Dto'Yeyin'Thwei - Trigger Happy Pred

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Dto'Yeyin'Thwei - Trigger Happy Pred

Post by Butlerblock » 19 Aug 2017, 18:55

Your Byond Key: Butlerblock

Your Character Name: Elite Hunter 163

Accused Byond Key(if known): Jay Burns

Character Name: Dto'Yeyin'Thwei

Approximate time and date of the incident (Central US Time for fastest results): 5:30

What rule(s) were broken: Misunderstanding of Unworthy prey, and Jay's pred gameplay of infamously using a plasma rifle if anyone runs during a fight

Description of the incident: This has happened before, but he did apologize with a misunderstanding, but the second time it happened I was fed up with it. I'll describe the first time first, I was a hunter fighting Jay in fitness, with low-ish health, and I saw a group of marines walking towards us in between hydro and fitness, from the east side, so I decided to pounce roughly inwards past Jay, so that I wouldn't be pouncing directly away from him, but still away from the marines, and then stood there waiting for him to walk away from them as well. Jay took this as an act of a retreat, and within 2 seconds, assuming I'd continue 'running away' plasma'd me into crit.

The second time, he was actively chasing me, because he knew I was low. Since I was waiting for an opportunity to go in, and not wanting to be a sitting duck, I lightly kited him away our current fight, into nexus, without actually running away. While I was doing this a hunter blocked my path in the one tile wide section on the right, so I knew Jay would be right behind me ready to jab me to death, so I pounced away from the hunter, but still close enough to Jay to not look like I was running away. Jay again, took this as an act of retreat, and before he could even tell that I wasn't moving after my pounce, plasma'd me to my death. Note that during this fight, I was not trapped on a hunting trap, and Jay had a broken foot, so I easily could have ran away if I wanted to.

Evidence (screenshots, logs, etc):
The first incident

The second incident

How you would punish the accused: Not 100% sure, especially since he's a staff pred member. Maybe a heads up of to actually see if the prey is running away, and not just re positioning.

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Re: Dto'Yeyin'Thwei - Trigger Happy Pred

Post by Sleepy Retard » 19 Aug 2017, 19:02




You run away in fights and claim you don't, but this is up to the heads anyways. I don't this is a justified report.
Image I was a Synth Councilmen, alongside Jakkk, MattAtlas, SovietKitty and Omicega.

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Re: Dto'Yeyin'Thwei - Trigger Happy Pred

Post by Jay Burns » 19 Aug 2017, 19:22

The problem with this is you ALWAYS run away when you get injured, I got two hits on you and you pounced away, of course im going to plasma you.

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Re: Dto'Yeyin'Thwei - Trigger Happy Pred

Post by spheretech » 19 Aug 2017, 19:46

Although I can't say which pred did what or who it even was, this same round I was a delta squad medic and was ambushed along with my squad by 3 of the preds with plasma casters and spike guns. We were pretty much wiped out, so if anything I can say that the preds WERE a bit trigger happy this round. I don't wanna start a separate drama thread for this so hopefully it's of some use here.

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Re: Dto'Yeyin'Thwei - Trigger Happy Pred

Post by Feweh » 19 Aug 2017, 20:26

What youre doing classifies as running away

Dont want to be plasma caster? Stop pouncing around and awau from Predators, super simple.

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Re: Dto'Yeyin'Thwei - Trigger Happy Pred

Post by Butlerblock » 19 Aug 2017, 20:31

So I'm not allowed to re-position in a fight, giving me an advantage, without being dishonorable and abandoning the fight?

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Re: Dto'Yeyin'Thwei - Trigger Happy Pred

Post by Feweh » 19 Aug 2017, 22:35

Butlerblock wrote:So I'm not allowed to re-position in a fight, giving me an advantage, without being dishonorable and abandoning the fight?

Youre dis-engaging to run away and then insta pounce predators.

You can do that obviously, but if youre complaining that the Predator cheesed you when youre trying to cheese the Predator yourself with insta stuns.

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Re: Dto'Yeyin'Thwei - Trigger Happy Pred

Post by Butlerblock » 19 Aug 2017, 23:03

With the new pred resistance update, there's 0 reason to pounce a predator. They'll resist the stun almost immediately, faster than a marine gets up from a runner pounce, and then they will kill you because you're still stunned from the pounce.

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Re: Dto'Yeyin'Thwei - Trigger Happy Pred

Post by Feweh » 25 Aug 2017, 15:46

This is resolved, as you disengaged to heal and avoid combat.
