Byond ID: Pawoverlord
Age: 23
Gender: Male
Timezone: Eastern Standard Time
On average, how many hours are you available per week to moderate?
Currently I work 3rd shift at my job, (4PM EST - 2AM EST) Any time outside of that I could commit too, I already play on the server regularly and am acquainted with some of the members and some of the playerbase.
Do you have any previous experience in being staff (not just SS13)?
Yes, I was a mapper for NSS Heaven's Gate, as well as Senior Moderator (and a trainer Moderator) for NSS Hypatia Station. I have also have experience commanding a village in Haven and Hearth, a game completely about communication and the ability to work with a small group of people.
Did you play any of the previous Colonial Marine servers?
No, I have not.
Have you had an application to Colonial Marines or New Eden denied before?
No, I have not applied, either.
Are you currently a staff member elsewhere (not just SS13)? If so, where?
No, I am currently not apart of a staff team.
Have you ever been banned for more than 24 hours on Colonial Marines?
Nope, I have not.
If a player was shooting everyone in briefing at round start how would you deal with the situation?
As a player: I would attempt to resolve the situation, if there was no current admin on, I would attempt to disarm the player and help ICly resolve the situation, via reporting and asking for Military Police aid.
As an Admin: I would first PM him asking him to stop, if this does not stop, then A-Weaken him to prevent any more damage. Following that, a swift PM asking for a motive, or attempting to resolve before asking other admins what the punishment should be at that time for the grief caused (If grief).
You notice that a xeno is breaching the Nostromo and is unable to seal it with resin. How would you deal with this and what punishment would you give for a first offender?
First, I would seal the breach with a wall / rwall (location depending) and then PM the xeno regarding asking why it was breached, and inform them of the no breach rule. If they have valid reason for breaching (aka to escape a marine encounter without space walking, but didn't have plasma to seal the wall) then I would give them a stern warning and notate it (Unless otherwise informed). If it was an invalid reason, (Because lol breach so Marines can't breathe) then it would be a stern warning, and a 24 hour ban.
The marines want the nuke codes to detonate the Nostromo because they claim they are losing too many marines. There are currently 4 aliens and 20 marines in your /who. What do you do?
In this situation, the code is not to be given out. NanoTrasen wouldn't want to lose a space station as much as any company, it's very costly! A message would be sent out to explain that there was no need for the Nuke, or in otherways not give out the code. Twenty Marines definitely could take out four Aliens.
A Sulaco Medic has made several napalm grenades and hands them out to marines. One of the marines throws the grenade into Logistics. There are no admins or other moderators online. What do you do?
As a player, I would attempt to disarm the individual (if I was nearby) and report to Military Police. If I was Military Police, it would be a brig sentence. But in the end, Napalm from my understanding, was removed from code.
What would you do if a player started to talk about the things he did to your mom last night?
As a player: Ignore them. They are not worth the time.
As a Admin: Always be Professional, both the player and the admin know that it's just barking, PM them politely to cease, unless both parties understand it as a joking matter (aka being friends with a player in a non serious admin PM). In otherwise more serious approach, refer them to the respecting staff rule, if they continue their behavior afterwards, if they are already in subject to a ban, increase punishment, otherwise refer with other admins for following punishment (if any bans are following the behavior ((aka the harassment turning into racism or sexism or otherwise very rude behavior))) Otherwise it becomes a simple mute from OOC channel.
Any additional information you'd like to add?
I didn't actually see this part in my first run through of the application!
But! I'd like to add, yes, I am just making my forums account today. No, I'm not a new player. I also mostly do not prefer forums, unless needed to be on forums. Otherwise, I had saw the recruitment ad in game, and seeked out the forums to throw up my application, mostly in the reasoning that there are a lot of times where there have been no mods / mins and players would abuse those times for shenanigans.
Pawoverlord - Moderator Application
- Pawoverlord
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- Joined: 21 May 2015, 13:30
- Location: NMV Sulaco
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- Location: Mobile constantly. Never really in one spot for long.
Re: Pawoverlord - Moderator Application
Hmmm. Well why not give you a +1. Nice icon by the way. Decent answers
- UnknownMurder
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Re: Pawoverlord - Moderator Application
I don't like your avatar picture. Denied.
Should have plenty of time to moderate. Seems like you know some staffs and players. I have no problem with you being one.
Should have plenty of time to moderate. Seems like you know some staffs and players. I have no problem with you being one.
- Fickmacher
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Re: Pawoverlord - Moderator Application
Well, I'd like to see more forum activity in the near future, but there were some good answers here. Unless anything would come up to change my mind, +1.
Squad Leader, Engineer, Sentinel, Queen, Jackass

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- Location: Mobile constantly. Never really in one spot for long.
Re: Pawoverlord - Moderator Application
Accepted. Welcome to the team. Wait for Apop to process you.
- Pawoverlord
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- Posts: 29
- Joined: 21 May 2015, 13:30
- Location: NMV Sulaco
Re: Pawoverlord - Moderator Application
Alright, thank you.
Also, sorry about in game; the game wouldn't let me ahelp anymore!
I was so sad that it wouldn't. But then got distracted, xD Anyway, thank you! 

- apophis775
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Re: Pawoverlord - Moderator Application