Byond ID:
On average, how many hours are you available per week to moderate?
On average 25 hours a week, possible extension during the Summer times.
Do you have any previous experience in being staff (not just SS13)?
I was an Admin of a Minecraft Server called Avalon, I had worked on it for about 4 months, before the server went down from DDoS attacks.
Did you play any of the previous Colonial Marine servers?
I have not, I joined around 3-4 months ago.
Have you had an application to Colonial Marines or New Eden denied before?
I have not, in any previous time been denied an application, I have not previously applied.
Are you currently a staff member elsewhere (not just SS13)? If so, where?
I am not a Staff member elsewhere.
Have you ever been banned for more than 24 hours on Colonial Marines?
I have never been banned for more than 24 hours.
If a player was shooting everyone in briefing at round start how would you deal with the situation?
I initiate conversation by sending him a PM asking about why s/he was going about doing this: "Care to explain why you are shooting everyone in briefing?" and wait for a response. If s/he does not seem to response I would PM her/him another time saying: "I need you to respond to me, if you can't then it's going to be assumed it's intentional. Click my name to respond, if you didn't know that." I would then deal with the situation according to the responding statement, if they refused to respond a third time it would be assumed they had done it randomly, and intentionally and I'd temporarily ban her/him for 24 hours and put in the notes what he was doing and the reason he gave as to why they had or had not stated they were doing it. If they had a good reason for doing so: "Another marine had shot me and it was in self-defense", I would continue the investigation by looking at logs and then asking the others involved to elaborate. Punishment would be distributed and logged where needed, the others would be left to be dealt with by the MP's IC.
You notice that a xeno is breaching the Nostromo and is unable to seal it with resin. How would you deal with this and what punishment would you give for a first offender?
First I would PM the Xeno asking them to elaborate: "Please tell me why you're breaching the Nostromo?" While waiting a response I would use a power I would assume that Moderators had based on watching it used while ghosted to patch the wall and prevent further atmospheric loss. If they had responded: "I'm new I don't know the rules." or "It's to expand the hive" then If I would remind them that it is against the rules to breach into space without using resin to block the atmospheric loss and give them a web link to the rules page. I would also inform them that "Oblivious is not an excuse." I would give them a 24-hour ban, leaving in their notes the action and the behavior or reason with which they had supplied as I questioned them.
The marines want the nuke codes to detonate the Nostromo because they claim they are losing too many marines. There are currently 4 aliens and 20 marines in your /who. What do you do?
I would respond through a Central Command Update: "Stations are very expensive and the marines were originally deployed to remove the threat and keep it in tact". I would then give a delayed message: "We have scanned the Nostromo for life signs and the threat seems manageable, you marines were trained to be superior in all situations. Please deploy again and clear the station." Keeping in mind that I shouldn't inform the marines to the exact number of Xeno's left alive because it would not be fair to the Xenomorphs that are most likely struggling to bluff bigger numbers to the marines.
A Sulaco Medic has made several napalm grenades and hands them out to marines. One of the marines throws the grenade into Logistics. There are no admins or other moderators online. What do you do?
First of all, I would execute the marine for most likely intentionally hurling a grenade into the Command Bridge. I would then message the Marine, the Medic and the Command to elaborate about what happened. Command would most likely respond that the marine had: "Randomly walked over and hurled the grenade into our office killing all of us, the commander and an MP", I would respond with sympathies and revive all who had been killed by the grenade and I would try to repair any map damage that had been caused as well. Immediately announcing afterwards through OOC to follow RP and to act as if the previous event in the command bridge had not occurred. Then, I would continue to collect the story from the marine to ensure there are no holes in the story and then give him a web-link to the rules and inform him that "Oblivious is not an excuse" giving him a 24 hour ban for the grief and logging his actions and responses in his notes. I would then message the Medic asking him to elaborate on his grenade production. I remind him to "Follow the RP", give him a web-link to the rules, then give him a 5-hour job ban, followed by an entry in his notes about his Job Ban, his warning and his statements.
What would you do if a player started to talk about the things he did to your mom last night?
I would ignore the player as it would most likely just be an attempt at provoking me. If the badgering continued, I would send the player a web-link of the rules and ask them to cease their actions and inform them that it was a warning. If their actions continued I would give them a 1-2 hour ban and log in their notes about the warning and as to why they had been banned.
Any additional information you'd like to add?
I am currently still in school, but it will be out soon for the start of summer. I also do not currently have a job, but I am looking for a part time summer job. These two things do not effect the work times stated above.
Vrai Moderator Application
- Adjective
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- Posts: 684
- Joined: 25 May 2015, 17:53
- Location: A6 454 (Xenomorph Prime)
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- SASoperative
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- Posts: 1319
- Joined: 26 Dec 2014, 20:49
- Location: Mobile constantly. Never really in one spot for long.
Re: Vrai Moderator Application
Hrmmm..... +1 for now
- UnknownMurder
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- Joined: 15 Dec 2014, 08:03
- Location: Ascension
- speedybst
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- Joined: 15 Oct 2014, 23:36
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- Byond: Speedybast
Re: Vrai Moderator Application
+1, seems to be very reasonable
- SASoperative
- Donor
- Posts: 1319
- Joined: 26 Dec 2014, 20:49
- Location: Mobile constantly. Never really in one spot for long.
Re: Vrai Moderator Application
Bah, Its been up for this long and no more imput has been given still... Accepted wait for Apop to process you.