Player Report - CDR Bill Carson

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Player Report - CDR Bill Carson

Post by Honkintuga » 23 Mar 2018, 10:10

I know I have been banned, and I wont appeal EVER again, but I won't let this guy pass with what he did.

Your Byond Key: romanzc

Your Character Name: Goddward Power

Accused Byond Key(if known):

Character Name: Bill Carson

Approximate time and date of the incident (Central US Time for fastest results): cant remember

What rule(s) were broken: Rule 0.2, "All MARINES are able-bodied. All Humans assigned to the Almayer are of Sound-Mind. (Meaning, there are no crippled marines on roundstart, and none of the ships crew at all have any mental issues that would cause them to act crazy or unreasonable at roundstart)."

Description of the incident: I decided to join as an SO, and the commander was Bill Carson.

Everything seemed normal, and the Commander was doing his briefing, typical marine things. It got bad in mid-round. The first sign of bad things was when Carson asked for food, but the SOs we're busy and couldn't do it, but eventually an SO grabbed some food for him, in which Carson threatned him with an BATTLEFIELD EXECUTION for placing the food on the floor, and for giving root bear instead of diet root bear. Also, he was nonstop groaning and moaning like an animal and screaming like an guy in a asylum. You dont see humans doing this, right?

A bit later after that event, I decided to go to the CMP and attempt to make an report, in which the CMP replies me to make an report and send via Fax. Whothever, Carson noticed I wasn't at bridge, and he right went for the CMP office (its shutters were off), and went there to get me back to bridge. He started asking me questions and suspected me, but I got to bridge. After I finished my report, I quickly went to the CMP to give the report to the CMP and get back to bridge the quickest I could, but Carson noticed and went for me again, and when I was about to give the report he entered the CMP's office and stole the report, and told me to return to Bridge

After I returned, a few minutes later, I asked for the report back, and he told me to follow me to give me the report. He procceded to interrogate me, I cant remember what I said, but he decided to read the report, but he couldn't find it. After I found it on a large pouch, I told him to return to his office, and gave the report. He procceded to read it and give bad answers about the topics. He procceds to threaten me, in which I reply if hes going to kill me, to he only say 'An BE is too good for you'.

He asks me "Do you know how worth is this gun" or something, in which I reply "No." or something, I dont know, just so he tells me 'We are playing russian roullete'. But he was not loading one single bullet on the Mateba's chamber, he was loading all the bullets and following me, ready to shoot me, in which I quickly act, grab my M4A3 and shoot at him, injuring him, and leave from the office.

After medical treats him, I am arrested pending for execution, but Carson went totally crazy and he was arrested, and I was released by the CMP, and the XO assumed.

By this point, marines were literally dying, and XO finally ordered evacuation. All of this was caused by Carson's massive incompetence, and RPing like some asylum patient, which is NOT allowed.

After he was arrested, to revenge all the marines that died, I go to the permabrig cell he was on, and shoot him 2 hollowpoints M4A3 pointblanked bullets in the head, severely injuring him and breaking his skull. I was bwoinked about the issue, and I explained the trialmod, in which he procceds to choose the punishment.

While the TrialMod does this, the ship is being boarded, and I was permabrigged by the CMP for shooting the CO, whothever, a lot later in the round, at the barricaded CiC, the CMP confirms Carson is dead, so I cant shoot him, and uncuffs me. A few minutes after this, an admin bwoinks me and tells me im getting permabrigged since I was on probation, in which I accept and let him do the permaban without any questions.

The reason why im doing this even banned, is because this guy got away by destroying the entire marine force, while I got pbanned for shooting him 2 times.

Evidence (screenshots, logs, etc): Check the logs from the day I was banned.
How you would punish the accused: Carson did so many errors, so many warnings, that I think he should be jobbanned or heavily warned

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Re: Player Report - CDR Bill Carson

Post by Renomaki » 23 Mar 2018, 11:08

I believe I was there when this happened.

If I recall correctly, what might have happened was that another staff member decided to send Carson a "subtle message" (AKA a voice in your head) which was something along the lines of him being hungry or something like that. Not quite sure what it was in detail, but whatever it was, Carson latched onto it and went full ham.

I agree that maybe Carson went a little too far with this, and at the very least should explain his actions here. A CO that acts like a screeching manchild is not proper roleplay, and I expect more from someone who the staff themselves view as a "respected roleplayer".

However, as for YOUR actions, killing a man who was already in a cell is a gross violation of marine law, which you as an SO should be more than aware of. You really shoulda ahelped that before going forward with it.
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Re: Player Report - CDR Bill Carson

Post by ExGame » 23 Mar 2018, 12:13

The ban that has been placed on Honkingtuga is of course valid, but unrelated to this player report, so let's try to not mention it.

Onto my personal opinion,
I was a SO under Bill Carson's command, what he did was way over the top, it should have stopped hours ago. I haven't seen anyone act in a way he did in a long time, it was just meme-tier idiocy, the RP aspect of it was non-existant. I've tried to organize a mutiny with the fellow SOs the CE and some other marines near the end of the round. I've been told that instead of getting the mutiny authorized that there would be a fax to demote him. The fact that Bill Carson pulled out his mateba and threatened SOs to get him food is ridiculous. BEs are to be used when somebody is acting like a shitter or threatening the mission (and other circumstances). But what Bill Carson did was the complete opposite, he was threatening his own mission with the usage of BE.

I've had conversations with the player, and they themselves said they were bored off the usual commander strategies (or maybe playing commander itself). Instead of intentionally creating such a mess and completely neglecting anything related to the mission, I feel like they should just not play commander. I just think that he has ran out of ideas on how to make a round interesting.

Usually I don't have issues with Bill Carson's strategies and think of them as IC hurdles, but it's just too much in some cases like these.

EDIT1: Even as a staff, that round was a hell to handle, same was for my colleagues.
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Re: Player Report - CDR Bill Carson

Post by Emeraldblood » 25 Mar 2018, 03:23

While Bill Carson is always a man of crazy ideas, he was given a part via a staff member and as such, the blame does not fall on him for the most part. While he may have gone a little crazy with it, he won't be punished for the current report. We've talked to the staff member about this and it has been resolved.
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