticousCatus/( Ralphie Sydney) from IP1-CID1 || BYOND v511 [Aug 2017 01-Thursday.log] [10:46:39]ACCESS: Login: SenticousCatus/( Ralphie Sydney) from IP1-CID1 || BYOND v511 [Aug 2017 01-Thursday.log] [11:04:57]ACCESS: Login: SenticousCatus/( Ralphie Sydney) from IP1-CID1 || BYOND v511 [Aug 2017 01-Thursday.log] [11:06:49]ACCESS: Login: SenticousCatus/( Ralphie Sydney) from IP1-CID1 || BYOND v511 [Aug 2017 01-Thursday.log] [11:05:28]ACCESS: Login: SenticousCatus/( Ralphie Sydney) from IP1-CID1 || BYOND v511 [Aug 2017 01-Thursday.log] [11:12:21]ACCESS: Login: SenticousCatus/( Ralphie Sydney) from IP1-CID1 || BYOND v511 [Aug 2017 01-Thursday.log] [11:18:46]ACCESS: Login: SenticousCatus/( Ralphie Sydney) from IP1-CID1 || BYOND v511 [Aug 2017 01-Thursday.log] [11:20:04]ACCESS: Login: SenticousCatus/( Ralphie Sydney) from IP1-CID1 || BYOND v511 [Aug 2017 01-Thursday.log] [11:20:24]ACCESS: Login: SenticousCatus/( Ralphie Sydney) from IP1-CID1 || BYOND v511 [Aug 2017 01-Thursday.log] [11:20:34]ACCESS: Login: SenticousCatus/( Ralphie Sydney) from IP1-CID1 || BYOND v511 [Aug 2017 01-Thursday.log] [11:20:41]ACCESS: Login: SenticousCatus/( Ralphie Sydney) from IP1-CID1 || BYOND v511 [Aug 2017 01-Thursday.log] [11:21:22]ACCESS: Login: SenticousCatus/( Ralphie Sydney) from IP1-CID1 || BYOND v511 [Aug 2017 01-Thursday.log] [11:23:54]ACCESS: Login: SenticousCatus/( Ralphie Sydney) from IP1-CID1 || BYOND v511 [Aug 2017 01-Thursday.log] [11:27:14]ACCESS: Login: SenticousCatus/( Ralphie Sydney) from IP1-CID1 || BYOND v511 [Aug 2017 01-Thursday.log] [11:27:26]ACCESS: Login: SenticousCatus/( Ralphie Sydney) from IP1-CID1 || BYOND v511 [Aug 2017 01-Thursday.log] [11:27:42]ACCESS: Login: SpeusticWhale/( SpeusticWhale) from IP1-CID1 || BYOND v511 [Aug 2017 01-Thursday.log] [11:35:50]ACCESS: Login: SpeusticWhale/( Nathan Sydney) from IP1-CID1 || BYOND v511 [Aug 2017 01-Thursday.log] [11:35:51]ACCESS: Login: SenticousCatus/( Ralphie Sydney) from IP1-CID1 || BYOND v511 [Aug 2017 01-Thursday.log] [11:38:29]ACCESS: Login: SenticousCatus/( Ralphie Sydney) from IP1-CID1 || BYOND v511 [Aug 2017 01-Thursday.log] [11:38:31]ACCESS: Login: SenticousCatus/( Ralphie Sydney) from IP1-CID1 || BYOND v511 [Aug 2017 01-Thursday.log] [11:38:56]ACCESS: Login: SenticousCatus/( Ralphie Sydney) from IP1-CID1 || BYOND v511 [Aug 2017 01-Thursday.log] [11:38:57]ACCESS: Login: SenticousCatus/( Ralphie Sydney) from IP1-CID1 || BYOND v511 [Aug 2017 01-Thursday.log] [11:41:46]ACCESS: Login: SenticousCatus/( Ralphie Sydney) from IP1-CID1 || BYOND v511 [Aug 2017 01-Thursday.log] [11:41:48]ACCESS: Login: SenticousCatus/( Ralphie Sydney) from IP1-CID1 || BYOND v511 [Aug 2017 01-Thursday.log] [11:49:37]ACCESS: Login: SenticousCatus/( Ralphie Sydney) from IP1-CID1 || BYOND v511 [Aug 2017 01-Thursday.log] [11:49:54]ACCESS: Login: SenticousCatus/( Ralphie Sydney) from IP1-CID1 || BYOND v511 [Aug 2017 01-Thursday.log] [11:50:19]ACCESS: Login: SenticousCatus/( Ralphie Sydney) from IP1-CID1 || BYOND v511 [Aug 2017 01-Thursday.log] [11:50:49]ACCESS: Login: SenticousCatus/( Ralphie Sydney) from IP1-CID1 || BYOND v511 [Aug 2017 01-Thursday.log] [11:51:47]ACCESS: Login: SenticousCatus/( Ralphie Sydney) from IP1-CID1 || BYOND v511 [Aug 2017 01-Thursday.log] [11:54:04]ACCESS: Login: SenticousCatus/( Ralphie Sydney) from IP1-CID1 || BYOND v511 [Aug 2017 01-Thursday.log] [12:00:13]ACCESS: Login: SenticousCatus/( Ralphie Sydney) from IP1-CID1 || BYOND v511 [Aug 2017 01-Thursday.log] [12:00:14]ACCESS: Login: SenticousCatus/( Ralphie Sydney) from IP1-CID1 || BYOND v511 [Aug 2017 01-Thursday.log] [12:00:16]ACCESS: Login: SenticousCatus/( Ralphie Sydney) from IP1-CID1 || BYOND v511 [Aug 2017 01-Thursday.log] [12:02:40]ACCESS: Login: SenticousCatus/( Ralphie Sydney) from IP1-CID1 || BYOND v511 [Aug 2017 01-Thursday.log] [12:05:11]ACCESS: Login: SenticousCatus/( Ralphie Sydney) from IP1-CID1 || BYOND v511 [Aug 2017 01-Thursday.log] [12:11:22]ACCESS: Login: SenticousCatus/( Ralphie Sydney) from IP1-CID1 || BYOND v511 [Aug 2017 01-Thursday.log] [12:18:10]ACCESS: Login: PecuariousWeasel /(PecuariousWeasel) from IP1-CID1 || BYOND v511 [Aug 2017 01-Thursday.log] [12:22:23]ACCESS: Login: PecuariousWeasel/( Andrew Sydney) from IP1-CID1 || BYOND v511 [Aug 2017 01-Thursday.log] [12:24:17]ACCESS: Login: SenticousCatus/(SenticousCatus) from IP1-CID1 || BYOND v511 [Aug 2017 01-Thursday.log] [12:24:17]ACCESS: Login: SenticousCatus/(SenticousCatus) from IP1-CID1 || BYOND v511 [Aug 2017 01-Thursday.log] [15:12:20]ACCESS: Login: SenticousCatus/(SenticousCatus) from IP1-CID1 || BYOND v511 [Aug 2017 01-Thursday.log] [15:12:20]ACCESS: Login: SenticousCatus/(SenticousCatus) from IP1-CID1 || BYOND v511 [Aug 2017 01-Thursday.log] [15:13:04]ACCESS: Login: SenticousCatus/(Ralphie Sydney) from IP1-CID1 || BYOND v511 [Aug 2017 01-Thursday.log] [08:02:34]ACCESS: Login: SenticousCatus/(SenticousCatus) from IP1-CID1 || BYOND v511 [Aug 2017 02-Friday.log] [11:16:56]ACCESS: Login: SenticousCatus/(Ralphie Sydney) from IP1-CID1 || BYOND v511 [Aug 2017 03-Saturday.log] [11:18:17]ACCESS: Login: SenticousCatus/(Ralphie Sydney) from IP1-CID1 || BYOND v511 [Aug 2017 03-Saturday.log] [11:18:26]ACCESS: Login: SenticousCatus/(Ralphie Sydney) from IP1-CID1 || BYOND v511 [Aug 2017 03-Saturday.log] [11:20:13]ACCESS: Login: SenticousCatus/(SenticousCatus) from IP1-CID1 || BYOND v511 [Aug 2017 03-Saturday.log] [11:20:13]ACCESS: Login: SenticousCatus/(SenticousCatus) from IP1-CID1 || BYOND v511 [Aug 2017 03-Saturday.log] [14:55:16]ACCESS: Login: SenticousCatus/(SenticousCatus) from IP1-CID1 || BYOND v511 [Aug 2017 03-Saturday.log] [14:55:16]ACCESS: Login: SenticousCatus/(SenticousCatus) from IP1-CID1 || BYOND v511 [Aug 2017 03-Saturday.log] [15:13:30]ACCESS: Login: SenticousCatus/(SenticousCatus) from IP1-CID1 || BYOND v511 [Aug 2017 03-Saturday.log] [15:13:30]ACCESS: Login: SenticousCatus/(SenticousCatus) from IP1-CID1 || BYOND v511 [Aug 2017 03-Saturday.log] [23:32:40]ACCESS: Login: SenticousCatus/(SenticousCatus) from IP1-CID1 || BYOND v511 [Aug 2017 04-Sunday.log] [23:32:40]ACCESS: Login: SenticousCatus/(SenticousCatus) from IP1-CID1 || BYOND v511 [Aug 2017 04-Sunday.log] [23:32:54]ACCESS: Login: SenticousCatus/(Ralphie Sydney) from IP1-CID1 || BYOND v511 [Aug 2017 04-Sunday.log] [00:17:54]ACCESS: Login: SenticousCatus/(SenticousCatus) from IP1-CID1 || BYOND v511 [Aug 2017 04-Sunday.log] [00:17:54]ACCESS: Login: SenticousCatus/(SenticousCatus) from IP1-CID1 || BYOND v511 [Aug 2017 04-Sunday.log] [00:18:05]ACCESS: Login: SenticousCatus/(Ralphie Sydney) from IP1-CID1 || BYOND v511 [Aug 2017 04-Sunday.log] [08:05:43]ACCESS: Login: SenticousCatus/(SenticousCatus) from IP1-CID1 || BYOND v511 [Aug 2017 04-Monday.log] [08:05:43]ACCESS: Login: SenticousCatus/(SenticousCatus) from IP1-CID1 || BYOND v511 [Aug 2017 04-Monday.log] [08:10:45]ACCESS: Login: SenticousCatus/(Ralphie Sydney) from IP1-CID1 || BYOND v511 [Aug 2017 04-Monday.log] [08:12:37]ACCESS: Login: SenticousCatus/(Ralphie Sydney) from IP1-CID1 || BYOND v511 [Aug 2017 04-Monday.log] [08:12:52]ACCESS: Login: SenticousCatus/(Ralphie Sydney) from IP1-CID1 || BYOND v511 [Aug 2017 04-Monday.log] [08:39:27]ACCESS: Login: SenticousCatus/(Ralphie Sydney) from IP1-CID1 || BYOND v511 [Aug 2017 04-Monday.log] [05:00:56]ACCESS: Login: SenticousCatus/(SenticousCatus) from IP1-CID1 || BYOND v511 [Aug 2017 04-Monday.log] [05:00:56]ACCESS: Login: SenticousCatus/(SenticousCatus) from IP1-CID1 || BYOND v511 [Aug 2017 04-Monday.log] [05:05:43]ACCESS: Login: SenticousCatus/(Ralphie Sydney) from IP1-CID1 || BYOND v511 [Aug 2017 04-Monday.log] [10:37:46]ACCESS: Login: SenticousCatus/(Ralphie Sydney) from IP1-CID1 || BYOND v511 [Aug 2017 04-Monday.log] [10:38:11]ACCESS: Login: SenticousCatus/(Ralphie Sydney) from IP1-CID1 || BYOND v511 [Aug 2017 04-Monday.log] [10:38:11]ACCESS: Login: SenticousCatus/(Ralphie Sydney) from IP1-CID1 || BYOND v511 [Aug 2017 04-Monday.log] [10:51:41]ACCESS: Login: SenticousCatus/(SenticousCatus) from IP1-CID1 || BYOND v511 [Aug 2017 04-Monday.log] [10:51:41]ACCESS: Login: SenticousCatus/(SenticousCatus) from IP1-CID1 || BYOND v511 [Aug 2017 04-Monday.log] [11:10:26]ACCESS: Login: SenticousCatus/(SenticousCatus) from IP1-CID1 || BYOND v511 [Aug 2017 04-Monday.log] [11:10:26]ACCESS: Login: SpeusticWhale/(SpeusticWhale) from IP1-CID1 || BYOND v511 [Aug 2017 04-Monday.log] [11:10:37]ACCESS: Login: SpeusticWhale/(Nathan Sydney) from IP1-CID1 || BYOND v511 [Aug 2017 04-Monday.log] [08:35:32]ACCESS: Login: SenticousCatus/(Young Runner (924)) from IP1-CID1 || BYOND v511 [Aug 2017 05-Friday.log] [08:36:05]ACCESS: Login: SenticousCatus/(Young Runner (924)) from IP1-CID1 || BYOND v511 [Aug 2017 05-Friday.log] [08:37:04]ACCESS: Login: SenticousCatus/(Ralphie Sydney) from IP1-CID1 || BYOND v511 [Aug 2017 05-Friday.log] [08:37:34]ACCESS: Login: SenticousCatus/(Ralphie Sydney) from IP1-CID1 || BYOND v511 [Aug 2017 05-Friday.log] [08:53:31]ACCESS: Login: SenticousCatus/(SenticousCatus) from IP1-CID1 || BYOND v511 [Aug 2017 05-Friday.log] [08:53:31]ACCESS: Login: SenticousCatus/(SenticousCatus) from IP1-CID1 || BYOND v511 [Aug 2017 05-Friday.log] [08:57:40]ACCESS: Login: SenticousCatus/(Ralphie Sydney) from IP1-CID1 || BYOND v511 [Aug 2017 05-Friday.log]
So he would also be questioned about the far more serious multikey as well, with a probability of a 7 day ban with a perma-request unless he could provide sufficient cause to believe he is not a multikeyer. If his multikey happens to be on at that moment, they would be tested by asking to do something simultaneously that a single human could not. For example, repeat the answers to basic math questions in sequence back in PM.- For question 15, good but adding in a 24 hour ban with a jobban would probably unnecessary. Maybe a 3 hour with jobban attached or just a jobban due to it being xeno.
A: I would agree here. 24h is a bit much on second thought.
Synthetic Application-Leonard [Accepted] - Predator Application-Thei-De Na'Tauk [Accepted]
Server Status
Mentor: 06/28/2017 - 08/07/2017 / Trial Moderator 08/07/2017 - 08/25/17 / Moderator 08/25/17 - 10/11/17 / Trial Admin 10/11/17 - 10/30/17 / Senior Mentor 10/30/17 - 03/15/18 / Mod Manager 03/15/18 - 07/08/18 / Coder 07/08/18 - 07/27/18 / Host 07/27/18 - Present
I run Linux on all of my machines and actively reject Windows. I have some cool dotfiles up on Github for configuring some of my favorite stuff.
Server Status
Mentor: 06/28/2017 - 08/07/2017 / Trial Moderator 08/07/2017 - 08/25/17 / Moderator 08/25/17 - 10/11/17 / Trial Admin 10/11/17 - 10/30/17 / Senior Mentor 10/30/17 - 03/15/18 / Mod Manager 03/15/18 - 07/08/18 / Coder 07/08/18 - 07/27/18 / Host 07/27/18 - Present
I run Linux on all of my machines and actively reject Windows. I have some cool dotfiles up on Github for configuring some of my favorite stuff.
- Jay Burns
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- Location: Some place on earth
Re: NGGJamie - Moderator Application
Excellent mentor, never had any problems ICly or OOCly with them, mature and definitely capable of being a mod +1, also this app is pretty good.
- TheMaskedMan2
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Re: NGGJamie - Moderator Application
Nothing really for me to say that hasn't already been said, it's a good application. +1
Certified RP Professional™
Marine: Vera Webb
Synthetic: Sybil
Predator: Vaya'Nylk
Marine: Vera Webb
Synthetic: Sybil
Predator: Vaya'Nylk
- TheSpoonyCroy
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- Joined: 07 Dec 2015, 02:11
Re: NGGJamie - Moderator Application
Yep pretty impressive, you are a good choice for this and I do like your eye for detail. So absolutely a +1NGGJamie wrote:-snip-
- slc97
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Re: NGGJamie - Moderator Application
This is accepted, you'll receive a PM from me shortly.