Desmet - Moderator Application
- Desmet
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- Byond: Desmet
Desmet - Moderator Application
Byond ID: Desmet
Colonial Marines Character: Xander 'Baldie' Vegas, Rylan 'Blue' Cooper (some time ago), Des Aegis(long back on sulaco, played little)
Age: 20
Gender: Male
Timezone: +5:30
On average, how many hours are you available per week to moderate? 15+ hours after mid-July, 30+ hours now(college vacations)
Do you have any previous experience in being staff (not just SS13)? No
Did you play any of the previous Colonial Marine servers? Prev CM Servers?
I guess no, if sulaco was on this same server
What are the 3 biggest servers you play on besides CM?
Provide links to any previous Colonial Marines applications that you've made:
Are you currently a staff member elsewhere (not just SS13)? If so, where? Have you ever been banned for more than 24 hours on Colonial Marines?
Nope, not that I remember
Have you ever been banned for more than 24 hours on ANY server? If so, which server, when, and what for?
Are you familiar with the chat program Slack (its use is required)?
Common Staff Situations:
Write a description of what you would do in each of the following situations. Do not write on the same line as the situation - use the space below it or make space as needed. Failure to do this proves your inability to follow instructions and your application will be automatically denied.
1. A player randomly shoots someone at round start and MPs have detained him.
Warn the guy low RP is not tolerated and rest MPs have already taken care of IC issue
2. The ship has a breach to space and a bunch of players have died or are dying as a result.
Fix breach and players. It shouldn't happen on our server RP wise too until its an event. No atmos fuckups.
3. You see a player walking around the ship naked and clearly lost.
Get him to a mentor or if there's none, guide him around the game
4. A player is being very rude to you in Adminhelps and requesting to speak to an Admin+ staff member.
Ask them to stop. Ask for a valid reason to speak to higher staff. If there's none, handle him calmly and warn him. If he is persistent, ask him to go to forums. If he still persists, warn him and check notes and then ban on further escalation of issue.
5. You notice a player with a name that doesn't fit our naming rules. The player is arguing that: They've used the name for several years, no one has told them to change it before, and that they didn't know it was a rule.
Check Notes. If no one has allowed them, ask them to change it. If they don't, short ban. If notes says, the occurrence is common and has happened recently. Longer ban.
6. You see a Maintenance Tech running around in armor and carrying a rifle. The security level is green with no threat present.
IC issue. If its a new guy, call mentor.
7. You see a Squad Medic performing surgery on the planet. He claims it was because there were no doctors in the FOB.
Powergaming, warn them it's not allowed. Check Notes. If it has already happened in past. Ban. I don't play medic usually but I think skill system prevents it.
8. The round is stagnating. There are 30 marines and 4 aliens. The marines won't leave the ship, and the aliens won't attack. What would you do, to "encourage" the sides to engage each other?
ARES or Mother Queen guidance is what is needed. Or High Command orders to redeploy. One of them should work.
9. The round ends, a MARINE starts shooting a hostile CLF member and the CLF member Adminhelps complaining he was killed after the round ended.
Explain that cross teams fights are allowed. EORG is FFing friendlies after round end.
10. A marine is running around disarming, punching and stealing gear at round start.
MPs gonna put him in brig for hooliganism I guess. If none is around, I will warn him about low RP and if he still continues, check notes to determine suitable punishment
11. A marine has killed another marine. When you ask him why, he said it was because the other marine had punched him.
low RP. Check both player notes and logs. If it hasn't been RPed. Inform him, it violates rules and if he is not clear then don't attempt this type of RP. Give him 3-hour ban and ask him to read rules properly.
12. An issue arises that requires Admin+ abilities.
Let them handle. If it seems they are not aware, inform them. If there are none online, ping on slack/discord.
13. There are minor racist comments going on IC. 9 of the 10 people are laughing and RPing but one player gets offended and Adminhelps about it.
Tell them its how marines behaves and minor can work in IC. Ask him to chill out and act it out like maybe shove the player who said it. Its med-RP server. Also notify others not to make hard racist comments.
14. A marine opens fire at round start in briefing killing multiple marines and instantly logs off.
3-day ban. Check Notes. If it has happened before, make ban of a week. Request for perma-ban on forums.
15. You see a player playing a xeno larva/chestburster run towards the frontlines and die.
Check Notes. If they are new, tell them not to do it. Refer them to mentor for guidance on game. If the history is good and it seems unintentional, let it go. If it's intentional, warn them its low RP, grief and possibly job-ban depending on history.
16. You see a xeno memeing, saying AYYLMAO, REEEEEE etc in hivemind chat.
One statement can be ignored else warn him about low RP. Persistent low RP after warning earns 3 hour ban.
17. A xeno player calls the shuttle a "dropship". A different xeno player complains to you that it's metagaming/failRP to call it a "dropship".
Its acceptable. Will inform other guy common English words work to refer to those stuff as we are simulating hive mind communication in English.
18. A Command staff player at briefing near round-start mentions there are aliens on the planet.
Inform its meta. Ask them to contain situation by 'modifying' their words so that aliens seems far fetched idea or its a bad dream, whatever he can think of it. Check notes. If he is meta-gamer, job-ban or 3 hour ban depending on his history.
19. A Marine kills another Marine on the EVAC Pod to take the last spot and claims it was RP as he was saving himself.
If the situation was RPed, like some verbal stuff, pushing, shoving, fist-fight and all then it works. If he just barge in and shoot, it counts as grief. Inform and punish.
20. You see a fellow staff member give wrong information in an Adminhelp or incorrectly enforcing a rule.
I will inform the staff guy, get the info confirmed with senior or other members and will ask him to reply to concerned again or ask him if he don't mind me reply to the lad. If he doesn't want me to reply and I think he is wrong, ping senior staff.
20a. You see a fellow staff member abusing his powers in-game.
Inform him he is doing it wrong. Ping senior staff via slack/discord.
21. You see a player talking in OOC chat about what he did with your mom last night.
Don't Care.
Any additional information you'd like to add?
I am just an average player who wish to contribute to the community. I initially planned to apply in dev team but then I thought maybe get to know the community first. I have played in past but has become regular recently. I have time on hands to moderate and, hence, I applied.
Colonial Marines Character: Xander 'Baldie' Vegas, Rylan 'Blue' Cooper (some time ago), Des Aegis(long back on sulaco, played little)
Age: 20
Gender: Male
Timezone: +5:30
On average, how many hours are you available per week to moderate? 15+ hours after mid-July, 30+ hours now(college vacations)
Do you have any previous experience in being staff (not just SS13)? No
Did you play any of the previous Colonial Marine servers? Prev CM Servers?
I guess no, if sulaco was on this same server
What are the 3 biggest servers you play on besides CM?
Provide links to any previous Colonial Marines applications that you've made:
Are you currently a staff member elsewhere (not just SS13)? If so, where? Have you ever been banned for more than 24 hours on Colonial Marines?
Nope, not that I remember
Have you ever been banned for more than 24 hours on ANY server? If so, which server, when, and what for?
Are you familiar with the chat program Slack (its use is required)?
Common Staff Situations:
Write a description of what you would do in each of the following situations. Do not write on the same line as the situation - use the space below it or make space as needed. Failure to do this proves your inability to follow instructions and your application will be automatically denied.
1. A player randomly shoots someone at round start and MPs have detained him.
Warn the guy low RP is not tolerated and rest MPs have already taken care of IC issue
2. The ship has a breach to space and a bunch of players have died or are dying as a result.
Fix breach and players. It shouldn't happen on our server RP wise too until its an event. No atmos fuckups.
3. You see a player walking around the ship naked and clearly lost.
Get him to a mentor or if there's none, guide him around the game
4. A player is being very rude to you in Adminhelps and requesting to speak to an Admin+ staff member.
Ask them to stop. Ask for a valid reason to speak to higher staff. If there's none, handle him calmly and warn him. If he is persistent, ask him to go to forums. If he still persists, warn him and check notes and then ban on further escalation of issue.
5. You notice a player with a name that doesn't fit our naming rules. The player is arguing that: They've used the name for several years, no one has told them to change it before, and that they didn't know it was a rule.
Check Notes. If no one has allowed them, ask them to change it. If they don't, short ban. If notes says, the occurrence is common and has happened recently. Longer ban.
6. You see a Maintenance Tech running around in armor and carrying a rifle. The security level is green with no threat present.
IC issue. If its a new guy, call mentor.
7. You see a Squad Medic performing surgery on the planet. He claims it was because there were no doctors in the FOB.
Powergaming, warn them it's not allowed. Check Notes. If it has already happened in past. Ban. I don't play medic usually but I think skill system prevents it.
8. The round is stagnating. There are 30 marines and 4 aliens. The marines won't leave the ship, and the aliens won't attack. What would you do, to "encourage" the sides to engage each other?
ARES or Mother Queen guidance is what is needed. Or High Command orders to redeploy. One of them should work.
9. The round ends, a MARINE starts shooting a hostile CLF member and the CLF member Adminhelps complaining he was killed after the round ended.
Explain that cross teams fights are allowed. EORG is FFing friendlies after round end.
10. A marine is running around disarming, punching and stealing gear at round start.
MPs gonna put him in brig for hooliganism I guess. If none is around, I will warn him about low RP and if he still continues, check notes to determine suitable punishment
11. A marine has killed another marine. When you ask him why, he said it was because the other marine had punched him.
low RP. Check both player notes and logs. If it hasn't been RPed. Inform him, it violates rules and if he is not clear then don't attempt this type of RP. Give him 3-hour ban and ask him to read rules properly.
12. An issue arises that requires Admin+ abilities.
Let them handle. If it seems they are not aware, inform them. If there are none online, ping on slack/discord.
13. There are minor racist comments going on IC. 9 of the 10 people are laughing and RPing but one player gets offended and Adminhelps about it.
Tell them its how marines behaves and minor can work in IC. Ask him to chill out and act it out like maybe shove the player who said it. Its med-RP server. Also notify others not to make hard racist comments.
14. A marine opens fire at round start in briefing killing multiple marines and instantly logs off.
3-day ban. Check Notes. If it has happened before, make ban of a week. Request for perma-ban on forums.
15. You see a player playing a xeno larva/chestburster run towards the frontlines and die.
Check Notes. If they are new, tell them not to do it. Refer them to mentor for guidance on game. If the history is good and it seems unintentional, let it go. If it's intentional, warn them its low RP, grief and possibly job-ban depending on history.
16. You see a xeno memeing, saying AYYLMAO, REEEEEE etc in hivemind chat.
One statement can be ignored else warn him about low RP. Persistent low RP after warning earns 3 hour ban.
17. A xeno player calls the shuttle a "dropship". A different xeno player complains to you that it's metagaming/failRP to call it a "dropship".
Its acceptable. Will inform other guy common English words work to refer to those stuff as we are simulating hive mind communication in English.
18. A Command staff player at briefing near round-start mentions there are aliens on the planet.
Inform its meta. Ask them to contain situation by 'modifying' their words so that aliens seems far fetched idea or its a bad dream, whatever he can think of it. Check notes. If he is meta-gamer, job-ban or 3 hour ban depending on his history.
19. A Marine kills another Marine on the EVAC Pod to take the last spot and claims it was RP as he was saving himself.
If the situation was RPed, like some verbal stuff, pushing, shoving, fist-fight and all then it works. If he just barge in and shoot, it counts as grief. Inform and punish.
20. You see a fellow staff member give wrong information in an Adminhelp or incorrectly enforcing a rule.
I will inform the staff guy, get the info confirmed with senior or other members and will ask him to reply to concerned again or ask him if he don't mind me reply to the lad. If he doesn't want me to reply and I think he is wrong, ping senior staff.
20a. You see a fellow staff member abusing his powers in-game.
Inform him he is doing it wrong. Ping senior staff via slack/discord.
21. You see a player talking in OOC chat about what he did with your mom last night.
Don't Care.
Any additional information you'd like to add?
I am just an average player who wish to contribute to the community. I initially planned to apply in dev team but then I thought maybe get to know the community first. I have played in past but has become regular recently. I have time on hands to moderate and, hence, I applied.
- Desmet
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- Joined: 14 Apr 2017, 09:12
- Location: India
- Byond: Desmet
Re: Desmet - Moderator Application
forgot to add: made forum account awhile back and hence its in short Des whereas my ckey on byond is Desmet
- awan
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Re: Desmet - Moderator Application
I am going to go into your awnser a bit more.
So far nothing that cannot be dealt with during a trial.
I am going to give 3 situations and I would like some more depth in what you would do.
You can pick the two of these you want to reply to but I do want a reply with everything you would do try not to leave anything out.
Just after you have warned a player they make a staff report about you on the forums.
You get an ahelp saying a pred violated the code of honor by killing them. (Because according to them they were a pilot officer and were dragging wounded into the dropship and flying the dropship not fighting.)
A survivor ahelps saying the aliens are metagaming by hunting him.
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I am going to give 3 situations and I would like some more depth in what you would do.
You can pick the two of these you want to reply to but I do want a reply with everything you would do try not to leave anything out.
Just after you have warned a player they make a staff report about you on the forums.
You get an ahelp saying a pred violated the code of honor by killing them. (Because according to them they were a pilot officer and were dragging wounded into the dropship and flying the dropship not fighting.)
A survivor ahelps saying the aliens are metagaming by hunting him.

- z a n e b o t
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- Byond: z a n e b o t
Re: Desmet - Moderator Application
Eh..application answers are a bit short, gonna remain neutral until some situations are answered. So here's one.
A group of marines begin a mutiny that has not been approved by admins, and the situation is deteriorating by the second with more and more people starting to fight. How do you react to the situation?
A group of marines begin a mutiny that has not been approved by admins, and the situation is deteriorating by the second with more and more people starting to fight. How do you react to the situation?
Randal Wilkerson
Jamie goes mad with power
Jamie goes mad with power
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- MauroVega
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Re: Desmet - Moderator Application
I am going with Awan on this one, he marked most of the things i noticed
Also for 21 you should note their behavior and or mute them from LOOC, if they have notes about it a ban is in place
Now, let's see:
Would you ban a player that is ruining the enjoyment for others or would you try to get a mentor to educate them to be a better player
A group of marines (after the first deployment, let's say 14) are shouting and screaming to the wall intercom to get req giving out attachments, the RO denied them the attachments and some are starting to break windows and one of the engineers is using C4 on a wall
how would you handle it
Also for 21 you should note their behavior and or mute them from LOOC, if they have notes about it a ban is in place
Now, let's see:
Would you ban a player that is ruining the enjoyment for others or would you try to get a mentor to educate them to be a better player
A group of marines (after the first deployment, let's say 14) are shouting and screaming to the wall intercom to get req giving out attachments, the RO denied them the attachments and some are starting to break windows and one of the engineers is using C4 on a wall
how would you handle it
Last edited by MauroVega on 30 May 2018, 13:30, edited 2 times in total.
“Treat your men as you would your own beloved sons. And they will follow you into the deepest valley.”
― Sun Tzu, The Art of War
What happens when marine RP collides with standard RP
Natalia 'Nutella' Quiroga
― Sun Tzu, The Art of War

Natalia 'Nutella' Quiroga

- TheMusician321
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Re: Desmet - Moderator Application
Awan's pretty much covered it, a little addition to 6 though, if you have the time check if they're stockpiling weapons/building a meta-fort for when the xenos board.
here's a little scenario for you, it's round start low pop and there's no req staff. marines start to break into Req and start to loot it, there are no MPs, what would you do?
here's a little scenario for you, it's round start low pop and there's no req staff. marines start to break into Req and start to loot it, there are no MPs, what would you do?

Ed 'Wafflecone' Martin bites the Mature Hunter (251)!
I play as Ed 'Waffles' Martin or his sister, Amaryllis 'Pancakes' Martin.
Never Forget, Dust Raider. 10/15/17.
- Desmet
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- Byond: Desmet
Re: Desmet - Moderator Application
1.awan wrote: ↑30 May 2018, 12:46I am going to go into your awnser a bit more.
So far nothing that cannot be dealt with during a trial.► Show Spoiler
I am going to give 3 situations and I would like some more depth in what you would do.
You can pick the two of these you want to reply to but I do want a reply with everything you would do try not to leave anything out.
Just after you have warned a player they make a staff report about you on the forums.
You get an ahelp saying a pred violated the code of honor by killing them. (Because according to them they were a pilot officer and were dragging wounded into the dropship and flying the dropship not fighting.)
A survivor ahelps saying the aliens are metagaming by hunting him.
I would ask Pred whether the prey was worthy, dishonorable or unworthy and on what grounds. I would ask the PO whether they were carrying weapons, they engaged Preds before, had any pred equipments, said something about CASing preds. I will check their notes and also logs. Pred will most likely not engage a PO who is dragging wounded. Hearing both side would be my top priority, then is logs and notes(Notes can give credibility to recognition of low RP by pred or if PO could have missed signs why he was targeted). Then if I am unable to decide, I will drop an OOC message to ahelp if someone knows regarding the matter. Depending on what it turns out to be, I will explain the reason to PO why he was targeted and how it all originated if pred's reason has credibility or post on forums about pred's breach of code if pred didn't have a good reason and assure PO that his whitelisted will be challenged on the forums.
Xenos are to hunt survivors and capture or kill them according to queen orders/threat level. And survivor has to survive it. That's part of the job. I will inform him the stated thing and that they all are doing their jobs. Also tell him to check wiki on survival role.
- Desmet
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- Location: India
- Byond: Desmet
Re: Desmet - Moderator Application
State in OOC mutiny is not authorized and bans will be handed out if they dont stop. Investigate the reason behind it. Check notes of those involved, mainly command and major faces in mutiny. If command is messing up, Message as High command that command staff may be put on trial due to their incompetence. (To fix IC gap on sudden mutiny halt and give marines reason not to mutiny). If the player is new as command staff, get him a mentor that helps him. Bans on those who still do it. If it's a command fuckup and marines had a good reason then after mutiny stopped, to prevent all marines getting brigged, message as high command to command stuff that marines will be trialed later after the operation. And only brig/punish those with very severe crimes(like who killed others).z a n e b o t wrote: ↑30 May 2018, 12:50Eh..application answers are a bit short, gonna remain neutral until some situations are answered. So here's one.
A group of marines begin a mutiny that has not been approved by admins, and the situation is deteriorating by the second with more and more people starting to fight. How do you react to the situation?
PS: Never been a mod before so may not know much stuff. But I am open to learning how to handle things and cool-headed.
- Desmet
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- Location: India
- Byond: Desmet
Re: Desmet - Moderator Application
1.MauroVega wrote: ↑30 May 2018, 13:19I am going with Awan on this one, he marked most of the things i noticed
Also for 21 you should note their behavior and or mute them from LOOC, if they have notes about it a ban is in place
Now, let's see:
Would you ban a player that is ruining the enjoyment for others or would you try to get a mentor to educate them to be a better player
A group of marines (after the first deployment, let's say 14) are shouting and screaming to the wall intercom to get req giving out attachments, the RO denied them the attachments and some are starting to break windows and one of the engineers is using C4 on a wall
how would you handle it
No situation attached. So, I will be generalizing. Major factors would be the situation and history(notes). If you wanna know my inclination, I prefer mentor education and if the guy is receptive, its all good. But if notes say, multiple instances of misbehaviour, I would warn/ban him according to the situation as all players have fun is our top priority.
See if MPs can handle it. Breaking windows is marines discontent and an IC issue and should not require moderation. Engi C4ing does require it. Warn him its low-RP and brig time by MPs should do it. If its low pop, and there are no MPs, these things are much more severe and has greater effect on round. Engi deserves a 3 hour ban then and OOC Warning for others on not to fuck up req as in lowpop basically the round could go fubar for marines due to that. All these is assuming req only denied attachments.
- MauroVega
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Re: Desmet - Moderator Application
The first answer is good
The second one, not so much, going so LRP and unga dunga over attachments is a huge no, at the minimum they should get noted for it, be it high or low RP
the engineer part was handled ok, if they have previous notes for similar issues a ban from Squad engineer might also be in place
I also don't see any note checking mentioned on any of the 14 marines involved, it might be something recurrent they do and have been banned over it before, it might be a first case, you also did not, the MP's part was good, the answer show's some knowledge, but marines going so low for attachments is not ok
I'll remain neutral leaning to a -1 for now
The second one, not so much, going so LRP and unga dunga over attachments is a huge no, at the minimum they should get noted for it, be it high or low RP
the engineer part was handled ok, if they have previous notes for similar issues a ban from Squad engineer might also be in place
I also don't see any note checking mentioned on any of the 14 marines involved, it might be something recurrent they do and have been banned over it before, it might be a first case, you also did not, the MP's part was good, the answer show's some knowledge, but marines going so low for attachments is not ok
I'll remain neutral leaning to a -1 for now
“Treat your men as you would your own beloved sons. And they will follow you into the deepest valley.”
― Sun Tzu, The Art of War
What happens when marine RP collides with standard RP
Natalia 'Nutella' Quiroga
― Sun Tzu, The Art of War

Natalia 'Nutella' Quiroga

- Desmet
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- Location: India
- Byond: Desmet
Re: Desmet - Moderator Application
Agreed on 2nd answer, was going again through RP guidelines and noticed unga for attachments is a big no. was gonna edit to warn on new players and ban on existing mischief makers. But since you already pointed out, I will leave it as it is to not break replies flow I guess. I misjudged the severity. I appreciate your judgement and review. Sounds justified to me since 2nd question has more scope in judging one's judgement.MauroVega wrote: ↑30 May 2018, 16:11The first answer is good
The second one, not so much, going so LRP and unga dunga over attachments is a huge no, at the minimum they should get noted for it, be it high or low RP
the engineer part was handled ok, if they have previous notes for similar issues a ban from Squad engineer might also be in place
I also don't see any note checking mentioned on any of the 14 marines involved, it might be something recurrent they do and have been banned over it before, it might be a first case, you also did not, the MP's part was good, the answer show's some knowledge, but marines going so low for attachments is not ok
I'll remain neutral leaning to a -1 for now
- z a n e b o t
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- Byond: z a n e b o t
Re: Desmet - Moderator Application
That was a pretty good response, since you've never been a mod. I think you'll do well in the trial phase since it's all about learning.Des wrote: ↑30 May 2018, 15:40State in OOC mutiny is not authorized and bans will be handed out if they dont stop. Investigate the reason behind it. Check notes of those involved, mainly command and major faces in mutiny. If command is messing up, Message as High command that command staff may be put on trial due to their incompetence. (To fix IC gap on sudden mutiny halt and give marines reason not to mutiny). If the player is new as command staff, get him a mentor that helps him. Bans on those who still do it. If it's a command fuckup and marines had a good reason then after mutiny stopped, to prevent all marines getting brigged, message as high command to command stuff that marines will be trialed later after the operation. And only brig/punish those with very severe crimes(like who killed others).
PS: Never been a mod before so may not know much stuff. But I am open to learning how to handle things and cool-headed.
Changing to +1.
Randal Wilkerson
Jamie goes mad with power
Jamie goes mad with power
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- Desmet
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- Byond: Desmet
Re: Desmet - Moderator Application
About the remark on 21. Is it expected of me to mute or ban them if he specifically comments on me or is it what I can do to him for what he said? Because personally I dont care about screaming hot headed kids until they are making fuss and disturbing others.MauroVega wrote: ↑30 May 2018, 13:19I am going with Awan on this one, he marked most of the things i noticed
Also for 21 you should note their behavior and or mute them from LOOC, if they have notes about it a ban is in place
Now, let's see:
Would you ban a player that is ruining the enjoyment for others or would you try to get a mentor to educate them to be a better player
A group of marines (after the first deployment, let's say 14) are shouting and screaming to the wall intercom to get req giving out attachments, the RO denied them the attachments and some are starting to break windows and one of the engineers is using C4 on a wall
how would you handle it
- Desmet
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- Byond: Desmet
Re: Desmet - Moderator Application
Ah yes, missed the meta forts part.TheMusician321 wrote: ↑30 May 2018, 13:49Awan's pretty much covered it, a little addition to 6 though, if you have the time check if they're stockpiling weapons/building a meta-fort for when the xenos board.
here's a little scenario for you, it's round start low pop and there's no req staff. marines start to break into Req and start to loot it, there are no MPs, what would you do?
OOC Message: "Low RP at round start is 3 hour ban and that includes looting req on round start". Check Notes of involved. Warn 1st timers. 3 hour Ban to those who have done it recently. RP rules have become stricter at round start as sound marine wouldnt go unga on command and almayer at round start without any good reason. And low-RP situation at round start should be dealt in a more strict manner to save the round.
I did not mention checking notes everywhere. Where it is specifically mentioned, I mean I am checking it thoroughly with some purpose. Where it's not, I will be lightly going over it while PMing the concerned for my reference on how to handle his specific issue. If I see it's a player who has played enough, simple explanations would work or if he/she's new then more detailed explanation and possibly a mentor would require.
Also I left adding notes as step in all my responses as I believe it's part of the protocol and whenever I warn/ban someone I will be adding it and, hence, did not specifically mention it. Just wanted to clarify I didn't forget it.
Also I am not aware of what verbs are available to mods. Is there any list I can refer to so my answers are according to what can be done by mods?
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Re: Desmet - Moderator Application
My additional questions:
1. You find few dead farwas on the planet. After checking you found out that they were killed by the same marine. When PMed they respond that they received order from their higher-up.
2. You see a player walking around the ship naked. When you PM them, they do not reply and continue moving.
1. You find few dead farwas on the planet. After checking you found out that they were killed by the same marine. When PMed they respond that they received order from their higher-up.
2. You see a player walking around the ship naked. When you PM them, they do not reply and continue moving.

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- Aceluke123
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Re: Desmet - Moderator Application
I'll go through your answers as well as some confusion I've seen happen.
So on most of your answers, I'd like more note checking. That is always important on knowing how to move forward and respond to many of the ahelps you are probably going to be dealing with. Unless it's super minor you should be checking notes all the time. Though you overall don't have a bad mindset from the answers and things you seem to know how to answer. Also since you don't really have ban times down I'll explain that we go sorta by a system.
3 hours to 1 day to 3 days to 1 week for most bans.
Though if accepted as a trial mod I'd expect you to probably ask other moderators/admins what you think you should give if you're not confident in a ban time.
As your answers to the original questions are rather short I may critique them a bit.
Overall decent answers though I critiqued heavily. You're doing fine answering the other mods so keep it up because you get my +1 at the least.
So on most of your answers, I'd like more note checking. That is always important on knowing how to move forward and respond to many of the ahelps you are probably going to be dealing with. Unless it's super minor you should be checking notes all the time. Though you overall don't have a bad mindset from the answers and things you seem to know how to answer. Also since you don't really have ban times down I'll explain that we go sorta by a system.
3 hours to 1 day to 3 days to 1 week for most bans.
Though if accepted as a trial mod I'd expect you to probably ask other moderators/admins what you think you should give if you're not confident in a ban time.
As your answers to the original questions are rather short I may critique them a bit.
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Nicknamed 'Clover,' 'Lover,' and... well I'd rather not say.
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-Alex Rossfield
Nicknamed 'Clover,' 'Lover,' and... well I'd rather not say.
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Re: Desmet - Moderator Application
No, it's really down to yourself and the note history, but do note them about it, also the mute is only for quien constant and or disturbing others, like you said
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― Sun Tzu, The Art of War
What happens when marine RP collides with standard RP
Natalia 'Nutella' Quiroga
― Sun Tzu, The Art of War

Natalia 'Nutella' Quiroga

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Re: Desmet - Moderator Application
good answer, +1 any other flaws can be fixed in trial.

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Re: Desmet - Moderator Application
Sorry for the late reply. My laptop charger port fucked up and I was offline until I could get it replaced.NethIafins wrote: ↑31 May 2018, 03:02My additional questions:
1. You find few dead farwas on the planet. After checking you found out that they were killed by the same marine. When PMed they respond that they received order from their higher-up.
2. You see a player walking around the ship naked. When you PM them, they do not reply and continue moving.
It is not allowed and is meta-gaming but I couldn't find any rule that specifically prohibits it. So, there's high chance that new players may not think as meta-gaming. I will check the notes of both the player and the officer in command who ordered. If the player is new, I would inform the player that it is not allowed and if he is ordered to in future, he should ahelp and then will add note that the player has been notified of the thing. If command is new, I will warn him for the same and add a note. If there's a note saying that the player has been warned of meta-gaming for the same stuff, warning/3-hr ban on him would be imposed. If command officer has notes saying of similar previous act, then he gets possible job-ban and 3 hour-ban.
The issue is not specifically mentioned in rules but I have seen OOC warnings by mods in the past. So, I would prefer to consult the warn/ban thing with other staff especially for the player who was following orders of command. Also I am unsure about the severity so consulting others would be best. If no other staff is online, I will warn them both, add note for possible job ban on command staff and get on with it until some other staff comes online. I will prefer to keep punishment to minimum when I am unsure about the severity.
I will message him again to respond, check notes and then I will put him to sleep so he focuses on chat rather than moving around. If the person is super new to SS13 or he has played before could be judged based on notes. For super new players, I will message them how they can respond to my message and that we have frozen him and we will guide him. There could be technical difficulties too, so I will wait a little and maybe PM them on BYOND on further lack of response. If he still doesn't respond, I will kick him so the attention could go to byond message and out of game. When he comes back and still doesn't respond, I will probably leave a message that he can contact us to learn game and leave him be so he figures out the game a little by himself maybe and I will be checking on him from time to time and also inform other staff that either the guy is super new or could be upto mischief and to keep an eye whenever anyone has time.
Probably, I will drop a message to CMP, that the particular person seems to be brain washed or pretending to be brain washed and tell him to keep an eye on him for any mischief and help him if he really needs it. It could provide RP to MPs maybe. I would prefer to consult other staff on the last part.
If the guy is found to be breaking some serious rules. Appropriate warning/ban would be applied irrespective of whether he replies or not. His not replying is his fault in that case.
- Desmet
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Re: Desmet - Moderator Application
Critique comments are appreciated. I would initially prefer to have a second opinion before applying any punishment as I may misjudge severity.Aceluke123 wrote: ↑31 May 2018, 09:16I'll go through your answers as well as some confusion I've seen happen.
So on most of your answers, I'd like more note checking. That is always important on knowing how to move forward and respond to many of the ahelps you are probably going to be dealing with. Unless it's super minor you should be checking notes all the time. Though you overall don't have a bad mindset from the answers and things you seem to know how to answer. Also since you don't really have ban times down I'll explain that we go sorta by a system.
3 hours to 1 day to 3 days to 1 week for most bans.
Though if accepted as a trial mod I'd expect you to probably ask other moderators/admins what you think you should give if you're not confident in a ban time.
As your answers to the original questions are rather short I may critique them a bit.Overall decent answers though I critiqued heavily. You're doing fine answering the other mods so keep it up because you get my +1 at the least.► Show Spoiler
- NethIafins
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Re: Desmet - Moderator Application
good responses.
#1 is mostly powergaming/metagaming. Your task is to find if it was malicious or not. Also noone can force you to break game rules except Admin.
#1 is mostly powergaming/metagaming. Your task is to find if it was malicious or not. Also noone can force you to break game rules except Admin.

Do you remember our home and mother?
I'll die, don't bother.
It's just like walking on water.
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- Desmet
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Re: Desmet - Moderator Application
I am sorry I didn't quite understand your comment on #1 well enough. What do you mean by identifying it as malicious or not? Can you please elaborate?NethIafins wrote: ↑02 Jun 2018, 13:46good responses.
#1 is mostly powergaming/metagaming. Your task is to find if it was malicious or not. Also noone can force you to break game rules except Admin.
- Aceluke123
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Re: Desmet - Moderator Application
On this, I would actually say to leave them alone as its mostly IC. This is in the event that it seems like they are memeing and don't respond it's not a good idea to sleep a new player. As you should be leaving them alone until they are breaking a rule of the server. If you do feel they are screwing around rather than innocently just wandering the ship then you can PM them and try to get a response.Des wrote: ↑02 Jun 2018, 13:122.
I will message him again to respond, check notes and then I will put him to sleep so he focuses on chat rather than moving around. If the person is super new to SS13 or he has played before could be judged based on notes. For super new players, I will message them how they can respond to my message and that we have frozen him and we will guide him. There could be technical difficulties too, so I will wait a little and maybe PM them on BYOND on further lack of response. If he still doesn't respond, I will kick him so the attention could go to byond message and out of game. When he comes back and still doesn't respond, I will probably leave a message that he can contact us to learn game and leave him be so he figures out the game a little by himself maybe and I will be checking on him from time to time and also inform other staff that either the guy is super new or could be upto mischief and to keep an eye whenever anyone has time.
Probably, I will drop a message to CMP, that the particular person seems to be brain washed or pretending to be brain washed and tell him to keep an eye on him for any mischief and help him if he really needs it. It could provide RP to MPs maybe. I would prefer to consult other staff on the last part.
If the guy is found to be breaking some serious rules. Appropriate warning/ban would be applied irrespective of whether he replies or not. His not replying is his fault in that case.
I was informed to leave those who are wandering newbies alone unless they break a rule of the server when I first started my trial so I can see why you responded with this.
I'm not crazy, you're crazy.
-Alex Rossfield
Nicknamed 'Clover,' 'Lover,' and... well I'd rather not say.
If I notice you, good job. It means you're probably worth my time.
Dossier - viewtopic.php?f=91&t=16782
-Alex Rossfield
Nicknamed 'Clover,' 'Lover,' and... well I'd rather not say.
If I notice you, good job. It means you're probably worth my time.
Dossier - viewtopic.php?f=91&t=16782
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- Desmet
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Re: Desmet - Moderator Application
I will keep that in mind. Thanks!Aceluke123 wrote: ↑02 Jun 2018, 17:41On this, I would actually say to leave them alone as its mostly IC. This is in the event that it seems like they are memeing and don't respond it's not a good idea to sleep a new player. As you should be leaving them alone until they are breaking a rule of the server. If you do feel they are screwing around rather than innocently just wandering the ship then you can PM them and try to get a response.
I was informed to leave those who are wandering newbies alone unless they break a rule of the server when I first started my trial so I can see why you responded with this.
- slc97
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Re: Desmet - Moderator Application
I'm going to go ahead and accept this, I apologize for this sitting as long as it did.