Player Report - Symbiosis/Thwei Kvvar-de

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Player Report - Symbiosis/Thwei Kvvar-de

Post by Chaznoodles » 22 Oct 2017, 07:46

Your Byond Key: Chaznoodles.

Your Character Name: Elite Hunter (790).

Accused Byond Key(if known): Symbiosis.

Character Name: Thwei Kvvar-de.

Approximate time and date of the incident (Central US Time for fastest results): 11:30BST/04:30CST.

What rule(s) were broken: Predator-specific rule 3, Predator honour code.

Description of the incident: I was playing an elite hunter, and had just crossed back north across the river after slashing an APC and getting shocked. In order to heal, I position myself to the northeast of the barrens, just south of the crashed shuttle, so I'm far enough away from things that I won't get attacked. I rest in order to heal faster, and tab out to deal with flat viewings. I hear a snap and tab back in. A predator has sprinted up while cloaked, placed a predator trap, uncloaked and dragged me onto it. Not wanting to engage with this sort of thing as I have other things to deal with, I rest again. Another hunter springs up and starts doing the usual dance around predators without attacking it, trying to get it away from me. Same hunter grabs me and starts moving me away, because neither of us want to get involved with this. The predator then lunges for the other hunter and starts slashing it. Said hunter tries to move me away, and the pred starts slashing me, still on the floor resting. The predator then outright murders me when I was still completely uninvolved, resting, and healing.

The predator in question attempted to goad xenos into combat and used foul play, removing me from the round whilst I was busy with other matters so had positioned myself to avoid this sort of thing happening. I was not classed as worthy prey, nor unworthy prey.

Evidence (screenshots, logs, etc): Image

How you would punish the accused: /

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Re: Player Report - Symbiosis/Thwei Kvvar-de

Post by Symbiosis » 22 Oct 2017, 07:49

You were fully healed. If you had remained silent and not said anything I probably would've assumed you were AFK and just lamented the loss of a trap.

That round I killed one Xeno (You) and a Marine whom I dueled in the Pred Ship without armor (nearly getting robusted/killed) - I didn't break the Honor Code because you were at full health and capable of fighting - but chose not to. Further, flaunting that if you ignore me I'll go away.
Cliff "Chubs" Campbell

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Thwei Kv’var - Blood Hunter

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Re: Player Report - Symbiosis/Thwei Kvvar-de

Post by Chaznoodles » 22 Oct 2017, 07:58

Symbiosis wrote:
22 Oct 2017, 07:49
You were fully healed. If you had remained silent and not said anything I probably would've assumed you were AFK and just lamented the loss of a trap.

That round I killed one Xeno (You) and a Marine whom I dueled in the Pred Ship without armor (nearly getting robusted/killed) - I didn't break the Honor Code because you were at full health and capable of fighting - but chose not to. Further, flaunting that if you ignore me I'll go away.

I tabbed back in because of your use of dirty tactics, in dragging me onto a trap while I was AFK. At no point had I met any of the worthy, nor unworthy prey requirements. Just because you 'only killed one xeno and a marine' doesn't make those kills instantly acceptable. I'd like to point out:
• A Xeno is actively moving around the map and not engaged in a current fight.
Actively moving is specified. You'll need to explain to me how I was actively moving.

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Re: Player Report - Symbiosis/Thwei Kvvar-de

Post by GoliathTheDespoiler » 22 Oct 2017, 08:26

Not sure if I can step in to say this, but in most cases if a xeno is:

A. Full health
B. Not busy doing important things like dragging hosts
C. Not a drone/boiler/hivelord/carrier

They can usually be classed as WP. Being AFK and getting mauled could sort of be considered a case of bad luck on your part and rudeness on the pred's part.

I get the rule specifically states actively moving, but I've seen xenos just standing around a tunnel get attacked and the pred had nothing bad happen to them.
The predator in question attempted to goad xenos into combat and used foul play,
Preds can fight any WP at anytime. They just have to follow the ROE about it and not cloak kill or spam the plasmacaster.

As for foul play... well... a xeno isn't considered an 'honourable prey' by preds so they are usually treated with less respect than, say, a human. Cheeky moves like dragging onto traps, while salt-inducing, are okay to do.

Most of my pred rounds involve me with Symbio and from what I've seen he is very careful when picking targets. It may have been a slipup of some sort but mistakes happen.
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Re: Player Report - Symbiosis/Thwei Kvvar-de

Post by Symbiosis » 22 Oct 2017, 10:27

• Any LOW RP actions, such as hugging the Predator while they’re RPing, force-feeding Predators, ninja-looting Predators while RPing and IC metagaming. (Saying ICly the Predator won’t harm us because you meta-ed the rules)

Also this - Another reason as to why I attacked. If it had stayed silent and appeared afk I would've left it. If it had LOOC'ed - Hey man I need to afk - I would've left it.

But to IC Mock the code and act like by rolling over and showing your belly to a Predator as an ELITE HUNTER you'll be left alone? That's why I attacked.
Cliff "Chubs" Campbell

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Thwei Kv’var - Blood Hunter

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Re: Player Report - Symbiosis/Thwei Kvvar-de

Post by Feweh » 25 Oct 2017, 18:01

You're the definition of a valid target.

No idea why you made this report, you don't get to choose when to fight Predators.. they're antags that will kill you.
