Player Report - Aestel Rose Wellick

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Re: Player Report - Aestel Rose Wellick

Post by Aestel » 24 Jun 2018, 23:39

awan wrote:
24 Jun 2018, 23:37
Even if all the crew is against the commander without permission you cannot mutiny.
Multiple commanders have been protected by this.
You only had one or 2 so I checked in medical using the console. The XO was outside of your front door. And there was another mp for sure.
That isn't a rule anymore. Please check marine law before you play CMP for the sanity of us all. In this case, you were the only one in the command line of succession to oppose it. You were given multiple warnings, and then you got your shit beat down.

"Mutiny - A mutiny must have the support of at least 5 other mutineers. MPs are not allowed to mutiny. The Acting Commander must be given a chance to stand down peacefully. Everyone on both sides receives medical treatment after it’s over unless a whitelisted Commander opts to battlefield execute the mutineers."

This is now the second time that you have been called out for not knowing the rules this month alone, you are literally a mod.
Last edited by Aestel on 24 Jun 2018, 23:54, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Player Report - Aestel Rose Wellick

Post by awan » 24 Jun 2018, 23:53

True, during the rule changes you no longer have to ahelp.
Point to me the first time I was told I do not know the rules? (I hope this is what I think it is.)
And the moment I was given a chance to stand down peacefully?
Because I can show you the logs of me not attacking.
Also I wanted to wait until kavlo confirmed this. But I have only attacked people before the crash.
The logs here are from just after the message about the collision course.
All deadchat is removed so is all speech by myself.
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Re: Player Report - Aestel Rose Wellick

Post by Aestel » 25 Jun 2018, 00:04

So you are now lying in your report. The reason I was disarming you was because you were holding the stun baton that you were actively using until we started kicking the shit out of you. You can see the baton on the ground underneath you while the rest of us surrounded you. Screenshots don't lie.

And did you already forget about the last time you got called out for not knowing marine law: viewtopic.php?f=71&t=17414 arresting doctors for keeping shit in THEIR OWN SMART FRIDGE that had been ID locked for two months prior that incident. And now not knowing your mutiny rules. Either keep up to date, or don't play CMP that is literally your sole job function.
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Re: Player Report - Aestel Rose Wellick

Post by awan » 25 Jun 2018, 00:14

Yeah, no that was not a marine law issue but not knowing what access a smartfridge has.
It is funny how you see that as not knowing marine law.
And once more I have asked another mod to confirm the logs.

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Re: Player Report - Aestel Rose Wellick

Post by awan » 25 Jun 2018, 03:52

Sulaboy wrote:
25 Jun 2018, 03:22
Now I don't have all the details but the acting commander is the only person who can authorize a NJP on an officer. So it is not your right to give a NJP to the commander.
Well, this has been added in after this round in question.
You can see the history of the marine law page and see that that is so.

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Re: Player Report - Aestel Rose Wellick

Post by Solarmare » 25 Jun 2018, 13:13

Your post will just be deleted, we don't need arguments or opinions in these threads just people who were present giving an account of what occurred.
Furthermore actually be respectful to other people, thank you. Marine law is not set in stone and can change depending on certain situations arising such as these, so keep that in mind as well.
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Re: Player Report - Aestel Rose Wellick

Post by Nantei » 25 Jun 2018, 16:25

I was flashed several times by you. Arresting the commander for pajamas is already pretty ridiculous, marine law or not. It's light-hearted fun and it hurts noone. Then you wanted to arrest the commander whilst the dropship was coming RIGHT AT US. That is patently ridiculous already, but on top of it, you started flashing random people, myself included. I think you flashed me about 2 or 3 times. After that the entire crew turned on you and beat you. It is not a mutiny, you aren't the commander, punching the CMP is an in-character problem. I even insisted people stop punching you before you get killed, because I did not want to kill you, only for you to stop being disruptive in an emergency event. Kind of funny that wasn't in this, isn't it? I insisted people restrain you somehow, and helped Symbiosis ensure you were treated. After that I walked off to try and find MIkey, and wasn't aware you had been literally beaten to death. I hit you only 3 times, which is hardly worthy of a report as is.

Also something that has not been mentioned up until now, but you had an MT tear down a wall in CIC, thus actively screwing us for when the ship landed. And I am fairly certain you started doing this as the ship was going down.

Lethal force was not used by any of the crew at that point either, which makes me question even more why you included me and the others in this report. All things considered I think we handled it pretty damn patiently considering how ridiculous the situation was, and we all know that if it was possible, you would have been battlefield executed without a single person to shed a tear.

When the entire crew thinks you are in the wrong, it may be time to rethink your position.

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Re: Player Report - Aestel Rose Wellick

Post by Royal Griffon » 25 Jun 2018, 17:25

as a player witness here and the SO this round, I can tell you one thing, I saw the CO's timer go to 0 and the cell open when I went to see if one marine I demanded for arrest was actually arrested (they weren't) and I saw the CO's cell open and she was free, next thing you know she's reportedly, "had to break out of the cell to get out of the brig with a baton," which as a CMP main myself means she was improperly arrested as well and was able to escape and get to the CiC RIGHT WHEN marines had to evacuate the ground, basically she was in a cell the entire match. Then when xenos had indeed landed, you still went to arrest her, this cost command dearly, for we had little to no leadership ourselves until the xenos basically were knocking on our door. Even then we didn't have any leadership.
Just my input here, saying I saw her door open and her time end but still she was arrested for even longer. Then again, there were some charge stackers in the MPs that round. It would've made sense now saying she probably called out one who was watching her and he added charges to her and made her time equivalent to that of perma'able basically. Didn't help that the admemes sent that message either, in all honesty, I'd blame the message we got as well as the way it was handled. I mean, she used a baton and nearly beat a guard to death with it. Meaning she was improperly arrested or an admeme gave her it. Either way the whole operation with the arrest and the command of the ground was horrible at best.
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Re: Player Report - Aestel Rose Wellick

Post by lmwevil » 25 Jun 2018, 20:39

Hi, I think I was a smartgunner on this specific round, playing Tess Greed. Me and my squad had absolutely no clue about any of the CO vs CMP shit, as the aSL as I get up and get to the fortifications with an impending dropship, I find myself blinded three times and the CMP running around with his baton out. So naturally after all this he's actively interfering with our defence and therefore our potential life, so when he got dunked by everyone else, I threw two (or three) punches because he was being a massive jackass. Marine Law is the law, but as CiC was the active FOB you don't impede defences by mass flashing by using it in your hand.

That's my two cents, it was a clusterfuck and I never even saw a command report relieving the CO, nor did it matter in the situation posed to me as a defender.

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Re: Player Report - Aestel Rose Wellick

Post by Aestel » 25 Jun 2018, 20:59

Keep in mind, there was an actual riot in briefing, but the CMP was too busy getting his jollies off at the possibility of arresting the CO to do anything. You can check the logs for that as well while you are diving.
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Re: Player Report - Aestel Rose Wellick

Post by taketheshot56 » 26 Jun 2018, 02:41

Ill give my two cents in terms of character witness, i was not present during this event but I have been present in many others that involve Awan.

Awan i think you are a chill guy and I enjoy playing with you in any other role but CMP. As CMP it seems you go OUT of you way to fuck over the marines as much as possible and its just really toxic.
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Re: Player Report - Aestel Rose Wellick

Post by Frans_Feiffer » 26 Jun 2018, 03:22

As the XO that round, I feel it useful to put my 2 cents in, despite the info I have to put in being stated before. The round started and I was greeted to Wellick wearing the pajamas, which I didn’t really think much about it. I played a round before as an SO where a commander had worn Pajamas all round, and yes I see how it can be low RP, but it made for a laugh listening to a marine get chewed out for commenting on the comanders attire. Either way though, I hadn’t thought anything of it and let it slide. It may make for low RP, but it was funny to see, and it’s not like i’m to enforce Marine law. The round then continued normally up until after briefing, where upon dismissing the marines the CMP had flashed us without warning, that being Wellick, myself, the CL, and an SO if i’m not mistaken. The CMP detained Wellick, and I was informed through comms later why she was detained. It was upsetting that it all had occurred,
However I was willing to try my best and run the operation from there, and it seemed Wellick was fine with leading from her cell.
I’m not sure what happened from her perspective, or anyone elses but not too long after briefing, Wellick had asked me to head to the brig and so I did. The MPs were telling me she threatened to space the CMP for touching Jones and so she was brigged for another 15 minutes, but even they agreed it was an offhand remark and not one to be taken seriously. Either way though, This is when she hit the MP with the baton and escaped, locking herself in the CIC for a good portion of the match. I was locked outside, and upon asking if I could gain entry, I was never given a response. I just assumed she wouldn’t let me in in case the CMP was there waiting for her to open the doors for me, only then to detain her or whatnot, and when asked why I was outside, this was the response I gave. I wasn’t mad
Per se at the events that transpired before hand, but What did make me upset was the fact that till this point,
We were unable to actually lead the Operation and in essence play the game due to the CMP. I wanted nothing more then to command and lead marines, you know, do my job as XO, but with being down in the brig trying to talk things out, and being locked out of the CIC, I was unable to do so for all of the game up until we were boarded by the Xenos and bum rushed. Eventually the CIC was unlocked, and Things
Seemed resolved, but around the same time the Aliens had taken over the dropship and were heading our way, as I was talking to Wellick, without warning we were flashed not once,
Not twice, not thrice, but four times. I would be fine with this, if it weren’t happening while we were being boarded,
But sure enough that’s when this all occurred. By the time I was unflashed, Xenos were in the hallway leading to CIC, Marines were dying and many individuals were bludgeoning the CMP. He wasn’t just thrown to the wayside though, he was given medical treatment and all, even if he eventually did die. What I can gather from the whole situation is that the only big major issue was the fact that we were not able to lead and do our jobs as Command and lead the OP, for we were either preoccupied,
Brigged, flashed, or locked out of the CIC the whole time. It’s not something I think is punishable any further,
For what’s done is done, but it was a bummer since as XO I want to do my best to keep the marines alive during the OP. That’s my input though. Eventually afterwards we all died, the Aliens laughed at us and the next few rounds marines kept finding ways to poke fun at how much of a meme that round was. Anyways though, I hope my perspesctice at least shed some light on the situation and the problems that occurred that round. I can see where that round could’ve been a bummer, and annoying, but I don’t think Wellick should be punished for the actions that occurred that round. Out of the few times i’ve played XO for Wellick, that was the only time anything bad had happened,
And I don’t think she meant any harm when she put on the pajamas, nor when she made the remark about spacing the CMP
It really just seems like a series of unfortunate events that packed onto one another and made one round go faster then
Normal, but nothing too big to really punish anyone for. This is just my take on the situation though and I hope me rambling may have given more insight on the sticky situation at hand
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Re: Player Report - Aestel Rose Wellick

Post by awan » 26 Jun 2018, 08:07

Going into your pj's is low rp.
Going on a rampage and attacking mp's (With lethal weapons) as commander even more so.
If a cl gets arrested and attacks mp's to get free to lock themselves in their office they get hit with self antagging.
Also, the first flashbang was thrown before the hijack message. I had 2 flashbangs but the second one was already used earlier.
The other mp's had arrested the person who used the flamer in briefing like I ordered them to.
Since I had a dc the CO was actively attacking me once I got into cic not the other way around.
And once more there are ic ways to deal with disagreeing with the CMP and no ahelp was done not even a fax send against my actions.

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Re: Player Report - Aestel Rose Wellick

Post by Economicairborn » 26 Jun 2018, 08:40

awan wrote:
26 Jun 2018, 08:07
And once more there are ic ways to deal with disagreeing with the CMP and no ahelp was done not even a fax send against my actions.
As the CL that round, I sent a fax to USCM HICOM about your actions, however I haven't received any response. There probably was a problem at the relay or something.

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Re: Player Report - Aestel Rose Wellick

Post by Rahlzel » 05 Jul 2018, 12:34

Code: Select all

[18:16:40]ATTACK: Awan Oostveen (awan) primed a flashbang (<A HREF='?_src_=holder;adminplayerobservecoodjump=1;X=82;Y=251;Z=3'>JMP</a>)
[18:17:02]ACCESS: Logout: Awan/(Awan Oostveen)
[18:17:39]ACCESS: Login: Awan/(Awan Oostveen) || BYOND v512.1427
[18:17:51]ATTACK: Aestell/(Aestel 'Rose' Wellick) attempted to handcuff Awan/(Awan Oostveen)
[18:17:53]ATTACK: Awan Oostveen (awan) Used the flash to flash Frans 'Phoenix' Feiffer (breckonmontague) (<A HREF='?_src_=holder;adminplayerobservecoodjump=1;X=80;Y=248;Z=3'>JMP</a>)
[18:17:54]ATTACK: Awan Oostveen (awan) Used the flash to flash Aestel 'Rose' Wellick (aestell) (<A HREF='?_src_=holder;adminplayerobservecoodjump=1;X=80;Y=248;Z=3'>JMP</a>)
[18:17:56]ATTACK: Awan Oostveen (awan) Used the flash to flash Phi 'Makaria' Rathens (nantei) (<A HREF='?_src_=holder;adminplayerobservecoodjump=1;X=79;Y=248;Z=3'>JMP</a>)
[18:18:06]ATTACK: Awan Oostveen (awan) Used the flash to flash Dawson Hook (superjo98) (<A HREF='?_src_=holder;adminplayerobservecoodjump=1;X=81;Y=250;Z=3'>JMP</a>)
[18:18:30]ATTACK: Awan Oostveen (awan) Used the flash to flash Aestel 'Rose' Wellick (aestell) (<A HREF='?_src_=holder;adminplayerobservecoodjump=1;X=79;Y=256;Z=3'>JMP</a>)
[18:18:34]ATTACK: Awan/(Awan Oostveen) attempted to handcuff Aestell/(Aestel 'Rose' Wellick)
[18:18:36]ATTACK: Symbiosis/(Cliff 'Chubs' Campbell) punched Awan/(Awan Oostveen)
[18:18:38]ATTACK: Symbiosis/(Cliff 'Chubs' Campbell) punched Awan/(Awan Oostveen)
[18:18:44]ATTACK: Symbiosis/(Cliff 'Chubs' Campbell) punched Awan/(Awan Oostveen)
[18:18:45]ATTACK: Symbiosis/(Cliff 'Chubs' Campbell) punched Awan/(Awan Oostveen)
[18:18:53]GAME: Explosion with size (0, 5, 10) in area Almayer Requisitions 
[18:18:54]GAME: Explosion with size (0, 5, 10) in area Almayer Bravo Preparation 
[18:18:54]GAME: Explosion with size (0, 5, 10) in area Almayer Requisitions 
[18:18:55]GAME: Explosion with size (0, 5, 10) in area Almayer Starboard Hallway 
[18:18:56]GAME: Explosion with size (0, 5, 10) in area Almayer Requisitions 
[18:18:56]GAME: Explosion with size (0, 5, 10) in area Almayer Briefing Area 
[18:18:56]GAME: Explosion with size (0, 5, 10) in area Almayer Port Hallway 
[18:18:57]GAME: Explosion with size (0, 5, 10) in area Almayer Starboard Hallway 
[18:18:57]GAME: Explosion with size (0, 5, 10) in area Almayer Requisitions 
[18:18:57]GAME: Explosion with size (0, 5, 10) in area Almayer Requisitions
[18:18:57]ATTACK: Awan/(Awan Oostveen) stunned Aestell/(Aestel 'Rose' Wellick) with the the stunbaton.
[18:19:02]ATTACK: Awan/(Awan Oostveen) disarmed Awan Oostveen (awan)
[18:19:05]ATTACK: Symbiosis/(Cliff 'Chubs' Campbell) punched Awan/(Awan Oostveen)
[18:19:06]ATTACK: Aestell/(Aestel 'Rose' Wellick) disarmed Awan Oostveen (awan)
[18:19:08]ATTACK: Aestell/(Aestel 'Rose' Wellick) disarmed Awan Oostveen (awan)
[18:19:08]ATTACK: Symbiosis/(Cliff 'Chubs' Campbell) punched Awan/(Awan Oostveen)
[18:19:09]ATTACK: Symbiosis/(Cliff 'Chubs' Campbell) punched Awan/(Awan Oostveen)
[18:19:09]ATTACK: Aestell/(Aestel 'Rose' Wellick) disarmed Awan Oostveen (awan)
[18:19:11]ATTACK: Aestell/(Aestel 'Rose' Wellick) disarmed Awan Oostveen (awan)
[18:19:11]ATTACK: Ghost120/(Leon 'Ghost' Daemon) punched Awan/(Awan Oostveen)
[18:19:11]ATTACK: Symbiosis/(Cliff 'Chubs' Campbell) punched Awan/(Awan Oostveen)
[18:19:11]ATTACK: Nantei/(Phi 'Makaria' Rathens) punched Awan/(Awan Oostveen)
[18:19:11]ATTACK: Lmwevil/(Tess Greed) punched Awan/(Awan Oostveen)
[18:19:12]ATTACK: Ghost120/(Leon 'Ghost' Daemon) punched Awan/(Awan Oostveen)
[18:19:12]ATTACK: Symbiosis/(Cliff 'Chubs' Campbell) punched Awan/(Awan Oostveen)
[18:19:12]ATTACK: Nantei/(Phi 'Makaria' Rathens) punched Awan/(Awan Oostveen)
[18:19:12]ATTACK: Lmwevil/(Tess Greed) punched Awan/(Awan Oostveen)
[18:19:13]ATTACK: Aestell/(Aestel 'Rose' Wellick) disarmed Awan Oostveen (awan)
[18:19:13]ATTACK: Ghost120/(Leon 'Ghost' Daemon) punched Awan/(Awan Oostveen)
[18:19:14]ATTACK: Symbiosis/(Cliff 'Chubs' Campbell) punched Awan/(Awan Oostveen)
[18:19:14]ATTACK: Nantei/(Phi 'Makaria' Rathens) punched Awan/(Awan Oostveen)
[18:19:14]ATTACK: Lmwevil/(Tess Greed) punched Awan/(Awan Oostveen)
[18:19:14]ATTACK: Ghost120/(Leon 'Ghost' Daemon) punched Awan/(Awan Oostveen)
[18:19:15]ATTACK: Symbiosis/(Cliff 'Chubs' Campbell) punched Awan/(Awan Oostveen)
[18:19:16]ATTACK: Ghost120/(Leon 'Ghost' Daemon) punched Awan/(Awan Oostveen)
[18:19:16]ATTACK: Symbiosis/(Cliff 'Chubs' Campbell) punched Awan/(Awan Oostveen)
[18:19:17]ATTACK: Ghost120/(Leon 'Ghost' Daemon) punched Awan/(Awan Oostveen)
[18:19:17]ATTACK: Symbiosis/(Cliff 'Chubs' Campbell) punched Awan/(Awan Oostveen)
[18:19:18]ATTACK: Nantei/(Phi 'Makaria' Rathens) disarmed Awan Oostveen (awan)
[18:19:18]ATTACK: Bancrose/(Heinz 'Wulfe' Meuller) disarmed Awan Oostveen (awan)
[18:19:21]ATTACK: Ryder5/(Darius James) punched Awan/(Awan Oostveen)
[18:19:22]ATTACK: Ryder5/(Darius James) punched Awan/(Awan Oostveen)
[18:19:29]ATTACK: Symbiosis/(Cliff 'Chubs' Campbell) grabbed Awan/(Awan Oostveen)
[18:19:36]ATTACK: Symbiosis/(Cliff 'Chubs' Campbell) punched Awan/(Awan Oostveen)
[18:19:38]ATTACK: Symbiosis/(Cliff 'Chubs' Campbell) punched Awan/(Awan Oostveen)
[18:19:39]ATTACK: Symbiosis/(Cliff 'Chubs' Campbell) punched Awan/(Awan Oostveen)
[18:19:39]ATTACK: Nantei/(Phi 'Makaria' Rathens) disarmed Awan Oostveen (awan)
[18:19:40]ATTACK: Symbiosis/(Cliff 'Chubs' Campbell) punched Awan/(Awan Oostveen)
[18:19:40]ATTACK: Nantei/(Phi 'Makaria' Rathens) disarmed Awan Oostveen (awan)
[18:19:41]ATTACK: Ghost120/(Leon 'Ghost' Daemon) punched Awan/(Awan Oostveen)
[18:19:42]ATTACK: Nantei/(Phi 'Makaria' Rathens) disarmed Awan Oostveen (awan)
[18:19:42]ATTACK: Symbiosis/(Cliff 'Chubs' Campbell) punched Awan/(Awan Oostveen)
[18:19:43]ATTACK: Ghost120/(Leon 'Ghost' Daemon) punched Awan/(Awan Oostveen)
[18:19:43]ATTACK: Nantei/(Phi 'Makaria' Rathens) disarmed Awan Oostveen (awan)
[18:19:43]ATTACK: Symbiosis/(Cliff 'Chubs' Campbell) punched Awan/(Awan Oostveen)
[18:19:44]ATTACK: Ghost120/(Leon 'Ghost' Daemon) punched Awan/(Awan Oostveen)
[18:19:47]ATTACK: Nantei/(Phi 'Makaria' Rathens) disarmed Awan Oostveen (awan)
[18:19:49]EMOTE: Awan Oostveen/Awan : <B>WO Awan Oostveen</B> gasps!
[18:19:52]ATTACK: Symbiosis/(Cliff 'Chubs' Campbell) grabbed Awan/(Awan Oostveen)
[18:19:55]ACCESS: Logout: *no key*/(Awan Oostveen)
[18:19:55]ACCESS: Login: Awan/(Awan Oostveen) || BYOND v512.1427
[18:19:56]EMOTE: Awan Oostveen/@Awan : <B>WO Awan Oostveen</B> gasps!
[18:21:07]ATTACK: Cliff 'Chubs' Campbell (symbiosis) fed Awan Oostveen (@awan) with pill Reagents: bicaridine(15u) (INTENT: HURT) (<A HREF='?_src_=holder;adminplayerobservecoodjump=1;X=86;Y=263;Z=3'>JMP</a>)
Here's an excerpt of Awan's logs, including the dropship crash. It's out of context and makes it look like Awan is just flashing and punching people for no reason, so keep that in mind, but it does help paint a picture and keep everyone honest.
awan wrote: That makes it a mutiny. (That was not ahelped about.)
A mutiny can only happen against the Acting CO, and it no longer needs to be Ahelped.

If the CO wants to show up for the briefing in pajamas, that could be a player wanting to RP being a shitty commander, and they might be good at it. Plus, it's his ship. I've seen and heard stories of commanders IRL doing things even lazier and everyone accepts it because it's his ship and he's earned that right. I don't know the details and I've just skimmed this report so I'm just speaking from a neutral standpoint.

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Re: Player Report - Aestel Rose Wellick

Post by awan » 05 Jul 2018, 13:44

The CO was in the cic with only one so at the time that the flashbang was primed.
The CO was already rogue and had their mateba out on me that is what caused me to go for the flashbang.
Only after my dc did other players come in/were they in.
It now was a bit ago that this incident happened and the ce has not shown up I hoped they would to confirm that.
I got a dc throwing priming the flashbang not 20 seconds after timing it. That might be the timeout time in byond.
Once more the second the aliens landed my attack stopped. You can see the stun was in the same second as the aliens landing because of the lag the crash creates.
No attacks from me happened after this time (Except for an idiotic disarm on myself)

That part of mutinies had not been defined before this incident you now said a mutiny can only happen against the Commander. I did a quick search and I cannot find this specific ruling anywhere. I myself used the definition wikipedia gives : Mutiny is a criminal conspiracy among a group of people (typically members of the military or the crew of any ship, even if they are civilians) to openly oppose, change, or overthrow a lawful authority to which they are subject.

Also the entire reason for this report against Aestel is the rampage they went on not the stuff in cic.
The other 3 got mentioned for the behaviour in cic but Aestel for the stuff before that.
The main player reported here is Aestel and it is still being shifted towards what happened in cic when it was about the prelude.

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Re: Player Report - Aestel Rose Wellick

Post by Nantei » 06 Jul 2018, 03:13

The mutiny rule explicitly states acting commander. If you are not the acting commander, it is not a mutiny. As is, we had more than 5 people there opposing you, so even if you were it would not be relevant and this would be a legal mutiny. Frankly I don't know why you even mentioned me in it other than trying to pretzel me. I punched you a few times, and stopped once things started going too far. Why even mention it?
"A mutiny must have the support of at least 5 other mutineers. MPs are not allowed to mutiny. The Acting Commander must be given a chance to stand down peacefully. Everyone on both sides receives medical treatment after it’s over unless a whitelisted Commander opts to battlefield execute the mutineers."
And before you even mention it, a chance to stand down would imply that the ACO hasn't already opened hostilities. (I would say flashing me is pretty damn hostile, and that punching you would be a pretty appropriate non-lethal response.)

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Re: Player Report - Aestel Rose Wellick

Post by awan » 06 Jul 2018, 12:41

Mutiny rule does state acting commander. But it could also have been that whoever wrote it never thought they would mutiny against the cmp/provost/po/tc.

I reconnected from my dc and was already activly being stripped by the CO. And that is also something that has always been seen as iffy. There was no reason to not wait for me to come back and properly rp. You can also see the flashes are at almost the same coords. So you were not an innocent bystander 30m away you were next to them/me letting the CO do this. Are you saying it was unreasonable to follow the orders high command gave?

I put the people in who assaulted the most. As stated earlier.

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Re: Player Report - Aestel Rose Wellick

Post by Rahlzel » 06 Jul 2018, 14:38

awan wrote:
06 Jul 2018, 12:41
Mutiny rule does state acting commander. But it could also have been that whoever wrote it never thought they would mutiny against the cmp/provost/po/tc.
Whomever wrote it knows that a mutiny can only happen against the vessel's commander. Everything else is insubordination, assault, or whatever else. That keeps the server rules and marine law simpler.

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Re: Player Report - Aestel Rose Wellick

Post by Aestel » 06 Jul 2018, 20:11

awan wrote:
05 Jul 2018, 13:44
The CO was in the cic with only one so at the time that the flashbang was primed.
Seeing as how you died about a two minutes after it was primed, I don't think that is true.

awan wrote:
05 Jul 2018, 13:44
The CO was already rogue and had their mateba out on me that is what caused me to go for the flashbang.
If I had my mateba out, I would have shot you. I did not have my mateba out because you are protected by the rules, I even attempted to reason with you before you threw the flashbang. You can check the logs for that as well. Didn't stop you, and the ship was already on a collision course by that point.

awan wrote:
05 Jul 2018, 13:44
Only after my dc did other players come in/were they in.
It now was a bit ago that this incident happened and the ce has not shown up I hoped they would to confirm that.
I got a dc throwing priming the flashbang not 20 seconds after timing it. That might be the timeout time in byond.
Once more the second the aliens landed my attack stopped. You can see the stun was in the same second as the aliens landing because of the lag the crash creates.
No attacks from me happened after this time (Except for an idiotic disarm on myself)
Because the players in the CIC were attacking you at that point. Your baton was underneath your body because you died with it in your hand.

awan wrote:
05 Jul 2018, 13:44
That part of mutinies had not been defined before this incident you now said a mutiny can only happen against the Commander. I did a quick search and I cannot find this specific ruling anywhere. I myself used the definition wikipedia gives : Mutiny is a criminal conspiracy among a group of people (typically members of the military or the crew of any ship, even if they are civilians) to openly oppose, change, or overthrow a lawful authority to which they are subject.
The provost is not the acting commander. The rules have always been clear on mutinies, once again, you are a mod. This failure to know even one of the basic rules, and marinelaw really puts every decision you've ever made as staff into question.
awan wrote:
05 Jul 2018, 13:44
Also the entire reason for this report against Aestel is the rampage they went on not the stuff in cic.
The other 3 got mentioned for the behaviour in cic but Aestel for the stuff before that.
The main player reported here is Aestel and it is still being shifted towards what happened in cic when it was about the prelude.
So, you admit that the others did nothing wrong. Also, I would hardly call clocking an MP with what I thought at the time was a stun weapon(as it is on EVERY other server, you can check my intent) once a rampage after I warned him multiple times to stand down. He didn't even come close to death, and received prompt medical treatment.

This entire report is full of shit, and needs to be thrown out. The original report was against players who counter mutinied a CMP drunk on power who doesn't like having his own round ruined despite getting off on doing that to others. HE then claims low-rp for wearing a new outfit that was put into the CO's quarters, and giving an otherwise normal briefing. When that fails, he goes for a CO on a "rampage" angle. This is the same guy who brags on discord(and multiple people here will testify) of him flagrantly abusing spacelaw to fuck with marines as CMP, and has lied/misrepresented the truth countless times in this thread ALONE so in all honestly, I am wondering who should really have a player report against them. :thinking:
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Re: Player Report - Aestel Rose Wellick

Post by Symbiosis » 06 Jul 2018, 20:16

Can attest Awan was beat to a pulp with his baton out.

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Re: Player Report - Aestel Rose Wellick

Post by lmwevil » 07 Jul 2018, 00:00

To say you did -nothing- aggressive post crash is an absolute lie, I have no issues with you but the using of the flash inhand blinds EVERYONE around you, the abuse of that and the absolute bold faced determination to keep her detained in a delta situation is what got you killed. If you're gonna arrest the CO with Provost permission while shit's hitting the fan big time, you need to accept that people may try to stop you given that their lives are in danger and you're being a crap.

Point of reference: Yesterday I had a CMP who got Provost permission to remove the Commander, as we moved up the dropship was hijacked, he said 'I've got to do this arrest.' to me as we went up, he declared the arrest and the CO said 'if we survive I'll willingly go into custody, but the CMP was overzealous and got himself shot to shit by some of the marines, as another MP I did everything I could to revive him, but he even confessed in LOOC he knew full well the marines would probably kill him and he wanted to do it anyway. It happens.

Let me say that I have no personal issue with you Awan, but in this situation your story has changed several times and you are invariably in the wrong according to every witness.

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Re: Player Report - Aestel Rose Wellick

Post by Nantei » 07 Jul 2018, 01:34

awan wrote:
06 Jul 2018, 12:41
Are you saying it was unreasonable to follow the orders high command gave?
As an SO I have no obligation to follow high command. On top of this, you never actually showed me these papers. You just insisted you had them and that it made the CO viable for arrest. How would I know you weren't lying, when my experience with you that round was already quite hostile?
Now, let's say you actually had showed me the papers. Would I have sided with you? Still no. When I play command staff I support the commander fully unless they give me a very good reason not to. And even if I knew your arrest was legitimate and I agreed with it, I still would stop you from arresting the CO mid-boarding.

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Re: Player Report - Aestel Rose Wellick

Post by awan » 07 Jul 2018, 06:50

Aestel wrote:
06 Jul 2018, 20:11
Seeing as how you died about a two minutes after it was primed, I don't think that is true.
Then why were people asking to be let in?
Aestel wrote:
06 Jul 2018, 20:11
If I had my mateba out, I would have shot you. I did not have my mateba out because you are protected by the rules, I even attempted to reason with you before you threw the flashbang. You can check the logs for that as well. Didn't stop you, and the ship was already on a collision course by that point.
I hope that one of the admins who were observing can confirm this because you did have your mateba out at that time.

Aestel wrote:
06 Jul 2018, 20:11
Because the players in the CIC were attacking you at that point. Your baton was underneath your body because you died with it in your hand.
Aestel wrote:
06 Jul 2018, 20:11
The provost is not the acting commander. The rules have always been clear on mutinies, once again, you are a mod. This failure to know even one of the basic rules, and marinelaw really puts every decision you've ever made as staff into question.
There entire discussion in staffchat was that it cannot be a mutiny and it is grief. You can only mutiny against the aCO you cannot say I disagree with the cmp so I mutiny and attack them. And killing someone because they are doing their job is grief imo.
Aestel wrote:
06 Jul 2018, 20:11

So, you admit that the others did nothing wrong. Also, I would hardly call clocking an MP with what I thought at the time was a stun weapon(as it is on EVERY other server, you can check my intent) once a rampage after I warned him multiple times to stand down. He didn't even come close to death, and received prompt medical treatment.
I can find 10 quotes from staff members saying if is not a mutiny and they are attacking and or killing mp's for doing their job it is grief. If they want to say it was not a mutiny then it would have been grief.
Aestel wrote:
06 Jul 2018, 20:11
This entire report is full of shit, and needs to be thrown out. The original report was against players who counter mutinied a CMP drunk on power who doesn't like having his own round ruined despite getting off on doing that to others. HE then claims low-rp for wearing a new outfit that was put into the CO's quarters, and giving an otherwise normal briefing. When that fails, he goes for a CO on a "rampage" angle. This is the same guy who brags on discord(and multiple people here will testify) of him flagrantly abusing spacelaw to fuck with marines as CMP, and has lied/misrepresented the truth countless times in this thread ALONE so in all honestly, I am wondering who should really have a player report against them. :thinking:
You keep throwing stuff in here that just borders on the line of lines. I had admin permission to arrest you gained through ahelps. And you go on a rampage as CO.

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Re: Player Report - Aestel Rose Wellick

Post by awan » 07 Jul 2018, 06:57

Symbiosis wrote:
06 Jul 2018, 20:16
Can attest Awan was beat to a pulp with his baton out.

That baton is on the floor and not in the hands.
lmwevil wrote:
07 Jul 2018, 00:00
To say you did -nothing- aggressive post crash is an absolute lie, I have no issues with you but the using of the flash inhand blinds EVERYONE around you, the abuse of that and the absolute bold faced determination to keep her detained in a delta situation is what got you killed. If you're gonna arrest the CO with Provost permission while shit's hitting the fan big time, you need to accept that people may try to stop you given that their lives are in danger and you're being a crap.

Point of reference: Yesterday I had a CMP who got Provost permission to remove the Commander, as we moved up the dropship was hijacked, he said 'I've got to do this arrest.' to me as we went up, he declared the arrest and the CO said 'if we survive I'll willingly go into custody, but the CMP was overzealous and got himself shot to shit by some of the marines, as another MP I did everything I could to revive him, but he even confessed in LOOC he knew full well the marines would probably kill him and he wanted to do it anyway. It happens.

Let me say that I have no personal issue with you Awan, but in this situation your story has changed several times and you are invariably in the wrong according to every witness.
There is nothing in the logs showing any attacks from me.
The flash was burned out already
Almost all witnesses are changing their story. And the longer this goes on the more false claims I have to disprove.
Nantei wrote:
07 Jul 2018, 01:34
As an SO I have no obligation to follow high command. On top of this, you never actually showed me these papers. You just insisted you had them and that it made the CO viable for arrest. How would I know you weren't lying, when my experience with you that round was already quite hostile?
Now, let's say you actually had showed me the papers. Would I have sided with you? Still no. When I play command staff I support the commander fully unless they give me a very good reason not to. And even if I knew your arrest was legitimate and I agreed with it, I still would stop you from arresting the CO mid-boarding.
Once more as the logs show we were not being boarded or even hijacked when the arrest was started. Only after that.
