FatalEYES - Moderator Application
- FatalEYES
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FatalEYES - Moderator Application
Byond ID: FatalEYES
Colonial Marines Character: Joel Simmons
Age: 19
Gender: M
Timezone: PST
On average, how many hours are you available per week to moderate? Honestly, since I don't work right now and take my classes from home this quarter, any that are needed. Hell, even 40 hours a week if that's required.
Do you have any previous experience in being staff (not just SS13)? I was a co-founder on a popular Minecraft server with my friend about a year and a half ago, got roughly 80-100 people at peak hours. I co-founded a top guild at the time in an MMO called Aura Kingdom, that had 100-200 people in it at any time. Organized raids and events for that and such.
Did you play any of the previous Colonial Marine servers? I did not, no.
Have you had an application to Colonial Marines or New Eden denied before? I have not.
Are you currently a staff member elsewhere (not just SS13)? If so, where? I am not currently, no. However, I am a retired senior admin from Hypatia with roughly seven months of experience with working over there.
Have you ever been banned for more than 24 hours on Colonial Marines? No.
If a player was shooting everyone in briefing at round start how would you deal with the situation?
First of all, I'd message him to stop to see if he'll listen. If he does, it'll be a bit easier to handle. If he doesn't, I'd weaken him until he could be apprehended ICly. I'd message him and ask him why he did what he did, making sure that he understood how to reply to me and wait about a minute or two for a response, being sure to understand whether or not he was busy speaking ICly. If he refuses to respond within the few minutes, I'd warn him that if he continues to ignore me, he will be banned. If I don't get a response, he gets an extended ban for grief and refusing to cooperate. However, if I do get a response at any point during the situation, I'd listen to why he did it or why he felt it was okay and explain why it wasn't alright to do and explain why it was against the rules. I'd make sure that he understood that he was getting a ban for his grief(A shorter one than the one previously mentioned, because he responded and cooperated) and follow through with it, adding to his player notes what happened and how it was handled.
You notice that a xeno is breaching the Nostromo and is unable to seal it with resin. How would you deal with this and what punishment would you give for a first offender?
I'd seal the breach with buildmode(Assuming moderators have that power, if not, I'm not completely sure.) and ask him why he did that. Depending on his response, he would either get off with a warning not to do it again and why he shouldn't be doing it in the first place, or in the worst case, be getting a ban for doing what he did and refusing to cooperate with me in solving the issue. Lastly, I'd add to his player notes about the whole situation and how it was resolved.
The marines want the nuke codes to detonate the Nostromo because they claim they are losing too many marines. There are currently 4 aliens and 20 marines in your /who. What do you do?
Well the situation doesn't not justify having to use a nuke in any way, so I'd simply send some "corporate reason" as to why they can't be given the codes. Whether or not it's a serious response such as "Apologies USS Sulaco, our records room caught fire and we lost the physical copy of the codes, in addition to the digital copy because our mainframe is down. You're on your own out there, I'm sure you guys can handle it." or something silly such as "Err...to be honest, we didn't think you'd need to be using the nuclear device, we don't even know the code ourselves by heart. It could take hours to find it. Good luck out there!". Which one is used will most likely depend on which is acceptable for the situation at hand. Or in case it's not professional to do the silly one, I'd stick with a serious one.
A Sulaco Medic has made several napalm grenades and hands them out to marines. One of the marines throws the grenade into Logistics. There are no admins or other moderators online. What do you do?
Firstly, I would handle the marine that threw the grenade, being sure that he couldn't continue to cause any damage to the rest of the players or environment, whether that's weakening, speaking, or out-right banning if he refuses to respond to multiple PMs and continues his rampage. Once he was settled, I'd be sure to handle the other marines and be sure that the grenades were either disposed of ICly or if need-be, delete them outright if they don't want to get rid of them even after I explain why they're against the rules. Lastly, I'd be handling the medic who was creating them and handing them out, asking why he did it, explaining why what he did was against the rules and more than likely, banning him for an amount of time fitting to the issue and varying on how he handled the conversation with me about it. Player notes would be added to all to reflect how they personally were involved and what happened with them.
What would you do if a player started to talk about the things he did to your mom last night?
I personally would either ignore the comment outright and focus on the topic at hand in which I was speaking to him in the first place, or ask him to try to stay focused so we both could resolve the issue quicker. If he kept it up and refused to cooperate, punishments would more than likely take place, depending on the severity of their actions prior to the conversation in addition to his/her unruly behavior. A note would be added to reflect how they acted.
Any additional information you'd like to add?
A few things to say, actually. I do realize that my that I don't have a huge amount of appearance on the forums, but I have been working to change that and will continue to change that as time goes on. That's not to say that I never really browsed them before getting the idea to help out the server as a part of staff. I enjoy reading discussions a bit more than I like participating in them. However, I understand this can be an issue for someone who is on staff and as I said, I do plan to continue to branch out an put myself out there a bit more on the forums. Another thing, I do believe I can help a bit more than some people because I do have experience with admin-ing on an SS13 server, so I wouldn't be completely new to the buttons, mechanics or even some of the rather undesirable players that can grief the server sometimes, so I do feel that this fact should be taken into account when this application is read. Lastly, one major factor as to why I wish to become a moderator for the server is that I'm noticing a lack of staff on between the hours of 11pm and about 4am PST and I usually happen to be on those hours. Hell, right now I'm observing a round where a Praetorian was tugging the SM core behind him through the halls. I've answered all the questions fully(In my mind anyway) and honestly for how I would respond to the specific situations, though how I handle them can be changed to fit the proper ways that are used here. I do feel the need to state that banning is ALWAYS a last resort and only for the most severe cases of trouble-makers, regardless of how my answers made it sound, I do understand this rule quite well. I understand things can be a bit different since I did come from a different server. Anyway, that's just my two cents on my own application, thank you for taking the time to read all this.
Colonial Marines Character: Joel Simmons
Age: 19
Gender: M
Timezone: PST
On average, how many hours are you available per week to moderate? Honestly, since I don't work right now and take my classes from home this quarter, any that are needed. Hell, even 40 hours a week if that's required.
Do you have any previous experience in being staff (not just SS13)? I was a co-founder on a popular Minecraft server with my friend about a year and a half ago, got roughly 80-100 people at peak hours. I co-founded a top guild at the time in an MMO called Aura Kingdom, that had 100-200 people in it at any time. Organized raids and events for that and such.
Did you play any of the previous Colonial Marine servers? I did not, no.
Have you had an application to Colonial Marines or New Eden denied before? I have not.
Are you currently a staff member elsewhere (not just SS13)? If so, where? I am not currently, no. However, I am a retired senior admin from Hypatia with roughly seven months of experience with working over there.
Have you ever been banned for more than 24 hours on Colonial Marines? No.
If a player was shooting everyone in briefing at round start how would you deal with the situation?
First of all, I'd message him to stop to see if he'll listen. If he does, it'll be a bit easier to handle. If he doesn't, I'd weaken him until he could be apprehended ICly. I'd message him and ask him why he did what he did, making sure that he understood how to reply to me and wait about a minute or two for a response, being sure to understand whether or not he was busy speaking ICly. If he refuses to respond within the few minutes, I'd warn him that if he continues to ignore me, he will be banned. If I don't get a response, he gets an extended ban for grief and refusing to cooperate. However, if I do get a response at any point during the situation, I'd listen to why he did it or why he felt it was okay and explain why it wasn't alright to do and explain why it was against the rules. I'd make sure that he understood that he was getting a ban for his grief(A shorter one than the one previously mentioned, because he responded and cooperated) and follow through with it, adding to his player notes what happened and how it was handled.
You notice that a xeno is breaching the Nostromo and is unable to seal it with resin. How would you deal with this and what punishment would you give for a first offender?
I'd seal the breach with buildmode(Assuming moderators have that power, if not, I'm not completely sure.) and ask him why he did that. Depending on his response, he would either get off with a warning not to do it again and why he shouldn't be doing it in the first place, or in the worst case, be getting a ban for doing what he did and refusing to cooperate with me in solving the issue. Lastly, I'd add to his player notes about the whole situation and how it was resolved.
The marines want the nuke codes to detonate the Nostromo because they claim they are losing too many marines. There are currently 4 aliens and 20 marines in your /who. What do you do?
Well the situation doesn't not justify having to use a nuke in any way, so I'd simply send some "corporate reason" as to why they can't be given the codes. Whether or not it's a serious response such as "Apologies USS Sulaco, our records room caught fire and we lost the physical copy of the codes, in addition to the digital copy because our mainframe is down. You're on your own out there, I'm sure you guys can handle it." or something silly such as "Err...to be honest, we didn't think you'd need to be using the nuclear device, we don't even know the code ourselves by heart. It could take hours to find it. Good luck out there!". Which one is used will most likely depend on which is acceptable for the situation at hand. Or in case it's not professional to do the silly one, I'd stick with a serious one.
A Sulaco Medic has made several napalm grenades and hands them out to marines. One of the marines throws the grenade into Logistics. There are no admins or other moderators online. What do you do?
Firstly, I would handle the marine that threw the grenade, being sure that he couldn't continue to cause any damage to the rest of the players or environment, whether that's weakening, speaking, or out-right banning if he refuses to respond to multiple PMs and continues his rampage. Once he was settled, I'd be sure to handle the other marines and be sure that the grenades were either disposed of ICly or if need-be, delete them outright if they don't want to get rid of them even after I explain why they're against the rules. Lastly, I'd be handling the medic who was creating them and handing them out, asking why he did it, explaining why what he did was against the rules and more than likely, banning him for an amount of time fitting to the issue and varying on how he handled the conversation with me about it. Player notes would be added to all to reflect how they personally were involved and what happened with them.
What would you do if a player started to talk about the things he did to your mom last night?
I personally would either ignore the comment outright and focus on the topic at hand in which I was speaking to him in the first place, or ask him to try to stay focused so we both could resolve the issue quicker. If he kept it up and refused to cooperate, punishments would more than likely take place, depending on the severity of their actions prior to the conversation in addition to his/her unruly behavior. A note would be added to reflect how they acted.
Any additional information you'd like to add?
A few things to say, actually. I do realize that my that I don't have a huge amount of appearance on the forums, but I have been working to change that and will continue to change that as time goes on. That's not to say that I never really browsed them before getting the idea to help out the server as a part of staff. I enjoy reading discussions a bit more than I like participating in them. However, I understand this can be an issue for someone who is on staff and as I said, I do plan to continue to branch out an put myself out there a bit more on the forums. Another thing, I do believe I can help a bit more than some people because I do have experience with admin-ing on an SS13 server, so I wouldn't be completely new to the buttons, mechanics or even some of the rather undesirable players that can grief the server sometimes, so I do feel that this fact should be taken into account when this application is read. Lastly, one major factor as to why I wish to become a moderator for the server is that I'm noticing a lack of staff on between the hours of 11pm and about 4am PST and I usually happen to be on those hours. Hell, right now I'm observing a round where a Praetorian was tugging the SM core behind him through the halls. I've answered all the questions fully(In my mind anyway) and honestly for how I would respond to the specific situations, though how I handle them can be changed to fit the proper ways that are used here. I do feel the need to state that banning is ALWAYS a last resort and only for the most severe cases of trouble-makers, regardless of how my answers made it sound, I do understand this rule quite well. I understand things can be a bit different since I did come from a different server. Anyway, that's just my two cents on my own application, thank you for taking the time to read all this.

- Lucyz
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Re: FatalEYES - Moderator Application
Great application I am happy with how you would deal with the situations provided, Neutral leaning towards +1 I want community feedback first before I decide fully.
- Blackcatmax3
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Re: FatalEYES - Moderator Application
I am noone to say, but this is a pretty good application for a moderator.
We didn't get applications like those in months thoughout I had a pretty popular server.
Anyone can be given a chance. Not everyone uses their chance..
We didn't get applications like those in months thoughout I had a pretty popular server.
Anyone can be given a chance. Not everyone uses their chance..
You never asked for this
- UnknownMurder
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Re: FatalEYES - Moderator Application
You seem to be new to the community, however your application was exceptional.

- FatalEYES
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Re: FatalEYES - Moderator Application
I won't hide it, I am fairly new to the community from a player standpoint. Before August, I would usually just observe the matches because I quite enjoyed the concept of the marines vs aliens. I'm not sure if it was because it was just such a change from the regular SS13 stuff or what, I just knew that I'd rather observe. What really urged me to play was the new Alpha map, that got me a bit more comfortable with playing rather than just ghosting around and watching. But regardless of this, yes, I'm still fairly new and I can understand that most people would be hesitant to put someone like that into a position of power(Moderator), but as I said, I really do play to continue being a part of the community and growing more into it as time goes on, especially because of how much I actually enjoy it. I know it's only my word, but that's all I can really say about that rather unsightly detail on my application.UnknownMurder wrote:You seem to be new to the community

- Lostmixup
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Re: FatalEYES - Moderator Application
I actually recognize you from some of the post you've made, and the answers are exceptional. +1 on my end.
- apophis775
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Re: FatalEYES - Moderator Application
+1 and leaning towards accepted. I got a STELLAR recommendation from Hypatia
- FatalEYES
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Re: FatalEYES - Moderator Application
I legitimately smiled when I read that. I may not be a huge part of the community anymore, but I still love those guys to death. Sentiment aside, I appreciate the feedback and I await further opinions or even a decision.apophis775 wrote:+1 and leaning towards accepted. I got a STELLAR recommendation from Hypatia

- apophis775
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Re: FatalEYES - Moderator Application
Yes, the comments were "Very good admin, competent, great organizer" and "Aww, I love fatal".
- Lucyz
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Re: FatalEYES - Moderator Application
Going to change this from neutral to a +1 then.
- SASoperative
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Re: FatalEYES - Moderator Application
Seems pretty good. +1ing this from a hotel room.
- UnknownMurder
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Re: FatalEYES - Moderator Application
Changing to +1
Why isn't he in? He's far too active in both forum and game.
Why isn't he in? He's far too active in both forum and game.

- johners12345
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Re: FatalEYES - Moderator Application
Good answers, heavy recommendations..
- apophis775
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Re: FatalEYES - Moderator Application
Accepted and processed.