Sulaboy - Moderator Application
- Sulaboy
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- Byond: Sulaboy
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Sulaboy - Moderator Application
Byond ID: Sulaboy
Colonial Marines Character: Clancy 'Danger' Long
Age: 19
Gender: Male
Timezone: Eastern Time (UTC -5:00 / -4:00)
On average, how many hours are you available per week to moderate?
10 hours.
Do you have any previous experience in being staff (not just SS13)?
I have never been a staff member.
Did you play any of the previous Colonial Marine servers?
I haven't played on any of the previous Colonial Marine servers.
What are the 3 biggest servers you play on besides CM?
I used to play Aurora station, but haven't been on lately.
Provide links to any previous Colonial Marines applications that you've made:
Synthetic Application (Accepted)
Are you currently a staff member elsewhere (not just SS13)? If so, where?
I am not currently a staff member.
Have you ever been banned for more than 24 hours on Colonial Marines?
I have never been banned.
Have you ever been banned for more than 24 hours on ANY server? If so, which server, when, and what for?
Not as far as I know.
Are you familiar with the chat program Slack (its use is required)?
I watched this video
Common Staff Situations:
Write a description of what you would do in each of the following situations. Do not write on the same line as the situation - use the space below it or make space as needed. Failure to do this proves your inability to follow instructions and your application will be automatically denied.
1. A player randomly shoots someone at round start and MPs have detained him.
I'd send them a PM to ask why they shot the other player. I'd also check logs to see the attacks, and to find the name of the other player to send them a PM for their side of the story. Check the shooter's notes, and figure out if it was an accident, somehow IC (Not a lot of time to properly escalate at round-start), or grief.
2. The ship has a breach to space and a bunch of players have died or are dying as a result.
It shouldn't be possible to create a breach without admin intervention. I'd try to figure out how the breach was made. I'd message other staff online to see about how it was created, and if it needs to be plugged. I'm unsure of the ruling on breaches, but that is mostly because they don't happen.
3. You see a player walking around the ship naked and clearly lost.
PM him to see if he needs help, and try to set him up with a mentor. If there are no mentor or open tickets I'd see about walking them through gearing up or direct them to our quick start guide on the wiki.
4. A player is being very rude to you in Adminhelps and requesting to speak to an Admin+ staff member.
Answer their ahelp without sending up to an Admin+ because it isn't necessary. Add a note for their attitude towards staff.
5. You notice a player with a name that doesn't fit our naming rules. The player is arguing that: They've used the name for several years, no one has told them to change it before, and that they didn't know it was a rule.
The name still violates the naming rule. Ignorance of the rule isn't an excuse. Link them the rules and say that rule 12 is naming. Tell them to change the name, and note the encounter.
6. You see a Maintenance Tech running around in armor and carrying a rifle. The security level is green with no threat present.
IC issue. While I think it's in poor taste it would be up to the MPs to punish this. If someone ahelped about this then there might be some reason to PM the MT. Also I'm taking it that the MT wasn't deployed planet-side.
7. You see a Squad Medic performing surgery on the planet. He claims it was because there were no doctors in the FOB.
This is mechanically impossible with the skill system. If this was possible then it would be playing outside of your role.
8. The round is stagnating. There are 30 marines and 4 aliens. The marines won't leave the ship, and the aliens won't attack. What would you do, to "encourage" the sides to engage each other?
Do what I can to get the marines to redeploy, and the aliens to fight. I'd imagine this would be done by PMing a reluctant aCO, and the queen about moving the round along.
9. The round ends, a MARINE starts shooting a hostile CLF member and the CLF member Adminhelps complaining he was killed after the round ended.
End of round grief only covers attack logs against friendly players. The only way this could be EORG would be during an event round where the CLF and USCM were friendly factions for some reason.
10. A marine is running around disarming, punching and stealing gear at round start.
This would be an IC issue. It is the MPs job to punish the player. There is a point where this becomes griefing like stealing a specialist's gear and throwing it into the disposals without some form of escalation.
11. A marine has killed another marine. When you ask him why, he said it was because the other marine had punched him.
PM the other marine get the full story, check logs, and notes. This would probably be improper escalation (rule 16 lethal force). The player would be noted for the incident, and banned depending on his notes.
12. An issue arises that requires Admin+ abilities.
PM an online Admin if this isn't possible contact someone with Admin+ permissions through slack.
13. There are minor racist comments going on IC. 9 of the 10 people are laughing and RPing but one player gets offended and Adminhelps about it.
Tell the player that minor IC situations like this are not against the rules, and that if it became a larger problem that I would step in. If the comments stop being minor say in LOOC to tone it down. If it becomes a bigger problem then it would fall under rule 2 (don't be a dick).
14. A marine opens fire at round start in briefing killing multiple marines and instantly logs off.
The griefing pajama marine would get a 7 day ban, and with note history a possible permanent ban request.
15. You see a player playing a xeno larva/chestburster run towards the frontlines and die.
There is a possibility that this was accidental so I would ping the player, and investigate the situation. It is possible that he was confused on directions or was spawned near the front-lines. If the player rushed there to suicide they would be given a xeno job ban.
16. You see a xeno memeing, saying AYYLMAO, REEEEEE etc in hivemind chat.
PM the player to get them to stop memeing, and add a note. If they have a history of doing this despite
being warned not to they could be given a xeno job ban.
17. A xeno player calls the shuttle a "dropship". A different xeno player complains to you that it's metagaming/failRP to call it a "dropship".
This is fine just like calling out rooms on the Almayer is fine. The xenomorphs communicate through a hivemind, and would understand what one meant by "dropship".
18. A Command staff player at briefing near round-start mentions there are aliens on the planet.
PM the player and remind them that the do not know this information (rule 1). Add a note about the incident.
19. A Marine kills another Marine on the EVAC Pod to take the last spot and claims it was RP as he was saving himself.
This would probably be left IC. There would need to be some form of escalation. It wouldn't be RP to just shoot the marine because he was in the escape hallway there would need to be some exchanging of words. Walking to an escape pod and shooting one of the occupants wordlessly wouldn't be a good thing to do, but even then it could be left IC depending on the situation.
20. You see a fellow staff member give wrong information in an Adminhelp or incorrectly enforcing a rule.
Message the staff member on Slack, and try to correct their information so they can work through the mistake.
20a. You see a fellow staff member abusing his powers in-game.
Try to get some evidence, and forward it to their manager or mine.
21. You see a player talking in OOC chat about what he did with your mom last night.
Let the player be angry at round end.
Any additional information you'd like to add?
Life changes, and my time available may vary. I'd mostly be observing on week-day nights. I'm also open to trying to answer any additional questions.
Colonial Marines Character: Clancy 'Danger' Long
Age: 19
Gender: Male
Timezone: Eastern Time (UTC -5:00 / -4:00)
On average, how many hours are you available per week to moderate?
10 hours.
Do you have any previous experience in being staff (not just SS13)?
I have never been a staff member.
Did you play any of the previous Colonial Marine servers?
I haven't played on any of the previous Colonial Marine servers.
What are the 3 biggest servers you play on besides CM?
I used to play Aurora station, but haven't been on lately.
Provide links to any previous Colonial Marines applications that you've made:
Synthetic Application (Accepted)
Are you currently a staff member elsewhere (not just SS13)? If so, where?
I am not currently a staff member.
Have you ever been banned for more than 24 hours on Colonial Marines?
I have never been banned.
Have you ever been banned for more than 24 hours on ANY server? If so, which server, when, and what for?
Not as far as I know.
Are you familiar with the chat program Slack (its use is required)?
I watched this video
Common Staff Situations:
Write a description of what you would do in each of the following situations. Do not write on the same line as the situation - use the space below it or make space as needed. Failure to do this proves your inability to follow instructions and your application will be automatically denied.
1. A player randomly shoots someone at round start and MPs have detained him.
I'd send them a PM to ask why they shot the other player. I'd also check logs to see the attacks, and to find the name of the other player to send them a PM for their side of the story. Check the shooter's notes, and figure out if it was an accident, somehow IC (Not a lot of time to properly escalate at round-start), or grief.
2. The ship has a breach to space and a bunch of players have died or are dying as a result.
It shouldn't be possible to create a breach without admin intervention. I'd try to figure out how the breach was made. I'd message other staff online to see about how it was created, and if it needs to be plugged. I'm unsure of the ruling on breaches, but that is mostly because they don't happen.
3. You see a player walking around the ship naked and clearly lost.
PM him to see if he needs help, and try to set him up with a mentor. If there are no mentor or open tickets I'd see about walking them through gearing up or direct them to our quick start guide on the wiki.
4. A player is being very rude to you in Adminhelps and requesting to speak to an Admin+ staff member.
Answer their ahelp without sending up to an Admin+ because it isn't necessary. Add a note for their attitude towards staff.
5. You notice a player with a name that doesn't fit our naming rules. The player is arguing that: They've used the name for several years, no one has told them to change it before, and that they didn't know it was a rule.
The name still violates the naming rule. Ignorance of the rule isn't an excuse. Link them the rules and say that rule 12 is naming. Tell them to change the name, and note the encounter.
6. You see a Maintenance Tech running around in armor and carrying a rifle. The security level is green with no threat present.
IC issue. While I think it's in poor taste it would be up to the MPs to punish this. If someone ahelped about this then there might be some reason to PM the MT. Also I'm taking it that the MT wasn't deployed planet-side.
7. You see a Squad Medic performing surgery on the planet. He claims it was because there were no doctors in the FOB.
This is mechanically impossible with the skill system. If this was possible then it would be playing outside of your role.
8. The round is stagnating. There are 30 marines and 4 aliens. The marines won't leave the ship, and the aliens won't attack. What would you do, to "encourage" the sides to engage each other?
Do what I can to get the marines to redeploy, and the aliens to fight. I'd imagine this would be done by PMing a reluctant aCO, and the queen about moving the round along.
9. The round ends, a MARINE starts shooting a hostile CLF member and the CLF member Adminhelps complaining he was killed after the round ended.
End of round grief only covers attack logs against friendly players. The only way this could be EORG would be during an event round where the CLF and USCM were friendly factions for some reason.
10. A marine is running around disarming, punching and stealing gear at round start.
This would be an IC issue. It is the MPs job to punish the player. There is a point where this becomes griefing like stealing a specialist's gear and throwing it into the disposals without some form of escalation.
11. A marine has killed another marine. When you ask him why, he said it was because the other marine had punched him.
PM the other marine get the full story, check logs, and notes. This would probably be improper escalation (rule 16 lethal force). The player would be noted for the incident, and banned depending on his notes.
12. An issue arises that requires Admin+ abilities.
PM an online Admin if this isn't possible contact someone with Admin+ permissions through slack.
13. There are minor racist comments going on IC. 9 of the 10 people are laughing and RPing but one player gets offended and Adminhelps about it.
Tell the player that minor IC situations like this are not against the rules, and that if it became a larger problem that I would step in. If the comments stop being minor say in LOOC to tone it down. If it becomes a bigger problem then it would fall under rule 2 (don't be a dick).
14. A marine opens fire at round start in briefing killing multiple marines and instantly logs off.
The griefing pajama marine would get a 7 day ban, and with note history a possible permanent ban request.
15. You see a player playing a xeno larva/chestburster run towards the frontlines and die.
There is a possibility that this was accidental so I would ping the player, and investigate the situation. It is possible that he was confused on directions or was spawned near the front-lines. If the player rushed there to suicide they would be given a xeno job ban.
16. You see a xeno memeing, saying AYYLMAO, REEEEEE etc in hivemind chat.
PM the player to get them to stop memeing, and add a note. If they have a history of doing this despite
being warned not to they could be given a xeno job ban.
17. A xeno player calls the shuttle a "dropship". A different xeno player complains to you that it's metagaming/failRP to call it a "dropship".
This is fine just like calling out rooms on the Almayer is fine. The xenomorphs communicate through a hivemind, and would understand what one meant by "dropship".
18. A Command staff player at briefing near round-start mentions there are aliens on the planet.
PM the player and remind them that the do not know this information (rule 1). Add a note about the incident.
19. A Marine kills another Marine on the EVAC Pod to take the last spot and claims it was RP as he was saving himself.
This would probably be left IC. There would need to be some form of escalation. It wouldn't be RP to just shoot the marine because he was in the escape hallway there would need to be some exchanging of words. Walking to an escape pod and shooting one of the occupants wordlessly wouldn't be a good thing to do, but even then it could be left IC depending on the situation.
20. You see a fellow staff member give wrong information in an Adminhelp or incorrectly enforcing a rule.
Message the staff member on Slack, and try to correct their information so they can work through the mistake.
20a. You see a fellow staff member abusing his powers in-game.
Try to get some evidence, and forward it to their manager or mine.
21. You see a player talking in OOC chat about what he did with your mom last night.
Let the player be angry at round end.
Any additional information you'd like to add?
Life changes, and my time available may vary. I'd mostly be observing on week-day nights. I'm also open to trying to answer any additional questions.
Last edited by Sulaboy on 01 Sep 2018, 04:16, edited 1 time in total.
Clancy 'Danger' Long
- awan
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Re: Sulaboy - Moderator Application
So questions time!
What would you do in the following situations?
1. You see a player breaking into secure armory round start to pull additional weapons from there.
2. A Player ahelps the following "The queen just devolved me back to spitter because she thinks we have too many boilers. She said free evolution at the beginning of the round"
3. An ahelp gets send by a player that a pred killed them. But they were wearing a splint when being killed and thus should not have been a target.
What would you do in the following situations?
1. You see a player breaking into secure armory round start to pull additional weapons from there.
2. A Player ahelps the following "The queen just devolved me back to spitter because she thinks we have too many boilers. She said free evolution at the beginning of the round"
3. An ahelp gets send by a player that a pred killed them. But they were wearing a splint when being killed and thus should not have been a target.

- Kavlo
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Re: Sulaboy - Moderator Application
Good player with a clean history, active ingame and on the forums. Answers look fine.
Lochlann Healy the Marine Here's my good ol' dossier!

Mentor : 28th November 2016
Mod : 14th February 2017
Admin : 7th June 2017
Retired : 4th January 2018
Mod : 20th April 2018
Admin : 19th September 2018

Mentor : 28th November 2016
Mod : 14th February 2017
Admin : 7th June 2017
Retired : 4th January 2018
Mod : 20th April 2018
Admin : 19th September 2018
- Sulaboy
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- Location: Florida
- Byond: Sulaboy
- Steam: Danger
Re: Sulaboy - Moderator Application
1. This would be left as an IC issue. If this player was doing it consistently or if another player had ahelped the situation it would be time to PM the player to issue a warning. I'm not 100% certain on this ruling, but I'm trying to piece it together from what I've seen.awan wrote: ↑30 Aug 2018, 07:34So questions time!
What would you do in the following situations?
1. You see a player breaking into secure armory round start to pull additional weapons from there.
2. A Player ahelps the following "The queen just devolved me back to spitter because she thinks we have too many boilers. She said free evolution at the beginning of the round"
3. An ahelp gets send by a player that a pred killed them. But they were wearing a splint when being killed and thus should not have been a target.
2. The queen is allow to devolve aliens. The only problem with this would be if multiple ahelps were coming because the queen was devolving multiple Xenos for no reason.
3. The honor code classify prey into worthy, unworthy, and innocent/dishonorable. From the question the human sounds like worthy prey because his wounds were treated. There is a chance that the player became unworthy prey by chasing down the predator as well. I'd still ask some questions to find out the context of the situation.
Edit 3. Tell them to make a player report so their manager can investigate it.
Last edited by Sulaboy on 30 Aug 2018, 11:30, edited 1 time in total.
Clancy 'Danger' Long
- ThesoldierLLJK
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Re: Sulaboy - Moderator Application
Answers are fine except number three the answer is you would need to tell the player to make a report as its a allegation of breaking the honor code and the whitelist manager decides those.
Commander: Julio 'Ay Caramba' Borras - The Cucaracha Killer
Synthetic: Bennett - The Nerd (Acting Synth Council Member)
Predator: Moka Chiva-Teer - The Redeemed Yautja
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Re: Sulaboy - Moderator Application
I have no complaints about giving you a shot at trial. You seem like a good person, answers are fine, and your responses to Awans Questioning are fine as well. To sweeten the deal, like Kavlo said your notes aren’t bad, and your active ingame and out. I think it’s fair to say, you got my +1
“Your Friendly Neighborhood Commodore, Frans ‘Friendly’ Feiffer. Survivor of Space Vietnam, Austrian Kommodore vith ze vorst accent, and Loving Caretaker of the Ungas Aboard the USS Almayer.”
Frans Feiffer's Promotion to Commander - viewtopic.php?f=142&t=18008
The Day I sold my Soul to Titan - viewtopic.php?f=69&t=18263
Yeyin R'ka Joins the Ranks of Blooded - viewtopic.php?f=125&t=18549
Darwin is Booted up and Assigned to the USS Almayer - viewtopic.php?f=149&t=18897
Commander Council term 1, Alongside the Men, the Myths, the Legends, Bancrose, Lumdor, Dr. Lance, and Taketheshot56. - viewtopic.php?f=137&t=18907 Have any Questions for me? Feel Free to PM me and i'll get back to you as soon as I can
The Day I sold my Soul to Titan - viewtopic.php?f=69&t=18263
Yeyin R'ka Joins the Ranks of Blooded - viewtopic.php?f=125&t=18549
Darwin is Booted up and Assigned to the USS Almayer - viewtopic.php?f=149&t=18897
Commander Council term 1, Alongside the Men, the Myths, the Legends, Bancrose, Lumdor, Dr. Lance, and Taketheshot56. - viewtopic.php?f=137&t=18907 Have any Questions for me? Feel Free to PM me and i'll get back to you as soon as I can

- awan
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Re: Sulaboy - Moderator Application
yeah, I like the replies. I am in favor of this happening. So +1 from Awan. (That rhymes.)

- Maddog_1977
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Re: Sulaboy - Moderator Application
Great answers all around, and good note history. Forum activity is great as well.
- Ghostdex
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Re: Sulaboy - Moderator Application
I’m confident that you would make an excellent moderator, +1 from me.
John 'Fixer' Donable
Kara Walsh
Part of the Yautja Council with SpartanBobby, Imperator_Titan, Sailor Dave and Symbiosis. Feel free to PM any of us with questions about Predator

Something a bit funny:
The story of Operative Delta:
Kara Walsh
Part of the Yautja Council with SpartanBobby, Imperator_Titan, Sailor Dave and Symbiosis. Feel free to PM any of us with questions about Predator

Something a bit funny:
The story of Operative Delta:
- Adralimas
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Re: Sulaboy - Moderator Application
Seems legit, +1 from me!
Joe 'Broccoli' Campbell Broadcasts: SOMEONE STOLE THE MEGAPHONE AGAIN! ... -funny.jpg

- Imperator_Titan
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Re: Sulaboy - Moderator Application
Check your inbox.
Check your inbox.
Just some funny moments.
Ed Trevor
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