Discord Meta Comming by Staff and Staff ignoring Rule 9 Violations on the CM Discord.

Harakoni warhawk
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Discord Meta Comming by Staff and Staff ignoring Rule 9 Violations on the CM Discord.

Post by Harakoni warhawk » 06 Feb 2017, 09:02

Your Byond Key: Harakoni warhawk

Your Character Name: Sean Digson

Their Byond key: Every Staff member who Meta Commed on the Discord.

Approximate time and date of the incident (Central Us Time for best results): From November 2016 to January 2017

Which Admin Protocols (viewtopic.php?f=57&t=5647) were broken: Rule 9, No MetaComming and ignoring Meta Comming in the CM Discord.

Description of the incident: Ever since I joined the CM Discord in November 2016 until January 2017, I have heard Multiple Staff members engage in non Admin related sharing of IC information in the Discord and Staff ignoring Meta Comms incidents in the Discord in CM.
Unsurprisingly I formed the impression that Meta Comming in the CM Discord was accepted as there was never any sign the Staff were punished for it.
Thus I myself started Meta Comming and it wasn't until I was banned from the Discord that I realised that no, Meta Comming was not allowed despite all the evidence to the contrary.

Evidence (screenshots, logs, etc): As I never knew this was breaking Rules, I never invested in Third Party software to record these Conversations and due to them being on the CM voice chat, there is no evidence otherwise.

How you would punish the accused: Get them to admit openly to both Breaking Rule 9 not in a non Admin capacity and to admit to ignoring Meta Comming in the CM Discord.

I literally have no reason to lie here as doing so would result I'm me getting punished instead, as outlined in Rule 6.
This is my final chance to get the truth of the matter as I have gotten so many conflicting answers from various Staff than I honestly no longer know what's true anymore regarding this topic.

I know that chance of this getting dismissed it high, and the chance of getting people punished is next to zero, but I hope this is investigated rather than swept under the rug.

Like I have said multiple times, I have no reason to lie as it just harms my case, so please don't dismiss this.

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Byond: Feweh

Re: Discord Meta Comming by Staff and Staff ignoring Rule 9 Violations on the CM Discord.

Post by Feweh » 06 Feb 2017, 10:17

We allow harmless non malicious and round ruining conversations about the round.

Do you have any proof or evidence regarding malicious or conversations such as;

"I died over here come get me"
"There are 6 aliens in this location, send help"
"Aliens are going to attack this location, be ready"
"Im going to drop an OB be ready to move and attack after"

Things that are acceptable.

"I died, damn that sucks"
"Man charlie squad sucks"
"This Commander really sucks because of"
"How do I do something"

Harakoni warhawk
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Re: Discord Meta Comming by Staff and Staff ignoring Rule 9 Violations on the CM Discord.

Post by Harakoni warhawk » 06 Feb 2017, 11:11

Feweh wrote:We allow harmless non malicious and round ruining conversations about the round.

Do you have any proof or evidence regarding malicious or conversations such as;

"I died over here come get me"
"There are 6 aliens in this location, send help"
"Aliens are going to attack this location, be ready"
"Im going to drop an OB be ready to move and attack after"

Things that are acceptable.

"I died, damn that sucks"
"Man charlie squad sucks"
"This Commander really sucks because of"
"How do I do something"
I have nothing recorded if that's what you mean, I don't have any software that would allow me to record Discord Voice Comms and without that there can be no evidence.

I'm desperate enough to post this as I have no other option left, it's impossible that I was the only person to notice it since November.

I'm hoping that someone sees this and it jogs their memory because without it I'm left with nothing but my word, and who would believe me over a Staff member?

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Re: Discord Meta Comming by Staff and Staff ignoring Rule 9 Violations on the CM Discord.

Post by Feweh » 06 Feb 2017, 11:42

Harakoni warhawk wrote:I have nothing recorded if that's what you mean, I don't have any software that would allow me to record Discord Voice Comms and without that there can be no evidence.

I'm desperate enough to post this as I have no other option left, it's impossible that I was the only person to notice it since November.

I'm hoping that someone sees this and it jogs their memory because without it I'm left with nothing but my word, and who would believe me over a Staff member?
Without proof of some kind this is a baseless report then.
Nothing that can be done if you dont have evidence of some kind.

Harakoni warhawk
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Re: Discord Meta Comming by Staff and Staff ignoring Rule 9 Violations on the CM Discord.

Post by Harakoni warhawk » 06 Feb 2017, 11:48

Feweh wrote:Without proof of some kind this is a baseless report then.
Nothing that can be done if you dont have evidence of some kind.
Therewas no way to get evidence, now that I'm permanent banned from the Discord I have no way in the future to get Evidence.
Which means it'll get swept under the rug and forgotten about unless someone actually records it on the Discord.

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Re: Discord Meta Comming by Staff and Staff ignoring Rule 9 Violations on the CM Discord.

Post by Feweh » 06 Feb 2017, 11:51

Harakoni warhawk wrote:Therewas no way to get evidence, now that I'm permanent banned from the Discord I have no way in the future to get Evidence.
Which means it'll get swept under the rug and forgotten about unless someone actually records it on the Discord.

Thats generally how life works.

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Re: Discord Meta Comming by Staff and Staff ignoring Rule 9 Violations on the CM Discord.

Post by Harakoni warhawk » 06 Feb 2017, 11:57

Feweh wrote:Thats generally how life works.
Thanks for even replying to this Feweh, I appreciate it even if it's to tell me I need evidence.

I should have gotten recoring software, he'll I even had OBS, I could have used that...

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Re: Discord Meta Comming by Staff and Staff ignoring Rule 9 Violations on the CM Discord.

Post by Feweh » 06 Feb 2017, 12:02

Harakoni warhawk wrote:Thanks for even replying to this Feweh, I appreciate it even if it's to tell me I need evidence.

I should have gotten recoring software, he'll I even had OBS, I could have used that...
Its nothing personal, just cant take anyones word on reports for bias reasons. Even witness statements are taken with a grain of truth.

Harakoni warhawk
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Re: Discord Meta Comming by Staff and Staff ignoring Rule 9 Violations on the CM Discord.

Post by Harakoni warhawk » 06 Feb 2017, 12:05

Feweh wrote:Its nothing personal, just cant take anyones word on reports for bias reasons. Even witness statements are taken with a grain of truth.
Aye, I understand that now.
At least I said my piece, it may not have achieved anything but I tried.
Thanks Feweh.

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Re: Discord Meta Comming by Staff and Staff ignoring Rule 9 Violations on the CM Discord.

Post by Feweh » 06 Feb 2017, 12:13

