Player Report on Riley King

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Byond: taketheshot56

Player Report on Riley King

Post by taketheshot56 » 27 Mar 2018, 00:42

Your Byond Key: Taketheshot56

Your Character Name: Patton Moore

Accused Byond Key(if known): Dr.png

Character Name: Riley King

Approximate time and date of the incident (Central US Time for fastest results): Took place over 7PM to just after 8PM PST, March 26th

What rule(s) were broken:
#13 MPs are bound to follow Marine Law as RULES. Exceptions must be approved by staff via Ahelp.
Major breaches in arrest procedure
Not meeting MP role play standards.

Description of the incident:
I was the CE this round, me and my MTs had heard the CO had been arrested for a charge we believed to be invalid, through cunning and engineering skill we managed to get into the brig and up to the perma cells before we were stopped and arrested, fair enough. However that is when MP King shows up, At this point I am stunned and already on the ground cuffed, MP King proceeds to drag me up to my cell, needlessly stunning me along the way. Upon getting to my cell he stripped me of everything including my headset and refused to tell me my charge. Im of course angry and arguing in RP at this 'miscarriage of justice' essentially the average argument of being arrested. I ask for a radio and he refuses something along the lines of "Commies get no rights" he then begins dragging me towards perma, still not telling me my charge. For good measure he beats me in the face with his taser along the way, i am of course still secured and cuffed being dragged while he does this. Nevertheless he continues. I am then left cuffed outside perma without a word, which I do believe Sir Lordington noted him for, seeing as I had ahelped. Regardless I am taken into the cell and and uncuffed and prison RP ensues, we then hear that we are to be executed so myself and the other MTs stage a breakout and I manage to escape. I am of course recaptured and put in my cell in perma following the procedures. But then MP King comes in, he cuffs me again in my cell and buckles me to the bed, I ask for my appeal as is my prisoner right and he once again denies it making liberal use of his flash while i am secured in my cell, he also refuses to tell me my charges, at this point ive been locked in the brig for over an hour with no one having told me my charge. I am finally hauled out for execution and finally, on my deathbed in the chamber I am told my charges by the CMP after being locked up without being told a reason for about an hour. Maybe more. I then finally get to make my appeal while strapped to the execution chair and am continuously having insults hurled at me by MP king, I am finally executed mid song which was devastating. MP King then requests to spit on my corpse.

While the first part was handled by sir lordington he continued this behavior throughout the round after that first ahelp. Ill be honest ive seen some bad MPs but this was atrocious, MPs are supposed to be held to a higher standard of role play on this server and every MP took their job seriously and followed the rules, except for MP King who violated procedure more times than I can count.

Evidence (screenshots, logs, etc):
Mod told me to post this and they would send in the logs, seeing as the round was over when we spoke.

How you would punish the accused:
A long talk with the accused to hopefully explain MP procedure and what is to be expected of them, the amount of breaches in procedure and law were numerous.
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Byond: Amitt0

Re: Player Report on Riley King

Post by Amitt0 » 27 Mar 2018, 00:56


I was playing MP that round and king seemed to be pretty harmless for the longest time. (He went on a tangent about evil donut making machines for God's sake.)

Really unfortunate that some players prefer beating players and not taking the rest of the role seriously.
I will say though, despite him not following proper procedure (and the abuse was overkill for sure)
You and your department broke into the brig armed to the teeth to bust out a CO That had been relieved with HC approval. You knew or surely should have known what you were in for.
I've been maining MP for a few months now and i try to be fair and follow the rules closely but less experienced mps slip up on procedure and get pounced on for it.
Were you trying to remove the cuffs? That usually prompts a paddlin.
Anywho. The abuse was not okay at all. But your actions weren't acceptable in the first place.
The logs should clear this up. I'll be happy with whatever the staff decide, really.
Last edited by Amitt0 on 27 Mar 2018, 01:07, edited 2 times in total.
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Byond: taketheshot56

Re: Player Report on Riley King

Post by taketheshot56 » 27 Mar 2018, 01:00

Indeed, I do not disagree I got the punishment I deserved for the crime committed, despite being unarmed. But the abuse was too much.
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Byond: Adralimas

Re: Player Report on Riley King

Post by Adralimas » 27 Mar 2018, 04:04

Player interaction and attack logs.
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Byond: Dr.Png

Re: Player Report on Riley King

Post by DrPng » 27 Mar 2018, 07:20

Edit to formerly address the issues:

I wanna put out a disclaimer that I joined the round late, and the only roles that were interesting at all was military police.

I very briefly skimmed over marine law, probably didn't chew enough for my brain to process every thing that was written, so I accept responsibility for some negligence.
On the first issue, I didn't tell your charge because I DID not know what was going on, all I knew was that an MP was being attacked and people were armed in the brig. That's it, no one informed me on what actually happened.
However, ignorance isn't an excuse, so my argument is void here and I am fault.
On the second issue, stunning you repeatedly and taking your radio wasn't the way to go about things, I had no idea what I was doing and was trying my best to process things has they were happening, so I am a fault there.
On the the third issue, you point out me being repeatedly buckling you to the bed and cuffing you. You were constantly trying to escape, resisting the cuffs and stuff, so I am pretty sure that warrants you to be cuffed. Hell you even broke out of prison by pretending to be dead and ordering for your other associate to murder the other MTs ( don't know the truth behind that)
As for the insults and unprofessionalism, that's just how I normally play my character. I guess it doesn't work for MP because they are held to a higher standard as they are enforcing marine law, so I'll be happy to change the way I play my character if it avoids this happening ever again.

So over all, I fucked up heavily, yes. That entire round was a cluster fuck for me and I should've read the marine law carefully before deciding to join as an MP.

Another quick edit:
I'd like to take this chance to apologize to anyone that I fucked over during those hours or even previous rounds, as I was in a strange trance of boredom of doing things normally and I swear it won't happen again.
Last edited by DrPng on 27 Mar 2018, 21:29, edited 4 times in total.
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Re: Player Report on Riley King

Post by Sir Lordington » 27 Mar 2018, 13:00

I did indeed talk to DrPng when he left Patton cuffed on the ground outside perma without a radio. I told him to reread Marine Law and make sure he followed procedure.

It seems it didn't quite stick. Playing an asshole MP is fine as long as you follow procedure to a T which you did not. It's up to the heads but there is a clear lack of knowledge about Marine Law on display here.
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Byond: Emerald Blood

Re: Player Report on Riley King

Post by Emeraldblood » 30 Mar 2018, 13:02

DrPng will be given a heavy warning for the events that transpired and be expected to follow Marine Law in the future at a risk of a Police Department job-ban. He apologized for his actions and hopefully learned from the mistakes made. If you are not aware of how a department works, it's best you avoid playing the head position until you've learned the basics. Resolved - Player has been warned for their actions.
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