Zathar-Veraz Predator Report

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Zathar-Veraz Predator Report

Post by spheretech » 23 Mar 2018, 13:38

Your Byond Key:

Your Character Name:
Was not playing

Accused Byond Key(if known):

Character Name:

Approximate time and date of the incident (Central US Time for fastest results):
18:20 London time

What rule(s) were broken:
Dishonorable "tactics" and abuse of predator rules

Description of the incident:
So I was not playing this round. I was observing. I watched the predator Zathar-Veraz fight 3-4 marines near the north west part of telecomms. He was provoking their shots while wielding a melee weapon. He then holstered his weapon and started running around the marines, just baiting the shots. He slowly withdrew while keeping the marines interested, leading them straight to the west jungle and temple.
And what was in the temple? The lodge of course.

He cloaked but the marines could clearly see him as he did not run straight into the temple or even attempt to lose the marines like he easily could've. The marines follow him inside, and the usual happens. He stays cloaked and begins meleeing them, mercilessly firing his plasma caster and then finishes 2 marines off with a spike launcher while the rest of the marines ran.
So as a ghost, to me it just looked like this predator was baiting the marines to the lodge so he could obliterate them with all of his gear at once. He didn't even manage to hit them once while I was watching the fight at telecomms.

Although we have definitely had worse things done by preds, this baiting marines to the lodge and saying "they attacked the lodge" as an excuse should stop. It's the predators responsibility to not be so stupid and lead the whole god damn marine corps right to his lodge. Didn't even TRY to lose them.
So then a few marine rounds ended because this guy could not fight them without using the lodge excuse to use his ridiculous arsenal.

Evidence (screenshots, logs, etc):
Hes cloaked at the door but its kinda hard to see

How you would punish the accused: need more feedback

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Byond: x31stOverlord

Re: Zathar-Veraz Predator Report

Post by x31stOverlord » 23 Mar 2018, 15:12

Hello there, that is indeed me.

As the round has just ended I'll throw my side of the story in for everyone to view:

So, the round started off as usual, setting up a Lodge etc.

I then began the hunt for a worthy target, spending a bit of time going around cloaking and interacting with the marines through translator, etc. just trying to spook them whilst looking for a kill. I was in the midst of RPing with a marine to the north/northwest of t-comms when a Bravo PFC charged at me with a gyro shotgun, unloading a few shots at me. I was slightly annoyed with the blunt charge and attack so I disengaged and circled around to lose them, continuing with my interactions.

At this point the PFC found me once again and began pursuing near T-comms, being joined by more marines, I wasn't actively engaging them and just humouring this PFC, a mistake on my part as I found out when he was joined by the marines who began opening fire on me. I proceeded to disengage and cloak to move away, I stopped to give a slight warning to the other preds that were active about the humans being aggressive. And then continued to disengage as the marines caught up to me, a lucky shot or two must have hit me because my movement speed was reduced at this point as I moved into the jungle. I could and probably should have lead them further west in hindsight, however, at this time I was trying to just get out, being relentlessly pursued, to the point where they entered the lodge area.

Now, as I was trying to avoid killing them all, I roared and fired a few stun shots from the caster to give them the opportunity to fall back and get out of the lodge area. They persisted and instead of killing them all with the inevitable suicide blast as I was getting shot quite the bit I killed the two who had pursued me the most, dragging their bodies outside for the other marines to recover. Shortly after this engagement another few marines arrived, myself and the second predator were at the lodge, we told them to get out of here with our translators, they took the body of one of the marines and withdrew.


- My intention was not to "lure the marines into the lodge" to use a full arsenal. I was trying to generate some RP with marines when I was attacked and relentlessly pursued by a marine who had abandoned his squad from what I could see in order to valid hunt.

- I could have lured them elsewhere in an attempt to lose them, I accept that I could have done this now, however, during the moment I did not think about this at that point.

As such, I will now leave the issue in the hands of the staff.

Thank you.
Yautja - Zathar-Veraz Wolfgang Schneider - CO, CL, SO, XO, Synthetic Unit Joshua Roscoe Barrett - Spec, SGCMP, MP Ancient Empress, Ancient Runner (69)

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Byond: NGGJamie

Re: Zathar-Veraz Predator Report

Post by NGGJamie » 23 Mar 2018, 18:00

You cannot report on another person’s behalf or about something you witnessed without direct involvement (Rule 6). I’ll be closing this. If one of the involved marines wishes to make their own report then the situation will be looked into with further detail.
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Byond: Emerald Blood

Re: Zathar-Veraz Predator Report

Post by Emeraldblood » 24 Mar 2018, 00:20

Just to echo Jamie, as per rule 6, you're not allowed to make player reports for other players unless you were involved. If any affected players wish to make a report regarding this case, that's fine. Resolved - Case closed due to rule 6.
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