CO Report - William 'Jester' Crimson

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CO Report - William 'Jester' Crimson

Post by Chaznoodles » 15 Feb 2018, 13:11

Your Byond Key: Chaznoodles.

Your Character Name: Della Mueller.

Accused Byond Key(if known): ?

Character Name: William 'Jester' Crimson, CO.

Approximate time and date of the incident (Central US Time for fastest results): 11:50am CST, 17:50pm GMT.

What rule(s) were broken: General 1, 7, Marine 1, 9.

Description of the incident:

I was playing as a SO, the xenos had just jacked the Alamo when the CO arrived. I describe the situation. The XO, as they had been doing all round, were ignoring everything going on, with the RO and I having to activate the red alert. Eventually, the CO rolls up to the CIC, we arm up, xenos crash into the ship. I'm tossing paper down to hide beneath to surprise xenos, and lie down beneath it. The CO promptly drags me out from under it wordlessly, draws his mateba, and tries to BE me. He promptly misses and almost takes the head off the CL, standing behind me. I scramble away and scream, the MPs draw tasers and the CO backs off. Thirty seconds later, he tries exactly the same thing, fracturing my skull before MPs tase him down and someone takes his mateba. A medic fixes me up, with the xenos on the verge of busting in. I return to the paperfort to surprise xenos. Crimson once again tries to BE me wordlessly, and succeeds.

I hadn't given the CO a single reason to attempt to BE me at any point. There were MPs everywhere in the CIC at the time that he could have used if there were valid crimes, highlighting that he had no legitimate reason to remove me from the round. Xenos were also busting in at the time, throwing further doubt onto the reasons behind the BE.

Evidence (screenshots, logs, etc):

How you would punish the accused: CO whitelist removal for bad conduct. Stricter rules implemented concerning BEs.

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Re: CO Report - William 'Jester' Crimson

Post by solidfury7 » 15 Feb 2018, 13:28

I found this one quite amusing to address because your behaviour is outright lowrp, powergamey and ridiculous

I latejoin the round and organise a hanger defence.

I order all marines to the hanger to defend it.

I tell Chazs' character to man the consoles, we have no idea where the breach is and now we have no comms.

He ignores this order and instead flips my desk.

I order the marines to push out East to hold the corridor, we can hear xenos approaching from the east, and I know if it comes to a CIC defence, we're toast.

Chaz, the SO is making a paperfortress, to hide under, this paperfortress completely covers EVERY button I have at my disposal (And I have to remove each paper one by one, which later led to the full CIC team and marines dying), the CIC lockdown, hangerlock down and armoury lockdown.

So, rather than being useful, my Lieutenant is not only neglecting his duty, he is outright placing the lives of every man in the CIC in danger.

So, I drag out the SO who ignored the order to get on the console, I take out my Mateba and attempt to execute him. It misses and hits the Liason behind him.

The MPs draw tasers, I tell them to arrest him or I'll BE him.

The CMP attempts to arrest me, he's seemingly confused and the XO talks him down after explaining what a Battlefield execution is to the CMP.

I was going to let his behaviour slide until he crawls under the powergame paper fortress yet again, after I removed every single piece of paper from the buttons once more, he placed them all back on.

However this is too little too late, the xenos begin moving through the unlock downed doors, literally streaming in and I'm unable to close the shutters in time, before I can close it, enough xenos entered which ended up wiping the full CIC team.
Last edited by solidfury7 on 15 Feb 2018, 13:30, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: CO Report - William 'Jester' Crimson

Post by CaptainYankee » 15 Feb 2018, 13:29

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I would say that is a reasonable BE. Remember That COs can BE for any reason, and they must answer to high command only if someone faxes about it.
EDIT: Yes you were the SO, not the XO. I still think this section is relevant, since it contrasts the alarmed nature of the CiC with you taking paper out of a bin.
Last edited by CaptainYankee on 15 Feb 2018, 13:38, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: CO Report - William 'Jester' Crimson

Post by Chaznoodles » 15 Feb 2018, 13:33

solidfury7 wrote:
15 Feb 2018, 13:28
I found this one quite amusing to address because your behaviour is outright lowrp, powergamey and ridiculous

I latejoin the round and organise a hanger defence.

I order all marines to the hanger to defend it.

I tell Chazs character to man the consoles, we have no idea where the breach is and now we have no comms.

He ignores this order and instead flips my desk.

I order the marines to push out East to hold the corridor, we can hear xenos approaching and I know if it comes to a CIC defence, we're toast.

Chaz, the SO is making a paperfortress, to hide under, this paperfortress completely covers EVERY button I have at my disposal (And I have to remove each paper one by one, which later led to the full CIC team and marines dying), the CIC lockdown, hangerlock down and armoury lockdown.

So, rather than being useful, my Lieutenant is not only neglecting his duty, he is outright placing the lives of every man in the CIC in danger.

So, I drag out the SO who ignored the order to get on the console, I take out my Mateba and attempt to execute him. It misses and hits the Liason behind him.

The MPs draw tasers, I tell them to arrest him or I'll kill him.

The CMP attempts to arrest me, he's seemingly confused and the XO talks him down after explaining what a Battlefield execution is.

I was going to let his behaviour slide until he crawls under the powergame paper fortress yet again, after I removed every single piece of paper from the buttons once more, he placed them all back on.

However this is too little too late, the xenos begin moving through the unlock downed doors, literally streaming in and I'm unable to close the shutters in time, before I can close it, enough xenos entered which ended up wiping the full CIC team.
Here we go. There was zero point in manning any of the consoles, due to the fact that all the marines were pretty much onscreen for the CIC defence.

You flipped your own desk. Why would flipping a desk be worthy of blowing someone's head off anyway?

Try alt-clicking.

You put the lives of every man in the CIC at risk by opening up with your mateba, as evidenced by almost knocking the head off the CL, only stopping because the MPs pulled their tasers, and actually had to tase you the second time round.

At no point was I a threat to the mission, nor was there any justification in shooting me and not having the MPs detain me. It was obvious from my behaviour that I was doing nothing to disrupt your command style or undermine you. From my point of view, you did this purely because someone wasn't playing the way you wanted them to play, otherwise you would've had legitimate charges and would've had the MPs all over the CIC detain me.

CaptainYankee wrote:
15 Feb 2018, 13:29
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I cut this from the pastebin you posted. Looks like you ignored several orders from the CDR and continued to throw paper on the floor.
I would say that is a reasonable BE. Remember That COs can BE for any reason, and they must answer to high command only if someone faxes about it.
These orders are prefixed with XO. I was the SO. Take that as you will. I was recommended to make a report about this.

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Re: CO Report - William 'Jester' Crimson

Post by Feweh » 15 Feb 2018, 13:40

Starting to notice a trend of you constantly getting BE'd Chaz.
Despite you using random names almost every time, so I'm not seeing any META-Grudge.

This is like what, the 4-5th time you've been BE'd? And probably the 3rd report based on BE's?

This is also Williams what now? 5th CO report, so I'll look into this heavily.

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Re: CO Report - William 'Jester' Crimson

Post by solidfury7 » 15 Feb 2018, 13:41

Chaznoodles wrote:
15 Feb 2018, 13:33
Here we go. There was zero point in manning any of the consoles, due to the fact that all the marines were pretty much onscreen for the CIC defence.

You flipped your own desk.

Try alt-clicking.

You put the lives of every man in the CIC at risk by opening up with your mateba, as evidenced by almost knocking the head off the CL, only stopping because the MPs pulled their tasers, and actually had to tase you the second time round.

At no point was I a threat to the mission, nor was there any justification in shooting me and not having the MPs detain me. It was obvious from my behaviour that I was doing nothing to disrupt your command style or undermine you. From my point of view, you did this purely because someone wasn't playing the way you wanted them to play, otherwise you would've had legitimate charges and would've had the MPs all over the CIC detain me.

These orders are prefixed with XO. I was the SO. Take that as you will. I was recommended to make a report about this.
Direct quote from your pastelog

"CDR William 'Jester' Crimson says, "Get on the fucking consoles SO"

The simple fact is, your behaviour was low roleplay and powergaming.

You were ordered to do something constructive, instead you disobeyed a direct order from your CO, during a red alert. You disregarded it to hide in a pile of paper and block the controls to a critical component.

Claiming that I didn't go through the process while Xenos are attacking the CIC on a vessel which has just been breached, which has no comms nor power, is ridiculous and holds little ground.
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Re: CO Report - William 'Jester' Crimson

Post by Chaznoodles » 15 Feb 2018, 13:46

solidfury7 wrote:
15 Feb 2018, 13:41
Direct quote from your pastelog

"CDR William 'Jester' Crimson says, "Get on the fucking consoles SO"

The simple fact is, your behaviour was low roleplay and powergaming.

You were ordered to do something constructive, instead you disobeyed a direct order from your CO, during a red alert. You disregarded it to hide in a pile of paper and block the controls to a critical component.

Claiming that I didn't go through the process while Xenos are attacking the CIC on a vessel which has just been breached, which has no comms nor power, is ridiculous and holds little ground.
Was I a threat to the mission at any point? Did you killing me give you anything but satisfaction at taking someone out of the round purely because you could? Not getting on the consoles during xenos boarding - which, might I add, is a complete death sentence because I wouldn't have been able to see anything, nor would I have been able to locate the Alamo at all because of crash no power meme - isn't worth BEing, as I just explained my intent to use the paperfort to ambush xenos.

If you'd went through the process, you'd have either had one of the countless MPs in the CIC detain me, or not done it at all because an extra gunhand would've been helpful.

Also, is killing someone for a lowrp/powergame accusation OOC reasoning? I was under the impression there needed to be IC reasoning, otherwise it's meta.

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Re: CO Report - William 'Jester' Crimson

Post by Feweh » 15 Feb 2018, 14:02

Chaznoodles wrote:
15 Feb 2018, 13:46
as I just explained my intent to use the paperfort to ambush xenos.
Using a pretty straightforward power-gamey tactic to justify this report really isn't something thats gonna do you well.

Considering this alone just prompted this; !1653 *Get rid of paper's special layering rules to avoid 'paper fort' nonsense* in cmdevs/ColonialMarines: *Get rid of paper's special layering rules to avoid 'paper fort' nonsense*

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Re: CO Report - William 'Jester' Crimson

Post by solidfury7 » 15 Feb 2018, 14:05

1. Refuses Orders on red alert
2. Spends his time making paperforts on top of critical buttons and controls
3. Ended up getting everyone killed

"But am I a threat to the mission?"

The MPs were ordered to detain you and failed to do so the second time.

Regarding the "lowrp", the Commander is a high roleplay role, so yes, your low roleplay actions are responded to in a high roleplay manner. You chose to try hide in a pile of papers while a hostile force approached us rather than doing your assigned job.
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Re: CO Report - William 'Jester' Crimson

Post by Chaznoodles » 15 Feb 2018, 14:14

solidfury7 wrote:
15 Feb 2018, 14:05
1. Refuses Orders on red alert
2. Spends his time making paperforts on top of critical buttons and controls
3. Ended up getting everyone killed

"But am I a threat to the mission?"

The MPs were ordered to detain you and failed to do so the second time.

Regarding the "lowrp", the Commander is a high roleplay role, so yes, your low roleplay actions are responded to in a high roleplay manner. You chose to try hide in a pile of papers while a hostile force approached us rather than doing your assigned job.
1. Never refused it, check the logs. Was too busy making paperfort fun.
2. Paperfort was never brought up as a reason for the BE, nor did you order me to not do it so there's no charge there.
3. That's on your head for not learning how to alt-click and spending time shooting your SO rather than doing your job.

You took someone out of the round purely because you didn't like what someone was doing, is how that last part reads. There were no charges, otherwise I would've been arrested by all the MPs swarming around the CIC.
Feweh wrote:
15 Feb 2018, 14:02
Using a pretty straightforward power-gamey tactic to justify this report really isn't something thats gonna do you well.

Considering this alone just prompted this; !1653 *Get rid of paper's special layering rules to avoid 'paper fort' nonsense* in cmdevs/ColonialMarines: *Get rid of paper's special layering rules to avoid 'paper fort' nonsense*
Good that that's been picked up on then, never been pinged by admins before for doing it. Doesn't detract from the reason this report was made.

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Re: CO Report - William 'Jester' Crimson

Post by solidfury7 » 15 Feb 2018, 14:48

Chaznoodles wrote:
15 Feb 2018, 14:14
1. Never refused it, check the logs. Was too busy making paperfort fun.
2. Paperfort was never brought up as a reason for the BE, nor did you order me to not do it so there's no charge there.
3. That's on your head for not learning how to alt-click and spending time shooting your SO rather than doing your job.

You took someone out of the round purely because you didn't like what someone was doing, is how that last part reads. There were no charges, otherwise I would've been arrested by all the MPs swarming around the CIC.

Good that that's been picked up on then, never been pinged by admins before for doing it. Doesn't detract from the reason this report was made.
1. Failure to follow through with an order is still refusing an order, you're rules lawyering now.
2. You neglected your duty, commited insubordination, unbeffiting conduct of an officer and you're still claiming you have no charges. You were blocking essential competents and disregarding command outright, you got BE'ed for this
3. Blocking an essential compenent so you can hide and neglect your duty still occured,

Claiming that the MPs didnt arrest you because you were in the right is incorrect, marines openly ignored marine law (They were ordered to detain you, they legally have to detain you for 10 minutes and they didnt not, not to mention that the CMP didnt understand what a BE was until the XO explained it to them. This was confirmed by Feweh.)

Regardless, I'm going to wait for judgement because I really don't see us getting anywhere, especially with the attitude you have regarding this.
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Re: CO Report - William 'Jester' Crimson

Post by Chaznoodles » 15 Feb 2018, 15:01

solidfury7 wrote:
15 Feb 2018, 14:48
1. Failure to follow through with an order is still refusing an order, you're rules lawyering now.
2. You neglected your duty, commited insubordination, unbeffiting conduct of an officer and you're still claiming you have no charges. You were blocking essential competents and disregarding command outright, you got BE'ed for this
3. Blocking an essential compenent so you can hide and neglect your duty still occured,

Claiming that the MPs didnt arrest you because you were in the right is incorrect, marines openly ignored marine law (They were ordered to detain you, they legally have to detain you for 10 minutes and they didnt not, not to mention that the CMP didnt understand what a BE was until the XO explained it to them. This was confirmed by Feweh.)

Regardless, I'm going to wait for judgement because I really don't see us getting anywhere, especially with the attitude you have regarding this.
1. Did it make me a threat to the mission, that I didn't go and be useless staring at pitch-black cameras when we already knew the xenos were right outside the door? I'm under the impression that they were magnitudes more deserving of being shot than me.
2. I think blowing your SO's head off in a temper tantrum because he didn't go click a console is a rather more conduct unbecoming than stacking paper. If you'd had real charges, the MPs would've detained me.
3. Alt-click.

Don't get all passive-aggressive on me here because your points don't hold water.

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Re: CO Report - William 'Jester' Crimson

Post by slc97 » 15 Feb 2018, 15:15

You've both given plenty of information on this thread. This is devolving into a senseless back and forth. It's time to just wait for the final verdict.

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Re: CO Report - William 'Jester' Crimson

Post by solidfury7 » 15 Feb 2018, 15:22

Chaznoodles wrote:
15 Feb 2018, 15:01
1. Did it make me a threat to the mission, that I didn't go and be useless staring at pitch-black cameras when we already knew the xenos were right outside the door? I'm under the impression that they were magnitudes more deserving of being shot than me.
2. I think blowing your SO's head off in a temper tantrum because he didn't go click a console is a rather more conduct unbecoming than stacking paper. If you'd had real charges, the MPs would've detained me.
3. Alt-click.

Don't get all passive-aggressive on me here because your points don't hold water.
1. Marines have lights on their suits and cameras on the helmets. I did not say look at cameras, I said look at consoles. We had a marine force in the hanger and I wanted to know if the brig was secure, instead you decided "I know best, I'm going to hide under a pile of papers and kill some xenos instead of following orders"
2. Your comments are addressed in the previous post.
3. Alt click doesn't address the roleplay reason why you're hiding in a pile of papers, neglecting your duty and blocking essential equipment,

I find it unfathomable how you're trying to justify your low roleplay through all these blatant falsehoods, such as the "console" situation because we already addressed this on mchat (And now again, in this post)and the majority of people thought your actions were hideously low roleplay and my actions justified (even with the leading up roleplay was lacking). I even told you outright that I never mentioned cameras and still, in this follow-up post you're trying to paint a false story because you were executed in a manner you dislike your behaviour.

This isn't passive aggression, I am legitimately disgusted that you're trying to justify your in-game behaviour with blatant misinformation and misrepresentation. This is an attitude I cannot respect.

Anyway, that is my final post regarding the matter. (Already wrote this up before you posted that, whoops)
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Re: CO Report - William 'Jester' Crimson

Post by Blade2000Br » 15 Feb 2018, 15:47

Being the Mod that told Chaz to make the report:

Chaz, if the CO was trying to BE you, You could have just retaliated. Since a man is trying to take your life, you can shoot him back. I told you that several times while you Ahelped the issue.

Solid did seem a bit trigger happy, however, considering he tried to kill Chaz 3 times. Though Marine law and server rules allow the CO to execute anyone under his command.

I believe a warning for both could be enough, but that's Feweh's call.
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Re: CO Report - William 'Jester' Crimson

Post by Chaznoodles » 15 Feb 2018, 15:52

BladeBr wrote:
15 Feb 2018, 15:47
Being the Mod that told Chaz to make the report:

Chaz, if the CO was trying to BE you, You could have just retaliated. Since a man is trying to take your life, you can shoot him back. I told you that several times while you Ahelped the issue.

Solid did seem a bit trigger happy, however, considering he tried to kill Chaz 3 times. Though Marine law and server rules allow the CO to execute anyone under his command.

I believe a warning for both could be enough, but that's Feweh's call.
I didn't shoot him because I wasn't keen to take a player out of the round, thinking that after they failed twice they'd reconsider, now that xenos were battering on the doors. Plus, I'd rather not have copped a ban from another staff member because of the good old "track record" meme, as well as thinking it'd become an OOC issue due to the number of times he was trying to do it.

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Re: CO Report - William 'Jester' Crimson

Post by solidfury7 » 15 Feb 2018, 16:12

BladeBr wrote:
15 Feb 2018, 15:47
Being the Mod that told Chaz to make the report:

Chaz, if the CO was trying to BE you, You could have just retaliated. Since a man is trying to take your life, you can shoot him back. I told you that several times while you Ahelped the issue.

Solid did seem a bit trigger happy, however, considering he tried to kill Chaz 3 times. Though Marine law and server rules allow the CO to execute anyone under his command.

I believe a warning for both could be enough, but that's Feweh's call.
In fairness, I did attempt to try to get him detained after the BE failed, however, the MPs outright failed to follow through with the MarineLaw/ServerRule - "Command Requested Arrests" and refused.

Regarding the reasons for the other continued BE, it was a mixture of "He's doing the exact same thing I just BE'ed him for" and now the added threat of "He may kill me at any moment"

I can understand that it seems odd from an OOC perspective as being "trigger happy", however as logs will show in staff chat after the round, I actively avoided BEing the CMP for getting marine law incorrectly and trying to detain me.

Once you decide to execute someone, you follow through with it. If for some reason your firing squad or lethal injection fails to eliminate a prisoner, you don't suddenly call it quits because it didnt work. He would of likely been executed regardless even if we clawed back the ship, or at the very least sent to a military tribunal with the strong recommendation of being sent to a penal colony
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Re: CO Report - William 'Jester' Crimson

Post by Emeraldblood » 15 Feb 2018, 16:14

I feel this report is terrible in a lot of ways. While Solid may be getting too BE-happy, your report has a lot of problems. It's not a major point, but I feel like it's worth bringing up.
A. The "rules broken" that you stated don't really seem to apply to the case. Like I feel you just threw them in to have more numbers against him. A lot of those are very weak points.
G1 - It's not "being a dick" to BE someone. Ya, there can be bad reasons to BE someone, but this isn't harassment against you, BE are an IC action. This isn't even a meta-grudge because you just play random characters.
G7 - Again, a BE doesn't really fall under this rule either. It's not griefing to BE someone. There can be bad BE, but that's it's own thing.
M1 - This isn't against the lethal force rule because it's a BE.
M9 - This one is completely valid and what we're going to look into.

B. The hell is a paper fort? You were tossing papers everywhere on a single tile to be able to hide under them while you shoot, so Xeno plays have a hard time clicking on you? If that's the case this is 100% powergaming, which is against the rules, so I see no reason how this makes a valid excuse, assuming I see this correctly.

As for my actual view on the matter, Solid hasn't seemed to have stepped over any major bounds.
A. You flat out admitted you knowingly defied orders during a code red and hostile occupation of the ship. This alone is usually a good enough reason to get yourself killed.
B. While it may be on the LRP (Low Role Play) side, the rules specifically state that the CO does not need to give you a warning. Him wordless shooting you isn't really a problem, especially the next times he sees you.
C. Leaving papers on the buttons is your fault if he can't get to the buttons. Just like if you mopped all the floors in the CIC so the CO was just slipping around, you still caused it so the fault still lies with you. If you're getting in the way of the mission the CO is trying to handle, that's worth of a BE.
D. The MP having the ability to arrest you doesn't mean they have to, more-so when the brig is most likely lost, so they wouldn't have anywhere to put you anyways.

Also, are you not banned from SO/XO Chaz? The final verdict of a report against you a few months back stated those actions were going to be placed against you and you needed to shape up (viewtopic.php?f=71&t=15079&p=168096#p168096). You know, I was one of the people who really wanted to give you a second chance on the server and let you show that you changed, and at the start you did, though your attitude has started to go back right to what it was before we placed the first perma. You seem unable to not cause problems and when you do get in trouble, you try to outsource the blame to other parties. It's getting to the point where I feel like your second and final perma will be coming up soon.

Edit: Just to clear some things up, I do believe Solid needs at least a debriefing on BE as he might be getting too trigger-happy with them as a whole. That said, I don't believe this case is unjustified. If you're getting in the way of the CO and he can't do his job at any time, and he even asked you to be delt with via MP before-hand, your BE is justified.
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Re: CO Report - William 'Jester' Crimson

Post by Feweh » 15 Feb 2018, 16:16

Theres also a time and place.

Why you would need to battlefield execute someone with aliens at the door, who is not actively really disrupting your defenses or causing you any harm other than being a coward?

This is in part why the CMP obviously wasnt doing his duty either, because hes about to get killed by alien creatures.

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Re: CO Report - William 'Jester' Crimson

Post by Chaznoodles » 15 Feb 2018, 16:24

Emeraldblood wrote:
15 Feb 2018, 16:14
B. The hell is a paper fort? You were tossing papers everywhere on a single tile to be able to hide under them while you shoot, so Xeno plays have a hard time clicking on you? If that's the case this is 100% powergaming, which is against the rules, so I see no reason how this makes a valid excuse, assuming I see this correctly.
I was using the papers to hide whilst lying down, and was going to spring out at the right time to get the drop on xenos. I had no intent on sitting under the pile and shooting, as I know that'd be powergaming.
Emeraldblood wrote:
15 Feb 2018, 16:14
As for my actual view on the matter, Solid hasn't seemed to have stepped over any major bounds.
A. You flat out admitted you knowing defied orders during a code red and hostile occupation of the ship. This alone is usually a good enough reason to get yourself killed.
B. While it may be on the LRP (Low Role Play) side, the rules specifically state that the CO does not need to give you a warning. Him wordless shooting you isn't really a problem, especially the next times he sees you.
C. Leaving papers on the buttons is your fault if he can't get to the buttons. Just like if you mopped all the floors in the CIC so the CO was just slipping around, you still caused it so the fault still lies with you. If you're getting in the way of the mission the CO is trying to handle, that's worth of a BE.
D. The MP having the ability to arrest you doesn't mean they have to, more-so when the brig is most likely lost, so they wouldn't have anywhere to put you anyways.
A. Scroll up. The orders were prefixed by XO, they were meant for the XO. Not me.
B. He did it three times in a row, which brings the question why he didn't stop after the first time he shot someone else in a confined space, with hostiles banging on the door.
C. Alt-click. Papers are not a threat to the mission.
Emeraldblood wrote:
15 Feb 2018, 16:14
Also, are you not banned from SO/XO Chaz? The final verdict of a report against you a few months back stated those actions were going to be placed against you and you needed to shape up (viewtopic.php?f=71&t=15079&p=168096#p168096). You know, I was one of the people who really wanted to give you a second chance on the server and let you show that you changed, and at the start you did, though your attitude has started to go back right to what it was before we placed the first perma. You seem unable to not cause problems and when you do get in trouble, you try to outsource the blame to other parties. It's getting to the point where I feel like your second and final perma will be coming up soon.
As far as I'm aware, it was a suggestion placed in the thread. A ban was never placed, so I assumed it was a toe-the-line sort of thing. I've performed well as XO as Marcellus Mason, and have guided other people through the ropes of how to play SO and other roles. My attitude is better than it ever was, else I would've just nailed the CO the first time he tried to shot me. I didn't, as I knew that'd remove a player from the round, as previously stated.

This report isn't about me, it's about the CO's actions. If you're going to take an accusatory tone and try to undermine the report by turning it on me, you're welcome to make another report about me and leave this one be.

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Re: CO Report - William 'Jester' Crimson

Post by solidfury7 » 15 Feb 2018, 16:44

Feweh wrote:
15 Feb 2018, 16:16
Theres also a time and place.

Why you would need to battlefield execute someone with aliens at the door, who is not actively really disrupting your defenses or causing you any harm other than being a coward?

This is in part why the CMP obviously wasnt doing his duty either, because hes about to get killed by alien creatures.
Because he's blocking the CIC lockdown buttons, he is not doing his duty nor is he even being the "spare gun" he claimed to be. You can claim that "Well, you can always click alt" but honestly, when you're shitting yourself and trying to survive, how easy is it to forget simple things like that, such as pumping a shotgun you previously fired.

He was a liability, a dangerous one,

As I said, his actions pretty much got the CIC over-ran, we didn't close the blastdoors in time because all it takes is a few seconds for enough xenos to over-run a defenceless, barcadeless CIC. We couldnt even fall back to the brig because ironically enough, the marines HE was supposed to watch, all died, so when I tried escaping VIA that route, I had my head fractured and I nearly died.

If I managed to execute him the first or even second time successfully, we likely would of had a fighting chance of survival (at least a few of us, long enough to reach dropship two, which was our backup plan)


As I said, is there stuff I'd change, sure. I'd have loved to have more time to roleplay things out, those who know me, know the main reason I'm here is for the roleplay, however sometimes shit hits the fan and you can't have time for everything you wish to do, from memorials to charlie breakfast, sometimes things end up lackluster. Was the roleplay leading up to the BE lacking, 100%.

Would I change the actual BE? Not really, other than perhaps sending the MPs to detain them first.

Regarding your comments to Emeraldblood, the comments were directed at both you and the XO. Moments before I told you "CDR William 'Jester' Crimson says, "Get on the fucking consoles SO"", then began addressing you both as a pair.

I've said this multiple times but you evidently keep trying to make it sound like I didnt say a single word to you during the operation. And as Emerald said, you outright admitted to ignoring orders. Literally a few posts above this and now you're claiming that you never got orders at all, instead they're the XOs.

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Re: CO Report - William 'Jester' Crimson

Post by Emeraldblood » 15 Feb 2018, 17:00

Hiding under papers is still something that only works because of how the code works. No one lies on the ground to cover themselves with a layer of paper when aliens just busted on the ship. It's still LRP and just plain stupid.

A. If you were told to man that computer and didn't do it because you didn't want to, that's going against orders. Plain and simple.
B. As far as BE go, you're still a wanted man. You could have shot back but going to the CIC after you almost just got shot is an IC action taken by you at the time. You're also free to use the fact the CO clearly tried to kill you in an IC way, such as fighting back. While doing a BE in (as I assume) a CIC defense isn't the best of settings, he can if you're in his way and he sees fit, though any other damage caused during it (such as hitting the CL) does lay on the CO.
C. The rules are as intended. If you're getting in the way of the CO, which Solid says you were and gave a valid reason why, then your actions are still a problem to him. Just because he didn't Alt+click or try to use some other way to get around your mess doesn't make it any less of a problem at the time of the BE.

If Freemysoul didn't place the ban, I'll give you the better option and assume it was just decided to give you another chance. As for your attitude, it's pretty bad on the forums from what I can scroll through the chat and read. You're extremely passive-aggressive, even with me, and seem to act entitled and above the rules. I'm always having to deal with the huge drama you make by always getting reports/reporting and you always get into arguments with all the people in the threads. You could be a great guy when I'm not watching but you're really not showing me any of it, and I really do hope you normally do fine on the server. While we'll decide actions appropriate for Solid, that doesn't mean you're not responsible for any of your actions leading up to the report or the report itself.

We're not all going into a huge debate here about what everyone believes. A decision will be made and we'll get back to here when that happens.
Ban Appeal Users: If I've lifted your perma ban and you're still unable to log onto the server, send me a forum PM regarding it and I'll work to get it fixed in ~24 hours.

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Re: CO Report - William 'Jester' Crimson

Post by Solarmare » 15 Feb 2018, 17:55

All the relevant logs of the incident I believe:
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An ahelp about it and some PM's aside which are about this but don't really show much about the incident have been left off.
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Re: CO Report - William 'Jester' Crimson

Post by Emeraldblood » 15 Feb 2018, 18:41

So you refused to do any of that when you were told? Overwatch, guard the CIC, going to the hanger? I can understand where the confusion may have come from with the "XO" part but he still clearly told you to do at least one thing. You said you were going to do it but I'm assuming you didn't because here we are. For the arrest part, he did actively try to get the MP to arrest you and because they never did, he went on with the BE.

The "paper fort" was located on top of the 3 lockdown buttons I take it? If you kept getting in the way of the CO in the middle of the control box when he's trying to run the role of commander, I'd call that "getting in the way". It's not like you were out of the way, you were doing this is a critical location for the time.

While I do think Solid needs a warning at the very least for trying to do a BE in a bad spot, hitting the CL in cross-fire, the BE itself had a valid reasoning behind it. As for you, I'm under the impressions that at this point you have only the intent to try to get Solid removed from commander as you've done nothing but avoid taking any responsibility for your own actions at this point, instead continuing to try to just deny any fault of your own to try to push all the blame onto Solid. You told me specifically told me that you did not have any direct orders you, yet in the logs you're clearly told, "[11:47:52]SAY: William 'Jester' Crimson/SolidFury7 : Get on the fucking consoles SO" You also admitted to denying the orders before backpedaling with me to say you had none. At this point, it feels like you're just trying to get Solid in trouble more than anything else and are using extremely weak reasons to back up your claims.

This is your story for the orders right now:
1st: I didn't refuse them.
2nd: I refused to do them because they were pointless.
3rd: I never got orders in the first place.

If you're just going to make a report with the intent to just get someone in trouble, you're going to be the one getting in trouble. You can't just try to come up with a bunch of different reasons to try to pretzel out of a rule applying to you. If you're told to do something by the CO and you knowingly refuse to do that, you're accepting a possible execution. Those are the rules of BE and always have been.
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Emerald Blood: CM's mommy and the only head staff who does anything. Even though I hate you all sometimes, I still love you.

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Re: CO Report - William 'Jester' Crimson

Post by x31stOverlord » 15 Feb 2018, 18:44

Well shit.

Best step up and first of all apologise for my own actions in this round. Being CMP at the time and especially -at the time- when aliens were at the doors. I was trying to get information about the situation, after the first (failed) BE attempt, the CO told me to arrest the SO, I asked the charges and did not see the response. I made the wrong choice in the moment and I should have just allowed it to take place given the urgency of the situations going on out in the hallway. In my opinion both parties in this scenario did not do any favours and should have taken into account the impending alien threat rather than try to do this all at the moment.

I have no further input into this report. Given that it appears both sides were somewhat at fault. As well as myself to some degree due to a bad decision in a split second.
Yautja - Zathar-Veraz Wolfgang Schneider - CO, CL, SO, XO, Synthetic Unit Joshua Roscoe Barrett - Spec, SGCMP, MP Ancient Empress, Ancient Runner (69)
