Preds playing house

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Preds playing house

Post by Jimsilvermane » 19 May 2018, 07:09

Your Byond Key: no idea

Your Character Name: Sin Seeria

Accused Byond Key(if known):

Character Name: Dto'Yeyin'Thwej, Zathar-Veraz, Ratar Vensch

Approximate time and date of the incident (Central US Time for fastest results): 5:00 AM MT 5/119/2018

What rule(s) were broken: Predator rule 1, 2

Description of the incident: spent match dinking around looting dead people and making a house, did not kill or attack anyone. mostly just ran around throwing random junk at Marines.

Evidence (screenshots, logs, etc): i also talked to Skysoldier about them and he directed me to this.

How you would punish the accused: Just get them to do their role, randomly trolling the Marines stealing the dead to use as trophies and running from any kind of fight is not what a pred should be doing
Last edited by Jimsilvermane on 19 May 2018, 07:45, edited 2 times in total.

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Re: Preds playing house

Post by Taumanta1 » 19 May 2018, 07:25

I can remember atleast one of the preds killing a runner, but aside from that (and chucking a cleaver at a Marine) I can't think of them doing anything.

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Re: Preds playing house

Post by Avalanchee » 19 May 2018, 07:44

First of all, they must build a Lodge.

Not killing everyone is the predator's problem, they have their own playstyle.

Running around and shooting everyone with plasma casters and throwing combi sticks at marines is not fun for anyone, and dueling in that round was pretty hard because marines received an order to engage on sight, if a pred got close to a marine he would instantly catch a burst of 10mm bullets.

I was also in the round and I had some encounters with Predators, i saw them fight and hunt xenos or some marines.

After I died I was spectating Ratar and he said multiple times that he circled the entire hunting ground but he was not able to find any worthy opponents. Most of the time when he reached a marine he got instantly buckshotted and he had to leave because the entire squad started hunting him and like i said plasma castering the shit out of marines isn't really enjoyable.

Edit: Never saw any junk being thrown at marines and i was in the main attack force 85% of the time
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Re: Preds playing house

Post by Jimsilvermane » 19 May 2018, 07:54

where does it say they have to build a lodge? I actually mean it i can't find it saying that anywhere. it's not in the wiki allthought nothing about pred's is in the wiki for some reason. there is a single line written in the pred code of honor but that was it past that i can't find anything saying they need to?

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Re: Preds playing house

Post by Sneakyr » 19 May 2018, 08:07

Right. Hello, Ratar here. Now, normally, these things wait until the round's over. Proper policy, you know?
And normally, I'd wait to respond until the round's over, but it's awfully damned late (so late, in fact, most people would call it early) and I'm quite tired, but I'd like to get my defense out here earlier than later.

1. Rules Broken
Predator rule 1 is just following the honor code. I, and as far as I know my fellows, didn't break it - unless you'd like to highlight a specific example of such, in which case I'd be happy to address this in more detail.
Predator Rule Violation #2. Act like Predators. You see, here is where it gets a bit tricky. How a predator should act is subjective. It's summed up for us like this:
"something that may be "silly" or "strange" for a Predator to do." That's a direct quote, as seen by the quotation marks.
Unless you'd prefer us to start killing everything that could be described as "worthy" under the Honor Code, which we are actively discouraged from doing, there's no real alternative. In fact, it can be argued (as I am doing now) that a predator would be more selective with his prey - they're hunters, not mass murderers. They enjoy the hunt itself, not just the killing. Many of them, anyway - there's variation in personalities for all sapient species.

2. Description of the Incident
Looting dead people? I think that only happened once, done by Jay Burns (Dto), and you can ask him what he was taking and why.
Making a house. Lodging, as we call it, is literally mandatory (for now), so there's no validity here.
Did not kill or attack anyone: blatantly false. Hulij (Spartanbobby) killed at least one human, then had to sit in the lodge because his leg was broken and he was too slow to fight (we're barely faster than humans with the new movement update, even while at full health). I personally killed one xeno and hunted several more prey, which were, as stated before, often killed by others before I could get to them. Ask Zathar and Dto if they killed anything else.
Mostly just ran around throwing random items at marines: Yeah, I threw a butcher's cleaver at a marine while I was passing by. Once. Either someone else did it too (unlikely, I'm usually the only one who bothers entertaining FOB marines and this round I was busy) or there's a teeny bit of hyperbole going on.

I'd be more than happy to respond to any further comment you have on this situation.
Happy hunting.

P.S: I saw your new post before it would let me post this: preds have a lot of unwritten rules they have to follow, laid down by Elder predators (headstaff). So they're rules, but they're not written, if it wasn't clear the first time. Lodging is one of them, as that has been stated many times to be mandatory.
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Re: Preds playing house

Post by Jimsilvermane » 19 May 2018, 08:14

ok here's my big deal about that. if they have a lot of unwritten rules how would anyone other than them know if they are breaking them? this is why i asked an Admin about it he said ya report them. so that's what i did. If what your telling me is even Admins don't know the rules then i think that's a bigger problem.

also what was with you going into the alien hive and talking with them there at the end of your life? you ran in declocked talked at them then tried to break thought another wall and walk out? what was that all about?
Last edited by Jimsilvermane on 19 May 2018, 08:19, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Preds playing house

Post by Sneakyr » 19 May 2018, 08:18

Jimsilvermane wrote:
19 May 2018, 08:14
ok here's my big deal about that. if they have a lot of unwritten rules how would anyone other than them know if they are breaking them? this is why i asked an Admin about it he said ya report them. so that's what i did.
I'm not going (able?) to say much on this, other than we're working on that and have a plan. We're a bit stagnant right now. Regardless, we didn't break any unwritten rules either, though I understand that you can only take that at face value.
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Re: Preds playing house

Post by x31stOverlord » 19 May 2018, 08:22

Well, as I'm included in the reported players!

I'll give you the accounts of my exploits that round:

I log in late, roughly 1:30-40ish? I think, at which point the battle between Xenos and Humans is pretty much in its stalemate phase where neither side can really get an advantage. I decide, instead of ruining the round for an entire team, I would start setting up my lodge. It was at this time I decide to make my lodge in the secure storage dome for its space and the fact that marines wouldnt be likely to find the location seeing as they were already fighting the xenos above the river.

I spend quite a while building this up, because I wanted to make a fight ring for gladiator combat, which unfortunately didn't come to fruition due to the round ending a little early and also a bug? with windows being run-through.

I didn't loot any marines body during the round and didn't kill any Xeno (I killed the victor of the Gladiator fight due to the fact he beat the other combatant down without her being ready.)
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Re: Preds playing house

Post by Jimsilvermane » 19 May 2018, 08:26

Hay i'm not saying i know a hole lot about the game really i read the wiki mostly top to bottom found it odd that preds weren't in it and are in the game but hey whatever. I am a sad little deltard engi who gets little love. I just switched to watching you because i figured it would make for exciting viewing. when i brought to attention what you were doing to the rest of dead chat no one could figure out what you were doing. so i asked an Admin. when he said "ya can't do anything about him do a player report." that's what i did. i wound up watching you for almost an hour straight including the bit on the pred ship where you all were trying to fix an air leak.

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Re: Preds playing house

Post by x31stOverlord » 19 May 2018, 08:30

Jimsilvermane wrote:
19 May 2018, 08:26
Hay i'm not saying i know a hole lot about the game really i read the wiki mostly top to bottom found it odd that preds weren't in it and are in the game but hey whatever. I am a sad little deltard engi who gets little love. I just switched to watching you because i figured it would make for exciting viewing. when i brought to attention what you were doing to the rest of dead chat no one could figure out what you were doing. so i asked an Admin. when he said "ya can't do anything about him do a player report." that's what i did. i wound up watching you for almost an hour straight including the bit on the pred ship where you all were trying to fix an air leak.
We're not on the Wiki, we're mysterious and meant to be a little bit of an unknown factor. But yeah, sometimes we decide to not have to kill everything that lives and breathes. Makes rounds a little bit different other than the typical *roar - Slash - Dead for marines.

In anycase, I'll let the Admins investigate
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Re: Preds playing house

Post by Sneakyr » 19 May 2018, 08:37

Jimsilvermane wrote:
19 May 2018, 08:26
Hay i'm not saying i know a hole lot about the game really i read the wiki mostly top to bottom found it odd that preds weren't in it and are in the game but hey whatever. I am a sad little deltard engi who gets little love. I just switched to watching you because i figured it would make for exciting viewing. when i brought to attention what you were doing to the rest of dead chat no one could figure out what you were doing. so i asked an Admin. when he said "ya can't do anything about him do a player report." that's what i did. i wound up watching you for almost an hour straight including the bit on the pred ship where you all were trying to fix an air leak.
Well, let me say welcome to the server and apologies for an unfitting introduction to Predators. We've had better rounds, honest.
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Re: Preds playing house

Post by Sir Lordington » 19 May 2018, 12:01

Predators are currently required to build a lodge somewhere on the map. Information about the predators not being on the Wiki is intentional, as you're not meant to know much about them.

I'll be grabbing the logs for this, it'd help me greatly if you could clarify this for me. Your issue is that they did not hunt any targets and instead decided to stay in the lodge doing much of nothing but throwing things at marines? You say the broke Predator Rule 1, therefore the code. Which part of the code do you think they broke?
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Re: Preds playing house

Post by TheMusician321 » 19 May 2018, 22:12

I was scout spec during this round, I saw the preds hunt a marine and a couple of other xenos, hell one even RP'd with me and the tank before it hilariously accidentally got ran over and started slapping the tank with it's wristblades and we had to chase it off.
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Re: Preds playing house

Post by Emeraldblood » 21 May 2018, 03:00

This seems to just be a misunderstanding on the part of the player. It's very common for Predators to build safehouses to use as a base. Along with looting Marines, if a Predator killed someone and is taking something off the Marine (if they even were, as it could have been butchering), it's perfectly acceptable. Unless you believe there's a serious problem that needs looking into, this will most likely be closed soon. You'll have a few days to reply if you want us to continue this report.
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Re: Preds playing house

Post by NGGJamie » 21 May 2018, 03:17

I see no issues with the Predators played based on what is described here. They are required to build a lodge currently (This is under revision) before setting out to hunt. There is nothing particularly wrong with them looting marine items.

They can choose if they really wish, to go an entire round without harming a single thing. They are not bound to specific goals, only the ones they set for themselves and a general trust to not ruin the round for everyone. There is a lot of consideration surrounding them currently in the upper echelons of staff, and predators may see huge changes in the near future depending on the outcome.

Hope this sums things up for you.
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Re: Preds playing house

Post by Emeraldblood » 23 May 2018, 20:03

Well, there are no problems with players reported so we're gonna close this. Hopefully this helped clear up any misunderstandings. Resolved - no rules broke by the reported players.
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