Byond ID: Obey_StyleZ
Age: 16 years Old
Timezone: Eastern Time Zone (UTC-5:00)
How many hours are you willing to put in daily to moderate? Oh Im online almost whole day, So roughly more then 5+ for fact.
Do you have any previous experience in being staff? (Doesn't have to be just SS13)
I run my own social Media page sights like twitch and instagram, admin to school related facebook pages, forum junky for my Robotics team, made a mini page for my robotics team. I have 1.6k followers on my instagram, a link would be in additional information. Twitch is a place where you can live stream, I always do on weekends, and what not., I live streamed 8 times so far :P .
Did you play any of the previous Colonial Marine servers?
Just Space Station 13 Colonial Marines server only for 5 months now. Kinda dedicated to this server.
If a player was shooting everyone in briefing at round start how would you deal with the situation?
I like to be call a fair and reasonable guy, so I believe if he started it I will get rid of the host by teleporting, and asking him serious of question, like why are you doing this, what are you doing, I am very alert of things, so I would know what is going on, if not, I would ask around, to take everyone's word on the situation. Those who where injured or killed, will be revived, and healed to 100% max health. I have a year of AP Psychology in my Noggin so, deal with all kinds of people I have no problem, especially online. So I would issue warnings, and If he is getting out of hand ruining server I would issue bans.
You notice that a warrior is breaching the Nostromo for no reason and is unable to seal the breach.
How would you deal with this and what punishment would you give for a first offender?
I would tell the warrior that breaching isn't allowed, and explain what it is, to those who don't know the term. I would issue the first free-bie warning. I would make announcement, saying that there was a breaching incident at (so and so area) please take pro-caution. Since its unseal able right? So I would do, what I can to prevent players from heading that direction, or try to seal the heal as much as I can, until its play-able again. If not the announcement should cover it all. Now if the wario does it again, I would ban him, since I warned him, and he is ruining the server.
Additional Information:
Instagram: ( i can populate this server, but finding photos for this server is hard)
Twitch: ( development, as pictures and what not since im making them from scratch.)
Sites I admin:
Forums:, (This site, I had many hours n other before crash on forum, I have Reddit and what not)
youtube: This is actually my old youtube I never use but it counts, ... JSTq2LKoWQ ( yes I wanted to be a COD (bad word) as a kid)
Also i'm friends with many small youtubers that are 500 subs - 1k
I'm a donator to this server, and I don't regret not doing so, this server is beyond cool.
I am junior in highschool, I go to a technical school, so basically instead of electives every year I learn a trade like(buisness, automotive, electrical, engineering, welding) for 4 year, and This would be my 3rd in Engineering.
I play varsity soccer, and baskatball.
I have skype, and many other social medias, incase of contact.
Im a friendly guy, glass half full kinda guy.
I been told I was trustworthy, reliable, and kind. Take my word, but also let me prove it

( NOTE: this is a re-application, Last one was very good all +1 and neutrals because they havent meet me, but now since it was a month difference, hopefully that would change. As well, Felkvir denied me and gave me my -1 on other