M-di H'dlak Thei-de Predator complaint/discussion

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M-di H'dlak Thei-de Predator complaint/discussion

Post by Butlerblock » 29 Jul 2017, 02:21

Your Byond Key: Butlerblock

Your Character Name: Young/Mature/Elite Hunter 992

Accused Byond Key(if known): Renomaki (Again) (I swear I usually don't make pred complaints it just happens to be him again) ((Woah maybe it's a sign guys, my only two pred complaints are against Reno?))

Character Name: M-di H'dlak Thei-de

Approximate time and date of the incident (Central US Time for fastest results): 11 PM - 12:30 AM

What rule(s) were broken: You are NOT a murder-spree antagonist? I guess, more of wishing for a complaint discussion questioning how "Honorable" this predator actually is.

Description of the incident: So, I was a hunter, somewhat chasing around predators that got near me when I was attempting to flank marines, the fights went as most do, slash and pounce them until I get huntertrapped and then pounce away at near death for about 6 times, the usual. But once I became elite I started to actually hunt them, because they were really interfering with my marine flanking. I saw the runner killed one that I broke the feet of, whatever, I could find the other one. I found him once and slashed him a bit, but he was able to trap me and he ran away, so I decided to run off and wait the trap off. Note here that during almost all of my attacks, I would NEVER tackle a predator when they were already stunned, if they were on the ground I would slash them until the got up, and then I would attempt to back away and start fighting until I could tackle them again, I refused to spam tackle a predator while they were on the ground, and only limited the stuns to the ground. Also note the large amount of use of hunting traps as a predator, a counter to my tackles, which lets them get a few hits off as well. So, I was forced to retreat from a pred that nearly killed me after I stepped on a trap, but there was a carrier nearby, I just assumed when I ran off he'd run away from the pred and he'd ignore him. I'm not entirely sure of the details, but shortly after I got off screen the carrier had died, 99% from that same predator, and after getting the trap off of me I came back and there he was dead, so I decided to go and find this predator to get revenge of this carrier. I found him once and did a decently long duel with him, I was clearly more robust, as he did not get that many slashes off of his clan sword as many tackle attempts as I got on him, allowing me to slash him a decent amount, though at one point he was able to get a good rng hit on his sword, and nearly killed me, but he shortly ran off. I thought I could continue the fight so I continued after him, but I did not want to chase a pred off into the jungle while I had such low health, so I decided to heal it up and let him leave. After I went barely out of the range of our fight, about a screen away there he was, but he instantly shot me with a stun plasma, so I had to back off, and when I walked at him after slightly healing, he was entirely gone. He abandoned the fight and teleported back to his ship to heal (I assume, not 100% sure) I searched for him for ages but I could not find him, but I suddenly found him east of the nexus, where we were fighting, and he was talking to the marines, probably to heal himself. But he always stayed behind them, refusing to let me get anywhere close. Clearly I was a prey to him, because multiple times did he try to trap and fight me when I was hunting the marines earlier, and I did put up a duel, but apparently not this time, he refused to fight me. After roaring a bit and doing anything I could to get him to follow, I decided to grab the carrier body. After the long struggle of dragging the slow carrier body from earlier towards him, he acted almost exactly as he did before, and after a few roars, he apparently threw all honor he had out the dropship window, pulled out a plasma rifle, stun plasma'd me, and then pulled out the spike launcher and instakilled me, almost entire ZERO counterplay on my part, instadeath I could do nothing about. I talked to Ordukai about this for a bit, but he didn't know much about predator rules, so he decided to speak to the pred for me. And the pred said these statements, which Ordukai relayed back to me.

" Mainly that I am sorry that it came to it. I wanted to fight him, but he wasn't willing to fight a fair fight. There is no honor in a fight if one's rival refuses to fight on fair terms, and tacklespam is not a very honorable thing to do.."
" Xenomorphs are not expected to have honor, though, but still.. I do try to fight each one in melee when I can, and only bring out the plasma weapons when situations get dire and my life is on the line. Or in his case, to deal with a threat that would no doubt be the end of me if I kept playing his 'games' and falling for his tricks."
"at least, that is my side of things. I understand he is upset, and I would be too.. But if I were in his shoes, I would know that fighting a predator that you fought dirty with more than once was bound to end poorly. ".

In these statements, he claims multiple times that I was "playing dirty" and "tacklespamming" but I was using just as much stuns as he was, and I was never tackling him while he was down. Note that predators are about 20x more tanky to my attacks than I am to his, and his stuns and traps last roughly the same duration as mine. I don't believe that him instakilling me was justifiable, because he refused to finish our fight, as I was clearly a prey he wanted down, because I seriously injured his friend, leading to his death, not me killing him though. And broke a couple of his bones, which he got splinted.

Evidence (screenshots, logs, etc):
Clear use of stuns against me, which apparently was the same reason I get instakilled
Him clearly fighting back against me, despite multiple opportunities to cloak and run off

Unable to be logged: Me not tackle spamming him. I was unable to get a log of me not tackle spamming him because the only ones I could scroll back to, looked as if I was tackling him when he was down, but after tackling him and slashing him a few times and then backing off, he most of the time wasn't able to get a single hit off before I was able to tackle him again onto the ground.

Edit: Picture of Reno clearly fighting back even after I am trapped by the alien mine (hunting trap) with a CLEAR intent to kill me without using ranged weapons. Also pictured in the same image: Me attempting to not spam tackle, as it shows me tackle, slashing lots of times, and then him hitting me with his sword before my next tackle.

How you would punish the accused: Not a clue
Last edited by Butlerblock on 29 Jul 2017, 02:33, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: M-di H'dlak Thei-de Predator complaint/discussion

Post by Renomaki » 29 Jul 2017, 02:32

You know what?

as much as I'd like to defend myself.. I guess there is nothing I can do here.

After I did what I did, I felt so shamed that I returned to the ship to meditate, sending out a prayer to staff in a bid for forgiveness for such dishonor and shame.. But the gods were silent...

Many others would go out of their way to defend themselves, but I guess in this case, there is little I can do. I tried to fight an elite hunter several times, nearly lost my hand in what I believe was an attempt to prepare me for infection, and then after dealing with his constant attempts to lure me towards weeds (and sometimes nearby xenos), I grew tried of it and decided to put an end to it once and for all, doing what I thought Feweh would have done in the situation.. I was wrong.

I only wanted to be a good hunter, to fight serpents that I know would be a fight worth fighting. Drones, sentinels, spitters... It would be unfair to fight them, so I tried to fight what I believed I could fight, only to humiliate myself in the process.

I leave it to the staff.. I can't bring myself to defend myself, because I know I done something wrong. If I can't hunt anymore, well.. That is something I'll have to accept, and I'll miss being able to fight serpents in glorious melee and interact with humans in strange and wonderful ways.
Sometimes, bravery comes from the most unlikely sources.

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Re: M-di H'dlak Thei-de Predator complaint/discussion

Post by Feweh » 29 Jul 2017, 02:53

So after speaking to Reno further, he admitted to initially hunting you.

Was there a breach in code? Ya, using a plasma caster against the prey you're hunting whos actively engaging you is against the rules.

To be honest, I'm not going to punish him for this.

Hunter are absurdly over-powered against predators, to the point Predators can barely fight back against them due to the tackle spam/pounce. It's an oversight on our end that I want to get resolved at a dev level as soon as possible. Even with a plasma caster, you'll often has Predators get completely wrecked to xenos, especially hunters who move so quick and can run away within in a second.

This isn't generally tolerated, but I can see his position as he was constantly getting stun locked and really had no mechanics to escape them.

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Re: M-di H'dlak Thei-de Predator complaint/discussion

Post by Butlerblock » 29 Jul 2017, 02:59

What the fuck did I just read? Reno is basically roleplaying in a 100% serious complaint against him and Feweh says it's completely against the rules what he did but he's not getting punished. Like, just pin this thread at the top of announcements.

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Re: M-di H'dlak Thei-de Predator complaint/discussion

Post by Feweh » 29 Jul 2017, 03:02

Butlerblock wrote:What the fuck did I just read? Reno is basically roleplaying in a 100% serious complaint against him and Feweh says it's completely against the rules what he did but he's not getting punished. Like, just pin this thread at the top of announcements.

I'm not punishing him because he's aware of his mistake and error.
The reason he did so, is also quite understandable and it's a frustrating mechanic on our end.

You guys also had a few good engagements and fights against each-other. He didn't walk up to you, stun you instantly and kill you, there was enough interaction going on.

To clarify, he is geting a strong warning for this, but I'm not going to punish him beyond this warning.
