Player Report - Spheretech

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Player Report - Spheretech

Post by Bath Salts Addict » 23 Jun 2018, 05:07

Your Byond Key: Bath Salts Addict

Your Character Name: Various characters over a variety of rounds. For the specific example I'll give, I was a warrior who's numbers I forget.

Accused Byond Key(if known): Spheretech

Character Name: Lisa 'Hotshot' Taylor

Approximate time and date of the incident (Central US Time for fastest results): This has been going on for quite a while now. For the specific example, which was a few days ago, I'd say it was on the 20th of June.

What rule(s) were broken: The Roleplay Guidelines (and by extension rule 18) dictate that Marine characters must be of sound mind and healthy body. The way I see it, willingly FF'ing your teammates, even if it is to score a kill, isn't an indicator of sound mind. Similarly, Spheretech's disregard for the player they're FF'ing crosses into Rule 2 territory.

Description of the incident: It's pretty well-established that the player of Lisa 'Hotshot' Taylor is extremely kill thirsty. They squeal in bliss when they hear a xeno's death screech, or read the deathgasp text scroll across their screen. To them, seeing xeno blood fly is a high unlike any other. They want to click xeno 'till it's horizontal. The problem is, however, that their thirst for xeno blood often comes at the cost of their teammates. And this isn't a string of accidental friendly fire incidents, most of which involve the spec or TC role, but an intentional blatant disregard for anyone in the near vicinity of the thing they're trying to shoot. They will knowingly shoot a rocket at a teammate to kill even the most minor of xenos that is in the vicinity, and there in lies the problem. Spheretech will willingly FF teammates with callous disregard for them in their crusade for kills.

To name the most recent incident in memory, I was a warrior prowling around the prison station. Lurking around the FOB, I see a lone engineer welding vents next to a tank. I think to myself 'well, the tank won't do much if the engineer's right there' and go in for the attack. Biggest miscalculation. I make my move, I grab the engineer and promptly witness the tank to a full 180 and blast myself and the engineer with the tank cannon. Thankfully, the engineer was in the way so he absorbed most of the direct hit damage, while I managed to get away after being knocked back, but I do remember a good portion of my text box being "You hear a loud cracking sound coming from Urist McEngie." as the pixel greasemonkey crumpled. Mind you, this was an engineer, of which there could only be eight maximum. This wasn't some random ass grunt, this was someone essential to the Marine operation that got blown up by the tank's cannon because Spheretech wanted to validate themselves. If I was them, I would not be happy, and I've had rounds ruined before by them just like many others, and I definitely wasn't happy.

Without killing the engineer, Spheretech could have:
  • Gotten out of the tank with their partner and chased the warrior off.
  • Used the secondary weapon on the tank to deter the xeno. It was the flamer unit, I think. Not exactly the most ideal but not immediately lethal to the engineer unlike the LBT.
  • Tried to ram into the warrior. Again, not ideal as they'd have likely hit the engineer too but a million times better than using the LBT. Keep in mind the tank was only four or five tiles away from the engineer and the warrior.
  • Called for backup while in the process of doing either of the above.
The way I see it, Spheretech's behavior callously disregards the Roleplay Guidelines (and rule 18) which dictate that Marine characters must be of sound mind. Blatantly blowing up your teammates to try and score a kill on a random ass minor xeno is not indicative of a Marine that's of sound mind. If the above situation happened in real life, not only would the engineer be a steaming pile of giblets, but the tanker responsible would probably be court martialled, dishonorably discharged or even worse. People argue mechanics, but that's another thing, too. This was the start of the round. You can't justify sacrificing a, in the moderator's words, "expendable" (he was an engineer) Marine to kill a "major" (I know warriors are OP but come on) threat. At the end of the day, Colonial Marines is still a roleplay server, and some modicum of RP is expected. This includes not being such an unga that your fellow marines are invisible to you. Random accidents, even they're repeated, are fine, but when Spheretech knows what they're doing and do it anyways, then it stops becoming an accident. And, while this last part may be a bit of a stretch, these repeated incidents of intentional FF border on a complete disregard, even contempt, for the people they're playing the game with. To me, at least, I see it as a violation of golden Rule #2: Don't be a dick, but that's coming from someone who takes extreme caution not to FF and feels bad afterwards when I do and have been on the receiving end many times (majority of my Marine deaths are from FF, not xenos).

Evidence (screenshots, logs, etc):
Shortly after the most recent incident, I had time to mull it over and concluded that Spheretech's behavior is a problematic one, and I decided to send an ahelp. Sxmething responded, and promptly used mechanics and gameplay to justify what amounts to a violation of roleplay rules. The following conversation is here, in order. ... 5942c6.png ... db0704.png ... be6925.png ... c6d7a3.png ... 7a072f.png ... 3facf8.png ... 9eb7d3.png

How you would punish the accused: I really just want to see this nipped in the bud. I don't care if the staff team decide to level some punishment or not, but I just want them to acknowledge that this is not acceptable, and that Spheretech should be scrutinized heavily when they're playing roles with a lot of potential for friendly fire, like TC or Spec. As a mentor and someone who has a predator app on the forums, they should not be exhibiting or encouraging this sort of behavior, lack of RP and utter dickholery.

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Re: Player Report - Spheretech

Post by spheretech » 23 Jun 2018, 06:25

First I wanna say that I never expected someone to be that salty and try to get me in trouble right after a shot. (your posted screenshots)
Second, the tank did not have a secondary.
Third, I remember this situation crystal clear, so I know when you're lying. Not smart.
You were not next to the engineer, you were at a doorway like 5 tiles away.
(purple is xeno, green is engineer)

You want us to LET you lunge at the engineer, get out of the tank (which is blocking the entire hallway), and chase you ON FOOT to save him?
This is completely ridiculous. I saved the engineers life by firing that cannon, you know it, and you're mad about it.

"Thankfully, the engineer was in the way so he absorbed most of the direct hit damage"
I can't believe someone would go out of their way to lie just to get me in trouble. The shell hit nowhere near the engi, and almost did a direct hit on you.
You were one fucking click from lunging at the engineer and I stopped you.

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Re: Player Report - Spheretech

Post by Bath Salts Addict » 23 Jun 2018, 13:53

At least you're not outright denying it. That's a start. First, I'd suggest you don't throw ad hominem around, as that's really not a good look for you. Accusations of salt and being mad about something I didn't even die to aren't either, as well as using this report alongside all of the ad hominems in an attempt to discredit valid criticism on your Predator app without actually addressing the points. Just take a breather, I'm not out to get you. I'm out to address problematic behavior.

Now allow me to retort.

Black indicates me, an intellectual.
Yellow indicates where the tank was.
Blue (cyan?) indicates where the engineer was.
Red indicates the exact spot you claimed he was, which in fact was a lie in and of itself, as there is a disposal bin right there.

Contrary to your claims, I had already lunged at him and was right next to him when you fired. Granted, your firing angle means the engineer wasn't in the path for a direct hit, but your claims that I was five tiles away from him when you fired are untrue. I lunged, and was right next to him when you shot.

And of course, you haven't done anything to discredit or defend the fact that you've done this countless times before. The incident that we're arguing is honestly not the main point of this report, but just one I could describe in detail as it's the most recent in my mind. I could talk about the time you SADAR'd an SL to the point where they became unrevivable because there was a young hunter ontop of them, but that was a while ago and I don't remember all of it well nor do I have any evidence. I could also mention the time I saw you run over five Marines and all the barricades the engineers put up at the lambda entrance just to shoot at a retreating, wounded xeno and ended up paving the way for the marine force to get wiped out by a good Queen charge. The main point is that you repeatedly violate both rule 2 and rule 18 because you're just so damn kill thirsty that you will willingly, intentionally FF anyone in your way if they're unfortunate enough to be nearby. You're not the only one playing this game that expects some modicum of RP from it's players, but you don't seem to care.
Last edited by Bath Salts Addict on 23 Jun 2018, 14:10, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Player Report - Spheretech

Post by spheretech » 23 Jun 2018, 14:10

You claim to have already lunged and grabbed him?
He was trying to dismantle the disposals bin, he had no business near the door, and was not near it when I fired.

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Re: Player Report - Spheretech

Post by Bath Salts Addict » 23 Jun 2018, 14:26

spheretech wrote:
23 Jun 2018, 14:10
You claim to have already lunged and grabbed him?
He was trying to dismantle the disposals bin, he had no business near the door, and was not near it when I fired.
I find that odd, as both vents were unwelded and at that point marines were already welding vents near the FOB. If he really was dismantling the disposals bin, then he'd be in one of the two indicated areas, which really doesn't make much of a difference. You were facing north, and you weren't wedged in the doorway and had to have turned in order to get a shot on me. In that time, I was already right next to him and going in for the attack.

I also edited the last part of my previous post to elaborate on my point.

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Re: Player Report - Spheretech

Post by Bath Salts Addict » 23 Jun 2018, 15:01

RedSovietMuffin wrote:
23 Jun 2018, 14:42
Summarizing of all above. I don't want to sound rude, but your arguments are ridiculous af and you're just a bag of salt (no offense meant). Sphere is a very good tank gunner, I've observed him multiple times. And sacrifices are always made during war. Sacrificing 1 marine (even engineer) for 1 xenos is a good trade, ESPECIALLY in situations like this. It was either engineer would be taken and made into new larva, or there is a chance that marine won't get husked\gibbed and then revived.
A tanker (An ensign is a junior officer, usually fresh out of the academy. Even Lieutenants are a dime a dozen) can't make that call. They're not high enough up the chain yet to be that callous like an XO or CO can, and they especially don't know the Xenomorph reproductive process to be able to justify sacrificing a human, living being for what they knew of them at the time is a random ass aggressive animal. You wouldn't throw a grenade at a zookeeper to stop a rampaging lion that escaped it's enclosure and justify it with all the potential lives saved, would you? One xeno is not worth one Marine, especially an engineer, and especially when you're going to shoot it with an explosive cannon and not have anyone around to follow up with it. And especially not at the start of a round when you barely know a thing about the xenos. Not their capabilities, and especially not their reproductive process.

And if a tanker does make that call, there's probably something wrong with them mentally. That is against the roleplay guidelines, and the crux of my argument, at least from an IC perspective. From an OOC perspective, it's just dick behavior, and needs to stop.
Last edited by Bath Salts Addict on 23 Jun 2018, 15:07, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Player Report - Spheretech

Post by Cry of Wolves » 23 Jun 2018, 15:58


► Show Spoiler
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No direct hit
The engineer is talking, so he survived the explosion.
You even survived and ran away
The pretzeling of the rules to get this player in trouble is also pretty poor on your part. The moderator gave you the answer and you didn't like it, so you took it to the forums. I'll bring him here to speak, but for the most part, This is looking like a salty report to me.

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Re: Player Report - Spheretech

Post by Solarmare » 23 Jun 2018, 16:09

In the interest of transparency, three posts have been deleted over Rule #2. Do not post if you are not acting as a witness, and if you are keep that simple and clear and don't just use it as an excuse to say what should and shouldn't be as managers will deal with that.
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Re: Player Report - Spheretech

Post by Sleepy Retard » 23 Jun 2018, 16:36

While not the direct situation, I have witnessed Lisa assblast several marines as a tc to secure kills. The last most notable one I remember is a scout spec, cliff campbell, a week or two ago (granted I don't play much with them as TC so its hard to see of they do it recently). They were in a chokepoint and they killed more marines than xenos in hopes of catching the xenos as well.

Now, do I think it's a rulebreak? Ehhh...I just know I've seen them do it, and other people can attest to it - to know if it's intentional or not, I dunno. Just that I've seen it happen a lot. Not sure if this is relevant to the report, but given it's about their overall behaviour it might be.
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Re: Player Report - Spheretech

Post by Bath Salts Addict » 23 Jun 2018, 16:43

Solarmare wrote:
23 Jun 2018, 16:09
In the interest of transparency, three posts have been deleted over Rule #2. Do not post if you are not acting as a witness, and if you are keep that simple and clear and don't just use it as an excuse to say what should and shouldn't be as managers will deal with that.
If it helps any, I'm fine with people posting opinions in support of or against this report. The specific incident I've mentioned, despite it being the most argued point here, isn't what the report is about, but just an example I've made of problematic behavior that I've seen time and time again. My hope is that by coming forward with my concerns people will put forth their own anecdotes. I don't really care for punishments, but would rather see this type of behavior nipped in the bud and acknowledged that it's not okay to be doing repeatedly.

I'm just dismayed that Sphere is able to get away with throwing around ad hominem and accusations, and that everything I say is chalked up to salt regarding an incident I didn't even die to.

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Re: Player Report - Spheretech

Post by spheretech » 23 Jun 2018, 17:05

El Defaultio wrote:
23 Jun 2018, 16:36
While not the direct situation, I have witnessed Lisa assblast several marines as a tc to secure kills. The last most notable one I remember is a scout spec, cliff campbell, a week or two ago (granted I don't play much with them as TC so its hard to see of they do it recently). They were in a chokepoint and they killed more marines than xenos in hopes of catching the xenos as well.

Now, do I think it's a rulebreak? Ehhh...I just know I've seen them do it, and other people can attest to it - to know if it's intentional or not, I dunno. Just that I've seen it happen a lot. Not sure if this is relevant to the report, but given it's about their overall behaviour it might be.
I don't fire the LTB on purpose if it is gonna hit 2 or more marines. The radius is massive, but the splash would never alone kill a marine. I have played 20 rounds of TC and if I can recall, only gibbed 2 people ON ACCIDENT as they got in front of the tank. FF happens to everyone.

I've also been blamed for my gunner being bad just for being in the tank, so I can't trust these accusations anymore either.

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Re: Player Report - Spheretech

Post by sxmething » 23 Jun 2018, 17:23

I'm on mobile, and on holiday, so i'll keep this brief.

I stand by what I said in response to your ahelp - a warrior is clearly a major threat. Say if the tank crew didn't take a risky shot in an attempt to kill the xeno, chances are it will maul the marine as they watch. While I didn't see the shot, above posts lead me to believe that you were moving towards the engi. The likely split second decision was made to fire while there was still a chance for the engi to survive the blast, which he did. I find this case extremely petty - no player would leave another marine to die in front of them, and would risk the FF.

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Re: Player Report - Spheretech

Post by Wubs4Scrubs » 23 Jun 2018, 19:23

I can't attest to the other instances in this report that have been claimed such as driving over marine and cades to secure a kill, however I don't see any issue in "intentional" FF if it is to protect a marine.

It's probably impossible to ever prove somebody is being kill thirsty by shooting near other marines as I'd always rather have some blast damage than potentially being carted off by a xeno. And if there was a Queen on top of 5 marines I'd still shoot it with an RPG, LTB, whatever as you have to take any opportunity you can to try and take down a particularly dangerous xeno.

I see Lisa around a lot and I can't recall ever having an incident where I thought they were throwing me under the bus for a kill count. I think the damming part of this report is that the actual victim didn't file it, but the xeno who was pushed back as a result of Sphere's actions. It's hard to see this as anything but a salt report considering these things.

If you feel that Sphere is doing something more egregious than what you reported then make a report about that incident, you can't just say "Well this wasn't so bad, but this other time!"

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Re: Player Report - Spheretech

Post by Emeraldblood » 02 Jul 2018, 09:35

Right, I'm going to say that shooting the cannon at a Warrior isn't a bad idea. While the cannon may end up killing the Marine in a worst case, Warriors are known for securing bodies for the hive (unlike something like the Lurker) so if it was risking the Marine being captured or shooting him and the Xeno with the cannon. Unless the Engineer himself had a direct problem with getting shot by the tank, this is left IC.

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