Worrisome WO

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Worrisome WO

Post by Shuffl3 » 11 Apr 2018, 21:34

Your Byond Key: Shuffl3

Your Character Name: Nixon Gonzales

Accused Byond Key(if known): Unk

Character Name: Varisia 'Firestorm' Lote

Approximate time and date of the incident (Central US Time for fastest results): 2018.04.07.2100 CST

What rule(s) were broken: GR.13

Description of the incident:

After being offered up as the routine sacrifice to Ice Colonies underground and receiving the traditional three round burst of camaraderie from an overeager Charlie I proceeded back up to the Almayer under the advice of the squad medic. Along the way I stumbled across "some sort of egg" and decided to avail myself of some of the infamous prop-based roleplay one might find in the shady locals of high orbit. My belly full of a random assortment of pills a helpful attendant at Medbay coaxed down my throat, I engaged in a fruitless bartering session at Requisitions with my new prize while re-equipping to return to my squad. However, as the negotiation waned so did my faith in the advanced pharmaceutical techniques of the medical staff. My health flagging, I returned to Medbay for a more comprehensive treatment.

In order to be scanned, I had to leave my personal property on the ground outside of the machine. In retrospect I realize that this was a mistake. Once my egg was in full view it generated just the wrong sort of attention and a lot of hurtful sounding words were thrown around. I quickly moved to rectify the situation and stow it with the rest of my gear but, much to my dismay, the route I took through the upper level of the ship was blocked by the briefing shutters. At this point, the Warrant Officer herself breaks onto the engineering net and said, "Gonzales get to research now." Now, as a well trained and capable combat engineer it would be more than within my abilities to fulfill the direct order and trespass into the restricted area. However, given that we were at code green, I had lawful orders from higher ranked personnel within my chain of command, the risk to my personal property, the unlawful nature of her request, and since marine law granted her no overriding authority in this instance: I elected to decline her unlawful order citing the danger to my personal property. She goes on to deliver another order of questionable lawfulness, but before I could format a proper response I was intercepted by the Chief Medical Officer.

My health in rapid decline now, I was easy prey for the ruthless professor. Dazed by his precise application of the flash, I was powerless to resist his supreme medical authority as he tossed my egg to the giddy researcher and declared that I needed surgery. After a brief and uneventful operation, I was cleared by the Chief Medical Officer to return duty. One egg shorter but with a proper amount of blood I headed to Requisitions once again in preparations to redeploy. As I passed the Warrant Officer in the hallway she hail'd me and commanded me to "halt". When I courteously complied she just walked up and put me in handcuffs. It wasn't until both a passing Lance Corporal and myself interjected our confusion that she managed to cough up some reasoning for the arrest, "infectious."

Admittedly, my comprehension of marine law isn't nearly up to the same level as my ability to patch generators, stand up cades, or replace APCs. But I'll be damned if a quick perusal through my mental copy of the USCM:UCMJ doesn't turn up a single result for that crime. That would make this not just a False Arrest, but an arbitrary arrest and detainment. A violation of universal human rights. Even after I incredulously inform her that the Chief Medical Officer has personally cleared me to return to duty and the altruistic Lance Corporal gets me scanned at Medbay she continues to persist in her abuse of marine law. At one point, she even gives up on the "Infectious" charge and switches to insubordination but quickly backpedals recanting with, "Not Insub" several times.

Our group doesn't even make it back to the brig before she turns on the Lance Corporal who has been advocating for my innocence. Suddenly and without warning she whips out her taser and hurls bolts repeatedly into the poor man, leaving him convulsing on the hanger deck while she calls for MPs. Even the Staff Sergeants under her seem shocked at this unexpected turn of events, but they drag him along into the Brig nonetheless where the Lance Corporal and I are both incarcerated. Him for Interfering with an Arrest, and me for...well, I was never told.

In conclusion, Warrent Officer Varisia 'Firestorm' Lote not abused her position of authority, but also disenfranchised the servicemen under her jurisdiction by disregarding procedure.

Evidence (screenshots, logs, etc):
Relevant Logs
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Unedited Logs
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How you would punish the accused:
Im not sure that this constitutes anything more than a wrist-slapping. The whole thing seems to boil down to poor communications and some over-reach. Proper arrest/brigging procedure would of at least given me a chance to address whatever I was charged with and would of been a better use of my time than getting dragged all over the place while being ignored. Barring whatever context may surround this player I'd push for a warning/note and 700 words on the relevance of the procedures for all parties involved.
Last edited by Shuffl3 on 11 Apr 2018, 22:16, edited 1 time in total.
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Byond: the13thzodiac

Re: Worrisome WO

Post by VarisiaLote » 11 Apr 2018, 22:14

Firstly, IC-wise I only knew what the Researcher, the CL, then later, the CMO were telling me. CL as well as the Researcher were claiming the egg was a Biohazard(which it is OOC), also you were to be put into quarantine. I told you to give over the Egg then get to Research, you ran (This was before the CMO tells me you were given the all-clear as such it wasn't marine law protocol, but Quarantine Protocol up until that time). While arresting after the all-clear I gave you your charges, which was Insubordination (as shown in your logs) for refusing to go to Research (this is when proper Marine Law protocols went into effect as I was now actually arresting you, not just taking you to research to prevent an outbreak).

However, I can't blame you for this report as you can only go off of what you know.
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Byond: Edda

Re: Worrisome WO

Post by edda » 11 Apr 2018, 22:20

I was the CMO in this round, I'm available to answer questions.
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Byond: NGGJamie

Re: Worrisome WO

Post by NGGJamie » 11 Apr 2018, 22:48

Shuffl3 wrote:
11 Apr 2018, 21:34
While I can respect your use of scholarly terms here, you you should put every effort into making your report as short and easy to read as possible so we can immediately get to the core issue without us having to sort through a short novel. The wordsmithing itself isn’t ideal either because when using so many uncommon words at once, you cause the meaning of what you’re saying to be harder to get. Word use like that makes the reader spend more time trying to figure out the words than what’s behind them.
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Byond: Apophis775

Re: Worrisome WO

Post by apophis775 » 12 Apr 2018, 00:00

Please be more succinct and to the point in the future. A key part of knowing scholarly words is knowing when it is appropriate to use them. This is not the time or place.
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Re: Worrisome WO

Post by Shuffl3 » 12 Apr 2018, 08:57

Those are perfectly cromulent words.
VarisiaLote wrote:
11 Apr 2018, 22:14
Firstly, IC-wise I only knew what the Researcher, the CL, then later, the CMO were telling me. CL as well as the Researcher were claiming the egg was a Biohazard(which it is OOC), also you were to be put into quarantine. I told you to give over the Egg then get to Research, you ran (This was before the CMO tells me you were given the all-clear as such it wasn't marine law protocol, but Quarantine Protocol up until that time). While arresting after the all-clear I gave you your charges, which was Insubordination (as shown in your logs) for refusing to go to Research (this is when proper Marine Law protocols went into effect as I was now actually arresting you, not just taking you to research to prevent an outbreak).

However, I can't blame you for this report as you can only go off of what you know.
But if the CMP can just arrest people however and for whatever they want then this player report was in error and Im sorry for wasting everybodies time.
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Re: Worrisome WO

Post by x31stOverlord » 12 Apr 2018, 09:17

I mean. I can't see any reason for arrest in your logs you provided. But I would prefer if I saw logs posted by a mod. I might just get into them when I get home.

If the logs you show are the whole logs for the situation then the WO broke MP procedures, did not state a reason for your arrest and brigged you for no good reason.

If in future you have situations where an -MP- is breaking marine law or procedure -Ahelp immediately- don't wait until after a round to post that complaint. MP procedure has to be followed by MPs as a server rule.

I'll have to dive into logs.
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Re: Worrisome WO

Post by Imperator_Titan » 12 Apr 2018, 12:13

Definitely seeing a breach in proper procedure. CMP shouldn't have tossed the cuffs onto you immediately without stating charges.

His reason for the arrest which was insubordination would probably be this.
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The reason they arrested the other marine for "interfering with an arrest" was because he was literally trying to drag you away.
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x31stOverlord wrote:
12 Apr 2018, 09:17
I mean. I can't see any reason for arrest in your logs you provided. But I would prefer if I saw logs posted by a mod. I might just get into them when I get home.

If the logs you show are the whole logs for the situation then the WO broke MP procedures, did not state a reason for your arrest and brigged you for no good reason.

If in future you have situations where an -MP- is breaking marine law or procedure -Ahelp immediately- don't wait until after a round to post that complaint. MP procedure has to be followed by MPs as a server rule.

I'll have to dive into logs.
Their logs are quite fine, just checked over it myself.

Personally, I believe a warning to follow proper procedure would be fine. She just messed up on the arresting procedures, the charges were fine since you directly disobeyed her orders to get to research with the egg.

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Byond: the13thzodiac

Re: Worrisome WO

Post by VarisiaLote » 13 Apr 2018, 11:25

Yes, I agree with the part I ought to have stated their charges before putting the cuffs on them. Although at the time the cuffs were for "Quarantine" purposes (which as a Researcher got recent clarification on the proper procedure), even so that just proves Cuffing them for anything but insubordination was improper, which I apologize for.

Also, not exactly the place for it, maybe a Biohazard protocol for MPs as well as Medical for both Zombies as well as Huggers before we know about the parasite will help.(I will put up a separate post elsewhere.)
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Re: Worrisome WO

Post by Shuffl3 » 13 Apr 2018, 21:11

NGGJamie wrote:
11 Apr 2018, 22:48
apophis775 wrote:
12 Apr 2018, 00:00
It was a poor attempt at bringing some levity to the situation. I will attempt to suppress that going forward.
x31stOverlord wrote:
12 Apr 2018, 09:17
I wouldn't of known what to pester the staff about. Marine Law seems goofy in practice with the individual interpretations and ongoing establishment of precedents. All I had was a feeling that things weren't handled correctly and It took me some time to read up and check references. Marine Law is still kinda odd to me, b̶u̶t̶ ̶I̶'̶v̶e̶ ̶g̶o̶t̶ ̶m̶o̶r̶e̶ ̶c̶o̶n̶f̶i̶d̶e̶n̶c̶e̶ ̶i̶n̶ ̶m̶y̶ ̶u̶n̶d̶e̶r̶s̶t̶a̶n̶d̶i̶n̶g̶ ̶o̶f̶ ̶i̶t̶ ̶n̶o̶w̶ ̶s̶o̶ I'll be sure to ahelp situations like this in the future where I feel a rule has been broken.
Imperator_Titan wrote:
12 Apr 2018, 12:13
Heres a visual aid. It details my rough path of travel and should match up with any location logged events and be easily confirmed by everyone involved.

The logs dont really make it clear how unexpected the tasing and arrest of the LCPL was. He appeared at 3, took me from the WO at 4 where I was returned to her custody without incident, then was abruptly tased and arrested for Interfering with an Arrest at 5.
Which is pretty goofy. Granted, he was getting pretty disrespectful with his protest at my arrest and I suppose he may of run ahead of her and blocked her direct path of travel in an attempt to keep talking. But a single guy on a hanger deck does not block traffic, and verbally attempting to stop an arrest as well as arguing with the MP is protected under the Roleplay Guidelines

Choosing to ignore someone breaking the law and then reversing that decision at a later, separate instance is kind of a dick move. Double Jeopardy and all that jazz.

There's another argument about the nature of Insubordination and the dickishness of charging somebody for Insubordination while engaging in a dispute about the orders without communicating that to them. But it gets pedantic as shit and like...time and place yo.

To me, The13thzodiac isnt just flubbing arrest procedure. It feels like they are enforcing Marine Law in bad faith. Like, in a way that extends beyond role-playing due to a certain interpretation of Marine Law. I cant seem to put it into words, but maybe someone with more experience could if any of you smell what Im steppin in. That's what the warning should cover.

I dunno, maybe that is roleplay and Im just to close to this to see it.

[Re-edited cause I'm not sure I understand anything now]
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Re: Worrisome WO

Post by Emeraldblood » 15 Apr 2018, 12:16

Nice map. Anyways, I'll be getting to this tonight so anything else that needs to be said should be added before then.

Midnight Edit: It's so late at this point that I'm just gonna have to get to this tomorrow afternoon or so. My apologies for the delay.
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Re: Worrisome WO

Post by Emeraldblood » 16 Apr 2018, 17:00

Did I just read Twilight or is this made to be a player report? There's literally no need to work your report in that manner. It's pretty hard to follow what your actual point is when it's buried under all that unnecessary text. So what I gathered is that the CMP chased you down when you had the egg and then you refused to go to research when it happened. So after that the CMP and CMO found you and the CMO (not the CMP) flashed you and took you to surgery. After you got out of surgery, you ran into the CMP who arrested you for the charge "Infectious" before then backtracking on that and going for Insubordination and Resisting Arrest? When did she change the charges around? After you were in the Brig or was this at the very start of the arrest?
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Re: Worrisome WO

Post by Emeraldblood » 16 Apr 2018, 21:17

Due to this being related to another report on the13thzodiac open at the same time, they will be receiving a job ban from the CMP position for the time being. MP will still be available to play but the CMP is expected to know and follow Marine Law more-so than just a normal MP would. Due to not having a full understanding of Marine law, the position will be blocked for them until they wish to appeal after having learned the police role more thoroughly with MP. Resolved - Reported player has been banned from CMP.
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Emerald Blood: CM's mommy and the only head staff who does anything. Even though I hate you all sometimes, I still love you.
