Player report: Richard Dangler.

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Byond: Amitt0

Player report: Richard Dangler.

Post by Amitt0 » 09 Feb 2018, 15:58

Your Byond Key:Amitt0

Your Character Name: primary: Era Barca, Peter Watts, Lenny clark. (sentinel 251)

Accused Byond Key(if known):plastic69bag

Character Name: Richard Dangler

Approximate time and date of the incident (Central US Time for fastest results): Feb 9th, 2018 3 pm EST and earlier in the day in the morning.

What rule(s) were broken: Greifing, general dickish behavior, poor RP.

Description of the incident: The first incident happened in the round prior to the latest an SO He baited a pfc by calling them a fat bitch/slut and when the pfc hit him i arrested the PFC. fair enough. He then followed us to the brig and continued to verbally abuse the prisoner, stole her ID and radio despite me saying he couldnt do that. he assaulted the prisoner too. i a helped about that situation even though in hindsight i should have just tazed and brigged hi for assault and conduct unbecoming.

the second event is related to the time listed in the report in the next round. He generally just fucked around, shot up a bathroom and the brig for no reason. was rude to people. he dragged an ssd marine out of the FOB claiming to be taking them to a medic but just crammed the body in a corner. when another player tried to intervene, he murdered her.


DEAD: Gordie Runtsfield says, "Dangler did nothing but being a cunt to the marines. Fucked with Req, too."
DEAD: Wanda 'Lazarus' Fisher says, "i took back the marine and tried to explain but Dangler said he needed to take him to his medic"
EAD: Wanda 'Lazarus' Fisher says, "i tried to fire a warning shot but accidentalyl used a nade - but since I wasn't actually aimin at him I NADED MYSELF"
DEAD: Wanda 'Lazarus' Fisher says, "when I got back up Dangler gunned me down"
DEAD: Wanda 'Lazarus' Fisher says, "and then he pushed me off the casevac stretcher to use it himself"
DEAD: Wanda 'Lazarus' Fisher says, "Dangler is a problem"
DEAD: Marc 'Stasis Surf' Stacker says, "he's been a real cunt, weather or not it is his "character""
DEAD: Ancient Sentinel (251) says, "cant talk about what the admins have said to me but im comiling some of your complaints for my player report"

PFC Richard Dangler (follow) says, "Stay in Alpha. Penton is stupid."

FC Richard Dangler (follow) [Alpha (Mar)] says, "Sorry that you're a dumb bitch, Penton"
PFC Richard Dangler (follow) [Almayer (Mar)] says, "Penton is the worst SO I've ever dealt with"
PFC Wanda 'Lazarus' Fisher (follow) says, "DANGLER"

PFC Wanda 'Lazarus' Fisher (follow) says, "THE FUCK"

FC Richard Dangler (follow) says, "I'M TAKING HIM TO OUR MEDIC
PFC Wanda 'Lazarus' Fisher (follow) says, "HE'S ASLEEP"
Wanda 'Lazarus' Fisher has grabbed Miguel Foster passively!
PFC Richard Dangler (follow) says, "I'M TAKING HIM TO OUR MEDIC"
FC Wanda 'Lazarus' Fisher (follow) says, "NO"
PFC Wanda 'Lazarus' Fisher (follow) says, "DANGLER STOP"
DEAD: Anekcahap 'Paladin' Volkov says, "THIS RUNNER"
PFC Wanda 'Lazarus' Fisher (follow) says, "HE'S ASLEEP"

PFC Wanda 'Lazarus' Fisher (follow) says, "RICHARD STOP"
Mark Edwards points to the M40 HEDP grenade box
PFC Wanda 'Lazarus' Fisher (follow) says, "YOU FCFK
FC Richard Dangler (follow) says, "Did you see that"
PFC Richard Dangler (follow) says, "She tried to kill me"
PFC Wanda 'Lazarus' Fisher (follow) says, "That was in fact"
PFC Wanda 'Lazarus' Fisher (follow) says, "An accident"

PFC Wanda 'Lazarus' Fisher (follow) says, "Fuck you Dangler"
PFC Richard Dangler (follow) asks, "Did you see that?"
You hear a loud cracking sound coming from Wanda 'Lazarus' Fisher!
PFC Wanda 'Lazarus' Fisher screams!
Richard Dangler fires the M41A pulse rifle MK2 (Wielded)!
Wanda 'Lazarus' Fisher is hit by the rifle bullet in the eyes!
Wanda 'Lazarus' Fisher is hit by the rifle bullet in the eyes!
The wound on Wanda 'Lazarus' Fisher's chest widens with a nasty ripping noise.
Richard Dangler is hit by the rifle bullet in the head!
Richard Dangler fires the M41A pulse rifle MK2 (Wielded)!
The rifle bullet misses Wanda 'Lazarus' Fisher!
Wanda 'Lazarus' Fisher is hit by the rifle bullet in the right hand!
Wanda 'Lazarus' Fisher has been whacked in the head with M41A pulse rifle MK2 (Wielded) by Richard Dangler!
Wanda 'Lazarus' Fisher is hit by the rifle bullet in the eyes!
You hear a sickening cracking sound coming from Wanda 'Lazarus' Fisher's face.
Unknown (as Wanda 'Lazarus' Fisher) seizes up and falls limp, their eyes dead and lifeless..

DEAD: Wanda 'Lazarus' Fisher says, "he was dragging an SSD Charlie out of FOB"
DEAD: Wanda 'Lazarus' Fisher says, "I tried to fire a warning shot but accidentally shot a nade lol"

How you would punish the accused: I wanted him job banned from SO for the first thing i witnessed and maybe thats happened. However. Due to his behavior continuing into the next round as a pfc i think he needs a stern talking to and a temporary ban at the least. he has consistently fucked around and not taken the game seriously at all, been mean, and caused grief. I think other players will support my claims.
I play primarily as Era "Hannibal" Barca: PFC, SG, (NOW MEDIC! AMAZING! )Peter Watts: MP/CMP main and sometimes survivor/MT
RP enthusiast,cautious fighter and appreciative community member.

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Re: Player report: Richard Dangler.

Post by Sulaboy » 09 Feb 2018, 16:06

I'm here to point out that the short for of Richard is Dick so I think his name is supposed to be an innuendo for Dick Dangler. This might be a bit obscure for a naming rule violation but I felt I should mention it.
Clancy 'Danger' Long

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Byond: gibbypoison

Re: Player report: Richard Dangler.

Post by GibbyPoizon » 09 Feb 2018, 16:10

In the round where highlighted, he also stood at the north Wall breach of the Lz1, and appeared to go AFK behind a container before moving about a bit and continuing to stand still, i asked him if he should personally be with his squad (alpha) and he said "i don't know where they are/how to get to them" i then told him to go find a map/ask someone and warned him to leave the small guard post i was stationed at (for rp reasons).
He then called me a queer and when i turned to punch (because i aint gonna let someone just insult me and stand there), he pulled his rifle out and shot me. He was subdued and placed onto the alamo with me and while i was unable to get out of the chair he proceeded to taunt me and mock me.
On another note he also tried to assassinate the current Mp (Bert 'the undead' beach) after being released from the brig and failed laughably.

Any further details that need to be mentioned please say as i would be happy to provide.
Marc 'the Narc' stacker - combat charges and nonsensical battlecries would be his only two actions if he was a sims character
Will 'DownTown' Lersh - his "i've seen it all" attitude is only matched by his ability to throw marines further than he trusts them
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Re: Player report: Richard Dangler.

Post by NethIafins » 09 Feb 2018, 16:34

I have to add that he was doing it for 3 rounds straight. First time he was warned but logged off because he was killed by an alien. Seocnd time I wasn't present so I can't provide any input.
And this time he basically did same things again

Also loooots of attempted suicide. With knife, rifle or pistol butt, just plain punching. His attack log was 50 of harm to self, 30 marines and only 20 to aliens when he was playing PFC
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Re: Player report: Richard Dangler.

Post by Tharinoma » 09 Feb 2018, 16:58

It seems a moderator dealt with the low RP behavior, friendly fire and self harm during one of these rounds. So I guess the response to this report would be something along the lines of "dealt with in game already, resolved".

However, while browsing the logs, I found erp/borderline erp, use of racial slurs, OOC in IC and evidence that the reported player was an obvious shitler (I won't be posting these logs here for obvious reasons).
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Re: Player report: Richard Dangler.

Post by Emeraldblood » 09 Feb 2018, 17:07

We'll be dealing with this. Thanks for bringing it to our attention. Perma-ban will be applied to this account as we due to ERP and extremely LRP. We take these rules very seriously and expect everyone to follow them to help keep the gameplay as enjoyable as possible. Unless you have any other important information involving this case, we'll be locking this soon.
Ban Appeal Users: If I've lifted your perma ban and you're still unable to log onto the server, send me a forum PM regarding it and I'll work to get it fixed in ~24 hours.

Emerald Blood: CM's mommy and the only head staff who does anything. Even though I hate you all sometimes, I still love you.

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Byond: ColonelCorazon

Re: Player report: Richard Dangler.

Post by ColonelCorazon » 09 Feb 2018, 18:22

While I feel my Dangler debacle was more or less resolved in character I noticed a few problems.

He tried to drag Miguel Foster (SSD PFC) out of the FOB down south and ignored me trying to explain he was SSD and to bring him back. I kept trying to grab Foster but Dangler kept pulling him back. I followed him and prepared to fire a warning shot to get his attention but actually fired a nade instead (whoops!). I wasn't actually aiming at him so I naded myself and was in crit. I managed to get back up and say it was an accident. Dangler gunned me down which was fair enough since it looked like I had just lost my goddamn mind. I LOOC'd that the nade was an accident and he apologized - fair is fair I wasn't mad. I told him he needed to listen to people in LOOC.

IC he repeated that Foster had needed to go to the medic. I repeated my explanation that Foster was SSD. Then Dangler pushed me off the casevac stretcher while I was in crit to try to steal it for himself. I beat his head in with a pistol and dragged him away. So as far as I'm concerned it was dealt with IC and his reaction to my horribly failed warning shot was fair. But I am concerned that he wasn't actually dragging away the SSD player for any valid reason and that he was just being a little shit by screwing up the casevac. Other people said he tried to murder an MP and was a repeated hooligan so I don't know if he's goofing around on purpose or if he's sincerely a new player. If it's the latter, I don't think he'll listen to anyone besides the admins.
Wanda "Lazarus" Fisher

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Byond: gibbypoison

Re: Player report: Richard Dangler.

Post by GibbyPoizon » 10 Feb 2018, 09:48

Corazon wrote:
09 Feb 2018, 18:22
While I feel my Dangler debacle was more or less resolved in character I noticed a few problems.

He tried to drag Miguel Foster (SSD PFC) out of the FOB down south and ignored me trying to explain he was SSD and to bring him back. I kept trying to grab Foster but Dangler kept pulling him back. I followed him and prepared to fire a warning shot to get his attention but actually fired a nade instead (whoops!). I wasn't actually aiming at him so I naded myself and was in crit. I managed to get back up and say it was an accident. Dangler gunned me down which was fair enough since it looked like I had just lost my goddamn mind. I LOOC'd that the nade was an accident and he apologized - fair is fair I wasn't mad. I told him he needed to listen to people in LOOC.

IC he repeated that Foster had needed to go to the medic. I repeated my explanation that Foster was SSD. Then Dangler pushed me off the casevac stretcher while I was in crit to try to steal it for himself. I beat his head in with a pistol and dragged him away. So as far as I'm concerned it was dealt with IC and his reaction to my horribly failed warning shot was fair. But I am concerned that he wasn't actually dragging away the SSD player for any valid reason and that he was just being a little shit by screwing up the casevac. Other people said he tried to murder an MP and was a repeated hooligan so I don't know if he's goofing around on purpose or if he's sincerely a new player. If it's the latter, I don't think he'll listen to anyone besides the admins.
And to add to this he told me he didn't know where his squad was/how to get to them, so either he was lying to you to drag his body away out of spite, or he was lying to me and was just purposely ignoring his duty. Both of which don't look good for him.
Marc 'the Narc' stacker - combat charges and nonsensical battlecries would be his only two actions if he was a sims character
Will 'DownTown' Lersh - his "i've seen it all" attitude is only matched by his ability to throw marines further than he trusts them
-still new to this
-biceps is his drinking buddy

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Byond: Foolosopher

Re: Player report: Richard Dangler.

Post by GenericUsername » 11 Feb 2018, 01:18

Hmm, now that I remember, some days ago I was playing as SO and some SL was complaining about SO Penton changing his marines' assigned squad for little to no reason. Note that the round went for a long time because of back and forth marine-xeno pushs, it makes me wonder if he had any to do with the delay...
Otherwise, not much I can add.
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Byond: Feweh

Re: Player report: Richard Dangler.

Post by Feweh » 11 Feb 2018, 21:00


Player is perma-banned
