Feweh Report

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Re: Feweh Report

Post by NescauComToddy » 07 Feb 2018, 10:29

Yes, I was in that round playing as my synth, Peter, so I had the opportunity to closely observe the development of the event until the controversy started, which was briefly before the MPs received their 'new uniforms'. Eventually, I also had the chance to inspect some of the players being arrested, but I did not mind the event until the end of the round, where the marines who had returned from the colony began to incite a mutiny.

Anyway, I will restrict myself from commenting on this report from now on, since there is not much to say that has not already been said. Also, if I had not participated in the round, I believe I would be breaking the second rule of this forum by commenting only on my opinion, without being a witness to what occurred.

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Re: Feweh Report

Post by GenericUsername » 08 Feb 2018, 10:40

I was the Liason that round. I remember at least two SOs and an MP coming to me to know If these rules were legitimate, so Kavlo probably was one of them. I think one of them specifically mentioned that there were MPs planning to chop people's head, because it's a limb. WY responded for me not to get involved with It, so I went on with my shenanigans.
I don't think the event was bad, but the bigger problem is that the MPs were given a grief pass and could have abused more than they did. It also seems obvious people will complain about this since they were basically removed from the round for the smallest things.
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Re: Feweh Report

Post by DeusMortis » 08 Feb 2018, 10:48

As a Squad Marine that round, I saw a lot of the people who got themselves brigged were the ones who went on and immediately broke the new laws in place. Example, after the 'No Swearing' law was put into effect, the general comms had guys going and instantly saying things like 'Fuck you Command'. I can't say for sure that every Marine who got brigged did it to themselves but I can say that a lot did.
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Re: Feweh Report

Post by Kavlo » 09 Feb 2018, 19:17

forwardslashN wrote:
09 Feb 2018, 17:08
I've been eying the report for a bit. Speaking as a character witness, I've never known Feweh to maliciously ruin rounds. There are good events and there are bad events, and the jury is still out on which one this was (I find the whole situation hilarious, but I wasn't there). That said, the MPs did the brunt of the enforcement, and I'm not sure how Feweh is responsible--the only real complaint, based off what I've read, is that new joiners didn't know it was going on. Which is fair, but seems more like an oversight. As for remaining professional, that comment is pretty innocuous for Feweh. I've known him for a while, and I believe it was just an off-hand response in the middle of whatever was going on; brusque, but not meant in a hostile way.
This post is probably going to be fairly long and worth reading so don't expect a TLDR.

Alright to start off.

My main point of this whole report is that in my own opinion the event was poorly thought out, poor executed and had very bad outcomes. A lot of what people are saying in this thread is that it's the player's fault the event went off the rails; However think of it like this, three simple scenarios, if nobody got involved in the event, the way the event did play out, and if a lot more people got involved in said event. If nobody got involved in the event there is simply put, no event, you can't have an event without player involvement. The current way it played out is Feweh established an event and a sizable amount of players got involved in it leading to them being taken out of the round for participating in said event. Now if many more people got involved, when I say many more I mean around 50+ people, the event would of been a disaster, the marines would've been crippled literally all because the MPs were doing what they were doing due to the events setting.

The event was simply put Feweh allowing MPs to take other players out of the round for simply doing things that in any other round would be considered fine, there was also on top a couple of arrests that were under regular marine law. He allowed the MPs to blatantly break Marine law and Server Rules by causing harm to their prisoners aswell as I dare say soft-grief other players as after their limbs were removed they were FORBIDDEN from getting said limbs replaced, they were basically treated as outcasts. An event is supposed to increase the roleplay and enjoyment of the server however all this event did was cause people to spend immense times sitting in a cell doing nothing only to be released and be practically taken out of the round. You could argue it's roleplay that the marines had this happen to them but it's definitely not medium roleplay, this military police officers could've enlisted, trained or even know said people before they enlisted on top of more then likely serving for MANY months onboard the USS Almayer with said marines yet however when presented with the task of cutting off the limb without any painkillers or anesthetic they were supposed to blindly follow it and many did. So saying it's the MP's fault for low-rping it is bullshit to put it plainly, this was how the event was set up. People like joining events since normally they are quite enjoyable but anyone who wasen't an MP or Command Staff who participated more then likely did not have a nice time but anyone who participated more then likely did not have a good time being brigged and crippled. So ultimately I believe the blame falls of Feweh for making this event.

Another thing to bring up is Feweh's response to all of this, to put it simply his first response was not very good, a bit better after he edited it but still not great (you can see what was edited if you check my first response to it and see what I quoted in his message). Though you may not believe it I actually didn't dislike Feweh, this wasen't a personal report, I wasen't out to try to publicly humiliate him or anything. I've known Feweh for around year I would say. We've had ups and downs but I didn't think when making this he'd have such an outburst. Still even as I'm writing this I got nothing against Feweh, if he messaged me asking if I wanted to play PUBG as we have in the past I'd take him up on it. I can guess why he'd say some of the things he did but, whatever. If any other headstaff or admin had done said event this report would've been for them.

Nearly done with all this now just a few quick things to mention.
  • I didn't give a shit that mutiny was denied it was never about him denying the mutiny offers.
  • He requested if I didn't like the event to go to cryo and I did though not immediately as I wanted to see if anything would change.
  • This report was meant to be simply about the event not being up to the server's standard in my eyes and not meant to be any kind of witchhunt.
  • The remaining professional part of it isn't a big deal. I event mentioned it wasn't that big of a deal, it was there more-so to be mentioned just incase.
  • If I need to respond or mention other points I've forgotten don't expect me to edit this wall I'll just make a new post.
TLDR : Read the first line.
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Re: Feweh Report

Post by Feweh » 09 Feb 2018, 19:29

Kavlo wrote:
09 Feb 2018, 19:17
He allowed the MPs to blatantly break Marine law and Server Rules
No server rules were broken.

You literally reported me because you disliked the event.
There's been an equal amount of people claiming they had no problem with the event here than there has for those who disliked it.

Even I disliked the event, so I don't even disagree with peoples opinion on it.

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Re: Feweh Report

Post by Kavlo » 09 Feb 2018, 19:52

Feweh wrote:
09 Feb 2018, 19:29
No server rules were broken.

You literally reported me because you disliked the event.
There's been an equal amount of people claiming they had no problem with the event here than there has for those who disliked it.

Even I disliked the event, so I don't even disagree with peoples opinion on it.

And also


Are the rules I believe were broken.
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Re: Feweh Report

Post by Bancrose » 09 Feb 2018, 20:47

Perhaps to some of you it didn't occur that Feweh only opened the door for me and the MP's. And wasn't holding my hand saying what we can and cant do.

If your upset about how that round went, you can go ahead and follow the law as that is what dictated how that round went.

If you're upset about me in that round you'll find I broke no rules and played within an acceptable manner to the guidelines set out for me.

I find this almost ridiclous that you'd report Feweh for making an event, As a final reminder if any of you didn't want to participate in the event, don't break marine law. Dont smoke and dont swear, even ignoring my announcements and going as far as to run up to me and MP's to call us faggots. So many of you joined this event on your own free will.
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Re: Feweh Report

Post by Nicboone » 09 Feb 2018, 21:46

Relax like Redax. "The fucking stupidest thing ever said by an SL"

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Re: Feweh Report

Post by Mark Wilson » 09 Feb 2018, 23:56

I was an SO in this round, the marines knew the laws. Most of them broke the laws on purpose. An example would be when a marine in my squad cursed, I said "Marine, did you just curse?" and he says "fuck yeah!" knowing it will get him arrested and de-limbed. The round was super fun, I saw nothing wrong with it.
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Re: Feweh Report

Post by Kesserline » 12 Feb 2018, 08:20

Already stated my point of view on the event concerned (few posts above, RO point of view).

But, adding something :

Few days ago, Feweh attempted an event where the colonists were still groundside, the distress beacon was mostly a false alarm. Making USCM and W-Y Colony going "WTF ?". The interactions, the laughing and the sense of RP behind that were great. Then, zombies started arriving, adding more coolness. But the event was interrupted due to server crash (300+ connections).

That event looked awesomely promising. With good RP, good boundaries, good story and a very good way to bring zombies around.

This kind of event are awesome. Truly awesome, no other words.

The Nazi-MP event was meh. Especially on the RP level.
But it's only an isolated "mistake" as prooved Feweh in the last even which looked really really promising.

I think we just need clear boundaries of what the event is, what it should do, and what global directions it intends to do.

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Re: Feweh Report

Post by Rahlzel » 05 Mar 2018, 00:22

Closed due to Feweh's removal.
