Danger riker was really dangerous

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Danger riker was really dangerous

Post by Recounted » 26 Jan 2017, 17:22

Your Byond Key:
Your Character Name:Ray dubi

Accused Byond Key(if known):
Don't know his key
Character Name:Irvine"Danger"Riker

Approximate time and date of the incident (Central US Time for fastest results):
Around 5:00 1-26-17
What rule(s) were broken: Rule.7 No griefing Marine-Specific rules; Rule number 1.Lethal force

Description of the incident:So there I was on the rasp waking up from a unexpected closed connection on the byond. While Riker was saying some hail hitler bruzum and other stuff going on. Usually I responded to his actions by tellin the boot to shut it and went to sleep. Not even 10 seconds later while I was waiting for the rasp to touch down, This guy couldn't hold his urge to murder someone and unbuckled his chair walked down two tiles right across from where I was and unloaded his rounds into me twice. Critting me the first time then proceeding to get my decapped the 2nd.

Evidence (screenshots, logs, etc):

How you would punish the accused:I would say a 24 hour jobban for him will suffice
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Re: Danger riker was really dangerous

Post by Recounted » 26 Jan 2017, 17:26

If he already got banned for this then I suppose that will do
Image courtesy of Manezinho
Kiss my six
