Staff Report-Eldefaulitio

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Staff Report-Eldefaulitio

Post by Cpkeyes » 14 Sep 2017, 19:29

Your Byond Key: Cpkeyes

Your Character Name: Tabatha 'Tabs' cody

Their Byond key:Eldefaultio

Approximate time and date of the incident (Central Us Time for best results): 7:05 PM EST, I believe it continued to around 7:20.

Which Staff Protocols (viewtopic.php?f=57&t=5647) were broken: Remain Professional, no matter what happens, through rule wise I feel like it's "Don't be a dick"

Description of the incident: So, I've noticed a few times (Well once other, the person was Coroneljones, through I do not have screenshots of that and I may of just be misundestanding what was going on) that Eldefaultio has basically talked to players that they see as breaking the rules or not playing a role in a way they don't like in a tone that can be described as smug. Not even bothering to capitalize their sentences. Calling them shitlers, powergamers and saying "I don't care about you"

Now, this seems like El is trying to bait the person they are talking to into basically getting angry and insulting them. For a moderator, especially the discord moderator, this seems....unprofessional and trying to find a reason to warn someone. I believe we can both agree that is not acceptable behavior nor conduct.

Thank you for taking the time to read this report and I await your judgment.

Evidence (screenshots, logs, etc):

How you would punish the accused: Kicked out of the discord moderator position, put on probation. Honestly, I don't think I'm the best person to decide a punishment.

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Re: Staff Report-Eldefaulitio

Post by Sleepy Retard » 14 Sep 2017, 19:40

people can insult me all the time, they can be angry at me. i don't ban them for that. i don't kick them for that.

i kick them for breaking rules. everyone who has been kicked has insulted me. i did not kick that for that; i kicked them for shitposting in the channel. if you get mad at me whatever man, i really don't care.
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Re: Staff Report-Eldefaulitio

Post by Cpkeyes » 14 Sep 2017, 19:50

The thing is. I am not mad. I honestly don't know why you would think that.

You said that staff are still under the jurisdiction of the rules, that it still applies to them and if they thought you were breaking the rules to report them.

So I did.

The main point of the report is that you come across as bit of a dick and seemingly trying to get a rile out of someone. It has nothing to do about what you kick people for.

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Re: Staff Report-Eldefaulitio

Post by Surrealistik » 14 Sep 2017, 19:50

I will say that I don't get this guy's insane enmity towards me; I admittedly powergamed in the past and as an apparent result this guy treats me like a combination of CWC and Hitler in response to having said some pretty innocuous stuff; pretty fucked up. I mean sure, I have pride in my ability as a doctor and there are others who also do an excellent job (Musica and Lauryn come to mind), so I felt compelled to reply to this assertion that there are 'no good doctors'.

That said, yeah, if he tends to be this arbitrarily hostile to people (I have never gotten into a personal spat with Defaultio in the past, at least not that I remember), I don't think he's a good choice for a moderator/rules enforcer position; definitely calls into question his ability to keep things on an even keel IMO. I do feel that I was baited during that exchange, and the guy was absolutely aiming to offend and provoke me as much as he could; basically he comes across as being super toxic.

I'm guessing I'm not the only one who's experienced this sort of thing with Defaultio, or that this otherwise isn't an isolated incident given Cpkeyes went so far as to post about it.
Last edited by Surrealistik on 15 Sep 2017, 00:06, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Staff Report-Eldefaulitio

Post by Sleepy Retard » 14 Sep 2017, 19:59

alright since the pictures are awful, here are the statements in concern (that they've pointed out in their report):


the other ones i was talking to minimike, answering his questions and is kind of misleading.
Image I was a Synth Councilmen, alongside Jakkk, MattAtlas, SovietKitty and Omicega.

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Re: Staff Report-Eldefaulitio

Post by Feweh » 17 Sep 2017, 19:01

This will be handled, thanks for the report.
