Mvp777 - Moderator Application
- Mvp777
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- Posts: 218
- Joined: 31 Jul 2017, 03:57
Mvp777 - Moderator Application
Byond ID: Mvp777
Colonial Marines Character: Fred 'Isol' Majun
Age: 18
Gender: Male
Timezone: AEST UTC/GMT +10 hours
On average, how many hours are you available per week to moderate?
20-40 or so hours a week.
Do you have any previous experience in being staff (not just SS13)?
Was an Admin for the now long defunct Trinity Station a few years ago, but no other experience outside of that.
Did you play any of the previous Colonial Marine servers?:
Memory is hazy, but i remember playing both Kittenshack and Infestation Station quite a lot.
What are the 3 biggest servers you play on besides CM?:
The occasional Star Trek 13, Halo Station and Mercdonalds.
Provide links to any previous Colonial Marines applications that you've made: ... 27&t=16444 (Failed predator application.)
Are you currently a staff member elsewhere (not just SS13)? If so, where?: Nope.
Have you ever been banned for more than 24 hours on Colonial Marines?: Nope.
Have you ever been banned for more than 24 hours on ANY server? If so, which server, when, and what for?: I got a few permanent bans on Baystation and Boonstation back when i first started playing 7 or so years back due to me being extremely new.
Are you familiar with the chat program Slack (its use is required)?: Only by exposure, but i have not used the program directly.
Common Staff Situations:
Write a description of what you would do in each of the following situations. Do not write on the same line as the situation - use the space below it or make space as needed. Failure to do this proves your inability to follow instructions and your application will be automatically denied.
1. A player randomly shoots someone at round start and MPs have detained him.
IC issue at a glance, as it might've been just been a misclick or disarm; what was their reaction to shooting someone, was it apologetic, surprised? did they keep firing after the initial shot? Cross reference their notes, reaction and logs prior to them firing and apply the appropriate actions depending on those circumstances ranging anywhere from doing nothing to issuing a warning and adding a note.
2. The ship has a breach to space and a bunch of players have died or are dying as a result.
I don't believe this is possible anymore, send the issue up the chain of command and commence damage control, search through the logs to see if it was caused by anyone either accidentally or deliberately, message them and ask for the reasoning behind it and apply the appropriate actions should it be insufficient.
3. You see a player walking around the ship naked and clearly lost.
IC issue, other marines would likely pick up on it and help them out, either way refer them to the mentors and keep an eye on them.
4. A player is being very rude to you in Adminhelps and requesting to speak to an Admin+ staff member.
Attempt to get to the point of the issue while ignoring their rudeness and refer to General Rule 1 and point out that if they have any issue with the staff to go to the forums, be polite and indifferent to their attitude and ferry it over to an Admin. Should i be the sole staff able to handle it i would state as such and attempt to get to the heart of the issue, warn them to cool it down if they keep being hostile and potentially issue a warning and add a note if they continue to persist despite being told to dial it down, should they escalate/persist even then i would issue a very short ban stating for them to take the issue to the forums and telling them that the ban is for them to cool off.
5. You notice a player with a name that doesn't fit our naming rules. The player is arguing that: They've used the name for several years, no one has told them to change it before, and that they didn't know it was a rule.
Check their notes, have they been asked to change it before? have they changed it back anyway? do they have an exception to the naming rule in their notes? either way tell them its against Marine Rule 2, that not knowing the rules is not an excuse to break them, re-read the rules and ask them to change their name next round/if its possible ask them for a different name and change it for them. Either way add a note.
6. You see a Maintenance Tech running around in armor and carrying a rifle. The security level is green with no threat present.
IC issue which the MPs would quickly put an end to, check their notes to see if they have a prior history of relevant behavior and send them a message if they do, ask them if they have an RP justification for doing so, has an alien been on the almayer prior? has someone shown an intent to harm? let it go should their reasoning be sound, explain what they've done wrong and apply a warning and add a note should their history and reasoning be insufficient.
7. You see a Squad Medic performing surgery on the planet. He claims it was because there were no doctors in the FOB.
The current skill system makes this more or less impossible if i recall, check their notes, point out that 1. His character has no skill in surgery and would badly screw up any surgery RP and/or Mechanically wise and 2. It's a violation of General Rule 7 e.g Powergaming, tell them to immediately finish up whatever surgery they are doing and to not do so again, apply a note. Escalate punishment should they have a history of relevant/excessive incidents.
8. The round is stagnating. There are 30 marines and 4 aliens. The marines won't leave the ship, and the aliens won't attack. What would you do, to "encourage" the sides to engage each other?
Make use of either ARES and Queen Mother to nudge one of the teams into advancing the round, with escalating amount of intervention should they still refuse to advance the round.
9. The round ends, a MARINE starts shooting a hostile CLF member and the CLF member Adminhelps complaining he was killed after the round ended.
Explain the EORG grief is only applicable to the same team, for example Marine shooting another Marine, or CLF shooting another CLF. Teams that were enemies pre-round end are exempt from killing eachother.
10. A marine is running around disarming, punching and stealing gear at round start.
IC issue as the MPs would quickly jump on such actions, check their notes and see if they have a history of such behavior, send them a message and point out the proper RP guidelines and issue a warning and add a note, should their notes show excessive amounts of similar behavior escalate the punishment appropriately.
11. A marine has killed another marine. When you ask him why, he said it was because the other marine had punched him.
Blatant violation of General Rule 7, check their notes and point out that murdering someone for punching you is both improper escalation and fail-RP, escalate punishment depending on their note history, starting with a warning as a minimum, add note.
12. An issue arises that requires Admin+ abilities.
Contact an available staff member of the appropriate rank with either in game or out of game methods, explain the situation and the problem and let them take over.
13. There are minor racist comments going on IC. 9 of the 10 people are laughing and RPing but one player gets offended and Adminhelps about it.
IC issue, minor racism (The occasional tasteless joke, friendly banter and the rare backhanded comment supported by a marines IC dislike and RP) is allowed under General Rule 1, Major racism (mindlessly shouting CHINK NIGGER SAND MONKEY repeatedly in IC without proper RP behind it or in OOC) Is not. Point out to the Ahelping player in question that minor racism as such is allowed and encourage them to react to it In Character.
14. A marine opens fire at round start in briefing killing multiple marines and instantly logs off.
Immediately freeze the shooter in question, check note history, and apply a 7 day ban alongside a permanent ban request. They can explain their actions on the forums. Should one of the marines they shot get permanently killed (Got their head shot off) either Aheal if possible, or request a higher ranked staff to heal them if they have not already done so.
15. You see a player playing a xeno larva/chestburster run towards the frontlines and die.
Immediately message the player in question and check their notes, tell them that deliberately getting themselves killed is against General Rule 9, no metacommunication, fail-RP as well as griefing. Unless they somehow have an extremely good reason for doing so, or are for example and extremely new player i would give them a warning and and a note, if they have a history of relevant offenses potentially escalate to either a ban and/or xeno ban.
16. You see a xeno memeing, saying AYYLMAO, REEEEEE etc in hivemind chat.
Let the occasional slip pass, if it persists send a message to the player in question warning them that repeated low-rp behavior is in violation xeno rule 1, cross reference with their notes and either give them just a warning and note or potentially higher punishment if they have a history of such offenses. If other aliens start doing so either send a message to the queen to clamp down on low-rp or state in OOC that aliens are to act as aliens and to stop the blatantly memey/Low-RP behavior.
17. A xeno player calls the shuttle a "dropship". A different xeno player complains to you that it's metagaming/failRP to call it a "dropship".
Not an issue, hivemind is the English translation of the aliens thoughts and though lore friendly terms are appreciated, they are not required to use them. Send the ahelping player a message stating as such.
18. A Command staff player at briefing near round-start mentions there are aliens on the planet.
Assume that it was a slip, or not referring to xenomorphs specifically; If it persists check their notes, message them and state that They as of yet do not know that aliens are on planet, and using knowledge that they do not have is in violation of General Rule 9 which disallows metagaming, should their note history be clean issue a warning and add a note, if they have history of such offenses escalate the punishment and add a note.
19. A Marine kills another Marine on the EVAC Pod to take the last spot and claims it was RP as he was saving himself.
IC issue, should the dead marine Ahelp i would check the notes of the instigator and the logs to see if the the proper RP and escalation happened. Did they argue about who would get the last spot? poor escalation? did they communicate properly? If the RP and intent of the instigator leading up to the fight be insufficient i would apply a warning and note to the instigator telling them that shooting another marine without proper escalation and cause would be considered General Rule 7 and considered griefing, Escalate their punishment depending on relevant note history. Should the instigator be killed and Ahelp simply point out that they started it and leave it at that, depending on note history.
20. You see a fellow staff member give wrong information in an Adminhelp or incorrectly enforcing a rule.
if its incorrect information simply message the staff in question the correct information, ask in staff general chat/cross reference the wiki and send them the result. If the staff is incorrectly enforcing i would message a staff of higher rank the incident in question and ask their opinion of the rule in question, alongside messaging the staff in question and voicing my concerns.
20a. You see a fellow staff member abusing his powers in-game.
Screenshot the incident in question and immediately go to the relevant Manager.
21. You see a player talking in OOC chat about what he did with your mom last night.
Depending on their intent i would either banter back should it be friendly, ignore it or send them a warning and add a note if it gets excessive and they refuse to stop.
Any additional information you'd like to add?
Colonial Marines Character: Fred 'Isol' Majun
Age: 18
Gender: Male
Timezone: AEST UTC/GMT +10 hours
On average, how many hours are you available per week to moderate?
20-40 or so hours a week.
Do you have any previous experience in being staff (not just SS13)?
Was an Admin for the now long defunct Trinity Station a few years ago, but no other experience outside of that.
Did you play any of the previous Colonial Marine servers?:
Memory is hazy, but i remember playing both Kittenshack and Infestation Station quite a lot.
What are the 3 biggest servers you play on besides CM?:
The occasional Star Trek 13, Halo Station and Mercdonalds.
Provide links to any previous Colonial Marines applications that you've made: ... 27&t=16444 (Failed predator application.)
Are you currently a staff member elsewhere (not just SS13)? If so, where?: Nope.
Have you ever been banned for more than 24 hours on Colonial Marines?: Nope.
Have you ever been banned for more than 24 hours on ANY server? If so, which server, when, and what for?: I got a few permanent bans on Baystation and Boonstation back when i first started playing 7 or so years back due to me being extremely new.
Are you familiar with the chat program Slack (its use is required)?: Only by exposure, but i have not used the program directly.
Common Staff Situations:
Write a description of what you would do in each of the following situations. Do not write on the same line as the situation - use the space below it or make space as needed. Failure to do this proves your inability to follow instructions and your application will be automatically denied.
1. A player randomly shoots someone at round start and MPs have detained him.
IC issue at a glance, as it might've been just been a misclick or disarm; what was their reaction to shooting someone, was it apologetic, surprised? did they keep firing after the initial shot? Cross reference their notes, reaction and logs prior to them firing and apply the appropriate actions depending on those circumstances ranging anywhere from doing nothing to issuing a warning and adding a note.
2. The ship has a breach to space and a bunch of players have died or are dying as a result.
I don't believe this is possible anymore, send the issue up the chain of command and commence damage control, search through the logs to see if it was caused by anyone either accidentally or deliberately, message them and ask for the reasoning behind it and apply the appropriate actions should it be insufficient.
3. You see a player walking around the ship naked and clearly lost.
IC issue, other marines would likely pick up on it and help them out, either way refer them to the mentors and keep an eye on them.
4. A player is being very rude to you in Adminhelps and requesting to speak to an Admin+ staff member.
Attempt to get to the point of the issue while ignoring their rudeness and refer to General Rule 1 and point out that if they have any issue with the staff to go to the forums, be polite and indifferent to their attitude and ferry it over to an Admin. Should i be the sole staff able to handle it i would state as such and attempt to get to the heart of the issue, warn them to cool it down if they keep being hostile and potentially issue a warning and add a note if they continue to persist despite being told to dial it down, should they escalate/persist even then i would issue a very short ban stating for them to take the issue to the forums and telling them that the ban is for them to cool off.
5. You notice a player with a name that doesn't fit our naming rules. The player is arguing that: They've used the name for several years, no one has told them to change it before, and that they didn't know it was a rule.
Check their notes, have they been asked to change it before? have they changed it back anyway? do they have an exception to the naming rule in their notes? either way tell them its against Marine Rule 2, that not knowing the rules is not an excuse to break them, re-read the rules and ask them to change their name next round/if its possible ask them for a different name and change it for them. Either way add a note.
6. You see a Maintenance Tech running around in armor and carrying a rifle. The security level is green with no threat present.
IC issue which the MPs would quickly put an end to, check their notes to see if they have a prior history of relevant behavior and send them a message if they do, ask them if they have an RP justification for doing so, has an alien been on the almayer prior? has someone shown an intent to harm? let it go should their reasoning be sound, explain what they've done wrong and apply a warning and add a note should their history and reasoning be insufficient.
7. You see a Squad Medic performing surgery on the planet. He claims it was because there were no doctors in the FOB.
The current skill system makes this more or less impossible if i recall, check their notes, point out that 1. His character has no skill in surgery and would badly screw up any surgery RP and/or Mechanically wise and 2. It's a violation of General Rule 7 e.g Powergaming, tell them to immediately finish up whatever surgery they are doing and to not do so again, apply a note. Escalate punishment should they have a history of relevant/excessive incidents.
8. The round is stagnating. There are 30 marines and 4 aliens. The marines won't leave the ship, and the aliens won't attack. What would you do, to "encourage" the sides to engage each other?
Make use of either ARES and Queen Mother to nudge one of the teams into advancing the round, with escalating amount of intervention should they still refuse to advance the round.
9. The round ends, a MARINE starts shooting a hostile CLF member and the CLF member Adminhelps complaining he was killed after the round ended.
Explain the EORG grief is only applicable to the same team, for example Marine shooting another Marine, or CLF shooting another CLF. Teams that were enemies pre-round end are exempt from killing eachother.
10. A marine is running around disarming, punching and stealing gear at round start.
IC issue as the MPs would quickly jump on such actions, check their notes and see if they have a history of such behavior, send them a message and point out the proper RP guidelines and issue a warning and add a note, should their notes show excessive amounts of similar behavior escalate the punishment appropriately.
11. A marine has killed another marine. When you ask him why, he said it was because the other marine had punched him.
Blatant violation of General Rule 7, check their notes and point out that murdering someone for punching you is both improper escalation and fail-RP, escalate punishment depending on their note history, starting with a warning as a minimum, add note.
12. An issue arises that requires Admin+ abilities.
Contact an available staff member of the appropriate rank with either in game or out of game methods, explain the situation and the problem and let them take over.
13. There are minor racist comments going on IC. 9 of the 10 people are laughing and RPing but one player gets offended and Adminhelps about it.
IC issue, minor racism (The occasional tasteless joke, friendly banter and the rare backhanded comment supported by a marines IC dislike and RP) is allowed under General Rule 1, Major racism (mindlessly shouting CHINK NIGGER SAND MONKEY repeatedly in IC without proper RP behind it or in OOC) Is not. Point out to the Ahelping player in question that minor racism as such is allowed and encourage them to react to it In Character.
14. A marine opens fire at round start in briefing killing multiple marines and instantly logs off.
Immediately freeze the shooter in question, check note history, and apply a 7 day ban alongside a permanent ban request. They can explain their actions on the forums. Should one of the marines they shot get permanently killed (Got their head shot off) either Aheal if possible, or request a higher ranked staff to heal them if they have not already done so.
15. You see a player playing a xeno larva/chestburster run towards the frontlines and die.
Immediately message the player in question and check their notes, tell them that deliberately getting themselves killed is against General Rule 9, no metacommunication, fail-RP as well as griefing. Unless they somehow have an extremely good reason for doing so, or are for example and extremely new player i would give them a warning and and a note, if they have a history of relevant offenses potentially escalate to either a ban and/or xeno ban.
16. You see a xeno memeing, saying AYYLMAO, REEEEEE etc in hivemind chat.
Let the occasional slip pass, if it persists send a message to the player in question warning them that repeated low-rp behavior is in violation xeno rule 1, cross reference with their notes and either give them just a warning and note or potentially higher punishment if they have a history of such offenses. If other aliens start doing so either send a message to the queen to clamp down on low-rp or state in OOC that aliens are to act as aliens and to stop the blatantly memey/Low-RP behavior.
17. A xeno player calls the shuttle a "dropship". A different xeno player complains to you that it's metagaming/failRP to call it a "dropship".
Not an issue, hivemind is the English translation of the aliens thoughts and though lore friendly terms are appreciated, they are not required to use them. Send the ahelping player a message stating as such.
18. A Command staff player at briefing near round-start mentions there are aliens on the planet.
Assume that it was a slip, or not referring to xenomorphs specifically; If it persists check their notes, message them and state that They as of yet do not know that aliens are on planet, and using knowledge that they do not have is in violation of General Rule 9 which disallows metagaming, should their note history be clean issue a warning and add a note, if they have history of such offenses escalate the punishment and add a note.
19. A Marine kills another Marine on the EVAC Pod to take the last spot and claims it was RP as he was saving himself.
IC issue, should the dead marine Ahelp i would check the notes of the instigator and the logs to see if the the proper RP and escalation happened. Did they argue about who would get the last spot? poor escalation? did they communicate properly? If the RP and intent of the instigator leading up to the fight be insufficient i would apply a warning and note to the instigator telling them that shooting another marine without proper escalation and cause would be considered General Rule 7 and considered griefing, Escalate their punishment depending on relevant note history. Should the instigator be killed and Ahelp simply point out that they started it and leave it at that, depending on note history.
20. You see a fellow staff member give wrong information in an Adminhelp or incorrectly enforcing a rule.
if its incorrect information simply message the staff in question the correct information, ask in staff general chat/cross reference the wiki and send them the result. If the staff is incorrectly enforcing i would message a staff of higher rank the incident in question and ask their opinion of the rule in question, alongside messaging the staff in question and voicing my concerns.
20a. You see a fellow staff member abusing his powers in-game.
Screenshot the incident in question and immediately go to the relevant Manager.
21. You see a player talking in OOC chat about what he did with your mom last night.
Depending on their intent i would either banter back should it be friendly, ignore it or send them a warning and add a note if it gets excessive and they refuse to stop.
Any additional information you'd like to add?
Last edited by Mvp777 on 20 May 2018, 12:28, edited 1 time in total.

- Tharinoma
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Re: Mvp777 - Moderator Application
Hello Mvp777,
6. is it an IC issue or an OOC issue? Why do you PM the guy if it's an IC issue?
Tell us about a policy, rule or procedure we have on the server you disagreee with and think should be changed.
6. is it an IC issue or an OOC issue? Why do you PM the guy if it's an IC issue?
Tell us about a policy, rule or procedure we have on the server you disagreee with and think should be changed.
Player PM from player/(Larva (247)) (?): It's totally realistic to challenge someone to do boxing for a mouse trap, in the middle of a alien occupation.
- Mvp777
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- Joined: 31 Jul 2017, 03:57
Re: Mvp777 - Moderator Application
Bad phrasing on my part, i would PM them if their notes show a trend of running around with an open weapon and armor without a real reason for doing so or doing something similar to it, as doing as such to the point that a note has been added shows that its becoming a problem with the player in question. Outside of that i would write it off as an IC issue and let the MPs handle it.
In regards to a policy, rule or procedure i have a problem with, i dislike the fact that an alien is allowed to go out of their way to deliberately hide or otherwise render a dead body unreviveable outside of non-queen gibbing.. Outside of that i've had no real issues with any of the rules as written.

- awan
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Re: Mvp777 - Moderator Application
So, I see you have not gotten many replies. Except for #6, all answers are decent. I will give you another question related to marine law and ic/ooc.
A marine ahelps saying mp's are arresting him for no reason. You ask the mp why he is being arrested and they tell you he did not follow the commander his orders for all marines to go on the alamo and just sat in briefing. The player responds by saying they were afk for just a moment to grab a drink. What would you do with this ahelp/situation?
A marine ahelps saying mp's are arresting him for no reason. You ask the mp why he is being arrested and they tell you he did not follow the commander his orders for all marines to go on the alamo and just sat in briefing. The player responds by saying they were afk for just a moment to grab a drink. What would you do with this ahelp/situation?

- Mvp777
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Re: Mvp777 - Moderator Application
It would be resolved as an IC issue, as the MPs are simply doing their job so the blame falls on the player in question. I would message the player stating that while unfortunate, no actual rules have been broken and that they have instead indirectly violated marine law meaning that it falls under an IC issue, and point out that they should've either waited until they were on the dropship to go AFK, or gone somewhere secluded in order to AFK as getting a drink wouldn't usually take long.awan wrote: ↑20 May 2018, 18:19So, I see you have not gotten many replies. Except for #6, all answers are decent. I will give you another question related to marine law and ic/ooc.
A marine ahelps saying mp's are arresting him for no reason. You ask the mp why he is being arrested and they tell you he did not follow the commander his orders for all marines to go on the alamo and just sat in briefing. The player responds by saying they were afk for just a moment to grab a drink. What would you do with this ahelp/situation?
Ultimately it's an unfortunate mess up by the player in question, which they can resolve through appealing to the CMP or Commander.

- Kavlo
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Re: Mvp777 - Moderator Application
I'm fairly happy with how this application looks but just to make sure I'll propose a scenario to you.
You get an ahelp in from a VERY annoyed player claiming that another player is intentionally griefing their FOB by throwing dead xeno corpses onto their mines to both remove the mines and injure nearby marines including the player ahelping. When you jump over to the player in question you see them move another xeno corpse over a mine and injure a nearby marine.
How do you handle this? For reference you're a full mod in this scenario.
You get an ahelp in from a VERY annoyed player claiming that another player is intentionally griefing their FOB by throwing dead xeno corpses onto their mines to both remove the mines and injure nearby marines including the player ahelping. When you jump over to the player in question you see them move another xeno corpse over a mine and injure a nearby marine.
How do you handle this? For reference you're a full mod in this scenario.
Lochlann Healy the Marine Here's my good ol' dossier!

Mentor : 28th November 2016
Mod : 14th February 2017
Admin : 7th June 2017
Retired : 4th January 2018
Mod : 20th April 2018
Admin : 19th September 2018

Mentor : 28th November 2016
Mod : 14th February 2017
Admin : 7th June 2017
Retired : 4th January 2018
Mod : 20th April 2018
Admin : 19th September 2018
- Mvp777
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- Posts: 218
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Re: Mvp777 - Moderator Application
PM them and firstly tell them to stop dragging dead alien bodies over mines, secondly ask them to explain just why they are detonating mines for absolutely no reason, and continue to do so even though its obvious that it's harming other players and their own team. Point out that their actions constitute griefing, which is against general rule 7. While messaging them check their note history for any notes of similar behavior/excessive amounts of notes.Kavlo wrote: ↑22 May 2018, 06:47I'm fairly happy with how this application looks but just to make sure I'll propose a scenario to you.
You get an ahelp in from a VERY annoyed player claiming that another player is intentionally griefing their FOB by throwing dead xeno corpses onto their mines to both remove the mines and injure nearby marines including the player ahelping. When you jump over to the player in question you see them move another xeno corpse over a mine and injure a nearby marine.
How do you handle this? For reference you're a full mod in this scenario.
Should their note history be relatively clean/long period of time since they caused an issue comparative to their playtime, Issue a warning, warn them that detonating more mines will net them a severe punishment and add a note. Keep an eye on the player in question until the round ends.
Should their note history show prior history of griefy behavior or have an excessive amount of negative notes, issue a 3-12 hour ban and add a note to their history detailing their actions.
One last question, in a situation such as this would Ahealing the griefed players be proper, or just let them get their injuries fixed In Game?, furthermore is there any way in which i could've done things differently/better in the situation described above?

- awan
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Re: Mvp777 - Moderator Application
For me it depends a bit. There are people who do not see mines and have no idea why they just exploded. These things can happen by accident even multiple times. I have seen survivors run into multiple mines by accident. And marines are almost always near mines. If they do do it to detonate it is rule 7.
Healing is upto a full mod and I would not do it unless they had significant damage/death. And mines normaly do minor spread out damage that at most will break a bone. If the healing means a player missing 30 minutes of round time I will heal them.
If they already had broken bones, ib or anything I would not heal them.
I do not think any mod will see the diffrence in opinion in healing as a huge issue.
Healing is upto a full mod and I would not do it unless they had significant damage/death. And mines normaly do minor spread out damage that at most will break a bone. If the healing means a player missing 30 minutes of round time I will heal them.
If they already had broken bones, ib or anything I would not heal them.
I do not think any mod will see the diffrence in opinion in healing as a huge issue.

- Mvp777
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Re: Mvp777 - Moderator Application
Thanks for the advice and info, Awan. I was running off the assumption that the player in question was deliberately detonating mines, if they weren't i would PM them and cleanly explain WHY the mines are exploding, after that i'd suggest they find a way to move the alien without detonating the mines or stop dragging them all together, after that i'd just add a note explaining what happened and the circumstances behind them as roughly "Detonated multiple mines via dragging xeno bodies, didn't seem to understand that dragging bodies detonated mines, explained how mines worked, warned them to stop doing so and they understood, situation resolved." or so.awan wrote: ↑22 May 2018, 09:29For me it depends a bit. There are people who do not see mines and have no idea why they just exploded. These things can happen by accident even multiple times. I have seen survivors run into multiple mines by accident. And marines are almost always near mines. If they do do it to detonate it is rule 7.
Healing is upto a full mod and I would not do it unless they had significant damage/death. And mines normaly do minor spread out damage that at most will break a bone. If the healing means a player missing 30 minutes of round time I will heal them.
If they already had broken bones, ib or anything I would not heal them.
I do not think any mod will see the diffrence in opinion in healing as a huge issue.

- Kavlo
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Re: Mvp777 - Moderator Application
I'm happy enough with this answer especially since I left it fairly open ended and Awan answered your question relating to ahealing.Mvp777 wrote: ↑22 May 2018, 09:03PM them and firstly tell them to stop dragging dead alien bodies over mines, secondly ask them to explain just why they are detonating mines for absolutely no reason, and continue to do so even though its obvious that it's harming other players and their own team. Point out that their actions constitute griefing, which is against general rule 7. While messaging them check their note history for any notes of similar behavior/excessive amounts of notes.
Should their note history be relatively clean/long period of time since they caused an issue comparative to their playtime, Issue a warning, warn them that detonating more mines will net them a severe punishment and add a note. Keep an eye on the player in question until the round ends.
Should their note history show prior history of griefy behavior or have an excessive amount of negative notes, issue a 3-12 hour ban and add a note to their history detailing their actions.
One last question, in a situation such as this would Ahealing the griefed players be proper, or just let them get their injuries fixed In Game?, furthermore is there any way in which i could've done things differently/better in the situation described above?
Lochlann Healy the Marine Here's my good ol' dossier!

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Re: Mvp777 - Moderator Application
Yesure +1!
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- Mvp777
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Re: Mvp777 - Moderator Application
All i can say is thank you to both of you for giving me this chance.

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Re: Mvp777 - Moderator Application
As far as 14 goes, just a week ban should do if there's no other history. Perma's are more for players who prove a consistent problem, ban escalation as a standard is a warning to a 3 hour ban, to a day, to 3 days, to a week.
I wouldn't mind you as a trial moderator with these answers altogether, though I'm not certain whether you would ban someone when they already had a warning on something with what you say on depending on history. Anything like that would come up on trial as where bans are appropriate I suppose.
I wouldn't mind you as a trial moderator with these answers altogether, though I'm not certain whether you would ban someone when they already had a warning on something with what you say on depending on history. Anything like that would come up on trial as where bans are appropriate I suppose.
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Planet Earth is blue, and there's nothing left to do.
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- Mvp777
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Re: Mvp777 - Moderator Application
Thanks for the vote of confidence.Solarmare wrote: ↑25 May 2018, 02:57As far as 14 goes, just a week ban should do if there's no other history. Perma's are more for players who prove a consistent problem, ban escalation as a standard is a warning to a 3 hour ban, to a day, to 3 days, to a week.
I wouldn't mind you as a trial moderator with these answers altogether, though I'm not certain whether you would ban someone when they already had a warning on something with what you say on depending on history. Anything like that would come up on trial as where bans are appropriate I suppose.
This application itself is as much as a learning experience for me as it is an application.

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Re: Mvp777 - Moderator Application
Sure +1
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Re: Mvp777 - Moderator Application
As Solarmare said, you should pay more attention to protocol. I would suggest you use internal chat for duration of trial if you need confirmation on ban times.
I give you +1 mostly for knowing you and glancing review of this app
I give you +1 mostly for knowing you and glancing review of this app

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Re: Mvp777 - Moderator Application
I apologize for how long it's taken me to get to this. I took a personal hiatus for a few weeks. I'm going to go ahead and accept this. Check your inbox.