Doctor Clockwork
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by Doctor Clockwork » 04 Jan 2015, 20:06
Doctor Clockwork's Moderator App
Real Name:
Jacqueline, call me Jaq or Doc
Byond ID:
Le wonderful Doctor Clockwork
O' Canada, Pacific Standard Time
How many hours are you willing to put in daily to moderate?
Really it all depends on what im doing, what day it is, how im feeling. But heres a chart for you
Mon: 4pm - 9pm
Tues: 4pm - 9pm
Wed: random - 9pm
Thurs: 4pm - 9pm
Fri: 4pm - 11pm
Sat: Random - 11pm
Sun: Random - 11pm
Do you have any previous experience in being staff?
Of course I do, I have been a Gamemaster on a small server called NanoTrasen Station, I have been a Twitch Chat Moderator for another small streamer.
Did you play any of the previous Colonial Marine servers?
Sadly I did not.
If a player was shooting everyone in briefing at round start how would you deal with the situation?
First I would state in OOC to NOT attack the antagonizer [Note how I did not say griefer] because if you do you will also be punished. I would then interrogate them, sending them a PM and asking them why they had done that. I would then, if another admin had already not revived the people dead or ressed them ask for one to do so. If they dont give me a proper excuse, such as ie: 'My character is crazy, I felt like it, blah blah blah' they'd get a 24 hour ban, 3 days for a repeated offender. If he wont listen to my PM's and continues to kill I will slay his character, hopefully then he will listen to me.
You notice that a warrior is breaching the Nostromo for no reason and is unable to seal the breach. How would you deal with this and what punishment would you give for a first offender?
First things first, I would alert another admin to the situation unfolding so they can patch up the hull breach. Whilst the admin is doing so I will heal any people affected by said warrior so they can continue with there 'RP'. Next thing on my list is to swiftly PM the warrior about his actions, asking him if he knew about the rule. Yes or No affects what happens next but I assume you, the reader can put 2 and 2 together. Now griffans lie, a lot. But I havev to listen to them, find supporting log evidence etc etc. If they had known about the rule and realized their mistake I might get em off lightly with a LARGE and MAJOR warning, if they have been extremely uncooperative and rude my trigger finger might get itchy. If they had not know the rule and had not ment for it then warning
. Now if they had known about the rule, and was still rude and would not not tell me they would revert their actions, well then I think its a day ban really.
2ND OTHER SHIT THAT MAKES NO SENSE BUT I HAVE HERE: First I would notify another administrator, since im a moderator I cant close the breach and such they can do so. I'd then quickly PM the Warrior asking them if they knew about the breaching rule. If they say yes I would then ask, did you know when breaching that a warrior cannot resin seal it? If they say yes, I would then look at their notes and if this is their first offense I'd ask if they did it on purpose, if they had not ment to hurt the game and now that it is sealed I'd issue a warning, if they had ment for it I would issue a 24 hour ban, even if they were a first time offender. Now to the other things that might happen, if they did not know about the breaching rule I would ya know state the rule in a PM and give them a warning. Correct me if I missed something
Additional information you'd like to add:
Feel free to criticize me and tell me on what to work on. Thanks for reading this App... now its most likely going to be sent to the garbage dump ie: denied app's but I just wanna try and see how it goes
Also, I am going to University thats why my schedule is wonky.
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by UnknownMurder » 04 Jan 2015, 20:51
DoctorClockwork wrote:
If a player was shooting everyone in briefing at round start how would you deal with the situation?
First I would state in OOC to NOT attack the antagonizer [Note how I did not say griefer] because if you do you will also be punished. I would then interrogate them, sending them a PM and asking them why they had done that. I would then, if another admin had already not revived the people dead or ressed them ask for one to do so. If they dont give me a proper excuse, such as ie: 'My character is crazy, I felt like it, blah blah blah' they'd get a 24 hour ban, 3 days for a repeated offender. If he wont listen to my PM's and continues to kill I will slay his character, hopefully then he will listen to me.
I'm scared, makes me feel like not talking to her. FYI: Moderators can heal.
DoctorClockwork wrote:
You notice that a warrior is breaching the Nostromo for no reason and is unable to seal the breach. How would you deal with this and what punishment would you give for a first offender?
First I would notify another administrator, since im a moderator I cant close the breach and such they can do so. I'd then quickly PM the Warrior asking them if they knew about the breaching rule. If they say yes I would then ask, did you know when breaching that a warrior cannot resin seal it? If they say yes, I would then look at their notes and if this is their first offense I'd ask if they did it on purpose, if they had not ment to hurt the game and now that it is sealed I'd issue a warning, if they had ment for it I would issue a 24 hour ban, even if they were a first time offender. Now to the other things that might happen, if they did not know about the breaching rule I would ya know state the rule in a PM and give them a warning. Correct me if I missed something
You missed nothing in my perspective.
Meh. We still are in need of moderators. I do hope your education is well at University.
This has been the most spookiest application I've ever read in my entire life. However, little mistakes in actions but easily learned and adaptive. Other words, you're all good to go!
Last edited by
UnknownMurder on 04 Jan 2015, 20:52, edited 1 time in total.
Doctor Clockwork
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by Doctor Clockwork » 04 Jan 2015, 20:58
2Spooky4Me, I will go ahead and work on it a little. Thanks for the thoughts Unknown
You must also love me for my avatar... *waves hand* It seems my mind control is not working on you!
run while you still can....

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- Byond: Apophis775
by apophis775 » 04 Jan 2015, 22:00
You need to be more active on the forums, and in-game.
Doctor Clockwork
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by Doctor Clockwork » 04 Jan 2015, 22:07
apophis775 wrote:
You need to be more active on the forums, and in-game.
Aye, I am a heavy RPer so i have not played THAT often, and also my old account is gone, so I will be

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by UnknownMurder » 08 Jan 2015, 06:17
I guess you will have to watch until Octagon looks over.
Doctor Clockwork
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by Doctor Clockwork » 08 Jan 2015, 18:08
UnknownMurder wrote:
I guess you will have to watch until Octagon looks over.
Aye, lord Octagon see's all.
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- Byond: Apophis775
by apophis775 » 09 Jan 2015, 03:09
Expect an answer this weekend, were going to be doing a large inactivity purge, which will open up many spots.
Doctor Clockwork
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by Doctor Clockwork » 10 Jan 2015, 01:14
apophis775 wrote:
Expect an answer this weekend, were going to be doing a large inactivity purge, which will open up many spots.
Alright Apop :')
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by Octagon » 10 Jan 2015, 14:14
Pink Application... DENI- wait... uh...
After... this pink torture, thee shall be ACCEPTUNDO