Your Character Name: Lance Hardwood
Accused Byond Key(if known): Sirlordington
Character Name: Luke Compton
Approximate time and date of the incident (Central US Time for fastest results): Roughly 11:30am, Friday, October 13, 2017
What rule(s) were broken: Rule 0.2 (Marine Law - Execution Procedures), Rule 1, Rule 7
Description of the incident:
Round starts, No CO, no XO, I log on as XO and take command of the squads, making sure teams have engineers before I send them on tasks, handle the briefing, handle a few crises, work with an SO, and do what I think is a pretty good job, if the praise from the marines is anything to go by (I'd say so, since I have quite literally never heard them praise command before.)
The CO arrives, and immediately does not like me. There was a survivor, I let the Corporate Liason talk to them first, CO tells me i'm incompetent and puts me on probation.
Right, okay, he wants to RP the anti-WU hardass CO, that's fine, moving on.
CO orders me to retain command for a bit, despite my apparent incompetence, while he talks to the survivors and fiddles with IDs.
Ground mission proceeds nicely, we're about to push in to the underground when a Marine gives birth, and a larvae gets loose on the ship. Commander doesn't call for code blue or red, and tells me to get back to my post when I offer to swipe. I ask the MPs to deal with it, silence. A drone is spotted on the ship. CO steps away to handle some RP, puts me back in charge, I call code blue, and ask the MPs to handle the Xeno. SIlence, again. Someone calls out that the Xeno has been spotted outside the CIC over general comms, so I arm up and step outside. No sign of the Xeno, the CL asks me to help him get in to his office, I help him, and get back to the CIC about a minute later as the CO returns.
He asks why I wasn't at my station, I tell him a xeno was spotted outside the door, and am about to elaborate, when he decides to conclude our relationship.
Does he-
A : Let me get back to work.
B : Give me a stern talking to, and tell me to get back to my post.
C : Demote me, and send me to the brig for disobeying an order.
D : Accuse me of gross incompetence, shoot me three times in the head with his Mateba, and tell medical to lock my body in the morgue.
If you guessed anything but D, I wonder what you thought this appeal was about.
This was my conversation with the admins after my abrupt execution.
Nowhere in the Execution Procedures does it say dereliction of duty is grounds for execution, let alone battlefield execution, but that's fine, let's move on.
Nowhere in the Execution Procedures does it say disobeying an order is grounds for execution, let alone battlefield execution, but that's fine, let's move on
I tried to be as respectful as I could, he's a trialmin, I've been there before, sometimes it's better to not drop the banhammer when you're not 100% sure they deserve it, so that's fine, I wanted to move on.
Only other admin online was Tharinoma, but they were either happy to let Frozentsbgg handle it, or were idle.
Battlefield execution, ladies and gentlemen:
This power can only be used on captured prisoners when it is not possible to perform standard execution procedures.
The compliant and respectful XO standing in front of you isn't exactly a captured prisoner, nor were there any circumstances preventing Luke from following standard execution procedures if he absolutely had to get his murderbone on.
He didn't warn anyone he was executing me, he didn't give me a chance to defend myself, and he didn't (to my knowledge) send a fax asking if it was justified.
Evidence (screenshots, logs, etc):
Screenshots of the adminhelp was provided above, I didn't take logs of the incident because I was sure it could have been dealt with at the time. Apparently not.
Some snippets from the discord immediately following his decision, during a conversation between him and the Corporate Liason:
How you would punish the accused:
From the rules:
1: (This is similar to the "Rule 0" rule which applies to admins - you're able to do this, but it's much better not to, since you are subject to the consequences of your actions and may be removed from the whitelist if your reasons aren't acceptable.)
2: It wasn't exactly random murder, but it was completely uncalled for and inappropriate. I'm not sure on the standard server punishment for griefing, but it's usually at least a dayban.