Jaketeaking - Poor PMC play

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Bath Salts Addict
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Jaketeaking - Poor PMC play

Post by Bath Salts Addict » 18 Dec 2017, 23:54

I'm making this as a player report, as Jaketeaking did nothing to violate the staff code of conduct or abuse his moderator privileges.

Your Byond Key: Bath Salts Addict

Your Character Name: SCE PMC Leo Palau

Accused Byond Key(if known): Jaketeaking

Character Name: Something PMC Aidan Bakin (PMC Smartgunner, forget the rank)

Approximate time and date of the incident (Central US Time for fastest results): 9:30 PM CST

What rule(s) were broken: I can't seem to find any specific rule regarding PMCs, but the closest I can find would be 7. Follow the instructions of your department head as well as generally poor RP while playing the role of a PMC.

Description of the incident: Admins launched a stealth distress beacon in response to the Corporate Liaison's fax about vital research materials that were left on the prison station. Being a standard PMC, I let the CL and the PMC SL do all of the talking. The entire PMC squad was comprised of actually competent people who stuck together and knew their stuff, except for the smartgunner it seemed. Aidan Bakin constantly ran off, defied orders from the team leader and CL repeatedly and, when the aliens finally boarded the Almayer and began slaughtering the Marines en masse, abandoned the CL and the rest of their team to go fight the aliens alone with the Marines, eventually dying while the rest of us secured the CL and evacced on pods.

Later, in deadchat, a few other PMCs began complaining about the smartgunner PMC. I'll admit they were quite aggressive and excessive, perhaps even a bit abusive, and Jake responded in kind in deadchat, berating the other PMCs for "not doing anything" complaining about standing around and doing nothing. His responses grew pretty hostile, although I can excuse him on that part as it was other PMCs in ghostchat that fired shots first.

Yeah, we did do a whole lot of standing around and doing nothing, and the CL, admittedly, wasn't a very good CL. It wasn't fun to stand around in a hallway while the CL talked in their shuttered office with a survivor but RP isn't always supposed to be fun, and the server, despite the name and theme, isn't always about gunning down aliens en masse. RP is about finding your own fun, and I did quite enjoy shit-talking the CO to the point where he raised to blue and locked down the CIC and abusing the research staff until aliens boarded. Jake, as a PMC, completely defied the flavor text and basic premise of the PMC ERT: secure the CL. Fighting aliens is secondary. He didn't even stick around to make sure the CL got to a pod safely. The last I saw of him was when we gunned down a spitter at the upper medbay.

Evidence (screenshots, logs, etc): Caryl and Eluxor were fellow PMCs, one of whom was even the PMC SL and can weigh in with their own perspectives if needed. I unfortunately don't have deadchat logs as I didn't realize Jaketeaking was the smartgunner and was about to just let the whole matter slide, and the server began experiencing issues and crashed in the middle of me scouring the chatbox for deadchat logs the following round.

How you would punish the accused: It's honestly not for me to say. I wasn't even going to make a report before I realized the troublesome smartgunner was, in fact, played by a moderator who should be held to a higher standard. The issue being addressed in at least some manner would be satisfactory for me.

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Re: Jaketeaking - Poor PMC play

Post by Eluxor » 19 Dec 2017, 00:18

I was Heiko Palau, the TML or PMC officer, and everything that Bath's says here is perfectly correct. We may have been a bit too harsh on the round end, but I was doing it mostly out of fun. But yes. Jaketeking wasnt following orders and if he did, he just kept trying to go to battle. Always trying to do something that I did not order. And here is a quote that I got from my logs after everyone died and escaped.

DEAD: PMC Aidan Bakin says, "you wanted us to stand in a hallway in complete silence, doing nothing."

DEAD: PMC Aidan Bakin says, "I tried to make my own fun, by helping the marines. also does it fuck stand for admiral"

So yeah, he was not following his Job as PMC, He even was the Smartgunner, the one that should be with the team and not going around not following the squad

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Re: Jaketeaking - Poor PMC play

Post by Jaketeaking » 19 Dec 2017, 00:44

Well, im just going to break these apart bit by bit.

"The entire PMC squad was comprised of actually competent people who stuck together and knew their stuff, except for the smartgunner it seemed."
At the begging i waited inside the ERT pod for an SSD/AFK member to return, during which i was constantly being yelled at by the other PMC's.

"Aidan Bakin constantly ran off"

I walked off once to get a coffee. I also ran off, as did most of the PMC when that larva appeared.

"defied orders from the team leader and CL repeatedly"

CL gave no orders that i heard, but i attempted to follow the team leaders orders right up until the pods.

"Jake, as a PMC, completely defied the flavor text and basic premise of the PMC ERT: secure the CL. Fighting aliens is secondary. He didn't even stick around to make sure the CL got to a pod safely. The last I saw of him was when we gunned down a spitter at the upper medbay."

This one is a bit tricky, but basically we were told to collect the CMO by a PMC, so i went into medical lower. lots of xenos, i assumed CMO to be dead, so i went back upstairs. I was then attacked by a spitter, and as a PMC was passing by they helped me kill it. i then began to follow them, but i was injured, so i stopped at a medical vendor, to get some tricord. after that point, the PMC i was following had kept running, so i followed the corridor till i was near engineering, not knowing where they had gone. i ran back after a bit, then went north to the upper pods. i saw the CL being loaded onto the pods, as was most of the PMC team. i decided, why evac, the mission had been completed. I carried on north, through the PMC's, and decided to try and help the marines as best i could.

"he just kept trying to go to battle."
Because, from my perspective, we had to retrieve some vials, that the colonist said may have been in a bin in research, on the prison, so i attempted to motivate others and formulate a plan to do something about it other than just standing around in a corridor doing nothing.

"Always trying to do something that I did not order."
At exactly what point?

"PMC Aidan Bakin says, "I tried to make my own fun, by helping the marines. also does it fuck stand for admiral""
Im not entirely sure why you've quoted this, the first part i refered to helping marines after pods launched, and the second part, was a discussion regarding what the prefixes actually stood for, i very much doubt weyland would send an admiral on a PMC mission.
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Byond: Emerald Blood

Re: Jaketeaking - Poor PMC play

Post by Emeraldblood » 19 Dec 2017, 10:09

This is a pretty mild thing to make a player report for. I mean, this would just be a warning for LRP (Low Role Play) at worst. We'll look into it but nothing extreme is gonna happen.
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Byond: Amitt0

Re: Jaketeaking - Poor PMC play

Post by Amitt0 » 19 Dec 2017, 18:35

Hey dudes. I was the CL that round and I'll admit two things. I was playing with a bad Internet connection and thusly was playing fairly slow and unresponsive at times. Secondly I am still fairly new to that role. I hadn't gotten faxes back from headquarters that round except one asking for nudes (my CL is a woman) so when the commander brought the vials to my attention saying they were on the station I had nothing to challenge his claims with logically. Admins were talking in my characters head saying the serum was on the ship and I didn't know what to make of the situation. I was juggling between trying to entertain the survivor and make time to properly task the pmc to something but I was indecisive because though the administration were putting voices in my head saying the serum was on board I couldn't figure out a way to reach that conclusion logically through RP. Eventually we found the cmo had the serum after accidentally killing the wrong man for being nosey and suspicious. The cmo took the drugs instead of handing them over and turned into a glowing person. The situation devolved quickly after that as I'd been shot and needed to be escorted off the ship. I'm sad to say I let down the pmc in my role by I guess not playing out the event to its full extent.
Sorry guys.
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Re: Jaketeaking - Poor PMC play

Post by Feweh » 01 Jan 2018, 14:29

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