Staff Report-SirLivinton

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Staff Report-SirLivinton

Post by SwordofBored » 16 Jun 2018, 07:10

Your Byond Key:
Your Character Name:
Eugene Lucer
Their Byond key:
Approximate time and date of the incident (Central Us Time for best results):
Which Staff Protocols (viewtopic.php?f=57&t=5647) were broken:
I recieved a job ban for an IC issue which I believe was properly handled by the trial admin. Trial admin was: MVP777 and I believe the admins rule disregards RP rule: All marines are of able mind and body
Description of the incident:
I was mutined against arresting only one marine by 3 others. I had the first marine in question tased on the ground with cuffs in hand ready to arrest him. These other marines pushed to interrupt the handcuffing(deliberately) and disarm clicked my cuffs out of my hands. I then drew my taser and tasered the marines surrounding me for interference. I icly got beat down and pulled a flashbang as a last resort because NO other marine followed the law and helped an MP. (I verbally told the first marine why he was being detained and to get on the ground, he refused before I tased him). The arguement for the job ban is that I shouldnt have been so close to the frontlines but marines under the RP rules should be of sound enough mind not to interfer blantly with an arrest. While it was not an ideal wipe the marines even still won in the end and I was still alive even.

Although it's not relevant I truely believe MVP777 handled the matter more accordingly then SirLivinton. MVP was patient(despite the fact I was spamming caps because I thought I would be banned wrongfully) and even offered IC solutions such as backup and better gear. SirLivintons only explanation for changing the trial mods ruling was "he didnt like it" and "if you feel I've breached protcal you can staff report me" so that's exactly what I intend to do.
Evidence (screenshots, logs, etc): Logs hopefully can be pulled- I believe the FOB incident starts around 4:30 am- I even admin pinged at the start of it because I thought they were breaking RP rules with their mutiny being lethal.

How you would punish the accused: I'm going to get called toxic for this but I would just like to not have to instantly fear one of you banning me with no say everytime I get an admin pm. It should just be policy you ask their side before you ban them job or server. Too elaborate that, I think Livington's decision is based of the amount of cap spam I used but like I said I was panicking because I enjoy the game and didnt want instanta banned so I went #PRETENDYOURALAWYERMODE

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Re: Staff Report-SirLivinton

Post by Mvp777 » 16 Jun 2018, 07:26

I'm currently only a Trial-Moderator, I believed at the time that a talking to and suggesting different ways of dealing with the situation was a reasonable course of action.

Sirlordington investigated the incident a fair while later and believed a more severe punishment was in order.

I fully admit to the fact that at the time i was not completely certain if MPs were allowed to leave the FOB in order to commit an arrest, nor did i know that MPs counted as non-combat crew. It was clarified to me after the incident in question and as a result my decision was not as informed as it should've been.

As such i have no issue with Sirlordington's decision to escalate the punishment.
Last edited by Mvp777 on 16 Jun 2018, 07:45, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Staff Report-SirLivinton

Post by x31stOverlord » 16 Jun 2018, 07:34

I was confused as fuck as to who Livinton was. Ckey is SirLordington
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Re: Staff Report-SirLivinton

Post by Sir Lordington » 16 Jun 2018, 07:41

The name is Sir Lordington, not Livinton, and MVP is a trial moderator, not a trial admin. Regardless, I don't think it's clear what protocol you think I broke. As an Admin, it is fully within my power to change the decision of a lower ranking staff member, in this case a trial moderator, if I believe they applied the wrong punishment.

I came across this when I saw that you, as an MP, had been permabrigged which is an OOC issue due to MPs having to follow Marine Law as rules so I started to investigate. I contacted you, as well as the Chief MP and the trial moderator who handled the issue. I learned that you had been arresting a marine on the frontline and both tased and flashbanged marines there, causing several deaths. This is bad enough in itself, but when I checked your notes I also saw that you had been warned two days ago for frontlining as an MP, so I judged these infractions warranted a jobban.

Like I told you during our conversation, if Marines break the rules and try to kill you during an arrest, you should ahelp it. However, that is a different issue from your being outside the FOB performing arrests despite having previously been warned against frontlining as an MP. Their actions do not excuse yours. Your procedure was questionable at best (you did not tell Murray to get on the ground or his charges), but if nothing else, you broke Marine specific rule 12: "Non-Combat members of the Almayer Crew may leave the ship, - IF they have clearance from their department head or the acting commander. They are restricted to the FOB only. Not getting clearance or leaving when told not to WILL result in a Job Ban. Exception: The Liaison. He can leave even if specifically told not too (resolved as an IC issue)."

In short, I did not change the trial moderator's ruling because "I didn't like it" but rather because I found that he had made a mistake, as is absolutely natural for someone who is learning, and because he was also unable to administer proper punishment due to trialmods lacking the ability to place job bans.
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Re: Staff Report-SirLivinton

Post by slc97 » 16 Jun 2018, 09:41


Livinton was correct in his actions. You, as an MP, should not be enacting battlefield arrests. You can only arrest at the FOB. Also, dropping that flashbang got a ton of dudes killed, and borders grief. Really, you got off pretty light on this whole thing.
