Staff Report of WestHybrid

Exos is Better
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Staff Report of WestHybrid

Post by Exos is Better » 03 Feb 2017, 21:03

Your Byond Key: Exos Is better

Your Character Name: Heinz Schwarzenegger

Their Byond key: WestHybrid

Approximate time and date of the incident : 7:00 pm UTC -6 (Central Us Time)

Which Admin Protocols (viewtopic.php?f=57&t=5647) were broken: Abuse of Power

Description of the incident:I was at the bar on the Ice map, guarding it and setting up a check point. And I got really board so I took out my knife and started stabbing a dead "unkown", (which was dead and was never occupied by a play), and I get a PM from an Admin named WestHybrid saying "What are you doing" and I Pm him back Jokingly saying "I am going to gib him and bathe in his organs. He PMs me back saying "No crazy marines" then I say that I am going to gib him and turn him into meat, and he PMs me saying "One Moment...". I wait for him to respond for about 5 minutes and while waiting I get jumped by a hunter and he Face hugs me. Marines come in and kill it and takes the hugger off me. he never responds back. I get Medi-vaced and I get refit then go back down. The round goes on, Some guy need urgent medical help so I drag him and one other guy to the Rasp. While just outside the Rasp i see that A guy near by just died. I put him into the rasp too and I treat him as best as I can. The Pilot tells me not to move and that I am a to be arrest by the MPs. when we get to the ship I take the guy to the medbay, and I see that he gets treated. A MP comes in and arrest me. I ask why I am being arrested he says that they have received a mother report saying that I am a cannibal and that I am to be Executed because I am a "cannibal" which I never took part in any thing like it. and then I am executed. and I Ahelp asking by I have been Executed and Rob606 says it is because of the mother report. And I found out from him the WestHybrind Is the Admin that made the report. He made the report saying that I was a cannibal, (I never even had eaten anybody)

Evidence (screenshots, logs, etc):

How you would punish the accused: I would write him a Bold letter questioning his decisions that led him to be a Admin a SS13 server, or Ban him from being a Admin.

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Re: Staff Report of WestHybrid

Post by Westhybrid » 03 Feb 2017, 21:15

I'm sure this is being investigated by another Min, but for the record, you told me you were going to butcher him for meat for your squad, hence the cannibal thing. No crazy marines is a rule and you were breaking it. I told the marines through a Command report that we caught your actions and you were to be arrested, only killed if you resisted violently, which was the best way to deal with you breaking that rule without banning you or ruining immersion.

You got caught. This was approved of by every other staff in observation.
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Re: Staff Report of WestHybrid

Post by Exos is Better » 03 Feb 2017, 21:17

I said food for the people and I was waiting in there for you to respond and you never did.

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Re: Staff Report of WestHybrid

Post by Exos is Better » 03 Feb 2017, 21:19

You could not catch my actions because I never butchered any one for resisted violently. they went strait for the execution.

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Re: Staff Report of WestHybrid

Post by Feweh » 03 Feb 2017, 21:22

Exos is Better wrote: How you would punish the accused: I would write him a Bold letter questioning his decisions that led him to be a Admin a SS13 server, or Ban him from being a Admin.

Considering you could of technically be banned for breaking the whole "Crazy rule", I'm kinda happy the staff team instead used an IC method to deliver punishment.
He really left your punishment up to IC means and it was a warranted execution given what you said, joking or not.

Not really seeing any abuse of power, as he didn't really take advantage of Admin powers for self gain or doing anything overly ridiculous.


MOTHER is an AI and wouldn't know that a marine is going to eat someone, so West will be spoken to about using MOTHER properly. He could of used a different technique to bring IC notice to this issues.

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Re: Staff Report of WestHybrid

Post by NescauComToddy » 03 Feb 2017, 21:37

Look ah, my opinion doesn't matter anyway, I was observing and saw you butchering the corpse but, don't you think that It would be "Immaturitysh" and WEIRD for a MARINE to start to butcher a corpse? Even If there was no one playing as the supposed character, you can't "RP" as a five-year-old child stabbing an unknown body because you are bored. The punishment should have been worse, yet, you still want to report West for "abusing power"? Please, revise your concepts.


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Re: Staff Report of WestHybrid

Post by Rob606 » 03 Feb 2017, 21:42

Desecrating a dead body in any military is a huge, huge offence. Regardless of your intentions to eat the body, you did act like a crazy marine.
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Re: Staff Report of WestHybrid

Post by NescauComToddy » 03 Feb 2017, 21:56

"The US Field Manual (1956) provides that “maltreatment of dead bodies” is a war crime."
"The US Instructor’s Guide (1985) states: “the following acts are further examples of war crimes: … mutilating or mistreating dead bodies”.
"The US Naval Handbook (1995) provides that “mutilation and another mistreatment of the dead” are representative war crimes."
"The US Naval Handbook (2007) states that “[m]utilation or another mistreatment of the dead” is an example of acts that could be considered WAR CRIMES."

"Maximum punishment. Confinement for 20 years"

=Death sentence---CM.

Just some small laws from the USA F. Manual. Just found It.

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Re: Staff Report of WestHybrid

Post by Exos is Better » 03 Feb 2017, 22:11

Why do people have flame throwers?

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Re: Staff Report of WestHybrid

Post by Feweh » 03 Feb 2017, 22:16

Exos is Better wrote:Why do people have flame throwers?

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Re: Staff Report of WestHybrid

Post by Exos is Better » 03 Feb 2017, 22:19

Flamer throwers are a war crime.

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Re: Staff Report of WestHybrid

Post by Feweh » 03 Feb 2017, 22:25

Exos is Better wrote:Flamer throwers are a war crime.

Ok, but we're lore accurate and use fillers with common day things.

Also, it's a WAR CRIME against HUMANS.

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Re: Staff Report of WestHybrid

Post by freemysoul » 04 Feb 2017, 06:32

Ok, I'll be looking into this. BEFORE this gets outta hand.

Firstly stabbing a corpse (even if you're bored) isn't acceptable. You are a MARINE after all you should respect the deceased and be carrying out your orders.

Secondly, if that body you stabbed was in fact a marine, YOU have just taken said player out of the round, Which can be counted as grief.

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Re: Staff Report of WestHybrid

Post by dylanstrategie » 04 Feb 2017, 09:28

I'm going to chip in as the Commander of this round (Commander Henry Alouette).

We were warned at some point in the round, probably early to mid (since comms were still up and there wasn't much chaos then) that you (Heinz) were spotted performing "cannibalism" in the Colony's Bar/Kitchen. High Command asked for your arrest and confinement. This was broadcast on all channels. In the event of resisting arrest, execution was also stated as an option.

Since I also happen to be staff, I can confirm that WestHybrid was the origin of the command report. However, this was not concerted (I was completely unaware until the report). I decided to go ahead and have you prosecuted, with the hopes you could be taken in peacefully. However, this kinda slid down in importance due to more obvious operation reasons.

Fast forward a VERY long amount of time. By now, we have had a field execution due to a Marine both deserting and sabotaging their team's push, sending them to their death. We also had a failed mutiny attempt, for which two people were executed. Another rumor of mutiny is circulating as the forces are starting to retreat.

I leave the Bridge to review the troops and at this point a MP casually walks up to me with a Charlie soldier in cuffs. After asking him what this was for, I mouse him over and realize it's you. By now, it's been a full hour and things got very desperate, so for the sake of brevity, and since in the span of a hour you probably resisted arrest or orders to surrender at least once, and even moreso due to reports earlier this round of both you being spotted around Medbay and a mysterious gunman unloading a few rounds into Medbay (probably not you, but IC it might have weighted into the decision), I decided to go ahead with the execution. This decision was reinforced by the fact that what you did constituted a war crime, and that High Command authorized both the permanent confinement and execution as potential options (the former also implying the later due to the 1 hour rule).

The rest of the crew wasn't too thrilled about this, it was the fourth execution and third formal execution of the round. That's the whole synopsis IC. I am pretty sure that WestHybrid himself had left by the time the execution actually took place. If my memory serves right, he might even have left not too long after the actual MOTHER/USCM report.

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Re: Staff Report of WestHybrid

Post by Westhybrid » 04 Feb 2017, 22:30

I don't think I saw his execution performed, but I was in the round. The language of the High Command report, and that's what it was, it was not MOTHER, was that arrest was priority, and execution was an option in the event that Heinz decided to start shooting marines to combat his arrest.
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Re: Staff Report of WestHybrid

Post by Feweh » 04 Feb 2017, 22:54

