Staff Report - Jackie Estegado

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Staff Report - Jackie Estegado

Post by MrJJJ » 21 Dec 2016, 02:15

Your Byond Key: Jack354yo

Your Character Name: Alexeiy Wolf

Their Byond key: Jackie Estegado

Approximate time and date of the incident (Central Us Time for best results): 1-2 PM CST time, 2-3 AM EST time if i am any correct

Which Admin Protocols (viewtopic.php?f=57&t=5647) were broken: Do we still use this? if so, 3 and 5 i guess, its hard to tell.

Description of the incident: Okay, i login in after my 3 hour ban, after some time on ground, my feet get's slashed off by a ravager, i manage to escape with help of other marines, get to Sulaco, and get a new foot and have my groin fixed (unfortunately i forgot i had organ damage in that place so i kept experiencing pain anyway) and after some time, before rasp goes down, i hear about us most likely evacing and marines retreating, so i figured i am gonna need to help protect the wounded who are going to be boarding it, and just as we land and i open the door and come out, greeted with tons of walls and a few wounded coming in, i see a runner trying to close in, i will let the screens explain the rest.

(Note: i was using a Stock for anyone curious enough) ... e60d4e.png ... 5fbc5f.png

If you can't access the pictures for some reason, basically what happens is that i fire on the runner, hit it twice, then i fire again, and suddenly, Sergei "Wolf" Zelinsky appears and get's hit once, i notice this and that wounded are now moving and start switching to a better position (there was like, 4 marines trying to get in now after the accidental ff) before suddenly, Sergei shoots me pointblank, infront of all marines with a buckshot, putting me effectively into crit and breaking my chest, most likely causing internal bleeding and organ damage, i get up and shoot him, 3 rounds hit and he dies, soon enough i put my rifle back on suit storage and fall down on the ground shortly, not pictured is the medic dragging me, and a hunter coming over and blowing himself up on a mime and then putting me even deeper into crit and me dying.

Shortly after, Jackie starts asking me what happened, so i explain everything, even saying that i didin't die from the shotgun, but most likely would have if no medic was there to help me, after some time, he concludes that i deserve a ban for 2 days and saying that the other guy was already handled (i am actually curious what happened to him), and even consults the previous note placed on me, which was a 3 hour ban for shooting a medic who i very much thought intentionally pushed me into boiler acid while i was already in crit from Accidental FF (another reason to just stick to pulse rifle)

This is my ban ... 6270df.png (The previous incident wasn't the same, in that one i was the one who fired on a medic because i thought he pushed me into boiler acid intentionally, this one is me being almost killed by a marine because i by accident hit him once and then shooting back at him for almost murdering me for almost no real reason at all)

Evidence (screenshots, logs, etc): Already posted, but i will do so again ... e60d4e.png ... 5fbc5f.png

How you would punish the accused: I am not sure really, i was just encouraged to make this when i brought this up in Mchat, esspecially since this caused me confusion on how the rules even work anymore, since before it seemed very much fine to respond to people shooting you, but you would just be unable to get any real admin help (like a heal), so...i am confused.

Note: This is my first staff report ever.

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Re: Staff Report - Jackie Estegado

Post by apophis775 » 21 Dec 2016, 02:42

You should have reported the buckshot to staff, not stood up and shot him. You 100% should have Ahelped that you were being blasted by a marine. The other guy, received a warning as he fired one shot, and you would have received a general warning. However, you have a previous note for something similar and had nearly an identical ban a few hours earlier, so it was escalated.

Code: Select all

Banned by X|Duration: 180 minutes|Reason: Shotgunned a medic in the face for what he claims to be ff and purposeful pushing into the acid. That case appears to be unlikely but possible. Considering he has gone a little bit gun happy before placing a three hour ban to consider his actions. by X on Tue, December 20th of 2016 Remove

Banned by X|Duration: 2880 minutes|Reason: Killed a marine that FFed him, due to previous ban for similar case increased bantime to two days. by X on Tue, December 20th of 2016 Remove

You should have AHELPED, not blasted him to death. An ahelp, would have gotten you an admin heal instead of a 2 day ban.

Also, your are referring to the "griefing" rule, specifically of shooting someone who was KNOWN to be griefing and gunning down marines (cause we preferred Ahelps). It's 100% NEVER been ok to just wordlessly blast a guy. If he shot you, you should have Ahelped it IMMEDIATLY if it wasn't accidental FF. That rule is GONE. Blasting someone to death, for no RP reason is now ALWAYS grief.

Simplest solution to avoid this in the future:

STOP SHOOTING PEOPLE WHO MAKE YOU ANGRY. Because while the note is getting old, you do have previous notes for "Rage-kills". Ahelp if you think it's grief. Even if it's not grief, we'd rather you ahelp so we investigate it, than you just waste someone.

Code: Select all

Caused a ton of shit IC from the looks of it .. And after having been "abused" apparently, went on a rampage and killed 3 people. Pretty much admitted to being pissed off and causing it.. 
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Re: Staff Report - Jackie Estegado

Post by MrJJJ » 21 Dec 2016, 02:45

apophis775 wrote:You should have reported the buckshot to staff, not stood up and shot him. You 100% should have Ahelped that you were being blasted by a marine. The other guy, received a warning as he fired one shot, and you would have received a general warning. However, you have a previous note for something similar and had nearly an identical ban a few hours earlier, so it was escalated.

Code: Select all

Banned by X|Duration: 180 minutes|Reason: Shotgunned a medic in the face for what he claims to be ff and purposeful pushing into the acid. That case appears to be unlikely but possible. Considering he has gone a little bit gun happy before placing a three hour ban to consider his actions. by X on Tue, December 20th of 2016 Remove

Banned by X|Duration: 2880 minutes|Reason: Killed a marine that FFed him, due to previous ban for similar case increased bantime to two days. by X on Tue, December 20th of 2016 Remove

You should have AHELPED, not blasted him to death. An ahelp, would have gotten you an admin heal instead of a 2 day ban.

Also, your are referring to the "griefing" rule, specifically of shooting someone who was KNOWN to be griefing and gunning down marines (cause we preferred Ahelps). It's 100% NEVER been ok to just wordlessly blast a guy. If he shot you, you should have Ahelped it IMMEDIATLY if it wasn't accidental FF. That rule is GONE. Blasting someone to death, for no RP reason is now ALWAYS grief.

Simplest solution to avoid this in the future:

STOP SHOOTING PEOPLE WHO MAKE YOU ANGRY. Because while the note is getting old, you do have previous notes for "Rage-kills". Ahelp if you think it's grief. Even if it's not grief, we'd rather you ahelp so we investigate it, than you just waste someone.

Code: Select all

Caused a ton of shit IC from the looks of it .. And after having been "abused" apparently, went on a rampage and killed 3 people. Pretty much admitted to being pissed off and causing it.. 
So in TLDR, i am no longer allowed to shoot back and must go and crawl to staff for help now?

Well that sucks i guess, but meh.

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Re: Staff Report - Jackie Estegado

Post by apophis775 » 21 Dec 2016, 03:06

It's not "You're no longer allowed" you were NEVER really allowed.

We've ALWAYS wanted people to Ahelp instead of shooting back. Because it makes it easier to see the culprit and who caused what problems. Especially if you are known for questionable shit. I 100% promise you, if you get into a firefight with someone and he's got no notes and you've got a boatload of "FF" and "marineMurder" notes, we are far more likely to believe the guy with less serious notes if it comes down to He-said She-said.
flamecow wrote: "unga dunga me want the attachment" - average marine

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Re: Staff Report - Jackie Estegado

Post by MrJJJ » 21 Dec 2016, 03:26

apophis775 wrote:It's not "You're no longer allowed" you were NEVER really allowed.

We've ALWAYS wanted people to Ahelp instead of shooting back. Because it makes it easier to see the culprit and who caused what problems. Especially if you are known for questionable shit. I 100% promise you, if you get into a firefight with someone and he's got no notes and you've got a boatload of "FF" and "marineMurder" notes, we are far more likely to believe the guy with less serious notes if it comes down to He-said She-said.
Hard to say to a person "its never been really allowed" if he has been doing it for 8 months and has never, ever gotten any warning, ban or such for it.

EDIT: Close this someone please, this has been resolved

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Re: Staff Report - Jackie Estegado

Post by apophis775 » 21 Dec 2016, 04:40

Can't tell if you're serious when you say:

"I've been doing it wrong all this time and noone noticed, so I must be able to keep doing it".

Locked. Read the rules, they've been there for a long time.
flamecow wrote: "unga dunga me want the attachment" - average marine
