Johnkilla56's Moderator Application?
- JohnKilla56
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Johnkilla56's Moderator Application?
Byond ID: Johnkilla56
Colonial Marines Character: Angelo Huey
Age: 18
Gender:[/b ]Male
Timezone: US eastern standard
On average, how many hours are you available per week to moderate? hour or two per night, so 7- 14 hours, BUT im always on skype and am therefor in contact if needed
Do you have any previous experience in being staff (not just SS13)? Yes, Very recently i was a staff member
Did you play any of the previous Colonial Marine servers? Yeah, But not as heavily.
Have you had an application to Colonial Marines before? Yes, For my previous position.
Are you currently a staff member elsewhere (not just SS13)? If so, where? nope.
Have you ever been banned for more than 24 hours on Colonial Marines? nope.
Common Staff Situations:
Write a description of what you would do in each situation (BELOW) the situation. If you start it on the same line, I'll assume you can't follow directions and auto-decline your application.
1. A player is firing his weapon in the briefing area near the start of the round.
If the player was firing into marines or at anyone then i'd detain him, then question him, the other marines around and check the logs to see if i missed some kind of argument/fight . if he was just 'misfiring' i'd warn and note him/her. If it was Grief it would be notes and Admin Prison for a round, and if they have a long note history or are EXTREMLY unCooperative id talk to an admin about ban time.
2. The Sulaco has a breach to space.
Find out Who did it, check notes to see if they have history of such actions, confirm its metagaming or powergaming, or if its a simple mistake. Probable Course of action would be to let it play out unless it RUINS the round or its an event. If the person had a history or is found to be guilty of breaking the metagame rules then ban time. And of course note it all.
3. The marines want the nuke codes because they claim they are losing too many marines. There are currently 4 aliens and 20 marines in your /who.
Insinuate that they were given all necessary tools and man power to complete their mission and that it is unlikely that that has changed. They must continue the mission, and no codes will be given, but maybe if they have a good enough argument they get something small in compensation if an admin is there and agrees.
4. A Sulaco researcher has made several napalm grenades and hands them out to marines. One of the marines throws the grenade into Logistics. There are no admins or other moderators online
If the player is trying to hide or continuing to grief then Subdue them and begin checking logs for what went down. Then interrogate the player on their reasons and if it they have a history/ clear grief its ban time. If they have no history and they are repentant then notes and a warning. If there were injures it would severely worsen their chances of escaping ban time and would result in removal form the round at minimum. they injured players may be helped depending on their injuries. Removal form round in this case would be the mps arresting them with no bail time to keep it rp friendly.
5. A played is starting to talk about the things he did with your mom last night over Ahelp.
report it to an admin and note him. No reason to trade barbs or antagonize him.
6. You notice a marine with a name that doesn't fit our naming rules.
Contact them about it and get an admin for a name change to their choice, if they have a history of this issue and they keep at it then small ban times may be called for. note em.
6a. The marine is arguing that: They've used the name for several years, noone has told them to change it before, and that they didn't know it was a rule.
Then they haven't read our rules 'link them rules' and need to do so now, if the rule is recently added explain so. if they continue to be against a name change take them out of the round and note them. If this continues into more rounds then ban time may be called for.
7. You see a Sulaco Doctor with an M41A rifle strapped to his back running around the briefing area. There are wounded in medbay, and the other doctor is in surgery.
Contact him about his knowledge of our rules on Doctors, link him rules if need be and explain that he need to go do his job and that he is breaking the rules, if he is Still fighting about it tell him that he will be job banned for breaking the rules. check notes if he has a history he may need some ban time or removal from the round if he has been doing this a lot plus a job ban. Note him.
8. You see a Squad Medic performing surgery on the planet. He claims it was because there were no doctors in the FOB.
Explain to him that the rules state that doesn't matter and that a doctor must be the one preforming surgery, so he need to take his patient to the sulaco for treatment, rules are rules and they help keep the game fun and entertaining(i.e. not a clusterfuck) even if they make you feel like less of a badass. Note him.
9. The round is stagnating. There are 30 marines and 4 aliens. The marines won't leave the Sulaco, and the aliens won't attack. What would you do, to "encourage" the sides to engage each other?
depends on the sides actions if need be ill make a CC order about hunting them down or moving out and not wasting time. if someone starts prolonging the round then a 'Biometric scan' for locations may be in order. note the prolonger.
10. The round ends, and a marine starts unloading his weapons on other marines.
Detain him ASAP and Tell him about the rule he jt broke, link him the page and 3 hour ban him as per the rule. notes added.
11. A marine who has recently awoken is using soap to slip other marines.
Contact him about being a disruption to both the game and its players and ask him to stop. If he persists them tell him ill remove him form this round. if he keeps going remove him from this round, note him and say that he needs to respect our rules about grief in all its forms....... note him.
12. A marine has killed another marine. When you ask him why, he said it was because the other marine had punched him.
Check logs, contact the other player, if he HAD punched him revive that player and tell them both to cut it out and warn the puncher about instigation, then note the killer and warn them about lethal force. Most Probably let the mps handle him for that round and tell him he better be cooperative or he may be facing removal form the round or at worst ban time.
If the marine DID NOT punch him revive the other marine and remove the killer form the round. Note him, warn him about grief and if needed add ban time.
Any additional information you'd like to add? I've been staff before and the reason i'm Not anymore is inactivity, which i was confused about because im nearly positive i left a note about it in the inactivity area of the forums and was able to stop in like an a hour a week late at night since i was on night shift. I decided to apply again since apop told me that we need more staff.
Colonial Marines Character: Angelo Huey
Age: 18
Gender:[/b ]Male
Timezone: US eastern standard
On average, how many hours are you available per week to moderate? hour or two per night, so 7- 14 hours, BUT im always on skype and am therefor in contact if needed
Do you have any previous experience in being staff (not just SS13)? Yes, Very recently i was a staff member
Did you play any of the previous Colonial Marine servers? Yeah, But not as heavily.
Have you had an application to Colonial Marines before? Yes, For my previous position.
Are you currently a staff member elsewhere (not just SS13)? If so, where? nope.
Have you ever been banned for more than 24 hours on Colonial Marines? nope.
Common Staff Situations:
Write a description of what you would do in each situation (BELOW) the situation. If you start it on the same line, I'll assume you can't follow directions and auto-decline your application.
1. A player is firing his weapon in the briefing area near the start of the round.
If the player was firing into marines or at anyone then i'd detain him, then question him, the other marines around and check the logs to see if i missed some kind of argument/fight . if he was just 'misfiring' i'd warn and note him/her. If it was Grief it would be notes and Admin Prison for a round, and if they have a long note history or are EXTREMLY unCooperative id talk to an admin about ban time.
2. The Sulaco has a breach to space.
Find out Who did it, check notes to see if they have history of such actions, confirm its metagaming or powergaming, or if its a simple mistake. Probable Course of action would be to let it play out unless it RUINS the round or its an event. If the person had a history or is found to be guilty of breaking the metagame rules then ban time. And of course note it all.
3. The marines want the nuke codes because they claim they are losing too many marines. There are currently 4 aliens and 20 marines in your /who.
Insinuate that they were given all necessary tools and man power to complete their mission and that it is unlikely that that has changed. They must continue the mission, and no codes will be given, but maybe if they have a good enough argument they get something small in compensation if an admin is there and agrees.
4. A Sulaco researcher has made several napalm grenades and hands them out to marines. One of the marines throws the grenade into Logistics. There are no admins or other moderators online
If the player is trying to hide or continuing to grief then Subdue them and begin checking logs for what went down. Then interrogate the player on their reasons and if it they have a history/ clear grief its ban time. If they have no history and they are repentant then notes and a warning. If there were injures it would severely worsen their chances of escaping ban time and would result in removal form the round at minimum. they injured players may be helped depending on their injuries. Removal form round in this case would be the mps arresting them with no bail time to keep it rp friendly.
5. A played is starting to talk about the things he did with your mom last night over Ahelp.
report it to an admin and note him. No reason to trade barbs or antagonize him.
6. You notice a marine with a name that doesn't fit our naming rules.
Contact them about it and get an admin for a name change to their choice, if they have a history of this issue and they keep at it then small ban times may be called for. note em.
6a. The marine is arguing that: They've used the name for several years, noone has told them to change it before, and that they didn't know it was a rule.
Then they haven't read our rules 'link them rules' and need to do so now, if the rule is recently added explain so. if they continue to be against a name change take them out of the round and note them. If this continues into more rounds then ban time may be called for.
7. You see a Sulaco Doctor with an M41A rifle strapped to his back running around the briefing area. There are wounded in medbay, and the other doctor is in surgery.
Contact him about his knowledge of our rules on Doctors, link him rules if need be and explain that he need to go do his job and that he is breaking the rules, if he is Still fighting about it tell him that he will be job banned for breaking the rules. check notes if he has a history he may need some ban time or removal from the round if he has been doing this a lot plus a job ban. Note him.
8. You see a Squad Medic performing surgery on the planet. He claims it was because there were no doctors in the FOB.
Explain to him that the rules state that doesn't matter and that a doctor must be the one preforming surgery, so he need to take his patient to the sulaco for treatment, rules are rules and they help keep the game fun and entertaining(i.e. not a clusterfuck) even if they make you feel like less of a badass. Note him.
9. The round is stagnating. There are 30 marines and 4 aliens. The marines won't leave the Sulaco, and the aliens won't attack. What would you do, to "encourage" the sides to engage each other?
depends on the sides actions if need be ill make a CC order about hunting them down or moving out and not wasting time. if someone starts prolonging the round then a 'Biometric scan' for locations may be in order. note the prolonger.
10. The round ends, and a marine starts unloading his weapons on other marines.
Detain him ASAP and Tell him about the rule he jt broke, link him the page and 3 hour ban him as per the rule. notes added.
11. A marine who has recently awoken is using soap to slip other marines.
Contact him about being a disruption to both the game and its players and ask him to stop. If he persists them tell him ill remove him form this round. if he keeps going remove him from this round, note him and say that he needs to respect our rules about grief in all its forms....... note him.
12. A marine has killed another marine. When you ask him why, he said it was because the other marine had punched him.
Check logs, contact the other player, if he HAD punched him revive that player and tell them both to cut it out and warn the puncher about instigation, then note the killer and warn them about lethal force. Most Probably let the mps handle him for that round and tell him he better be cooperative or he may be facing removal form the round or at worst ban time.
If the marine DID NOT punch him revive the other marine and remove the killer form the round. Note him, warn him about grief and if needed add ban time.
Any additional information you'd like to add? I've been staff before and the reason i'm Not anymore is inactivity, which i was confused about because im nearly positive i left a note about it in the inactivity area of the forums and was able to stop in like an a hour a week late at night since i was on night shift. I decided to apply again since apop told me that we need more staff.
- apophis775
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Re: Johnkilla56's Moderator Application?
You had left an inactivity thing, with a date of return, but that date passed and you were caught in a purge that got everyone who was 2 weeks inactive.
Anyway, if your gonna be active, I'd say +1.
Anyway, if your gonna be active, I'd say +1.
- JohnKilla56
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Re: Johnkilla56's Moderator Application?
Ah got ok so thats how that happened.
- SASoperative
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Re: Johnkilla56's Moderator Application?
You got my +1 but this will be up for a bit longer for input
- Kyrac
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Re: Johnkilla56's Moderator Application?
+1, I enjoyed working with you from the beginning of my Staffing here and you made it really far! It'd be nice to see you again.
- TR-BlackDragon
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Re: Johnkilla56's Moderator Application?
Just want to note that you have been caught with the trick question. There is no rule against breaching any more. The responces seem a bit rushed. I'm going to remain neutral due to you being a mod in the past
- Jack McIntyre
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Re: Johnkilla56's Moderator Application?
I saw you a few times playing as doctor and seemed to be a good player. Haven't heard anything bad about you as a doctor that one time. So I will say +1.
- JohnKilla56
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Re: Johnkilla56's Moderator Application?
In response to black dragon, i never said anything about Breaching rules i was talking about meta gaming and griefers, and i just filled them as i would if i was still an admin (and since everyone of those questions has actually occured while i was on staff they are mostly the actual things we did)
- UnknownMurder
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Re: Johnkilla56's Moderator Application?
Was an excellent partner, would often show up when needed. Mostly Reasonable discussion in admin help report. Very professional.
(I noticed you've gotten bored of MGSV but that is okay, it happens to every game.)
Was an excellent partner, would often show up when needed. Mostly Reasonable discussion in admin help report. Very professional.
(I noticed you've gotten bored of MGSV but that is okay, it happens to every game.)

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Re: Johnkilla56's Moderator Application?
+1 Was always a decent staff, knew what to do, remained calm. Answers fit with the exception of the breaching rule. You understand which powers you would have at the rank and the proper admin/moderator protocols. I've seen you more and more frequently in the game and you contribute the RP in a positive manner.
- Stalin
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Re: Johnkilla56's Moderator Application?
If you managed to become a moderator last time and your only offense was inactivity, I see no reason for you not to come back.
If you managed to become a moderator last time and your only offense was inactivity, I see no reason for you not to come back.
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Built by the people's mighty hand.
Long live our people, united and free.
Strong in our friendship tried by fire.
Long may our crimson flag inspire,
Shining in glory for all men to see.
- Soviet Anthem 1944
Built by the people's mighty hand.
Long live our people, united and free.
Strong in our friendship tried by fire.
Long may our crimson flag inspire,
Shining in glory for all men to see.
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- Jdobbin49
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Re: Johnkilla56's Moderator Application?
I was not a staff member when you were here but you seems like a decent guy answers are answered quite well so you got my +1
- JohnKilla56
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Re: Johnkilla56's Moderator Application?
So uh 10 days now, we good here so i can start helping out?
- SASoperative
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Re: Johnkilla56's Moderator Application?
All admin apps are on hold. And just assuming because you have all these +1s means you will be accepted just makes you look bad. Be patient.
- JohnKilla56
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Re: Johnkilla56's Moderator Application?
nah i just didnt know there was a hold, thanks for clarifying.
- SASoperative
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Re: Johnkilla56's Moderator Application?