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Post by SpecialAgentOrange » 13 Mar 2017, 17:21

Your Byond Key: SpecialAgentOrange

Your Character Name: Jack Lowell

Their Byond key: Feweh (I think that's who it is)

Approximate time and date of the incident (Central Us Time for best results): Either late 3/13/17 or early 3/14/17

Which Admin Protocols (viewtopic.php?f=57&t=5647) were broken: "Remain Professional, no matter what happens" and "Preserve the RP and enjoyment of the server"

Description of the incident: Told aliens to leave the Nexus or they would be gibbed or banned, and spawned turret kits and amounts of plasteel and other resources that made my computer lag when I right-clicked the stack. There were survivors that were hiding in the Nexus and we couldn't drag them because there was a bug, I ahelped it and the ticket got denied. We nested them but couldn't stick around because we weren't allowed in the Nexus. When I ahelped both of these things I was told "Quit ahelping useless things" and "It's none of your business."

Evidence (screenshots, logs, etc): N/A

How you would punish the accused: No clue

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Re: Feweh

Post by SpecialAgentOrange » 13 Mar 2017, 17:30

elantzb wrote:How early into the round was this?
At the beginning of the round.

And I know people are going to be saying it was an "event," to that I say: spawning materials is not an event.

EDIT: I'd also like to add he told us to leave the Nexus as we heard marines landing.

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Re: Feweh

Post by Swagile » 13 Mar 2017, 17:32

Yeah, I was one of the Runners at this time and I was pretty pissed off too.

I get being told to "GTFO" about the Chef meme from the HG round earlier, which we all did GTFO after asked.

But R-walling off the ENTIRE LZ1 except for West entrance / exit, spawning multiple turret crates, metal, and plastisteel all for the marines and then telling Xenos to "GTFO or get banned" when we were curious as to why shit was being spawned in was really shitty.

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Byond: Feweh

Re: Feweh

Post by Feweh » 13 Mar 2017, 17:38

> Head staff can alter and run events during the round.
> Xenos we're compensated and given 10 extra larva to make up for the Marine boost.
> Your ahelp was dealt with and the grabbing was fixed (Marking no-response is a actual response)
> Asking about IC information through ahelps is not allowed, which is what you were doing
> 4 Runners, 1 Crusher, 1 Boiler and 1 Sentinel we're waiting at LZ1 when marines were landing. You were all told to leave and stop meta-gaming.
> 0 Abuse took place, I wasn't playing and solely changed things up for the players.

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Re: Feweh

Post by SpecialAgentOrange » 13 Mar 2017, 17:45

Feweh wrote:> Head staff can alter and run events during the round.
> Xenos we're compensated and given 10 extra larva to make up for the Marine boost.
> Your ahelp was dealt with and the grabbing was fixed (Marking no-response is a actual response)
> Asking about IC information through ahelps is not allowed, which is what you were doing
> 4 Runners, 1 Crusher, 1 Boiler and 1 Sentinel we're waiting at LZ1 when marines were landing. You were all told to leave and stop meta-gaming.
> 0 Abuse took place, I wasn't playing and solely changed things up for the players.
> Spawning materials is not an event, events should have CREATIVITY.
> 10 extra larva is not equal to however many turrets you gave and the stacks and stacks of plasteel you gave the marines.
> No response is a response, but wasn't fit at the time. You could have just said it was a bug.
> If you are doing an event, you need to announce it.
> We weren't meta-gaming, you literally spawned Chef and a dead Ancient Ravager and a ton of materials, on top of survivors being there. There's such thing as curiosity, and you told me to leave right as I heard marines landing.
> If you count being a dick as not abuse, sure. You weren't changing up things for anybody except yourself, you just wanted to spectate the marines winning a complete victory with your aid.

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Re: Feweh

Post by Feweh » 13 Mar 2017, 17:47

SpecialAgentOrange wrote: > If you count being a dick as not abuse, sure. You weren't changing up things for anybody except yourself, you just wanted to spectate the marines winning a complete victory with your aid.
I left the round just as marines landed and returned to the xeno's on Sulaco killing everyone.

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Re: Feweh

Post by SpecialAgentOrange » 13 Mar 2017, 17:54

Feweh wrote:I left the round just as marines landed and returned to the xeno's on Sulaco killing everyone.
Are you sure that wasn't a different round? Even so, how does that change anything? You still spawned things in for the marines and made it considerably easier. And it still doesn't excuse everything else.

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Re: Feweh

Post by Feweh » 13 Mar 2017, 17:57

SpecialAgentOrange wrote:Are you sure that wasn't a different round? Even so, how does that change anything? You still spawned things in for the marines and made it considerably easier. And it still doesn't excuse everything else.
Well it makes your complaint and points invalid completely, so theres that.

I don't understand, how was it easier when Xeno's ended up winning?
Your entire claim is that it was unfair for xenos, yet Xeno's won in the end despite my boost to marines. (As well as the xeno boost).

This is 100% a salty complaint simply because I told you to stop ahelping after your 3-4th ahelping asking about IC information.

An event was set up to change the round, a lot of players enjoyed it as it's something different.
There was no abuse, I never played in the round and I left shortly after setting it up.

I 100% did that event purely for the players.

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Re: Feweh

Post by slc97 » 13 Mar 2017, 18:13

SpecialAgentOrange wrote: > If you count being a dick
At this point I would like to remind you of forum rule 1. Be respectful at all times and refrain from insulting staff members. It will not assist your case.

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Re: Feweh

Post by SpecialAgentOrange » 13 Mar 2017, 18:16

Feweh wrote:Well it makes your complaint and points invalid completely, so theres that.

I don't understand, how was it easier when Xeno's ended up winning?
Your entire claim is that it was unfair for xenos, yet Xeno's won in the end despite my boost to marines. (As well as the xeno boost).

This is 100% a salty complaint simply because I told you to stop ahelping after your 3-4th ahelping asking about IC information.

An event was set up to change the round, a lot of players enjoyed it as it's something different.
There was no abuse, I never played in the round and I left shortly after setting it up.

I 100% did that event purely for the players.
First, you spawning materials was only half of my complaint.

Second, just because we won doesn't mean you didn't give them the unfair advantage.

Third, I ahelped because if it was an event you should have made an announcement. And most of my ahelps weren't even about the materials.

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Byond: forwardslashN

Re: Feweh

Post by forwardslashN » 13 Mar 2017, 18:20

SpecialAgentOrange wrote:You still spawned things in for the marines and made it considerably easier. And it still doesn't excuse everything else.
What exactly is your complaint about? Are you complaining that things were spawned in the nexus and xenos were told to leave, because that is actually preserving the RP and enjoyment of the server. There is such a thing as creating an atmosphere for a round, with music, environment, and what have you. According to Feweh, he also spawned extra larvae to counterbalance the extra marine supplies. If you are complaining about being professional, I don't see anyone telling you to fuck off, or muting you, or otherwise harassing you. Marking no response is something that staff do when something is being handled; ahelping that is essentially pestering staff about an issue that is no longer relevant. The other thing apparently was a bug and also handled. Xenos won too, apparently. So, what's the issue here?
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Re: Feweh

Post by SpecialAgentOrange » 13 Mar 2017, 18:32

forwardslashN wrote:What exactly is your complaint about? Are you complaining that things were spawned in the nexus and xenos were told to leave, because that is actually preserving the RP and enjoyment of the server. There is such a thing as creating an atmosphere for a round, with music, environment, and what have you. According to Feweh, he also spawned extra larvae to counterbalance the extra marine supplies. If you are complaining about being professional, I don't see anyone telling you to fuck off, or muting you, or otherwise harassing you. Marking no response is something that staff do when something is being handled; ahelping that is essentially pestering staff about an issue that is no longer relevant. The other thing apparently was a bug and also handled. Xenos won too, apparently. So, what's the issue here?
"This is none of your business"

"Quit ahelping useless shit"

"Get away from the Nexus or you will be banned"

Us winning has nothing to do with the aliens who died because of what Feweh spawned. Seriously, actually read my post and comments, quit being dense. It was a poorly executed event, there was no announcement, the shit was just spawned on the LZ and wasn't even stacked correctly, and what us aliens got was not equal to what they got.

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Byond: Feweh

Re: Feweh

Post by Feweh » 13 Mar 2017, 18:45

SpecialAgentOrange wrote:"This is none of your business"

"Quit ahelping useless shit"

"Get away from the Nexus or you will be banned"

Us winning has nothing to do with the aliens who died because of what Feweh spawned. Seriously, actually read my post and comments, quit being dense. It was a poorly executed event, there was no announcement, the shit was just spawned on the LZ and wasn't even stacked correctly, and what us aliens got was not equal to what they got.

Yes, call our head Developer dense, thatll get you far.

Anyways, this is stupid and a salty complaint simply because I told you to stop sending useless ahelps.

Apop/Rahl will deal with this now.

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Re: Feweh

Post by forwardslashN » 13 Mar 2017, 18:57

SpecialAgentOrange wrote: Us winning has nothing to do with the aliens who died because of what Feweh spawned. Seriously, actually read my post and comments, quit being dense. It was a poorly executed event, there was no announcement, the shit was just spawned on the LZ and wasn't even stacked correctly, and what us aliens got was not equal to what they got.
Thanks for calling me dense. This is also pretty nice of you:
If you count being a dick as not abuse, sure. You weren't changing up things for anybody except yourself, you just wanted to spectate the marines winning a complete victory with your aid.
I pulled the logs in question, and the thing happened on 3/12, not 3/13. While searching for your name, here's some choice xeno banter:
Hivemind, Young Hunter (329) hisses, '268 shut the fuck up, you're just being annoying. You know what he means. I mean reeeee mah immershuns muh arr peee'"
There's also a lot of "Wew" and BIG MEATY CLAWS. Or this:
HIVEMIND: SpecialAgentOrange/(Young Ravager (735)) : HOLY SHIT AHHHHHHHHHH
But here's the relevant conversation you're referring to:
[21:12:23]OOC: (LOCAL) Chef/Feweh : leave.
[21:19:37]ADMIN: HELP: SpecialAgentOrange/(Young Hunter (735)): Why are there immovable survivors. - heard by 8 non-AFK admins.
[21:22:51]ADMIN: HELP: SpecialAgentOrange/(Young Hunter (735)): I don't know why you marked my ahelp as unncecessary, but these survivors literally can't be dragged or grabbed. - heard by 10 non-AFK admins.
[21:23:16]ADMIN: PM: McRipfist/(Robert 'Caddy' Timmins)->SpecialAgentOrange/(Young Hunter (735)): We know.
[21:27:54]ADMIN: PM: Feweh/(Chef)->SpecialAgentOrange/(Young Hunter (735)): if i have to tell you again to leave, your getting gibbd.
[21:28:08]ADMIN: PM: SpecialAgentOrange/(Young Hunter (735))->Feweh/(Chef): Oh I didn't notice the LOOC
[21:28:38]ADMIN: PM: SpecialAgentOrange/(Young Hunter (735))->Feweh/(Chef): We need to stay there though to keep the host secure
[21:34:55]ADMIN: HELP: SpecialAgentOrange/(Young Ravager (735)): Why are you giving the marines supplies and not letting us be at the nexus? - heard by 9 non-AFK admins.
[21:35:13]ADMIN: PM: Feweh/(Chef)->SpecialAgentOrange/(Young Ravager (735)): can you stop fucking ahelping every bloody thing, honestly. its none of your business.
[21:35:21]ADMIN: PM: McRipfist/(Robert 'Caddy' Timmins)->SpecialAgentOrange/(Young Ravager (735)): Continued use of the ahelp system in this manner will b- what he said.
[21:35:42]ADMIN: PM: SpecialAgentOrange/(Young Ravager (735))->Feweh/(Chef): You're so fucking disrespectful
[21:36:00]ADMIN: PM: Feweh/(Chef)->SpecialAgentOrange/(Young Ravager (735)): Telling someone off isn't disrepectful, it's putting them in their place.
[21:36:07]ADMIN: PM: SpecialAgentOrange/(Young Ravager (735))->Feweh/(Chef): No you're just a dick
[21:36:09]ADMIN: PM: Feweh/(Chef)->SpecialAgentOrange/(Young Ravager (735)): Stop ahelping useless shit, this is your final warning.
You ahelped twice, it was marked no response necessary each time. You ahelped a third time for something related to IC information, asked to stop, and you can read the rest. Let me break it down to you: You called Feweh a dick twice, called me dense, and you don't seem to really care about RP at all. I find your complaint about preserving the round's integrity and RP to be laughable, nor do I really see how Feweh was being unprofessional with you. Another staff member thought your ahelps were excessive as Feweh responded to you. All that in mind, this is unsubstantiated. Resolved.
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Re: Feweh

Post by apophis775 » 13 Mar 2017, 22:02

Tempers seem to be getting a bit high.

I'll look into this, but first glance doesn't show me any wrongdoings. He may have been a bit blunt, but u think I'll have a better picture when I see the logs.
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Re: Feweh

Post by apophis775 » 15 Mar 2017, 15:02

I read into this a bit more. Feweh perhaps didn't word the responses as well as he could of, but we are all guilty of that sometimes.

Bottom line is that, there was an event going on and he was trying to clear space as quickly as possible for the marines to be able to do it.

When events go on, SOMETIMES we update event information, but sometimes we don't. It depends on the event. For this one, he was replying the way he was, because he didn't want the Xenos aware of how the event was affecting the marines, and he didn't want to give you information you wouldn't ICly know.

Remember that: Information given about events MAY NOT ALWAYS be given to both sides, especially if it primarily affects one side more than the other.

Also, know that when we tag an Ahelp as "No response necessary" it means we are handling it, or we don't have time to respond to you specifically. We don't always tell every single person every single thing that's going on, especially when we are busy. "No response necessary" was something we added so that people would be aware that we recognized their ahelp, and we are doing what we believe appropriate (which is again, not always told to the person who ahelped.).

Really, I don't see any abuse here, other than Feweh not wording the responses as friendly as he could have, but we all have different limits.
flamecow wrote: "unga dunga me want the attachment" - average marine
