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Byond: Imperator_Titan


Post by Imperator_Titan » 03 Dec 2016, 05:51

Your Byond Key: Imperator_Titan

Your Character Name: Owen (only remember first name since I was part of an ERT) I usually play as Ed 'Unrobust' Trevor

Accused Byond Key(if known): SadCorn

Character Name: (don't remember his name but he was one of the PMCs)

Approximate time and date of the incident (Central US Time for fastest results): Last Thursday, about 9 pm GMT

What rule(s) were broken: Don't be a dick, Unless you are an MP, you should not be enforcing Marine Law.

Description of the incident: I was a part of Dutch's Dozen, after being cloned, I went to the bridge for compensation for my entire squad's death as a joke, after they denied me, I went to get a forward grip for my M41A, there was a PMC in RO too, for some reason. I grabbed a forward grip and was on my way out when he was shouting at me for no apparent reason and was blocking the door, stopping me from getting out. so there, I pushed him and exited req, upon where he grabbed a stun baton and started to tase me constantly with it, but still, I managed to get to briefing before he left me alone and said that he was "getting handcuffs". I head down the ladders and am on my way to the rasp when suddenly he comes down the ladders too, with a stun baton and handcuffs me. He brings me to the bridge and keeps me after searching me and stealing my pistol with a barrel charger and red dot sight on it AND the forward grip that I took. He then attempted to brig me for 30 minutes until a BO stepped in and took me there himself, only to have a chat instead of brigging me. From there, he asks what compensation I want for my squad's death, I tell him I want my pistol with all the attachments on it back. We go to the RO, with my pistol there, without the attachments and bullet casings on the floor and the PMC nowhere in sight. The round then ends a moment later.

Evidence (screenshots, logs, etc): (Had to leave a moment after the round ended since I was tired, forgot about taking logs since I didn't know if I was going to make a player complaint.)

How you would punish the accused: job ban from ERT

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Byond: SadCorn

Re: SadCorn

Post by Sad_Corn » 07 Dec 2016, 00:50

1 thing: XO gave me the command of RO

2 thing: I warned you A LOT OF TIMES BUT YOU DIDN'T LISTEN

3 thing: I didn't brig you, the XO did, i transported you to the bridge to ask what to do

4 thing: Pushed and punched me when i was blocking your way to exit from RO

5 thing: CL allowed me to do

6 thing: I put the attachs on the RO vendor, but it didn't had a ID lockdown, so a marine stolen it (I think so, don't remember very well)

7 thing: PMC's have stun batons for a damn reason

8 thing: Don't be salty for useless things

9 thing: YOu are asking a ERT job ban because i took attachs back, since it was a IC question

10 thing: no Mp's alive to deal with it
On May 17, 2016, a group of farmers dug up the diary of an ear of corn named Watson. Here are his entries.

Day 76:
They took Lawrence, dear god Lawrence... They ripped him off the stalk and smeared him in butter, just like Tyler and Jodie. They shipped him off to the popcorn factory...
I wonder what his wife will say.

Day 120: My brother says the VEGANS are protesting for more anti-meat bullshit. They want more of us to die. FUCKING HEATHENS.

Day 153: The ants are eating me from the inside out. They are popping out my kernels and taking them back to the nest. I feel them moving inside me. Julia says the pesticides will end our misery.

Day 300: Sweet Release. I can hear the planes flying over now. They are dropping the gas, it feels so good, sweet release-


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Byond: Feweh

Re: SadCorn

Post by Feweh » 07 Dec 2016, 00:54


PMC's do not have the same standards as marines, they are a special ERT/Neutral Antag.
