Ytharin - Moderator Application
- Ytharin
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- Posts: 4
- Joined: 13 Dec 2015, 07:13
- Location: Whangarei, New Zealand
- Byond: Ytharin
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Ytharin - Moderator Application
Byond ID: Ytharin
Colonial Marines Character: Charlotte Alabaster
Age: 16
Gender: Transgender (Male-to-Female, specifically)
Timezone: Pacific/Auckland (GMT/UTC +12:00)
On average, how many hours are you available per week to moderate? Roughly 69 hours hue (About 9-ish hours weekdays, 12-ish hours weekends!)
Do you have any previous experience in being staff (not just SS13)? I have experience with being staff from Roleplay servers across multiple platforms, as well as within a raiding company in Final Fantasy XIV (Though that's a different can of worms altogether.)
Did you play any of the previous Colonial Marine servers? I did not! Not that I remember, at least.
What other servers do you play on? I occasionally play on Baystation 12, and have been doing so for some time. I also used to frequent the servers 'Unbound Travels' and 'Aphelion' before they were shut down.
What are the 3 biggest servers you play on besides CM? Baystation 12, and uh.. Well, I don't exactly want to count UT or Aphelion, considering they have closed down, but those would be my second- and third-most played servers. Other servers I play on minimally!
Have you had an application to Colonial Marines before? I have not! This will be my first one.
Are you currently a staff member elsewhere (not just SS13)? If so, where? Currently, I am not a staff-member for any groups, games or servers that I participate in.
Have you ever been banned for more than 24 hours on Colonial Marines? Nope! To my knowledge, I haven't been banned at all on Colonial Marines.
Have you ever been banned for more than 24 hours on ANY server? If so, where and When (roughly)? Also nope! At least, not to my memory. I'm fairly confident in saying that I haven't been banned at all on any servers as well!
Are you familiar with the chat program Slack (its use is required)? While I have not used the program Slack before, I will certainly take the time to get to know how it works!
Common Staff Situations:
Write a description of what you would do in each situation (BELOW) the situation. If you start it on the same line, I'll assume you can't follow directions and auto-decline your application.
1. A player is firing his weapon in the briefing area near the start of the round.
In all honesty, what I would do in this situation heavily depends on the context of the aforementioned situation. Whilst there isn't exactly a 'reason' to fire your weapon in the briefing area, per se, there could be acceptable excuses. Regardless of context, however, I would at first simply observe the situation (Provided the player wasn't firing his weapon at other players, of course); other players may be able to stop him from firing his weapon through Roleplay, calming the marine down or subduing him in some manner. If he is shooting at other Marines, then it becomes a situation regarding Lethal Force (See Marine-Specific Rules, Rule 1), provided that he had sufficient reasoning to start shooting at marines. If not, and he was simply silently shooting at other marines at the start of the round, then he would be Griefing. As such, I would sleep the player and inform the other players around them not to interfere through LOOC, then begin to speak with the player! I'd inform them of why I slept them and of what rule they were breaking, and then summarily remove them from the round - a ban exceeding the length of the round itself would not be issued out unless he began to harrass others through LOOC or OOC chat. Of course, I would also add a note to the player, stating what they had done and what action was taken in response to it. Any players that were damaged or killed would be healed, provided they did not respond to the situation with lethal force.
2. The Sulaco has a breach to space.
There are a few ways that the Sulaco could be breached, so I'll go over each of them below!
All Scenarios: Any players not involved in the breach that were killed by the breach will be healed, and a brief apology will be sent to them in private! Those involved will not receive a heal, but will still be apologized to.
A Marine breached the Sulaco: The player in question would be spoken to privately and questioned as to why exactly they breached the Sulaco. Perhaps it was an accident; new players may accidentally misfire their weapon into a window or something of the like. I know this because, uh.. I- I was one of those new players. It only happened once though! I learned my lesson quickly. Should it be accidental, the player will get a little slap on the wrist and a small note on their history that they were responsible for a breach. If it was intentional, then harsher methods of punishment will be used, especially if it was due to intentional Griefing, which would likely result in a temporary ban. (Note: If it was an intentional breach, but the player was apparently acting in-character, then a note would be made stating that it wasn't outright Grief, but they would still receive a temporary ban after I explain to them why they are unable to do that.)
A Xeno breached the Sulaco on their own: The Xenomorph would be sat down (Can you sleep Xeno's?? I've never seen it happen before) and spoken to in private. Breaching isn't something that anybody is allowed to do (See: Rules for Everyone, Rule 15). This will mostly go the same way as in the paragraph just above this one, where 'A Marine breached the Sulaco', with the exception of accidental breaches resulting in the Xeno being killed, and a possible Xeno-ban.
A Xeno breached the Sulaco, on the Queen's orders: Not and excuse! This would go mostly the same as the above paragraphs, but the Queen would also be spoken to. While Xeno's have to obey the orders of the Queen, they are not allowed to obey orders that conflict with rules that precede that rule! (Asmiov's Laws of Robotics, yo.) The Queen would most likely receive a ban from playing the Queen in the future, which could be appealed on the forums after the round has concluded.
A Predator breached the Sulaco with their gauntlet's self-destruct mechanism: ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ In all seriousness though, this is the exception to the 'No breaching' rule. Breaching is still a pretty mean thing to do regardless of rules, but it's a Self-destruct, not a manual destruct! As far as I know at least, I haven't played Predator.
3. The marines want the nuke codes because they claim they are losing too many marines. There are currently 4 aliens and 20 marines in your /who.
The request would be declined not only because I would not be able to provide them with the nuke codes, what with not being a head of staff, but also because that's a pretty silly request! Of course, that's assuming that they are aHelping for the nuke codes. Should they be sending Fax's requesting Nuke Codes from Central Command, they will receive replies with a Denial, and possibly a jab at their bravery or lack thereof depending on how mean Central Command feels like being on that round. If the requests persist, then there will be a MOTHER status report, stating that the current odds from a bioscan are highly in the Marine's favour, and they should get off their butts. They're Marines, not Boy-scouts! No crying about getting your knee scraped by a scary Xeno.
4. A Sulaco researcher has made several napalm grenades and hands them out to marines. One of the marines throws the grenade into Logistics. There are no admins or other moderators online.
As somebody who loves to play Researcher, this is a big no-no. As a Researcher, you need to be very careful about what grenades you make and who you give them to, (see: Marine-Specific Rules, Researcher, point 3) and you need to be ready to accept the consequences of those grenades being mis-used, even if it wasn't your doing (see: Marine-Specific Rules, Researcher, point 4). The marine who threw the grenade into Logistics may be let off with a slap on the wrist and a note on their history if it was an accident (intentionally doing so would be considered breaching, if it was not part of a preordained mutiny that I have been informed about and had given consent to). The Researcher, however, (assuming it was not the Mutiny scenario I touched in the last sentence) would receive a thorough talking-to in private, a note on their character, and depending on the level of destruction and lag, a Job-ban that they could appeal on the forums after the round had finished. Additionally, I would leave a little message in the Slack chat describing the scenario and what I did in response, just for future reference! there may be no other staff online at the time, but once someone does enter the chat, they will be able to see the message, hopefully.
5. A player is starting to talk about the things he did with your mom last night over Ahelp.
Hey man, that's not nice, my mom is a lovely lady. From a rule- and staff-standpoint however, Ahelp's are a system to be used for players to request assistance of report rule-breaking, not make crude 'your mom' jokes. The player would initially be spoken to and Ahelp-silenced. (if you're able to do that? I haven't staffed in SS13 before. I think you can do that though) A note will also be put on their history, stating the offense. The silence would eventually be removed though, of course! Should they continue this offense after being un-silenced, then they will be temporarily be banned, which they may appeal to have removed on the forums.
6. You notice a marine with a name that doesn't fit our naming rules.
If it were a 'minor' transgression of the naming rules (examples; '___ Ripley', 'Dr. John Smith', etc), then the player will privately receive a request to change their name to something more suitable! If it's something a bit more ominous (example; 'Adolf Hitler', 'Georg Mellon Griff', etc) then they will be messaged a little more sternly, reminded of the naming rules, and then will be requested to change their name. In both cases, if they refuse, the name will be changed for them to something more appropriate.
6a. The marine is arguing that: They've used the name for several years, noone has told them to change it before, and that they didn't know it was a rule.
That would be quite an outlier case! I'm certain that they would have been spoken to before they got to use that name for several years, unless they were meaning that they used it on different servers. Regardless, they would be informed that they are now being requested to change their name. In regards to them not knowing that it was a rule, well.. Frankly, that's their fault! It's stated in the rules that by playing on the server, you are confirming that you have read ALL of the rules. (See: General Rules, Rule 0.1)
7. You see a Sulaco Doctor with an M41A rifle strapped to his back running around the briefing area. There are wounded in Medbay, and the other doctor is in surgery.
Silly Doctor, you're part of the Medical team, not the Marines. The player will be reminded of this, and will be given a warning and an opportunity to return the M41A to where they found it and get to work in their actual workplace; sitting around and staring at the black screen of an unconscious marine is no fun for the player! It's their job to make sure that doesn't happen. Should the Doctor refuse to do so for any reason, they should expect a note on their player profile and a job-ban. As usual, this can be appealed after the round has ended on the forums! Really though, man, you have a job to do.
8. You see a Squad Medic performing surgery on the planet. He claims it was because there were no doctors in the FOB.
There may be no doctors at the FOB, but that is no reason to Meta- and Power-game! It is stated in the Squad Medic rules (See: Marine-Specific Rules, Squad Medic, point 1) that you are not allowed to perform any surgery, regardless of how minor. A Squad Medic's job is to stabilize patients in need of surgery and send them on their way back to the Sulaco. No FOB? Off to the Sulaco with them. The player would be reminded of this and would receive a warning; continuing to do this would result in a Job-ban, and a possible temporary ban, both of which would be appeal-able in the Forums.
9. The round is stagnating. There are 30 marines and 4 aliens. The marines won't leave the Sulaco, and the aliens won't attack. What would you do, to "encourage" the sides to engage each other?
There are multiple ways to deal with a situation like this, in my eyes! Some of them require certain criteria to have been met, so they will be covered in separate paragraphs.
Standard/No Criteria Met: Time for a MOTHER statement! A message will be sent that the MOTHER unit is online and that it will be performing a Bio-scan. The locations and relative size of the remaining 4 Xeno's would be stated (i.e. 'Medium Lifeforms: 1. Location: North-eastern Barrens.' and the Marines would be reminded of their protocol. It is their job to deal with the threat Planetside, not to sit around in their ship and complain about danger! That's Central Command's job. Additionally, a message may be sent to the remaining Xenomorphs, perhaps a 'whisper' from an Empress of the sort, something that would be feasible, telling the Xenomorphs something like, "The metal hosts are waiting and growing docile, now is the time to strike!", or something of the sort.
Active Corporate Liason: This is a fun one, in my opinion! I would send multiple messages to the Corporate Liason from Weyland-Yutani, stating and reminding them of the importance that the 'creatures' down on the planet be eradicated. Put their position as a Liason at risk, remind them of certain contracts that they signed, of the consequences of going against direct orders.. Scare, threaten, bribe them into spurring the Marines into action.
SSD Queen + Active Dead-chat: I would send a message to Dead-chat, asking if anybody would like to take control of the SSD Queen and lead the last of the Xenomorphs on a suicide mission - or a successful suicide mission, whichever way the wind blows and whatever. If nobody bites, then back to the standard method!
10. The round ends, and a marine starts unloading his weapons on other marines.
The marine in question would receive an immediate 3-hour ban. No warnings, no slaps on the wrist, just an immediate 3-hour ban (See: Rules for everyone, rule 6, Examples of Griefing, bulletpoint 3.) A note would also be placed on the players history, stating that they committed End-of-round Grief.
11. A marine who has recently awoken is using soap to slip other marines.
At first, I would do nothing; I'd just sit back and watch, maybe grab a bit of popcorn. Using soap to slip up other marines at round-start is, generally, a pretty minor offense, especially if the player is actually Roleplaying it out and not just griefing! Plus, it's funny. At least, at first it is. If I receive AHelps about the player, or if the situation escalates and the marine begins to harm other players, then I would shoot the player a message asking them to stop their behaviour, or take further action if necessary. Otherwise, the MP's should be able to handle it, and if that doesn't work, a bit of rough-housing isn't against the rules, so long as there's no Lethal Force.
12. A marine has killed another marine. When you ask him why, he said it was because the other marine had punched him.
Responding to violence by shooting at the perpetrator is allowed and considered to be standard Lethal Force (See: Marine-specific Rules, Rule 1, Example 1), but actually killing the other marine is a bit.. Excessive. A note stating that the player used lethal force would be slapped onto the player who killed the other marine, and the now-dead Marine would not receive a revive; hopefully the Doctors will pick him up and clone him. Additionally, whilst it is technically allowed, the first Marine should definitely expect to be stunned to Tokyo and back Is that a thing that people say? I don't think it is. Oh well. or be beaten down by some Marines that had witnessed it.
Any additional information you'd like to add?: Fuck SADARs.
Colonial Marines Character: Charlotte Alabaster
Age: 16
Gender: Transgender (Male-to-Female, specifically)
Timezone: Pacific/Auckland (GMT/UTC +12:00)
On average, how many hours are you available per week to moderate? Roughly 69 hours hue (About 9-ish hours weekdays, 12-ish hours weekends!)
Do you have any previous experience in being staff (not just SS13)? I have experience with being staff from Roleplay servers across multiple platforms, as well as within a raiding company in Final Fantasy XIV (Though that's a different can of worms altogether.)
Did you play any of the previous Colonial Marine servers? I did not! Not that I remember, at least.
What other servers do you play on? I occasionally play on Baystation 12, and have been doing so for some time. I also used to frequent the servers 'Unbound Travels' and 'Aphelion' before they were shut down.
What are the 3 biggest servers you play on besides CM? Baystation 12, and uh.. Well, I don't exactly want to count UT or Aphelion, considering they have closed down, but those would be my second- and third-most played servers. Other servers I play on minimally!
Have you had an application to Colonial Marines before? I have not! This will be my first one.
Are you currently a staff member elsewhere (not just SS13)? If so, where? Currently, I am not a staff-member for any groups, games or servers that I participate in.
Have you ever been banned for more than 24 hours on Colonial Marines? Nope! To my knowledge, I haven't been banned at all on Colonial Marines.
Have you ever been banned for more than 24 hours on ANY server? If so, where and When (roughly)? Also nope! At least, not to my memory. I'm fairly confident in saying that I haven't been banned at all on any servers as well!
Are you familiar with the chat program Slack (its use is required)? While I have not used the program Slack before, I will certainly take the time to get to know how it works!
Common Staff Situations:
Write a description of what you would do in each situation (BELOW) the situation. If you start it on the same line, I'll assume you can't follow directions and auto-decline your application.
1. A player is firing his weapon in the briefing area near the start of the round.
In all honesty, what I would do in this situation heavily depends on the context of the aforementioned situation. Whilst there isn't exactly a 'reason' to fire your weapon in the briefing area, per se, there could be acceptable excuses. Regardless of context, however, I would at first simply observe the situation (Provided the player wasn't firing his weapon at other players, of course); other players may be able to stop him from firing his weapon through Roleplay, calming the marine down or subduing him in some manner. If he is shooting at other Marines, then it becomes a situation regarding Lethal Force (See Marine-Specific Rules, Rule 1), provided that he had sufficient reasoning to start shooting at marines. If not, and he was simply silently shooting at other marines at the start of the round, then he would be Griefing. As such, I would sleep the player and inform the other players around them not to interfere through LOOC, then begin to speak with the player! I'd inform them of why I slept them and of what rule they were breaking, and then summarily remove them from the round - a ban exceeding the length of the round itself would not be issued out unless he began to harrass others through LOOC or OOC chat. Of course, I would also add a note to the player, stating what they had done and what action was taken in response to it. Any players that were damaged or killed would be healed, provided they did not respond to the situation with lethal force.
2. The Sulaco has a breach to space.
There are a few ways that the Sulaco could be breached, so I'll go over each of them below!
All Scenarios: Any players not involved in the breach that were killed by the breach will be healed, and a brief apology will be sent to them in private! Those involved will not receive a heal, but will still be apologized to.
A Marine breached the Sulaco: The player in question would be spoken to privately and questioned as to why exactly they breached the Sulaco. Perhaps it was an accident; new players may accidentally misfire their weapon into a window or something of the like. I know this because, uh.. I- I was one of those new players. It only happened once though! I learned my lesson quickly. Should it be accidental, the player will get a little slap on the wrist and a small note on their history that they were responsible for a breach. If it was intentional, then harsher methods of punishment will be used, especially if it was due to intentional Griefing, which would likely result in a temporary ban. (Note: If it was an intentional breach, but the player was apparently acting in-character, then a note would be made stating that it wasn't outright Grief, but they would still receive a temporary ban after I explain to them why they are unable to do that.)
A Xeno breached the Sulaco on their own: The Xenomorph would be sat down (Can you sleep Xeno's?? I've never seen it happen before) and spoken to in private. Breaching isn't something that anybody is allowed to do (See: Rules for Everyone, Rule 15). This will mostly go the same way as in the paragraph just above this one, where 'A Marine breached the Sulaco', with the exception of accidental breaches resulting in the Xeno being killed, and a possible Xeno-ban.
A Xeno breached the Sulaco, on the Queen's orders: Not and excuse! This would go mostly the same as the above paragraphs, but the Queen would also be spoken to. While Xeno's have to obey the orders of the Queen, they are not allowed to obey orders that conflict with rules that precede that rule! (Asmiov's Laws of Robotics, yo.) The Queen would most likely receive a ban from playing the Queen in the future, which could be appealed on the forums after the round has concluded.
A Predator breached the Sulaco with their gauntlet's self-destruct mechanism: ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ In all seriousness though, this is the exception to the 'No breaching' rule. Breaching is still a pretty mean thing to do regardless of rules, but it's a Self-destruct, not a manual destruct! As far as I know at least, I haven't played Predator.
3. The marines want the nuke codes because they claim they are losing too many marines. There are currently 4 aliens and 20 marines in your /who.
The request would be declined not only because I would not be able to provide them with the nuke codes, what with not being a head of staff, but also because that's a pretty silly request! Of course, that's assuming that they are aHelping for the nuke codes. Should they be sending Fax's requesting Nuke Codes from Central Command, they will receive replies with a Denial, and possibly a jab at their bravery or lack thereof depending on how mean Central Command feels like being on that round. If the requests persist, then there will be a MOTHER status report, stating that the current odds from a bioscan are highly in the Marine's favour, and they should get off their butts. They're Marines, not Boy-scouts! No crying about getting your knee scraped by a scary Xeno.
4. A Sulaco researcher has made several napalm grenades and hands them out to marines. One of the marines throws the grenade into Logistics. There are no admins or other moderators online.
As somebody who loves to play Researcher, this is a big no-no. As a Researcher, you need to be very careful about what grenades you make and who you give them to, (see: Marine-Specific Rules, Researcher, point 3) and you need to be ready to accept the consequences of those grenades being mis-used, even if it wasn't your doing (see: Marine-Specific Rules, Researcher, point 4). The marine who threw the grenade into Logistics may be let off with a slap on the wrist and a note on their history if it was an accident (intentionally doing so would be considered breaching, if it was not part of a preordained mutiny that I have been informed about and had given consent to). The Researcher, however, (assuming it was not the Mutiny scenario I touched in the last sentence) would receive a thorough talking-to in private, a note on their character, and depending on the level of destruction and lag, a Job-ban that they could appeal on the forums after the round had finished. Additionally, I would leave a little message in the Slack chat describing the scenario and what I did in response, just for future reference! there may be no other staff online at the time, but once someone does enter the chat, they will be able to see the message, hopefully.
5. A player is starting to talk about the things he did with your mom last night over Ahelp.
Hey man, that's not nice, my mom is a lovely lady. From a rule- and staff-standpoint however, Ahelp's are a system to be used for players to request assistance of report rule-breaking, not make crude 'your mom' jokes. The player would initially be spoken to and Ahelp-silenced. (if you're able to do that? I haven't staffed in SS13 before. I think you can do that though) A note will also be put on their history, stating the offense. The silence would eventually be removed though, of course! Should they continue this offense after being un-silenced, then they will be temporarily be banned, which they may appeal to have removed on the forums.
6. You notice a marine with a name that doesn't fit our naming rules.
If it were a 'minor' transgression of the naming rules (examples; '___ Ripley', 'Dr. John Smith', etc), then the player will privately receive a request to change their name to something more suitable! If it's something a bit more ominous (example; 'Adolf Hitler', 'Georg Mellon Griff', etc) then they will be messaged a little more sternly, reminded of the naming rules, and then will be requested to change their name. In both cases, if they refuse, the name will be changed for them to something more appropriate.
6a. The marine is arguing that: They've used the name for several years, noone has told them to change it before, and that they didn't know it was a rule.
That would be quite an outlier case! I'm certain that they would have been spoken to before they got to use that name for several years, unless they were meaning that they used it on different servers. Regardless, they would be informed that they are now being requested to change their name. In regards to them not knowing that it was a rule, well.. Frankly, that's their fault! It's stated in the rules that by playing on the server, you are confirming that you have read ALL of the rules. (See: General Rules, Rule 0.1)
7. You see a Sulaco Doctor with an M41A rifle strapped to his back running around the briefing area. There are wounded in Medbay, and the other doctor is in surgery.
Silly Doctor, you're part of the Medical team, not the Marines. The player will be reminded of this, and will be given a warning and an opportunity to return the M41A to where they found it and get to work in their actual workplace; sitting around and staring at the black screen of an unconscious marine is no fun for the player! It's their job to make sure that doesn't happen. Should the Doctor refuse to do so for any reason, they should expect a note on their player profile and a job-ban. As usual, this can be appealed after the round has ended on the forums! Really though, man, you have a job to do.
8. You see a Squad Medic performing surgery on the planet. He claims it was because there were no doctors in the FOB.
There may be no doctors at the FOB, but that is no reason to Meta- and Power-game! It is stated in the Squad Medic rules (See: Marine-Specific Rules, Squad Medic, point 1) that you are not allowed to perform any surgery, regardless of how minor. A Squad Medic's job is to stabilize patients in need of surgery and send them on their way back to the Sulaco. No FOB? Off to the Sulaco with them. The player would be reminded of this and would receive a warning; continuing to do this would result in a Job-ban, and a possible temporary ban, both of which would be appeal-able in the Forums.
9. The round is stagnating. There are 30 marines and 4 aliens. The marines won't leave the Sulaco, and the aliens won't attack. What would you do, to "encourage" the sides to engage each other?
There are multiple ways to deal with a situation like this, in my eyes! Some of them require certain criteria to have been met, so they will be covered in separate paragraphs.
Standard/No Criteria Met: Time for a MOTHER statement! A message will be sent that the MOTHER unit is online and that it will be performing a Bio-scan. The locations and relative size of the remaining 4 Xeno's would be stated (i.e. 'Medium Lifeforms: 1. Location: North-eastern Barrens.' and the Marines would be reminded of their protocol. It is their job to deal with the threat Planetside, not to sit around in their ship and complain about danger! That's Central Command's job. Additionally, a message may be sent to the remaining Xenomorphs, perhaps a 'whisper' from an Empress of the sort, something that would be feasible, telling the Xenomorphs something like, "The metal hosts are waiting and growing docile, now is the time to strike!", or something of the sort.
Active Corporate Liason: This is a fun one, in my opinion! I would send multiple messages to the Corporate Liason from Weyland-Yutani, stating and reminding them of the importance that the 'creatures' down on the planet be eradicated. Put their position as a Liason at risk, remind them of certain contracts that they signed, of the consequences of going against direct orders.. Scare, threaten, bribe them into spurring the Marines into action.
SSD Queen + Active Dead-chat: I would send a message to Dead-chat, asking if anybody would like to take control of the SSD Queen and lead the last of the Xenomorphs on a suicide mission - or a successful suicide mission, whichever way the wind blows and whatever. If nobody bites, then back to the standard method!
10. The round ends, and a marine starts unloading his weapons on other marines.
The marine in question would receive an immediate 3-hour ban. No warnings, no slaps on the wrist, just an immediate 3-hour ban (See: Rules for everyone, rule 6, Examples of Griefing, bulletpoint 3.) A note would also be placed on the players history, stating that they committed End-of-round Grief.
11. A marine who has recently awoken is using soap to slip other marines.
At first, I would do nothing; I'd just sit back and watch, maybe grab a bit of popcorn. Using soap to slip up other marines at round-start is, generally, a pretty minor offense, especially if the player is actually Roleplaying it out and not just griefing! Plus, it's funny. At least, at first it is. If I receive AHelps about the player, or if the situation escalates and the marine begins to harm other players, then I would shoot the player a message asking them to stop their behaviour, or take further action if necessary. Otherwise, the MP's should be able to handle it, and if that doesn't work, a bit of rough-housing isn't against the rules, so long as there's no Lethal Force.
12. A marine has killed another marine. When you ask him why, he said it was because the other marine had punched him.
Responding to violence by shooting at the perpetrator is allowed and considered to be standard Lethal Force (See: Marine-specific Rules, Rule 1, Example 1), but actually killing the other marine is a bit.. Excessive. A note stating that the player used lethal force would be slapped onto the player who killed the other marine, and the now-dead Marine would not receive a revive; hopefully the Doctors will pick him up and clone him. Additionally, whilst it is technically allowed, the first Marine should definitely expect to be stunned to Tokyo and back Is that a thing that people say? I don't think it is. Oh well. or be beaten down by some Marines that had witnessed it.
Any additional information you'd like to add?: Fuck SADARs.
- Kyrac
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- Joined: 05 Apr 2015, 19:17
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Re: Ytharin - Moderator Application
Legitimate gold, can only hope that'll be the color of your forum name one day. +1's, solidest app I've ever seen.
- Jay Burns
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- Joined: 01 Jun 2016, 13:17
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Re: Ytharin - Moderator Application
Holy shit so detailed almost cried looking at that wall of text, all your answers look really good and detailed nice job +1
- Warnipple
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- Joined: 13 Jun 2016, 08:57
- Location: Kanoya Airfield
Re: Ytharin - Moderator Application
Hello there so I'd just like to drop by and drop my support for your application.
You seem like an decent enough player, I've seen you around, seen you RP and left a positive note on your record which is why I feel the need to drop my support here.
Your application is well written and it shows that you've put some time and effort into it. I appreciate that and I'm sure other mods appreciate that. However a lot of it contains a lot of sillyness/filler. I skimmed over most of these bits as I'm only interested in the meaty parts. From what I've read, you seem to be a very authoritarian player. While I don't think this to be the worst thing in the world, I don't think its the best either. I like to think that most of us staff members are quite liberal. We rarely hand out punishments unless there is a clear and intentional rule break.
The other answers seem okay, the Corporate Liason one reminds me of my application which I approve of.
I think a good sense of humour and light heartedness is good for staff members which you've displayed. Its important that we, the staff team, don't take things too seriously or personally which may lead to altered or biased judgements/punishments. I do recall that you're an excellent RPer which is a + in my book.
My main concern regarding your application is that you're pretty young and you've admitted to being transgender. While I have nothing against this, I think you're at the age where you'll be receiving hormone replacement therapy which would make you potentially unstable for staffing. We don't need is an unstable staff member who makes mistakes and then blames them on hormones. If you can promise to keep yourself in check, including staying away from staffing when this could be a potential issue then I think you'll be a great addition to the team. Should you ever blame anything on hormones then I'll rescind my support for your application.
You seem like an decent enough player, I've seen you around, seen you RP and left a positive note on your record which is why I feel the need to drop my support here.
Your application is well written and it shows that you've put some time and effort into it. I appreciate that and I'm sure other mods appreciate that. However a lot of it contains a lot of sillyness/filler. I skimmed over most of these bits as I'm only interested in the meaty parts. From what I've read, you seem to be a very authoritarian player. While I don't think this to be the worst thing in the world, I don't think its the best either. I like to think that most of us staff members are quite liberal. We rarely hand out punishments unless there is a clear and intentional rule break.
For example in #2 you mentioned that a marine accidently breaching the Sulaco would get a negative note. If you've investigated and deemed it an accident then I don't believe they should be punished for such. Also you shouldn't be so liberal with Aheals. Aheals need to be investigated thoroughly before they're given because you can't take back an aheal if you ahealed the wrong person. You'll likely learn this when you get access to that command.2. The Sulaco has a breach to space.
There are a few ways that the Sulaco could be breached, so I'll go over each of them below!
All Scenarios: Any players not involved in the breach that were killed by the breach will be healed, and a brief apology will be sent to them in private! Those involved will not receive a heal, but will still be apologized to.
A Marine breached the Sulaco: The player in question would be spoken to privately and questioned as to why exactly they breached the Sulaco. Perhaps it was an accident; new players may accidentally misfire their weapon into a window or something of the like. I know this because, uh.. I- I was one of those new players. It only happened once though! I learned my lesson quickly. Should it be accidental, the player will get a little slap on the wrist and a small note on their history that they were responsible for a breach. If it was intentional, then harsher methods of punishment will be used, especially if it was due to intentional Griefing, which would likely result in a temporary ban. (Note: If it was an intentional breach, but the player was apparently acting in-character, then a note would be made stating that it wasn't outright Grief, but they would still receive a temporary ban after I explain to them why they are unable to do that.)
Your answer to #5 really tells me that you're authoritarian by muting this player's ahelp. I believe it wouldn't be necessary to mute this player's ahelp in spite of him talking about something silly. They may have done it in jest and if you can be easily triggered by this then you shouldn't be staff.5. A player is starting to talk about the things he did with your mom last night over Ahelp.
Hey man, that's not nice, my mom is a lovely lady. From a rule- and staff-standpoint however, Ahelp's are a system to be used for players to request assistance of report rule-breaking, not make crude 'your mom' jokes. The player would initially be spoken to and Ahelp-silenced. (if you're able to do that? I haven't staffed in SS13 before. I think you can do that though) A note will also be put on their history, stating the offense. The silence would eventually be removed though, of course! Should they continue this offense after being un-silenced, then they will be temporarily be banned, which they may appeal to have removed on the forums.
For #12, it's necessary to investigate if it was proper escalation of lethal force. This is allowed under this circumstance, while the player's reply was not specific enough, its your duty to investigate if it was proper escalation before putting a negative note or banning.12. A marine has killed another marine. When you ask him why, he said it was because the other marine had punched him.
Responding to violence by shooting at the perpetrator is allowed and considered to be standard Lethal Force (See: Marine-specific Rules, Rule 1, Example 1), but actually killing the other marine is a bit.. Excessive. A note stating that the player used lethal force would be slapped onto the player who killed the other marine, and the now-dead Marine would not receive a revive; hopefully the Doctors will pick him up and clone him. Additionally, whilst it is technically allowed, the first Marine should definitely expect to be stunned to Tokyo and back Is that a thing that people say? I don't think it is. Oh well. or be beaten down by some Marines that had witnessed it.
The other answers seem okay, the Corporate Liason one reminds me of my application which I approve of.
I think a good sense of humour and light heartedness is good for staff members which you've displayed. Its important that we, the staff team, don't take things too seriously or personally which may lead to altered or biased judgements/punishments. I do recall that you're an excellent RPer which is a + in my book.
My main concern regarding your application is that you're pretty young and you've admitted to being transgender. While I have nothing against this, I think you're at the age where you'll be receiving hormone replacement therapy which would make you potentially unstable for staffing. We don't need is an unstable staff member who makes mistakes and then blames them on hormones. If you can promise to keep yourself in check, including staying away from staffing when this could be a potential issue then I think you'll be a great addition to the team. Should you ever blame anything on hormones then I'll rescind my support for your application.
- Ytharin
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Re: Ytharin - Moderator Application
Ah, alrighty! Thank-you for the support and advice Warnipple.
Looking back through my application a second time, I did seem to come off as very authoritarian, which might not be the most enjoyable position for the players that would interact with me, should I be a staff member. I'll make note that if I find myself in that position, to be more liberal! I'll have to watch myself in that regard.
In regards to the hormone therapy, I certainly get what you're talking about! Chemical imbalances, mental-emotional instability.. I do promise to keep myself in check in that regard, though! As it turns out, I've already started that hormone therapy, but that's delving into personal matters, not really the topic at hand!
Thank-you for the tips! I appreciate 'em.
Looking back through my application a second time, I did seem to come off as very authoritarian, which might not be the most enjoyable position for the players that would interact with me, should I be a staff member. I'll make note that if I find myself in that position, to be more liberal! I'll have to watch myself in that regard.
In regards to the hormone therapy, I certainly get what you're talking about! Chemical imbalances, mental-emotional instability.. I do promise to keep myself in check in that regard, though! As it turns out, I've already started that hormone therapy, but that's delving into personal matters, not really the topic at hand!
Thank-you for the tips! I appreciate 'em.
- monkeysfist101
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Re: Ytharin - Moderator Application
Welp, you've got my +1. Good notes, good answers, and you took the prod with tact. I'm looking forward to having you on the team.
Resident canon stickler.
CM in a nutshell:

"perscription_google" - CM code
CM in a nutshell:

"perscription_google" - CM code
- Westhybrid
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Re: Ytharin - Moderator Application
Your application is mostly solid. Given that we're recruiting moderators en masse, and we're looking for every level head we can find, I think it's worth giving you a shot as a Trial.
As for your gender identity or any hormone imbalance, completely irrelevant. The only reason we ask it on the app is for our own reference. Your transition has nothing to do with your potential conduct as a Moderator, and there's literally zero reason to put you or potential behavior under any sort of scrutiny during your Trial. You're gonna be judged the same as everyone else. Given your app, you have a good chance.
As for your gender identity or any hormone imbalance, completely irrelevant. The only reason we ask it on the app is for our own reference. Your transition has nothing to do with your potential conduct as a Moderator, and there's literally zero reason to put you or potential behavior under any sort of scrutiny during your Trial. You're gonna be judged the same as everyone else. Given your app, you have a good chance.
Goes better with soup.
- Aetsuki
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Re: Ytharin - Moderator Application
I like your answers, and in #5 my personal belief was that the question was written with the idea that a player is for all intents and purposes spamming ahelp with your mom jokes, so I have no personal complaint about that response. All in all, your responses were solid, and covered a variety of scenarios, as they should, and showed a decent dedication. You have a nice sense of humor and you seem to understand the essence of administration and moderation. All in all I'm looking forward to seeing you join the team. Absolute +1.

- Feweh
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Re: Ytharin - Moderator Application
I have no idea who you are.
We are recruiting, be we need to at least ve familiar with you.
We are recruiting, be we need to at least ve familiar with you.
- Whistle
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Re: Ytharin - Moderator Application
Whilst I have never heard of you, the word in the brigade is you're a solid Rp'er and your answers show a clear understanding of the rules.
Regarding question five.
Your answer was fine, if someone is talking about screwing someones mother, in jest or other wise, I would not expect people to put with it.
Something to remember, mutes are temporary and are reset at the end of the round, so you don't need to worry about that. So fire and forget.
Regarding the accidental breach, im with Nipps on this one, accidents happen, no notes needed unless it was suspicious.
Only concern is age on this, maturity to be exact.
Buuuut I'd be happy to see how you do during a trial.
+1 from me.
Regarding question five.
Your answer was fine, if someone is talking about screwing someones mother, in jest or other wise, I would not expect people to put with it.
Something to remember, mutes are temporary and are reset at the end of the round, so you don't need to worry about that. So fire and forget.
Regarding the accidental breach, im with Nipps on this one, accidents happen, no notes needed unless it was suspicious.
Only concern is age on this, maturity to be exact.
Buuuut I'd be happy to see how you do during a trial.
+1 from me.
- slc97
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Re: Ytharin - Moderator Application
Your application is extremely well thought out. The only issues I could find are the ones Warnipple mentioned above.
As Whistles stated, my only hang up is your age. You would be our youngest mod and held to the exact same standard as everyone else, so we expect maturity.
However, I do not believe this will be a problem with you. You have only positive notes which is an extreme rarity. You have shown extreme tact in responses to comments that would offend others in your position.
I think you are more than suitable for a trial position. +1
As Whistles stated, my only hang up is your age. You would be our youngest mod and held to the exact same standard as everyone else, so we expect maturity.
However, I do not believe this will be a problem with you. You have only positive notes which is an extreme rarity. You have shown extreme tact in responses to comments that would offend others in your position.
I think you are more than suitable for a trial position. +1
- Feweh
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Re: Ytharin - Moderator Application
This is denied.
We've replenished our staff count and need players who we know. Despite a good application it isnt enough as
Ive never seen you in-game before.
We've replenished our staff count and need players who we know. Despite a good application it isnt enough as
Ive never seen you in-game before.
- Feweh
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Re: Ytharin - Moderator Application
I'd like to re-open this and accept you if you're interested.
Seen you in-game frequently the last 3 days and you're active in mini-chat all the time.
if you're still interested, send me a PM and you will be accepted.
Seen you in-game frequently the last 3 days and you're active in mini-chat all the time.
if you're still interested, send me a PM and you will be accepted.
- Feweh
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Re: Ytharin - Moderator Application