Colonial Marines Character: Casca 'Legs' Orivanna
Age: 26
Gender: Last time I checked I was Female, might have to ask my husband there though. :-P
Timezone: CST (Central Standard Timezone)
On average, how many hours are you available per week to moderate?: Phhh..Depends? I most weeks about, 30-40hr's? Not including Weekends. (I am a Licensed Practice Nurse so I have weird time schedules, plus I am attempting to go into early retirement soon just to take care of my hubby at home and spend time. I will be very free and not just at Night and Darkshifts no one is barely staffing.)
Do you have any previous experience in being staff (not just SS13)? Nooope, husband trained me in a lot of verbs though as a lot of staff are aware of already by now.
Did you play any of the previous Colonial Marine servers? Previous? No, there's really been one for all I know, Colonial Marines, I have been with you guys ironically for about half a year now, reaching 7 months soon.
Have you had an application to Colonial Marines or New Eden denied before? Nope, I don't play new Eden.
Are you currently a staff member elsewhere (not just SS13)? If so, where? Nope, don't really want to go elsewhere, to invested in Colonial Marines.
Have you ever been banned for more than 24 hours on Colonial Marines? Hrm... During Alpha, yeah, Wyatt kept running around slipping me on soap and farting on my face in Alpha Squadron in the middle of Recreational Dome, I warned him to stop three times and he ignored me and kept doing it, tried Ahelping 4 times with no response and when I told him the next time he does it I am shooting him he said, "Try me, do it, shoot me." and so I paused, then shot him in the face. Abby then immediately banned me without asking sense the "Zero Tolerance" was applied, nearly gave up CM with that and even ChickenShizNiz explained to Abby the situation on Byond and he was then told that I would regardless have to wait to play till after Alpha.
If a player was shooting everyone in briefing at round start how would you deal with the situation?:
This is REALLY Simple, first you Freeze them then the parties involved, LOOC Everyone to knock it off, then PM Them what they were doing with the sensitive wording of, "Hello, I noticed you were shooting these people here...mind telling me what happened?" If their story doesn't Match the variables on their person from the attack logs then it's obvious they are lying. I already know which items however don't appear on attacklogs so I take those out, mostly cause those items don't do damage anyways. Once I figure out how they lied to me or if they straight up told me their intentions are to grief, blah blah blah, some witty trolly pun or whatever, then I would get someone with permissions to ban them or Ban them myself if I feel their intentions were that bad that it deserves them and notify my superiors, then I would tell them, "If you wish to post a Ban Appeal, head to the Forums." and leave it at that, quick, polite, and very just, give them no room to complain it was unfair or they didn't have the chance sense I would have proof against them.
You notice that a xeno is breaching the Nostromo and is unable to seal it with resin. How would you deal with this and what punishment would you give for a first offender?:
Nostromo is gone and Breaching is apparently allowed now by what certain staff members are contradicting, however I entirely disagree with permitted breaching sense it causes massive lag to the server and the playerbase and is the dickish move ever.
The marines want the nuke codes to detonate the Nostromo because they claim they are losing too many marines. There are currently 4 aliens and 20 marines in your /who. What do you do?:
Welp, if I decided to be generous I would Announce they are all pansies and that the Biological Scan indicates there are 3 Aliens left and to get out there and stop cowering like children. In that exact wording, maybe even make a really bad joke aswell. If I didn't want to be generous I would respond Subtle Message to the Commander, "Sorry, the person you are trying to contact at this time is currently unavailable, please have a wonderful day!~"
A Sulaco Medic has made several napalm grenades and hands them out to marines. One of the marines throws the grenade into Logistics. There are no admins or other moderators online. What do you do?:
This is actually super simple, you can actually if you have VV Permissions and watch them delete the grenade once it lands, it's hilarious to watch sometimes, but not suggestible. My preferred method is to let them do the grief, freeze them, then PM The Player with, "Hiya! Noticed you chucking a Grenade inside of Logistics! Wanna...wanna explain what's up with that?" then follow through with investigating what they say and VV their person to see if anyone attacked them incase anyone specific they say attacked them from Logistics. After the issue is done, I would Rejuvenate the people harmed (Of course LOOCing them that I apologize for the inconvenience please hang on while I handle this issue way before, communication to everyone to let them know it's being handled is a good way of not getting spammed by Ahelps.) Then investigate on the issue, simply banning without quickly investigating the scene usually ends with mistakes happening.
What would you do if a player started to talk about the things he did to your mom last night?:
Mreh, wouldn't bother me, I would stick to the subject and keep professional saying, "Sir, please keep on topic, mind telling me why you did _____ inside of ____?" if they don't co-operate then they clearly have no intentions of trying to play this game for the sake of enjoyment or roleplay and thus are a lost cause not needing to remain on the server and cause issues for others.
Any additional information you'd like to add?
Absolutely, I am fully trained in everything from Mechanics, to Telecommunications Repairs, how to use every Advanced function of VV and what they do, hell my husband trained me how to shove any object or living creature under a floor tile where they can then be retrieved by crowbarring the tile up. I right now know some of your attack logs are broken and aswell that the "rejuvenate Icons" option under "Select Option" in the top right of someone's VV Panel is broken and doesn't fix broken icons on a person forcing them to remove the item and put them back on. And if they cant do that you can just "Force Drop" items option to help fix it like I showed Apop when we first had the broken Icon issues with placing items on people.
My second thing is I want to be VERY Active on the Forums, I want to help with Ban Appeals and keeping things in order, and help with Yautja Applications sense now we are dealing with more hands needed on deck who are trained and actually aware of the Lore to it's deepest core and are capable of handling it Appropriately and Professionally giving feedback along the way to help them improve on themselves. (Sense really that's all I ever want to see, I want to see my other players become the best person they can be and grow and learn more along the way.) And I will admit, it's hard to watch the stress that's hitting the staff over it.
I have been asked by SAS to Make a Mentor Application due to my knowledge, and FatalEYES has made mention that I would make a great Moderator and that I should Apply, however I mostly want to Apply simply to assist not only with the Server but also with the Forums which is getting cluttered and needs a tender touch of love and Beurocracy to fix it from an Experienced hand! I really feel like the Forums need a very dependable hand to work with it along with the Headstaff just to keep things moving along.
Finally I want to say thank you for looking over my Application, love you all, and if Accepted I will make a Skype Account to communicate at any time and get the Application for my Phone! If you wish to consider me for an Admin I can do that too but would suggest you get to know me first just so you can see how you much you will love me being around and helping before making any final decisions not just based on my heavy experience with how everything works! (like fixing broken Antag HUDS by toggling off their Antag Selection and forcing it back on, simple stuff really when you figure it out, hubby even taught me how to fit 7 functional beakers in one grenade case, or how to teleport people without leaving logs [it's god awefully complicated and unnecessary to do] and every path for every item! He's better then a dictionary for this game, seriously.) Have a wonderful week!