Symbiosis - CO Cliff 'Chubs' Campbell

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Symbiosis - CO Cliff 'Chubs' Campbell

Post by nodnodnod » 03 Sep 2017, 20:42

Your Byond Key:


Your Character Name:

Kira Fairbanks

Accused Byond Key(if known):


Character Name:

Cliff 'Chubs' Campbell

Approximate time and date of the incident (Central US Time for fastest results):

September 3rd, 2017, ~1900 CST

What rule(s) were broken:

Marine rules 1 and 6, roleplay guidelines (You are a "reasonable person" - Preventing MP arrests verbally or arguing is OK, interfering is NOT. (Unless you have a VERY good RP reason and "MPs are shitlers" or "He's my best Bro" are not good reasons).)

Description of the incident:

The issue begins at the start of the round. The CO made an announcement with a URL in it that went to a picture of a map. I responded with something cheeky that amounted to being unable to get it to work, and judging by other responses, others had issues with the image as well. I can't actually go back in the logs to see what it was, but I assume these can be pulled. The CO's response is to immediately ban me from flying for the reason of "if you cannot get the HUD to work, you aren't allowed to fly. Go to the RO line and work there". Again, this is summarized - I can't go back to see exactly what was written. My response to such a thing was in the nature of "I want written orders, signed by you, for me to leave my dropship ((ties into marine rule 12, but also from an IC perspective of gathering evidence to ICly present to his superior later)) and be somewhere far away from where I'm supposed to be working". This went back and forth for awhile before the MPs finally came to arrest me, at which point I surrendered peacefully and went along with them and asked to speak to the CMP. A brief discussion followed with the CMP, Jamar Baer, with one of the other MPs also taking my side in the issue, resulted in the agreement that I hadn't broken any laws and I was free to go. I promptly leave and go back to doing my work, as the other PO, Sofie Knudsen, can attest to. We ran CAS together until the CO learned that I was released long after what my brig sentence even would've been. The CO couldn't get any MPs to come and arrest me, so he went down with gun in hand and said he was going to kill me if I didn't leave the cockpit. I called him insane and was promptly gunned down, unarmed, and shot in the head no less than four times while down so that I would be decapitated and perma-dead. It is worth noting that the CO also changed their story later and said that the RO thing was only temporary, when it was very heavily implied in the initial remarks at the start of the round that it was a permanent thing.

The whole ordeal originated from the inability to open a picture URL that the CO pasted into a command announcement, and the fact the CO escalated it to such an absurdly irrational level is insane.

This is poor display from a CO. Whilst it's -technically- allowed if disobeying orders, this kind of mental instability would never be allowed. The CMP and MPs that had seen the issue taking place had taken my side, and considering I was brigged briefly before speaking with the CMP, it's utterly silly that this even happened.

It can be seen in the logs that I was even defending the CO and saying I didn't want him to be harmed, but I wanted him removed from command because he was incapable and I had no confidence in his ability or mental stability. Seriously - you can see where I was against a mutiny and against him being harmed in the logs. The escalation here, while possibly -technically- within the rules, is simply over the top and unreasonable.

Evidence (screenshots, logs, etc):

Lost the logs. Should be able to pull from the round.

How you would punish the accused:

Being talked to about playing a more rational human character, instead of a borderline sociopath. Perhaps a specific discussion about how to deal with unarmed, non-combative people that have surrendered peacefully to MPs prior.

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Re: Symbiosis - CO Cliff 'Chubs' Campbell

Post by Symbiosis » 03 Sep 2017, 21:30

So, I don't often use the battlefield execution. When I do as a CO it's generally due to causing Marines to die (letting loose Xenos), shooting/harming other Marines, or frequent insubordination.

I understand that OOCly ordering you to the RO line for a cheeky comment may seem uncool, but I've also ordered XO's to clean up the canteen when they've insulted Marines before and they generally, as per Marine Law, obeyed the order even though it wasn't what they wanted to do. I tend to play CO as a pretty hard "By the books, everyone carries their weight, and we all go down fighting."

This particular battlefield execution came down to you being a consistent thorn in the side of Cliff's "command". You were told to serve your time, then for whatever reason you were released by the CMP and another MP without serving any time in the brig. Rather than help the RO or even come close to following the orders I gave you, you returned to the Normandy. When Cliff found out, he was obviously incensed. You were instructed at least three (I think four) times to leave the dropship and turn yourself in. Instead you pushed me out of the dropship and called me insane. I believe about four or five minutes of me ordering you to repeatedly leave the Normandy resulted in you being combat executed. I do apologize that you were unable to finish out the round, and I do wish you had been able to enjoy the round more. That being said, rounds still going on, so I'll leave it at this for now!
Cliff "Chubs" Campbell

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Re: Symbiosis - CO Cliff 'Chubs' Campbell

Post by apophis775 » 03 Sep 2017, 21:32

His execution of you, was within the rules.

He ordered you to go somewhere and you refused. The MPs and CMP should not have released you for "no crime committed". You disobeyed orders, which was a crime. The CMP decided to overlook that, and that's what resulted in the chain of events.

Unless there was a specific action you want investigated after the execution which broke the rules, I'm not sure of the problem here as there are no obvious rule breaks.

You broke the law by disobeying orders. Instead of serving time you got released, he enacted an ability given to him by the whitelist. That's pretty much IC. If anything, it seems like you got caught in a dispute between the MPs and CO for jurisdiction.

Also, this was the second round in a row, where you bumped heads with the commander and ended in a shit situation.

We'll discuss this with seniors, but perhaps you may want to take some advice:
Get past WHATEVER it is that keeps causing you to collide with the commander over and over. Because honestly, 2 rounds in a row is more than just a shit commander causing you trouble. There's some fault on your side. Just FOLLOW ORDERS. If an order violates the law, Ahelp it. But commanders aren't going to give you orders to intentionally fuck the ship, so it's best to follow them and not be snarky. Remember, disrespect carriers brig time. He could have had you arrested for your complaint back at him.
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Re: Symbiosis - CO Cliff 'Chubs' Campbell

Post by nodnodnod » 03 Sep 2017, 22:07

Very well. I figured there was some sort of... I don't know, obligation to behave somewhat like a normal human - or, what I consider to be normal. Next time I'll invoke my right to respond to proper escalation of force and just pull the old Han Solo card and shoot first.

Thank you for the response.

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Re: Symbiosis - CO Cliff 'Chubs' Campbell

Post by Feweh » 03 Sep 2017, 22:59

Youre doing something wrong as a player.

Two rounds in a row TWO different COs had to brig and execute you.

Truthfully, in the military or even a job situation
You wouldnt ignore basic orders "get out of cockpit" is a basic order.

When you ignore orders and oppose command because you dont agree with them, you become a threat to the command integrity.

Your execution is valid.

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Re: Symbiosis - CO Cliff 'Chubs' Campbell

Post by apophis775 » 03 Sep 2017, 23:26

People have different definitions of "normal". In his eyes, you probably disobeyed him intentionally and he was rectifying the situation to the best of his ability.
Also, you don't have the right to just "shoot first".
Commanders, have the EXPRESS ABILITY to execute anyone under their command at any time. That doesn't mean if you think it's going to happen you can just blast them first.

You also missed the point. By acting like a fool and disobeying/contradicting the commander you put yourself INTO that situation. We refer to this IRL as "Talk Shit Get Hit". If you don't wanna get your face blown off, then follow orders.
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Re: Symbiosis - CO Cliff 'Chubs' Campbell

Post by nodnodnod » 03 Sep 2017, 23:36

It's not 'thinking' it's going to happen in this case. It's him literally saying he's going to do it.

But sure. Next time I'll just be a janitor PO.


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Byond: Feweh

Re: Symbiosis - CO Cliff 'Chubs' Campbell

Post by Feweh » 12 Sep 2017, 12:26

