Player report: Marine - Jay "Nuclear" Burns

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Player report: Marine - Jay "Nuclear" Burns

Post by Hotelsoap » 14 Apr 2018, 09:20

Your Byond Key: Motelsoap

Your Character Name: Mimir Merholjed

Accused Byond Key(if known): Jayburns

Character Name: Jay "Nuclear" Burns

Approximate time and date of the incident (Central US Time for fastest results): 14 April, 2018 6.30 - 7.30 AM CST

What rule(s) were broken: Marine law - Insubordination - Griefing

Description of the incident: Started becoming very gung-ho when he finds out there are preds inside a room and makes his way into it even as SL and several other marines yell at him to leave. While later on the delta SL had escalated the conflict by calling down an OB, Jay burns was repeatedly told to leave the room and the preds alone. He showed no signs of acknowledging any of his squadmates or SL and opened fire, unprovoked, on the preds yelling "GET COLONIZED ******" and the situation spiraled out of control as he kept attacking them despite them not firing back after the first round or two of attacks. In less than 30 minutes later almost 3 whole squads were wiped as a result of his actions. When people ghosted and tried to question him on his actions, we believed that he had immediately logged off after death, but found out later that he was not responding due to him becoming a pred. Which has led us to suspect he was deliberately griefing.

Evidence (screenshots, logs, etc):
is the aftermath of the slaughter, with the preds still arranging a dozen severed heads including Jay's.
is evidence of him becoming a pred after death
I sadly did not manage to save a screenshot of him in the act as I was too busy yelling and afterwards too busy getting killed.

How you would punish the accused: A *harsh* warning. If he does not know what roleplaying is, then he should be pointed the right direction. However, if he is indeed griefing and trolling, then he should be dealt with accordingly, griefing other's gameplay and effectively ending the round for that many people within such a short time after the round started should not be tolerated.

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Re: Player report: Marine - Jay "Nuclear" Burns

Post by Jay Burns » 14 Apr 2018, 10:07

Okay there are a few things wrong with this report so lets go through them one by one.

"a while later the SL escalated the conflict by placing an OB": the SL was planting the OB as soon as we knew there were predators in there, it was not like we weren't going to engage them.

"Opened fire, unprvoked": The predators fired a heavy plasma sphere at me, I wouldn't say that they were being friendly at all.

"Kept attacking them despite them not firing back after the first round of attacks": This is just blatantly false, the moment of the first shot one of them started rushing me with the glaive, then the OB was called in.

"Found out later he was not responding due to him becoming a pred": Technically true in the most minimal way, I accidentally joined as a pred, and asked for an admin to delete me straight away, which he did (FreeMySoul). I did in fact log off after death as ya know, I was dead.

"Deliberately greifing": If engaging the massive hulking manbeasts with weird masks and skulls hanging off them is greifing than lock me up.

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Re: Player report: Marine - Jay "Nuclear" Burns

Post by Sir Lordington » 14 Apr 2018, 16:28

So essentially you are reporting him because he engaged the predators in combat, which caused Delta to be wiped, correct?
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Re: Player report: Marine - Jay "Nuclear" Burns

Post by Arbs » 14 Apr 2018, 17:24

Hey. I was the SL that round.

I don't see any reason as to why you're making a player report here. Predators are not your friends, rather your enemies. Something something about predators beheading and skinning people. You're not gonna drink tea with them, forget about it. If Jay Burns engaged those predators first, good on him for shooting hostiles. It was only after I stepped into one of their hunting traps and them plasma casting him. I was going to ORBITALLY BOMBARD them anyways after all.

The reason why it ended so bad was because the OB was fired late by the CIC and because the predators went on the offensive as soon as they noticed me plant that OB.

So Jay Burns is in the clear here and as far as I can tell no rules were broken. This report is pointless because things like this happen in-game all the time, you just have to deal with it.
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Re: Player report: Marine - Jay "Nuclear" Burns

Post by awan » 14 Apr 2018, 17:32

Jay Burns wrote:
14 Apr 2018, 10:07

"Found out later he was not responding due to him becoming a pred": Technically true in the most minimal way, I accidentally joined as a pred, and asked for an admin to delete me straight away, which he did (FreeMySoul). I did in fact log off after death as ya know, I was dead.
I can confirm that part with the logs and because I was there.
If you want to look at the logs for this as admin they start around 07:00:00. I myself do not know what parts are relevant.
I do not know if a misfired shot would show up in the logs.
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Re: Player report: Marine - Jay "Nuclear" Burns

Post by Imperator_Titan » 14 Apr 2018, 17:37

A marine wouldn't stand there openly and engage in a polite conversation with a giant that has human skulls, is quite clearly covered in blood, has the ability to cloak and shoot plasma and is wielding a giant sword. You'd shoot them too if you were a marine, just as you'd shoot a xenomorph on first contact.

I don't see anything wrong with what the player in question did here except for act reasonably towards the threat at hand.

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Re: Player report: Marine - Jay "Nuclear" Burns

Post by Hotelsoap » 14 Apr 2018, 21:20

I went in to the doorway of that room behind another guy, found out there were preds, we stared at them and they stared at us. Then we were ordered out, and I saw you go in. We yelled at you to get out, then I heard gunfire after a few seconds before I heard any shots from the preds. Perhaps I may or may not have been in the wrong, my hearing could be bad, my audio could be bad, or I may have just been mistaken. Since I don't have proof of the moment beyond what I thought I witnessed, I'll concede and drop the accusation.

But I still maintain that in my opinion it was poor RP, it is of my personal belief that acting like a undisciplined militiaman while in a military setting in a medium RP is to be reprimanded. But then again I could be wrong, maybe medium RP here is on a different level than low RP in a milsim, maybe I am biased coming from a military background and it just irks me, maybe super gung-ho undisciplined movie style soldiers really are a thing in america. Its just my personal belief after all.

Perhaps it was all a misunderstanding, the OB beacon did drop before you fired, as attested by the person that called it in. Then I sincerely apologize for putting you on the spot, I was merely reporting what I percieved.
But I hope you can understand how suspicious it looked to me at the time when I saw that you were a pred after that, and didn't respond at all.

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Re: Player report: Marine - Jay "Nuclear" Burns

Post by TheMusician321 » 14 Apr 2018, 21:28

I was one of the preds there and I can confirm that we started attacking the moment we saw the OB being planted, in fact, I called it out. from what I had seen Jay didn't do anything outside of the rules as we were giant humanoids with skulls and swords getting ready to rush them as his SL was planting an OB to kill us off.
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Re: Player report: Marine - Jay "Nuclear" Burns

Post by Casany » 14 Apr 2018, 22:28

I think people often forget how fucking terrifying predators are. If you don't fucking shoot at it you're insane. Its an 8-9 foot tall monster with skulls adorning it and blood everywhere. Anyone who doesn't try and kill it probably has problems.

Also, they could have just as easily killed the colony. You're marines, sent to fight. Not sent to stare at what could have murdered an entire colony and leave.
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Re: Player report: Marine - Jay "Nuclear" Burns

Post by Sir Lordington » 15 Apr 2018, 19:40

We aren't going to enforce discipline OOCly unless it's a truly extreme case. Insubordination is an IC issue. You may or may not agree with engaging massive 9-foot tall alien humanoids, but I don't see any rulebreaks here.
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Re: Player report: Marine - Jay "Nuclear" Burns

Post by x31stOverlord » 16 Apr 2018, 04:44

Whilst the actions of marines forced the ensuing... Chaos... I see no rule break in Jays actions, Preds are antags in rounds and whilst they are not always gonna kill you, they aren't there to be your friend. Occurrences in game will decide which type of experience you have.

This time it seems the Marines were out for blood with an OB being called at first contact and then the blood bath afterwards.

As one of the Pred players my whole view on the situation was filled with mild sympathy and annoyance. I applied for the Whitelist to add RP to rounds... Not delete half the marine force. But that is besides the point of this.

Jay did nothing against server rules. The whole situation was a farce on marine side.
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Re: Player report: Marine - Jay "Nuclear" Burns

Post by Emeraldblood » 16 Apr 2018, 21:51

Disclaimer: Predators are considered ANTAGs, they may and will kill you and are to be treated much like any Alien-like hostile Marines would encounter.
Breaking Marine Law is IC as that's the whole point of it. This report is pointless and purely IC. Resolved - IC actions.
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