Jack Knight - Don't be a dick
- Zartam
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- Posts: 77
- Joined: 15 Jan 2017, 06:28
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- Byond: Zartam
Jack Knight - Don't be a dick
Your Byond Key:
Your Character Name:
Dastan Al Akavir (CMO)
Accused Byond Key(if known):
not known
Character Name:
Jack Knight (CO)
Approximate time and date of the incident (Central US Time for fastest results):
1st of June 2017, around 4PM
What rule(s) were broken:
Don't be a dick
Especially don't restrict a huge part of the medical roleplay and gameplay to medics, doctors and the CMO just because it's fun to see them getting angry.
Description of the incident:
It was a long and tiring round that as a player, I didn't enjoy at all.
After this round I consider not playing doctor or CMO until there is a serious reaction from the admin staff regarding a major and recurring issue, which is the enforcement of drug ban from command just for the sake of lulz and possible mutiny.
I join as CMO near the beginning of the round.
CO joins later, when all the drugs are already processed in chemistry, and partially distributed to the medics.
CO bans all drugs and enforces his policy with help of command staff and MPs.
A MT goes to me and asks for anesthetics to "help him sleep" because he has insomnia.
My character understands that the MP is a spy sent from command, and gives him a Tramadol pill instead. MT takes the pill and leaves.
My character then gets busy wih a long surgery on Delta SL, in OR2.
Someone on the radio yells "CMO", then the WO enters my OR and shoots his tazer, trying to arrest me. CO scolds him, and tells him to wait for the end of the surgery to arrest me.
Too late, I lost track of what I was doing and SL has a bad infection. Nevermind. Fix it and finish the surgery.
Wo is not anymore in medbay. I hear CO accusing me of having injected WO with anesthetics. Lie.
(I did use anesthetics on the PO near the beginning of the round, because he was bullying my character with the grab intent and playing open/close with a body bag that I was dragging across the hangar. Literally a manchild. Knocked him off with an autoinjector and got 5 mins of brig because of this.)
Anyway, I am accused of use of anesthetics again, which is a lie. I have the feeling that there is a misunderstanding, so I go to CIC and demand a public apology to the CO.
CO explains that I smuggled prohibited drugs and calls MPs.
I ahelp because I want to use an anesthetics autoinjector on the CO as a revenge for the false accusation. Rejected by Biolock. My character doesn't do anything and waits for the MP to arrest him, fully compliant.
I am sent to brig for 40 minutes, effectively ruining the rest of the round for me.
Evidence (screenshots, logs, etc):
PM to Staff (Gameplay / Roleplay Issue): my character is very angry at the commander for restricting drugs and attempting to arrest twice, I would like to inject some anesthetics to him without risking a job ban
Moderator PM from Biolock: That would be improper escalation. i don't think a sane man would do that, do you?
PM to Biolock: It has been a hell to play since the beginning of this round, this reaction is perfectly logic from a RP point of view
PM to Biolock: I literally want to cryo if I ever see this guy playing as CO again. Not only because of the drugs restriction but the direct harrasment of the doctors.
Meanwhile :
Dr. Flint 'Bee' Hirleman [Almayer (Doc)] says, "Half medbay is ssd, the other half is arrested or about to be."
Dr. Flint 'Bee' Hirleman [Almayer (Doc)] says, "So imma need help, me and the other few doctors active"
Moderator PM from Biolock: If it's a serious problem you can always make a player complaint.
PM to Biolock: What about IC solutions ?
Moderator PM from Biolock: If a person is being a legitimate dick, that goes against rule #1 on our server, if it's just IC, then it's considered roleplay. The only checks and balances beyond the meta-rules for the commander is the MP. If he's doing something illegal or otherwise, you can always try reporting it to them.
SSGT Allen Smith says, "CO"
SSGT Allen Smith asks, "How long I put the CMO in for?"
SSGT Allen Smith asks, "Want anything more then just assault?"
PM to Biolock: So there is literally nothing our characters can do to counter this behavior, except file a complaint on the forum. This is not a sane gameplay.
PM to Biolock: I will file a complaint, but I wish my character could do something except have a bad experience.
Moderator PM from Biolock: Not all roleplay is going to be pleasant exchanges; life is full of arguements and disagreements.
PM to Biolock: RP is not life, this is a game and there should be something to counteract a problem.
PM to Biolock: We can't smuggle because of the heavy rule enforcement. we can't mutiny because the whole command crew is enforcing it, and we can't fight without risking a job ban.
Dr. Kain Powers [MedSci (Doc)] says, "I am the only doc, left. Sad times"
Moderator PM from Biolock: We're not going to force someone to roleplay a certain way just because your character doesn't like it. So long as it's within realistic roleplay guidelines, there's nothing staff can say about it.
PM to Biolock: aaand I took FOURTY minutes for giving tramadol to an MT
Moderator PM from Biolock: What did they charge you with?
PM to Biolock: As for the first time, they didn't say
Moderator PM from Biolock: You're killin me; give me a few.
PM to Biolock: well he is killing my round
PM to Biolock: I can play only a round and a half every day during the week, that's pretty infuriating
Prof. Dastan Al Akavir [MedSci (CMO)] says, "I'm in brig for 40 minutes because I gave a tramadol pill to an MT"
CDR Jack Knight [Almayer (CO)] says, "The MPs are doing it on their own if they see the law being broken"
CDR Jack Knight [MedSci (CO)] says, "Insubordination and Drug distribution"
CDR Jack Knight [MedSci (CO)] says, "I didnt give them a timer, just the charges"
Prof. Dastan Al Akavir [MedSci (CMO)] says, "Don't mutiny, keep doing surgery until the end of this operation, the CO wants a mutiny but will not have it from us"
Dr. Kain Powers [MedSci (Doc)] exclaims, "CO, we need him here now!"
Moderator PM from Biolock: It appears as though you've been withheld for insubordination and drug distro.
PM to Biolock: Do you really need player complaints to stop encouraging this Co practice ?
Moderator PM from Biolock: To stop the practice of law enforcement?
Command Announcement
Nexus is falling, Full retreat authorized, Pack up and head to LZ1, Dropship already down there, I repeat, Full Evacuation
PM to Biolock: No. the whole drug ban and harassment of medbay to make sure their gameplay is the most boring possible
Moderator PM from Biolock: You're welcome to make a player complaint if you want.
Dr. Kain Powers [MedSci (Doc)] says, "CO, please, there are to many to treat, get that man out of jail, you can rejail him later"
Moderator PM from Biolock: But as of now, there's nothing from stopping certain policies.
Moderator PM from Biolock: You can totally write that in your player complaint if you want.
Mr. Conor O'Mara [Command (CL)] says, "Commander, I think the CMO might need to be released. There are a lot of soon to be corpses in your medbay."
CDR Jack Knight [Command (CO)] says, "The law is the law"
CDR Jack Knight [Command (CO)] says, "They have two doctors and incoming medics"
CDR Jack Knight [Command (CO)] says, "Enough for now"
How you would punish the accused:
From my experience, the player is robust and famous, but he enjoys when doctors are sent to brig and when players have to wait in brig for a long time. In my case, I was sent 40 minutes in brig because a gave a tramadol pill to a MT who was sent by him as a spy (I knew he was a spy, he requested anesthetics, so I gave him Tramadol, I still got maximum time in brig).
The CO was aware of the 40 minutes duration because I complained about it over the radio and he answered. Yet, he didn't reduce it, taking obviously pleasure about it.
A CO must provide entertaining roleplay for everyone including the doctors. Despite all his qualities as CO, because of his bad habit of ruining the game for doctors, I think he doesn't deserve to be on the whitelist anymore.
By extension, I would like this practice of drug ban to stop, because it is not fun at all for the players behind their characters in medical bay. Or at least, don't enforce this policy and let the doctors smuggle as they please.
If it's still not possible because it is an "IC issue" (with no possible response from the doctors), don't give near-permabrig for a pill of Tramadol.
Your Character Name:
Dastan Al Akavir (CMO)
Accused Byond Key(if known):
not known
Character Name:
Jack Knight (CO)
Approximate time and date of the incident (Central US Time for fastest results):
1st of June 2017, around 4PM
What rule(s) were broken:
Don't be a dick
Especially don't restrict a huge part of the medical roleplay and gameplay to medics, doctors and the CMO just because it's fun to see them getting angry.
Description of the incident:
It was a long and tiring round that as a player, I didn't enjoy at all.
After this round I consider not playing doctor or CMO until there is a serious reaction from the admin staff regarding a major and recurring issue, which is the enforcement of drug ban from command just for the sake of lulz and possible mutiny.
I join as CMO near the beginning of the round.
CO joins later, when all the drugs are already processed in chemistry, and partially distributed to the medics.
CO bans all drugs and enforces his policy with help of command staff and MPs.
A MT goes to me and asks for anesthetics to "help him sleep" because he has insomnia.
My character understands that the MP is a spy sent from command, and gives him a Tramadol pill instead. MT takes the pill and leaves.
My character then gets busy wih a long surgery on Delta SL, in OR2.
Someone on the radio yells "CMO", then the WO enters my OR and shoots his tazer, trying to arrest me. CO scolds him, and tells him to wait for the end of the surgery to arrest me.
Too late, I lost track of what I was doing and SL has a bad infection. Nevermind. Fix it and finish the surgery.
Wo is not anymore in medbay. I hear CO accusing me of having injected WO with anesthetics. Lie.
(I did use anesthetics on the PO near the beginning of the round, because he was bullying my character with the grab intent and playing open/close with a body bag that I was dragging across the hangar. Literally a manchild. Knocked him off with an autoinjector and got 5 mins of brig because of this.)
Anyway, I am accused of use of anesthetics again, which is a lie. I have the feeling that there is a misunderstanding, so I go to CIC and demand a public apology to the CO.
CO explains that I smuggled prohibited drugs and calls MPs.
I ahelp because I want to use an anesthetics autoinjector on the CO as a revenge for the false accusation. Rejected by Biolock. My character doesn't do anything and waits for the MP to arrest him, fully compliant.
I am sent to brig for 40 minutes, effectively ruining the rest of the round for me.
Evidence (screenshots, logs, etc):
PM to Staff (Gameplay / Roleplay Issue): my character is very angry at the commander for restricting drugs and attempting to arrest twice, I would like to inject some anesthetics to him without risking a job ban
Moderator PM from Biolock: That would be improper escalation. i don't think a sane man would do that, do you?
PM to Biolock: It has been a hell to play since the beginning of this round, this reaction is perfectly logic from a RP point of view
PM to Biolock: I literally want to cryo if I ever see this guy playing as CO again. Not only because of the drugs restriction but the direct harrasment of the doctors.
Meanwhile :
Dr. Flint 'Bee' Hirleman [Almayer (Doc)] says, "Half medbay is ssd, the other half is arrested or about to be."
Dr. Flint 'Bee' Hirleman [Almayer (Doc)] says, "So imma need help, me and the other few doctors active"
Moderator PM from Biolock: If it's a serious problem you can always make a player complaint.
PM to Biolock: What about IC solutions ?
Moderator PM from Biolock: If a person is being a legitimate dick, that goes against rule #1 on our server, if it's just IC, then it's considered roleplay. The only checks and balances beyond the meta-rules for the commander is the MP. If he's doing something illegal or otherwise, you can always try reporting it to them.
SSGT Allen Smith says, "CO"
SSGT Allen Smith asks, "How long I put the CMO in for?"
SSGT Allen Smith asks, "Want anything more then just assault?"
PM to Biolock: So there is literally nothing our characters can do to counter this behavior, except file a complaint on the forum. This is not a sane gameplay.
PM to Biolock: I will file a complaint, but I wish my character could do something except have a bad experience.
Moderator PM from Biolock: Not all roleplay is going to be pleasant exchanges; life is full of arguements and disagreements.
PM to Biolock: RP is not life, this is a game and there should be something to counteract a problem.
PM to Biolock: We can't smuggle because of the heavy rule enforcement. we can't mutiny because the whole command crew is enforcing it, and we can't fight without risking a job ban.
Dr. Kain Powers [MedSci (Doc)] says, "I am the only doc, left. Sad times"
Moderator PM from Biolock: We're not going to force someone to roleplay a certain way just because your character doesn't like it. So long as it's within realistic roleplay guidelines, there's nothing staff can say about it.
PM to Biolock: aaand I took FOURTY minutes for giving tramadol to an MT
Moderator PM from Biolock: What did they charge you with?
PM to Biolock: As for the first time, they didn't say
Moderator PM from Biolock: You're killin me; give me a few.
PM to Biolock: well he is killing my round
PM to Biolock: I can play only a round and a half every day during the week, that's pretty infuriating
Prof. Dastan Al Akavir [MedSci (CMO)] says, "I'm in brig for 40 minutes because I gave a tramadol pill to an MT"
CDR Jack Knight [Almayer (CO)] says, "The MPs are doing it on their own if they see the law being broken"
CDR Jack Knight [MedSci (CO)] says, "Insubordination and Drug distribution"
CDR Jack Knight [MedSci (CO)] says, "I didnt give them a timer, just the charges"
Prof. Dastan Al Akavir [MedSci (CMO)] says, "Don't mutiny, keep doing surgery until the end of this operation, the CO wants a mutiny but will not have it from us"
Dr. Kain Powers [MedSci (Doc)] exclaims, "CO, we need him here now!"
Moderator PM from Biolock: It appears as though you've been withheld for insubordination and drug distro.
PM to Biolock: Do you really need player complaints to stop encouraging this Co practice ?
Moderator PM from Biolock: To stop the practice of law enforcement?
Command Announcement
Nexus is falling, Full retreat authorized, Pack up and head to LZ1, Dropship already down there, I repeat, Full Evacuation
PM to Biolock: No. the whole drug ban and harassment of medbay to make sure their gameplay is the most boring possible
Moderator PM from Biolock: You're welcome to make a player complaint if you want.
Dr. Kain Powers [MedSci (Doc)] says, "CO, please, there are to many to treat, get that man out of jail, you can rejail him later"
Moderator PM from Biolock: But as of now, there's nothing from stopping certain policies.
Moderator PM from Biolock: You can totally write that in your player complaint if you want.
Mr. Conor O'Mara [Command (CL)] says, "Commander, I think the CMO might need to be released. There are a lot of soon to be corpses in your medbay."
CDR Jack Knight [Command (CO)] says, "The law is the law"
CDR Jack Knight [Command (CO)] says, "They have two doctors and incoming medics"
CDR Jack Knight [Command (CO)] says, "Enough for now"
How you would punish the accused:
From my experience, the player is robust and famous, but he enjoys when doctors are sent to brig and when players have to wait in brig for a long time. In my case, I was sent 40 minutes in brig because a gave a tramadol pill to a MT who was sent by him as a spy (I knew he was a spy, he requested anesthetics, so I gave him Tramadol, I still got maximum time in brig).
The CO was aware of the 40 minutes duration because I complained about it over the radio and he answered. Yet, he didn't reduce it, taking obviously pleasure about it.
A CO must provide entertaining roleplay for everyone including the doctors. Despite all his qualities as CO, because of his bad habit of ruining the game for doctors, I think he doesn't deserve to be on the whitelist anymore.
By extension, I would like this practice of drug ban to stop, because it is not fun at all for the players behind their characters in medical bay. Or at least, don't enforce this policy and let the doctors smuggle as they please.
If it's still not possible because it is an "IC issue" (with no possible response from the doctors), don't give near-permabrig for a pill of Tramadol.

- coroneljones
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Re: Jack Knight - Don't be a dick
Few notes on the events:
-I only accused you of anestheticing the CMP at the start, he was asking for help soon after the scolding, so I assumed you did the same thing you did to the PO earlier, to him, before I found out it was another doctor that soon after disposaled them and suicided via double quick clot.
-The MPs define the timer, I just give the charges, they are the ones in control of the law-timers, asking for a lower-time is possible, but it does not need to happen most of the time, especially with your earlier arrest, this was your second visit to the brig, if the MPs belive you earned a 40 minute total time,the minimum for both of those charges was 20, its up to them.
-In regards to the drugs, you informed everyone on the medical channel that you were sending more down on the dropship, I told you to halt and inform me who authorized them, stating that only you did, resulting in unauthorized drug distribution charges, since you decided to act on your own authority without following procedure with command, and seeing as supplies were not needed at the time, I ordered them to be taken off of the ship and not distributed.
-You were arrested earlier for assaulting the PO with anesthetic, complaining at every moment to be released, even going as far as saying that the CMP did not state your charges when he told me otherwise, then complaining that you got arrested for using an anesthetic syringe when they come in an autoinjector, which prompted a question from me as to what you used it...you dodged said question, denying that appeal.
-You were arrested for Drug Distribution, giving an MT a 25 unit tramadol pill without authorization, and Insubordination, as you were previously told not to distribute without authorization if I remember what I said correctly, the MT got Contraband, resisting arrest and Insubordination for refusing to return the pill.
-There was some minor metatargeting or OOC behavior I belive would be the right way to put it, earlier during the appeal for the first charge, saying that "We didnt have the Right CO, We had someone that hated the medical profession" or something along those lines, which showed how much you cared about what I said or behaved and had what I would do planned out obviously.
And I belive I covered all the noteworthy events during that round involving medical.
-I only accused you of anestheticing the CMP at the start, he was asking for help soon after the scolding, so I assumed you did the same thing you did to the PO earlier, to him, before I found out it was another doctor that soon after disposaled them and suicided via double quick clot.
-The MPs define the timer, I just give the charges, they are the ones in control of the law-timers, asking for a lower-time is possible, but it does not need to happen most of the time, especially with your earlier arrest, this was your second visit to the brig, if the MPs belive you earned a 40 minute total time,the minimum for both of those charges was 20, its up to them.
-In regards to the drugs, you informed everyone on the medical channel that you were sending more down on the dropship, I told you to halt and inform me who authorized them, stating that only you did, resulting in unauthorized drug distribution charges, since you decided to act on your own authority without following procedure with command, and seeing as supplies were not needed at the time, I ordered them to be taken off of the ship and not distributed.
-You were arrested earlier for assaulting the PO with anesthetic, complaining at every moment to be released, even going as far as saying that the CMP did not state your charges when he told me otherwise, then complaining that you got arrested for using an anesthetic syringe when they come in an autoinjector, which prompted a question from me as to what you used it...you dodged said question, denying that appeal.
-You were arrested for Drug Distribution, giving an MT a 25 unit tramadol pill without authorization, and Insubordination, as you were previously told not to distribute without authorization if I remember what I said correctly, the MT got Contraband, resisting arrest and Insubordination for refusing to return the pill.
-There was some minor metatargeting or OOC behavior I belive would be the right way to put it, earlier during the appeal for the first charge, saying that "We didnt have the Right CO, We had someone that hated the medical profession" or something along those lines, which showed how much you cared about what I said or behaved and had what I would do planned out obviously.
And I belive I covered all the noteworthy events during that round involving medical.
Last edited by coroneljones on 01 Jun 2017, 17:25, edited 1 time in total.
I am Crornel Jrones, grorious admin of Coronial Mahreens. U ar arr nast Trorr and will be ding dong bannu. U critizize Xenos? Ding dong Bannu. U no rike grorious adminnu? Ding dong Bannu. U comrpain about Marine nerfs? Dingdong bannu. U comprain about grorrious adminnu? O yoo betta bereev dat's a bannu. It has come to my Grorrious attention dat nasty trorr has been imidatingu me on serveru, dis is a shamfrul dispray and unacceptaboo so dey ding dong bannu. End of Rine -----------------Rine ends here.'
-Credit goes to SovietCyanide

-Credit goes to SovietCyanide


- TheMusician321
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Re: Jack Knight - Don't be a dick
(Character witness.) in my experience with Jack Knight, he doesn't /ban/ medical chems outright, you have to ask permission from BOTH the CMO and the CO. It's literally written in marine law that you need permission otherwise it's illegal distribution, it's likely that you didn't ask for permission from him to distribute said chemicals, whenever he's the CO and I ask for permission for the regular chems (Bicaridine, Dermaline, Kelotane, Tricordrazine, Dexalin, Dexalin+, Tramadol.) the only chems he wouldn't allow were hyperzine and peridaxon, the latter for obvious reasons and the former that i've long stopped on trying to argue on.



Ed 'Wafflecone' Martin bites the Mature Hunter (251)!
I play as Ed 'Waffles' Martin or his sister, Amaryllis 'Pancakes' Martin.
Never Forget, Dust Raider. 10/15/17.
- Zartam
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Re: Jack Knight - Don't be a dick
He arrived late and everything was permitted by the acting commander before him.
By the way the drug ban is one of the problems. 40 minutes of brig for giving Tramadol to an MT is another big OOC problem.
By the way the drug ban is one of the problems. 40 minutes of brig for giving Tramadol to an MT is another big OOC problem.

- Zartam
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Re: Jack Knight - Don't be a dick
Didn't see your post Coroneljones, here is my answer :
You said :
-The MPs define the timer, I just give the charges, they are the ones in control of the law-timers, asking for a lower-time is possible, but it does not need to happen most of the time, especially with your earlier arrest, this was your second visit to the brig, if the MPs belive you earned a 40 minute total time,the minimum for both of those charges was 20, its up to them.
Answer :
- as a CO you should reduce brig time when you see it is unnecessary and round-killing
You said :
-In regards to the drugs, you informed everyone on the medical channel that you were sending more down on the dropship, I told you to halt and inform me who authorized them, stating that only you did, resulting in unauthorized drug distribution charges, since you decided to act on your own authority without following procedure with command, and seeing as supplies were not needed at the time, I ordered them to be taken off of the ship and not distributed.
Answer :
- When you told me to halt, I halted. I brought back the drugs to medical bay in the same body bag.
You said :
-You were arrested earlier for assaulting the PO with anesthetic, complaining at every moment to be released, even going as far as saying that the CMP did not state your charges when he told me otherwise, then complaining that you got arrested for using an anesthetic syringe when they come in an autoinjector, which prompted a question from me as to what you used it...you dodged said question, denying that appeal.
Answer :
- PO was ban-worthy in this case and my response was appropriate
WO didn't state the reason of the arrest, check the logs
Even when you found out it was true you didn't hear my appeal
You said :
-You were arrested for Drug Distribution, giving an MT a 25 unit tramadol pill without authorization, and Insubordination, as you were previously told not to distribute without authorization if I remember what I said correctly, the MT got Contraband, resisting arrest and Insubordination for refusing to return the pill.
Answer :
-I legitimately thought a mild painkiller was OK, since there is no RP explanation to ban a mild painkiller
You said :
-There was some minor metatargeting or OOC behavior I belive would be the right way to put it, earlier during the appeal for the first charge, saying that "We didnt have the Right CO, We had someone that hated the medical profession" or something along those lines, which showed how much you cared about what I said or behaved and had what I would do planned out obviously.
Answer :
- The radio is the only thing that we can use when you use all the power in your possession to ruin our game
You said :
-The MPs define the timer, I just give the charges, they are the ones in control of the law-timers, asking for a lower-time is possible, but it does not need to happen most of the time, especially with your earlier arrest, this was your second visit to the brig, if the MPs belive you earned a 40 minute total time,the minimum for both of those charges was 20, its up to them.
Answer :
- as a CO you should reduce brig time when you see it is unnecessary and round-killing
You said :
-In regards to the drugs, you informed everyone on the medical channel that you were sending more down on the dropship, I told you to halt and inform me who authorized them, stating that only you did, resulting in unauthorized drug distribution charges, since you decided to act on your own authority without following procedure with command, and seeing as supplies were not needed at the time, I ordered them to be taken off of the ship and not distributed.
Answer :
- When you told me to halt, I halted. I brought back the drugs to medical bay in the same body bag.
You said :
-You were arrested earlier for assaulting the PO with anesthetic, complaining at every moment to be released, even going as far as saying that the CMP did not state your charges when he told me otherwise, then complaining that you got arrested for using an anesthetic syringe when they come in an autoinjector, which prompted a question from me as to what you used it...you dodged said question, denying that appeal.
Answer :
- PO was ban-worthy in this case and my response was appropriate
WO didn't state the reason of the arrest, check the logs
Even when you found out it was true you didn't hear my appeal
You said :
-You were arrested for Drug Distribution, giving an MT a 25 unit tramadol pill without authorization, and Insubordination, as you were previously told not to distribute without authorization if I remember what I said correctly, the MT got Contraband, resisting arrest and Insubordination for refusing to return the pill.
Answer :
-I legitimately thought a mild painkiller was OK, since there is no RP explanation to ban a mild painkiller
You said :
-There was some minor metatargeting or OOC behavior I belive would be the right way to put it, earlier during the appeal for the first charge, saying that "We didnt have the Right CO, We had someone that hated the medical profession" or something along those lines, which showed how much you cared about what I said or behaved and had what I would do planned out obviously.
Answer :
- The radio is the only thing that we can use when you use all the power in your possession to ruin our game

- Snypehunter007
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Re: Jack Knight - Don't be a dick
Well, he overrules the acting commander when he arrives.Zartam wrote:He arrived late and everything was permitted by the acting commander before him.
Reached "Leet" post status on 3/14/17.
Death of the Suggestion Killer - 11/30/2017
Staff History:

Death of the Suggestion Killer - 11/30/2017
Staff History:
► Show Spoiler

- coroneljones
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Re: Jack Knight - Don't be a dick
Thats not what you said the first time I askedZartam wrote:He arrived late and everything was permitted by the acting commander before him.
Thought I do think you mentioned that you got permission from a PO, if im remembering the conversation that we had on med comms soon after......when there was an SO and XO, so not from the Acting Commander if it was the PO
I am Crornel Jrones, grorious admin of Coronial Mahreens. U ar arr nast Trorr and will be ding dong bannu. U critizize Xenos? Ding dong Bannu. U no rike grorious adminnu? Ding dong Bannu. U comrpain about Marine nerfs? Dingdong bannu. U comprain about grorrious adminnu? O yoo betta bereev dat's a bannu. It has come to my Grorrious attention dat nasty trorr has been imidatingu me on serveru, dis is a shamfrul dispray and unacceptaboo so dey ding dong bannu. End of Rine -----------------Rine ends here.'
-Credit goes to SovietCyanide

-Credit goes to SovietCyanide


- Zartam
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- Posts: 77
- Joined: 15 Jan 2017, 06:28
- Location: France
- Byond: Zartam
Re: Jack Knight - Don't be a dick
If you dig through the logs you'll see see that the XO gave his word, even though my character didn't request explicitely to him drug usage, he was OK with it and gave his word to you. And most of the times, it works like this, the agreement is unspoken because drug distribution is a logical thing. In my opinion, the CMO should be given more rights and be able to decide by himself which drug should be authorized. That would give better interest to this role and prevent this whole situation (command abusing its power and harrassing medbay) to ever happen again.
But this is far from being the only reason for this player report.
Here the problem is that you prevented medical doctors from doing their job end encouraged use of maximum brig times, all of this, while your command staff and MPs were making fun of and generally bullying the doctors, with evil grins, driving their players on edge. Not mentioning the ton of marines who died because of this... that ruined their round as well as the doctors' rounds. Kind of ironic when you see how ending one's round is seen as a great offense in most ban appeal requests.
As an admin and a CO you should be aware that when you send a character to brig, you also prevent the player behind it from enjoying his time on the server. Time that is often limited, and people who play doctors want to spend this time doctoring, helping people, not arguing with command or digging through marine law.
As an admin-CO your target was entertainment of the playerbase, and your behavior was going opposite to this path. RP doesn't excuse this.
I'd like to know Apop's opinion on this whole topic, and if he disagrees with me I'll gladly back off and just head right to cryo and ghost whenever I see you in a command role and I'm playing as a doctor.
But this is far from being the only reason for this player report.
Here the problem is that you prevented medical doctors from doing their job end encouraged use of maximum brig times, all of this, while your command staff and MPs were making fun of and generally bullying the doctors, with evil grins, driving their players on edge. Not mentioning the ton of marines who died because of this... that ruined their round as well as the doctors' rounds. Kind of ironic when you see how ending one's round is seen as a great offense in most ban appeal requests.
As an admin and a CO you should be aware that when you send a character to brig, you also prevent the player behind it from enjoying his time on the server. Time that is often limited, and people who play doctors want to spend this time doctoring, helping people, not arguing with command or digging through marine law.
As an admin-CO your target was entertainment of the playerbase, and your behavior was going opposite to this path. RP doesn't excuse this.
I'd like to know Apop's opinion on this whole topic, and if he disagrees with me I'll gladly back off and just head right to cryo and ghost whenever I see you in a command role and I'm playing as a doctor.

- Feweh
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Re: Jack Knight - Don't be a dick
This is all an IC issue and not being a dick. We're a medium RP server, changing the norm for IC logical reasons is acceptable.
As well, ICly you cannot give out drugs without permission. Your complaint is that someone set up a roleplay situation, you didnt like it and ignored the roleplay situation and ended uo introuble for it ICly.
As well, ICly you cannot give out drugs without permission. Your complaint is that someone set up a roleplay situation, you didnt like it and ignored the roleplay situation and ended uo introuble for it ICly.
- apophis775
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Re: Jack Knight - Don't be a dick
Agreed. This is IC issue, not OOC issue. And you can not give out drugs without permission.
Unless you have some actual evidence, I'm locking this late today (saturday).
You wanna not be in the brig? DON'T BREAK THE FUCKING LAWS. They are clearly outlined.
Unless you have some actual evidence, I'm locking this late today (saturday).
You wanna not be in the brig? DON'T BREAK THE FUCKING LAWS. They are clearly outlined.


flamecow wrote: "unga dunga me want the attachment" - average marine
- Zartam
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Re: Jack Knight - Don't be a dick
Then please give us IC solutions for this scenario, other than "dont' break the law".
Medbay should be able to go rogue, or full antag, or start a strike, or this kind of things, without earning a job ban for improprer escalation. (cf. the first PM from Biolock)
If we can't play because doctoring is banned from the round, the frustration is drifting to OOC.
Medbay should be able to go rogue, or full antag, or start a strike, or this kind of things, without earning a job ban for improprer escalation. (cf. the first PM from Biolock)
If we can't play because doctoring is banned from the round, the frustration is drifting to OOC.

- Nicboone
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Re: Jack Knight - Don't be a dick
Zartam wrote: Medbay should be able to go rogue, or full antag, or start a strike, or this kind of things, without earning a job ban for improprer escalation.
Relax like Redax. "The fucking stupidest thing ever said by an SL"


- Zartam
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Re: Jack Knight - Don't be a dick
Play a round as a doctor when medicine is forbidden and you'll know exactly what I mean.

- slc97
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Re: Jack Knight - Don't be a dick
Doctoring wasn't banned from the round. You were required to receive permission from the CO by law. You failed to do this and were dealt with ICly and appropriately.
We aren't gonna make it so that an entire section of the ship can break the rules because the CO didn't let them do whatever the fuck they want. That's dumb.
We aren't gonna make it so that an entire section of the ship can break the rules because the CO didn't let them do whatever the fuck they want. That's dumb.
- Biolock
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Re: Jack Knight - Don't be a dick
Sorry I haven't responded to this yet, I've been drugged out on (ironically) painkillers due to having my wisdom teeth yanked. Since I'm so late to the party let me just add a few things in.
-these are incomplete logs, not that it's important, but you cropped out some of the exchange we had.
-you're a doctor, you don't get to riot against command because you don't like their policy.
-if you feel the commander is being unjust, that is one of the many reasons the MP exist, more often than not, if an officer is doing something to hurt marines, they will find themselves in the brig.
-This is a roleplay situation above all else, the commander had an unpopular policy (as many commanders in real life do), and you just have to work with it. You're under the presumption that this server is intended as a 'play to win' and that the commander is hurting his own team. This is where you went wrong. This is a roleplay server, where the endgoal isn't the text saying who won at the end (which is why it was removed) but rather the roleplay and experiences brought out during the round.
P.s. sorry if a lot of this is gibberish, I'm pretty sure I ODed on oxy.
-these are incomplete logs, not that it's important, but you cropped out some of the exchange we had.
-you're a doctor, you don't get to riot against command because you don't like their policy.
-if you feel the commander is being unjust, that is one of the many reasons the MP exist, more often than not, if an officer is doing something to hurt marines, they will find themselves in the brig.
-This is a roleplay situation above all else, the commander had an unpopular policy (as many commanders in real life do), and you just have to work with it. You're under the presumption that this server is intended as a 'play to win' and that the commander is hurting his own team. This is where you went wrong. This is a roleplay server, where the endgoal isn't the text saying who won at the end (which is why it was removed) but rather the roleplay and experiences brought out during the round.
P.s. sorry if a lot of this is gibberish, I'm pretty sure I ODed on oxy.
I'm stressing way too hard about what to put here, so I'm just gonna leave it blank.... or....
- Feweh
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Re: Jack Knight - Don't be a dick
IC issue.
IC issue.