Phil Larson

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Phil Larson

Post by BillyBoBBizWorth » 03 Jul 2018, 05:21

Your Byond Key: BillyBoBBizWorth

Your Character Name: Brittany Breeze

Accused Byond Key(if known): Abra_killing

Character Name: Phil Larson

Approximate time and date of the incident (Central US Time for fastest results): Sun, June 24th of 2018

What rule(s) were broken: Lethal Force/Murder/Griefing

Description of the incident:

Alright, firstly, i will mention i wasnt totally innocent in this scenario myself as with this player, however theres a big difference between what i did to this player and what this player did to me.

I was manning the cades as usual, facing south of LZ1 FOB on Big Red looking towards the container area west of medbay through my scope.As usual, theres multiple layers of cading, two to three on this instance and also as usual marines love to run back and forth infront of the cades, which is a great way for FF to happen as we know.Sadly, this player copped some bullets when targets started popping up south i could engage.I had it on burst and had clear line of fire this occasion, that was until larson happened to walk into my fire, as he was floating around that area.

Not only did he walk into my fire once, but twice whilst then attempting to cross my line of fire again, the timing was great in that sense.I was scoped looking right down at the bottom on my screen obviously where the targets i was trying to shoot were and im usually always looking back and forth across my line of fire to make sure that it is actually clear, but i didnt even notice i had hit him until the second burst.Ive done this myself a few times walking into fire, so i realize it does happen, its one of those things and is usually not done on purpose.Nevertheless hes effectively just taken about 5-6 rounds and i understand if that players abit pissed off with me, i would be abit too.

After the second burst and realizing i unzoom,halt my fire and watch to make sure he stays out of my fire, and just to clarify, i was stationary the whole time, as you would expect from a sniper/scoped gunman.Only larson was moving around.I cant remember if larson was a medic or a engineer that round, but was one of them and he then got treated or treated himself as i kept manning the same spot.

Then the chase was on, larson comes up to me and started punching the crap outta me, fair dues and i took some hits without letting it bother me after the rounds he just took and was mainly trying to get just away from him so i could get back to the cades where i knew we had targets.He chased and punched me long enough, for me to say "right, fuck this" as it was clear he wasnt going to leave me alone now and had a vendetta even though he stepped into my fire, not the other way around.Then i shot him once on single fire to get him to back off as he was now wielding his shotgun whilst chasing me.

That single warning shot, which is where i went wrong, the two bursts was pure accidental/bad timing on both our part and he could of let it go after getting some punches into me and chasing me for a little bit, but he was still standing and could of got back to work like i was trying to do.

After that warning shot however, he does somewhat back off for about 30 seconds, healing himself, as im pretty sure he was a medic.Whilst i go straight back to the south cades desperately trying to get some actual rounds sent south.I didnt even try to seek medical, as i just wanted to get away from him and back to the cades.

Larson runs up behind me two or three tiles away whilst im firing/scoping south, and shotguns my head off, round over.

So not only was he a medic and could heal himself which he did, hes now in the business as a medic of taking lives and BE'd me like he was some sort of field commander.

We both got noted for improper escalation, that single shot is the only reason why i got it, however i was now out of the round for accidental scoped FF.

Where as he got to finish the round after murdering a marine with no repercussions IC(or OOC basically) from what i observed, and got the same "punishment" as me, however one of the notes is for a single rifle round shot at the chest, the other is pointblank buckshot/slug to the head.

I mentioned it at the end of the round and i did get a response OOC from the player that was something along the lines of "Eh, FF happens, wrong time, wrong place"

Hang on, so i was trying my hardest up until and even after i did a single warning shot to get the player to back off and get away from them, whilst he was purposely trying to escalate the matter to the height of beheading me, and then gives a response like they didnt give a fuck about it in the first place? Why chase me around punching me and wielding your shotgun? Why BE another player then? Why bitch to the admins about it then after i ahelped it, not you? Especially after you were the one that stepped into someones fire.

I had to ahelp as if i didnt, you would of got away with cold blooded murder as you basically already did, without anyone even knowing about it, thats why i ahelped it.You could of ahelped before or after the singleshot i did to you to get the admins to look into the initial FF, but im pretty sure you didnt and didnt have any intention of either, especially after BE'ing me.

Which gave me the impression the player was actually griefing me instead of just dealing with the FF IC the way that they did, which intentional lethal force is against the rules, apparently.

I tried to explain this to the admin...texastwostep, who took over from ordukai as they had to leave.

Evidence (screenshots, logs, etc):

How you would punish the accused:

Both of a us being noted is fine, however i would think it should clearly stated in both of our notes what happened and the clear difference between escalation, as there was only one person trying to deliberately escalate it and that person was not me.Self defense would describe my side of this scenario and how i was approaching it more accurately.I demonstrated i was not a continuing threat after the initial accidental FF bursts to larson by running away from him, and again by running away from him after the single shot and not re-engaging him or showing intention to, also again even when he stood right behind me before the BE.He demonstrated he was a threat to me by constantly harassing/chasing/punching me and then finally fatally shooting me dead.

Two very different things.
Last edited by BillyBoBBizWorth on 03 Jul 2018, 06:41, edited 1 time in total.
Max Dallas has been hit in the chest by the M40 HEDP grenade.

I will murder you Brittany Breeze

"It was a fantastic round. If the CO hadn't cryo'ed before the end I'd have bothered him to give at least two more medals. To PFC Max Dallas, who kept doing the path between the frontlines to FOB (the only place with medical aid) with a roller bed, and saved a lot of marines who'd have husked otherwise. And to Dr. Haley Altman, who after all medics were gone was fixing us time and again for hours straight. At the end there were over 10 patients around her either dead or in crit, and she just kept going."

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Byond: Abra_killing

Re: Phil Larson

Post by Abra_killing » 03 Jul 2018, 06:39

You FF'd me once, that happens. You FF'd me again so obviously you'll get punched a few times. Instead of punching back like a gentleman or running away you decided to SHOOT ME ON PURPOSE. I give you a little chase trying to scream down others to stop you so that you can be tied up and handed over to the MP's with a few more bruises but since I was shot by you for the 3rd time intentionally (which got me IB and broken bones), I couldn't keep up.

I go back to medic work and I see you FF a few more marines standing still right next to you so a lot of evacuations for broken bones and internal bleeding.

Some time later the FOB was being overrun and you happened to be in the way of an alien attacking the barricades. Since you were standing right at the south cade and helmets are basically the same colour as the cades, I didn't even see that anyone is there. Shotgun with a barrel charger with slugs is pretty harsh on point blank FF and your head flew off much to the amusement of other marines. Can't defib a headless corpse or slap a band-aid on it so I grab your tags and keep fixing the other marines you FF'd with a splinted chest and running on quickclot to stay alive as the only medic at the fob.

I don't ahelp to tell on others like a little bitch for every little thing and let things work out by themselves. If someone decides to shoot me on purpose during a fist fight then it's a dick move and a person deserves to rot in the brig or get disarmed and beaten up but it's not my preference to stop enjoying my day and spend the next 15 minutes crying to admins about pressing a mouse button in a videogame and then lose sleep about it.

You decided to shoot me during a fist fight (reasonable reaction to beat up a person that shot you TWICE within 10 seconds) and then proceeded to ahelp when you died to FF during a fob assault. It is unfortunate that you got FF'd and your head flew off but you're the best one to know that FF happens since you have a lot of experience shooting other marines.

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Re: Phil Larson

Post by awan » 03 Jul 2018, 06:55

1. Why wait until now to report it. You say it happened the 24th?
2. Tts has been informed of the report and will comment soon.

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Re: Phil Larson

Post by BillyBoBBizWorth » 03 Jul 2018, 06:58

Abra_killing wrote:
03 Jul 2018, 06:39
You FF'd me once, that happens. You FF'd me again so obviously you'll get punched a few times. Instead of punching back like a gentleman or running away you decided to SHOOT ME ON PURPOSE. I give you a little chase trying to scream down others to stop you so that you can be tied up and handed over to the MP's with a few more bruises but since I was shot by you for the 3rd time intentionally (which got me IB and broken bones), I couldn't keep up.
Firstly, the time between the two bursts was like 1 seconds, as i was focusing south, its not like there was 5-10 seconds between the bursts and it was clearly some sort of intentional FF.

You didnt give me a "little chase", you were chasing me to murder me with your shotgun and you did it for long enough that i wasnt going to tolerate it anymore, dont make it sound like it was a 10 second chase when you know it wasnt.
Abra_killing wrote:
03 Jul 2018, 06:39
Some time later the FOB was being overrun and you happened to be in the way of an alien attacking the barricades. Since you were standing right at the south cade and helmets are basically the same colour as the cades, I didn't even see that anyone is there. Shotgun with a barrel charger with slugs is pretty harsh on point blank FF and your head flew off much to the amusement of other marines. Can't defib a headless corpse or slap a band-aid on it so I grab your tags and keep fixing the other marines you FF'd with a splinted chest and running on quickclot to stay alive as the only medic at the fob.
Thats complete utter bullshit, because you stood behind me for about 3 seconds before you fired and as i was focusing south as ive mentioned many times, there was no enemies even remotely near me and the cades you fucking liar.It wasnt "Some time later the FOB was being overrun", it was roughly 30 seconds after i fired the single shot and you finally backed the hell off
Abra_killing wrote:
03 Jul 2018, 06:39
I don't ahelp to tell on others like a little bitch for every little thing and let things work out by themselves. If someone decides to shoot me on purpose during a fist fight then it's a dick move and a person deserves to rot in the brig or get disarmed and beaten up but it's not my preference to stop enjoying my day and spend the next 15 minutes crying to admins about pressing a mouse button in a videogame and then lose sleep about it.

You decided to shoot me during a fist fight (reasonable reaction to beat up a person that shot you TWICE within 10 seconds) and then proceeded to ahelp when you died to FF during a fob assault. It is unfortunate that you got FF'd and your head flew off but you're the best one to know that FF happens since you have a lot of experience shooting other marines.
Do you hear yourself, if your not willing to ahelp but you are willing to just BE someone because you think you can, thats clearly a fucking problem isnt it? And as a medic?

You werent going to stop punching until i was in critical, so dont give me that "fair fist fight" bullshit, hence why you didnt stop chasing me until i had to actually fire on you on purpose over accidentally douchebag.

Stop fucking lying, your so full of shit, your BE was not FF, it was not on accident and if had a screenshot of the words you muttered after you did it, i could prove it to, because you actually said something about it, you knew fucking full well what you just did.

Yeah, you get to just run around and BE any players you think have done wrong or who you think have purposely FF'd you, do you? Fuck off

Hope someone bitchslaps the smartarse out of you one day jerkoff, you need it.
Last edited by BillyBoBBizWorth on 03 Jul 2018, 07:15, edited 2 times in total.
Max Dallas has been hit in the chest by the M40 HEDP grenade.

I will murder you Brittany Breeze

"It was a fantastic round. If the CO hadn't cryo'ed before the end I'd have bothered him to give at least two more medals. To PFC Max Dallas, who kept doing the path between the frontlines to FOB (the only place with medical aid) with a roller bed, and saved a lot of marines who'd have husked otherwise. And to Dr. Haley Altman, who after all medics were gone was fixing us time and again for hours straight. At the end there were over 10 patients around her either dead or in crit, and she just kept going."

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Re: Phil Larson

Post by BillyBoBBizWorth » 03 Jul 2018, 07:07

awan wrote:
03 Jul 2018, 06:55
1. Why wait until now to report it. You say it happened the 24th?
2. Tts has been informed of the report and will comment soon.
Ill tell you why, because i didnt have the players byond key yet, as i only just got it from the other larson report.

And it wasnt until i read that CMP report that i thought this should be reported also.I was going to do it initially after seeing this players comments OOC after that round, but didnt get around to it.
Max Dallas has been hit in the chest by the M40 HEDP grenade.

I will murder you Brittany Breeze

"It was a fantastic round. If the CO hadn't cryo'ed before the end I'd have bothered him to give at least two more medals. To PFC Max Dallas, who kept doing the path between the frontlines to FOB (the only place with medical aid) with a roller bed, and saved a lot of marines who'd have husked otherwise. And to Dr. Haley Altman, who after all medics were gone was fixing us time and again for hours straight. At the end there were over 10 patients around her either dead or in crit, and she just kept going."

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Byond: Abra_killing

Re: Phil Larson

Post by Abra_killing » 03 Jul 2018, 07:13

If staff pull the logs with timestamps you will clearly see what happened and what kind of timeline are we talking about. It's closer to 15 minutes from FF-ing and the fist fight where you shot me to FOB being attacked again and the accidental decapitation.

I didn't BE anyone. I didn't see you behind the cade and took a shot at an alien.

"Lethal Force - Do not attack another player without a legitimate, explainable roleplay reason that could be applied in a similar, real-life scenario. A fist fight does not suddenly escalate into a gun fight. Even if you are justified, you are still susceptible to Marine Law."

You started shooting at me during a fist fight and proceeded to lie via adminhelps and proceeded to lie here on the forums. I do not like to deal with this bullshit so I don't care what someone wrote in my notes (It's there because if it happens multiple times they will know it's a pattern and not an isolated case).

I did not shoot at you at any point (I shot at a xeno that hit you and decapitated you), all I did was fist fight you to which you decided to unload your rifle at me.

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Re: Phil Larson

Post by BillyBoBBizWorth » 03 Jul 2018, 07:18

Abra_killing wrote:
03 Jul 2018, 07:13
If staff pull the logs with timestamps you will clearly see what happened and what kind of timeline are we talking about. It's closer to 15 minutes from FF-ing and the fist fight where you shot me to FOB being attacked again and the accidental decapitation.

I didn't BE anyone. I didn't see you behind the cade and took a shot at an alien.

"Lethal Force - Do not attack another player without a legitimate, explainable roleplay reason that could be applied in a similar, real-life scenario. A fist fight does not suddenly escalate into a gun fight. Even if you are justified, you are still susceptible to Marine Law."
You did BE someone, you broke the rules.There was no alien, it was just you standing a few tiles behind me and decided to pull that trigger.

As stated, i shot you with one round, after you did not cease in chasing or punching me and were now wielding a shotgun whilst chasing.

Your a real slimey fuck, you know that? You think your crafting some nice lies here arsehole, but we both know the truth.

Bring on the logs.

Abra_killing wrote:
03 Jul 2018, 07:13
You started shooting at me during a fist fight and proceeded to lie via adminhelps and proceeded to lie here on the forums. I do not like to deal with this bullshit

I did not shoot at you at any point (I shot at a xeno that hit you and decapitated you), all I did was fist fight you to which you decided to unload your rifle at me.
What, a one way fist fight where your the only one punching? Yeah ok.Ive shown where you have lied, if i have lied about anything point it out.You wont find anything though because its all the truth and your the only one flipping lies her pal.One warning shot is not "unloading" my rifle, and you did fire at me, with a shotgun, to the head.

As the logs show, that one round was only fired after all your punches, it was clearly a warning shot.

Ohh you dont like to deal with bullshit do you? Then why did you encourage making that encounter get to the point where you felt you actually had to BE another player? And ontop of that why do you think you even have the right to do that to another player, and as a medic of all roles available? But none of this was ahelp worthy apparently to you? Makes alot of sense...

Strange way of "not dealing with bullshit", dont ya think? More like you wanted the bullshit.
Last edited by BillyBoBBizWorth on 04 Jul 2018, 13:12, edited 4 times in total.
Max Dallas has been hit in the chest by the M40 HEDP grenade.

I will murder you Brittany Breeze

"It was a fantastic round. If the CO hadn't cryo'ed before the end I'd have bothered him to give at least two more medals. To PFC Max Dallas, who kept doing the path between the frontlines to FOB (the only place with medical aid) with a roller bed, and saved a lot of marines who'd have husked otherwise. And to Dr. Haley Altman, who after all medics were gone was fixing us time and again for hours straight. At the end there were over 10 patients around her either dead or in crit, and she just kept going."

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Re: Phil Larson

Post by solidfury7 » 03 Jul 2018, 07:37

Personally, saying that you didn't see someone because "helmets are the same colour as barricades" is laughable.

Given the prior events I am more inclined to believe you maliciously executed someone, however youre claiming that you never hit him but instead a xeno decapped him and you proceeded to shoot after it (?). Either way, logs will clarify this.

This is a rather stupid situation which should of never happened.
William 'Jester' Crimson
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Re: Phil Larson

Post by Sir Lordington » 03 Jul 2018, 13:27

Logs from the FF incident onwards:
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I've omitted some serious dchat and OOC toxicity by Billy afterwards as it is not relevant, but you need to tone it down.
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Re: Phil Larson

Post by BillyBoBBizWorth » 04 Jul 2018, 06:44

[22:59:43]SAY: Phil Larson/Abra_killing : I WILL KILL HER
[23:00:03]SAY: Phil Larson/Abra_killing : I will murder you Brittany Breeze

[23:16:38]ADMIN: PM: Abra_killing/(Phil Larson)->TexasTwoStep/(Yukino 'Companyman' Nako): Beat her up for FF'ing me and another marine twice (she shot me while I was punching her). She later died in a tragic FF accident
[23:16:58]ADMIN: PM: TexasTwoStep/(Yukino 'Companyman' Nako)->Abra_killing/(Phil Larson): You shot her in the face, right?
[23:17:13]ADMIN: PM: Abra_killing/(Phil Larson)->TexasTwoStep/(Yukino 'Companyman' Nako): I shot at the xeno and she happened to be in the way

Clearly a premeditated murder...if it had to be said twice because my original report didnt highlight it enough, obviously.There was no xeno, your lying outright as you did to the admin as well by saying it was a "tragic FF accident".You already had your alibi ready and you made it your objective to murder me for innocent FF.

[23:20:49]ADMIN: PM: Abra_killing/(Phil Larson)->TexasTwoStep/(Yukino 'Companyman' Nako): Punching people that shot you twice is a human reaction

Yeah, it would of been a perfectly reasonable response if you werent wandering around as a medic infront of cades with known active hostiles around the FOB and into fire.If that wasnt the case i would completely agree with you and have nothing to say otherwise.Even then, i still allowed you to punch me multiple times and didnt make a big fuss over it because you did just take a handful of rounds and i did acknowledge that, but you didnt want to let up.

Then i love how you come on here trying to justify your fake FF lies and calling me a bitch basically for reporting your stupid arse over it.Though you didnt just say ingame to the admin that yeah, "i murdered her for that FF outright" or on this forum report and just be a "man" and "honest" about it, but you chose to be the actual bitch and lie about it.

I didnt say anything negative until you said "little bitch", and i dont know about you, but im trying to get better at playing on this server and then i get set back because of interactions with fuckers like you.Which you probably see it the same way.

Most people get lengthy or perma bans for purposely murdering someone, but not in this case and many others i imagine.I can almost guarantee you though, if it was me that BE'd you over you BE'ing me, i would of been permabanned for that no questions asked.
Sir Lordington wrote:
03 Jul 2018, 13:27
I've omitted some serious dchat and OOC toxicity by Billy afterwards as it is not relevant, but you need to tone it down.
I can be abit toxic, which many players on this game/server are and can be.I generally am not until someone or something brings it on, and until then i keep my mouth shut.Maybe my words could be classed as toxic, but i wont allow the way i really tried to handle and dissolve that interaction be labelled as toxic which is what it is being classed as by being called "improper escalation", nope.
Max Dallas has been hit in the chest by the M40 HEDP grenade.

I will murder you Brittany Breeze

"It was a fantastic round. If the CO hadn't cryo'ed before the end I'd have bothered him to give at least two more medals. To PFC Max Dallas, who kept doing the path between the frontlines to FOB (the only place with medical aid) with a roller bed, and saved a lot of marines who'd have husked otherwise. And to Dr. Haley Altman, who after all medics were gone was fixing us time and again for hours straight. At the end there were over 10 patients around her either dead or in crit, and she just kept going."

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Byond: blade2000br

Re: Phil Larson

Post by Blade2000Br » 04 Jul 2018, 07:47

Ok Billy, I just want to say for you to tone down the insults on this report. I am just coming here to stop any kind of insults/harassement efore it starts.

Please, let's remain calm on here.
Jason 'Punk' Crowmel - The guy that don't give a shit about what he does.

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Re: Phil Larson

Post by BillyBoBBizWorth » 04 Jul 2018, 08:24

Ive said all i wanted to say, there wont be anymore from me.
Max Dallas has been hit in the chest by the M40 HEDP grenade.

I will murder you Brittany Breeze

"It was a fantastic round. If the CO hadn't cryo'ed before the end I'd have bothered him to give at least two more medals. To PFC Max Dallas, who kept doing the path between the frontlines to FOB (the only place with medical aid) with a roller bed, and saved a lot of marines who'd have husked otherwise. And to Dr. Haley Altman, who after all medics were gone was fixing us time and again for hours straight. At the end there were over 10 patients around her either dead or in crit, and she just kept going."

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Re: Phil Larson

Post by TexasTwoStep » 05 Jul 2018, 02:24


I've been dealing with work-related operations as we head into Summer, or as I like to call it: Hell.

Let's go through the logs since Billy messaged in-game today with a question about AHeal. Although Originally I was going to comment on this, I decided not too seeing as all these fine Staff Members pretty much covered anything I'd like to say or note.

Friendly Fire: There were Lurkers / runners near the FOB this time:
22:56:09]ATTACK: Brittany Breeze (billybobbizworth) shot Phil Larson (abrakilling) with a rifle bullet in the Northwest Colony Grounds (<A HREF='?_src_=holder;adminplayerobservecoodjump=1;X=49;Y=171;Z=1'>JMP</a>) (<a href='?priv_msg=[0x5000028]'>PM</a>)
[22:56:10]ATTACK: Brittany Breeze (billybobbizworth) shot Phil Larson (abrakilling) with a rifle bullet in the Northwest Colony Grounds (<A HREF='?_src_=holder;adminplayerobservecoodjump=1;X=49;Y=171;Z=1'>JMP</a>) (<a href='?priv_msg=[0x5000028]'>PM</a>)

Phil turns around and starts to punch you (we're escalating into a fist-fight now.)
[22:56:13]ATTACK: Abra_killing/(Phil Larson) punched BillyBoBBizWorth/(Brittany Breeze)
[22:59:03]ATTACK: Abra_killing/(Phil Larson) punched BillyBoBBizWorth/(Brittany Breeze)
[22:59:05]ATTACK: Abra_killing/(Phil Larson) punched BillyBoBBizWorth/(Brittany Breeze)
[22:59:06]ATTACK: Abra_killing/(Phil Larson) punched BillyBoBBizWorth/(Brittany Breeze)
[22:59:07]ATTACK: Abra_killing/(Phil Larson) punched BillyBoBBizWorth/(Brittany Breeze)
[22:59:10]ATTACK: Abra_killing/(Phil Larson) punched BillyBoBBizWorth/(Brittany Breeze)

You shoot Phil with a Weapon while we're still in a fist-fight.
[22:59:12]ATTACK: Brittany Breeze (billybobbizworth) shot Phil Larson (abrakilling) with a rifle bullet in the Northwest Colony Grounds (<A HREF='?_src_=holder;adminplayerobservecoodjump=1;X=50;Y=177;Z=1'>JMP</a>) (<a href='?priv_msg=[0x5000028]'>PM</a>)

[22:59:43]SAY: Phil Larson/Abra_killing : I WILL KILL HER
[23:00:03]SAY: Phil Larson/Abra_killing : I will murder you Brittany Breeze

Instead of ahelping improper escalation, Phil returns fire.
[23:03:46]ATTACK: Phil Larson (abrakilling) shot Brittany Breeze (billybobbizworth) with a shotgun slug in the Northwest Colony Grounds (<A HREF='?_src_=holder;adminplayerobservecoodjump=1;X=41;Y=173;Z=1'>JMP</a>) (<a href='?priv_msg=[0x5000065]'>PM</a>)

[23:04:35]ADMIN: HELP: BillyBoBBizWorth/(Brittany Breeze): Admin Medic Larson just shot my head off - heard by 9 non-AFK admins.
[23:05:17]ADMIN: PM: Ordukai/(Victor Holding)->BillyBoBBizWorth/(Brittany Breeze): It looks like you guys are on a battlefield, are you sure it wasn't by accident?
[23:05:30]ADMIN: PM: BillyBoBBizWorth/(Brittany Breeze)->Ordukai/(Victor Holding): Nah, i know why it was actually
[23:05:55]ADMIN: PM: Ordukai/(Victor Holding)->BillyBoBBizWorth/(Brittany Breeze): So you're all good?
[23:07:06]ADMIN: PM: BillyBoBBizWorth/(Brittany Breeze)->Ordukai/(Victor Holding): The medic was infront of the cading south fo LZ FOB, between the cades and sandbags, we have hostiles south, we was running back and forth, i was shooting and he got hit twice, he later then cant at me with a shotgun after, punching me repeatly, i tryed to get away from him, he then comes back after i was shooting at the south cades again, and out of nowhere shoots my head off with a shotgun point blank
[23:07:40]ADMIN: PM: BillyBoBBizWorth/(Brittany Breeze)->Ordukai/(Victor Holding): from behind me
[23:08:19]ADMIN: PM: Ordukai/(Victor Holding)->BillyBoBBizWorth/(Brittany Breeze): So you accidentally shot him, he started punching you, so you shot him. Later, he came back and shot you?
23:08:21]ADMIN: PM: BillyBoBBizWorth/(Brittany Breeze)->Ordukai/(Victor Holding): the intial shots at the cades was accident, as i was scoped, and he was in the killzone, infront of cades, and he knew it too
[23:09:46]ADMIN: PM: BillyBoBBizWorth/(Brittany Breeze)->Ordukai/(Victor Holding): the shots from me where only when i was manning the cades zoomed in scoped, he was running around infront of the cades, i didnt try to fight him, he was trying to engage me after he was in the killzone and got shot to begin with, he chose to escalate it, with him actually shooting my head off...
[23:10:45]ADMIN: PM: Ordukai/(Victor Holding)->TexasTwoStep/(Yukino 'Companyman' Nako): Think you could take over with Billybobbizworth? My poor dog is getting scared by the fireworks and coming to me for comfort.
[23:10:49]ADMIN: PM: BillyBoBBizWorth/(Brittany Breeze)->Ordukai/(Victor Holding): there was about 1 minutes between when he was chasing me, i got back to the cades, then he comes up later, and just one shot beheaded me, as a medic.
[23:14:05]ADMIN: PM: TexasTwoStep/(Yukino 'Companyman' Nako)->BillyBoBBizWorth/(Brittany Breeze): Name of the guy that shot you? Ordukai had to leave.
[23:14:43]ADMIN: PM: BillyBoBBizWorth/(Brittany Breeze)->TexasTwoStep/(Yukino 'Companyman' Nako): Phil Larson, am i able to get back into the game, kinda bullshit this guy has BE&#39;d like hes a commander
[23:15:19]ADMIN: PM: TexasTwoStep/(Yukino 'Companyman' Nako)->Abra_killing/(Phil Larson): Philly?
[23:15:38]ADMIN: PM: Abra_killing/(Phil Larson)->TexasTwoStep/(Yukino 'Companyman' Nako): yes
[23:15:55]ADMIN: PM: TexasTwoStep/(Yukino 'Companyman' Nako)->Abra_killing/(Phil Larson): Wanna explain what happened with Brittany?
[23:16:38]ADMIN: PM: Abra_killing/(Phil Larson)->TexasTwoStep/(Yukino 'Companyman' Nako): Beat her up for FF&#39;ing me and another marine twice (she shot me while I was punching her). She later died in a tragic FF accident
[23:16:58]ADMIN: PM: TexasTwoStep/(Yukino 'Companyman' Nako)->Abra_killing/(Phil Larson): You shot her in the face, right?
[23:17:13]ADMIN: PM: Abra_killing/(Phil Larson)->TexasTwoStep/(Yukino 'Companyman' Nako): I shot at the xeno and she happened to be in the way
[23:19:35]ADMIN: PM: TexasTwoStep/(Yukino 'Companyman' Nako)->Abra_killing/(Phil Larson): Right okay, both of you are getting notes for improper Escalation, the logs and your attitudes are both rediculous. If it is accidental FF, leave it alone.
[23:20:08]ADMIN: <a href='?priv_msg=[0x500004a]'>TexasTwoStep</a>/(Yukino 'Companyman' Nako) has edited abrakilling's notes: Warned for Improper Escalation, retialiated against accidental-FF then got Shot again and returned fire.
[23:20:49]ADMIN: PM: Abra_killing/(Phil Larson)->TexasTwoStep/(Yukino 'Companyman' Nako): Punching people that shot you twice is a human reaction
[23:21:54]ADMIN: PM: TexasTwoStep/(Yukino 'Companyman' Nako)->BillyBoBBizWorth/(Brittany Breeze): Alright, I'm going to give you a note for Improper Escalation. You FF'd him, accident or not then shot him after he was punching you. He's been dealth with, you're not getting another body for the round. Make sure you're more careful otherwise these sitautions can happen.
[23:22:31]ADMIN: <a href='?priv_msg=[0x500004a]'>TexasTwoStep</a>/(Yukino 'Companyman' Nako) has edited billybobbizworth's notes: Warned for Improper Escalation, FF&#39;d another marine, marine started punching him, he shot the Marine, Marine-shot back, killing him.
[23:22:58]ADMIN: PM: BillyBoBBizWorth/(Brittany Breeze)->TexasTwoStep/(Yukino 'Companyman' Nako): Hes the one that escalated it, and then bloody BE&#39;d me, i had to run from that guy twice just to get away after him stepping into my fire
[23:23:29]ADMIN: PM: TexasTwoStep/(Yukino 'Companyman' Nako)->Abra_killing/(Phil Larson): Don't start arguing Abra. You know what you did, admit it or not you didn't care either way. With the amount of punches you may of very well sent him into Pain-Crit then endded it with the shotgun. He shouldn't of been clumsy, but you shouldn't of shot him.
[23:23:41]ADMIN: PM: BillyBoBBizWorth/(Brittany Breeze)->TexasTwoStep/(Yukino 'Companyman' Nako): all i was doing was manning the cades, using a scoped rrifle, had hostiles south, the idiot walks infront of my fire twice, and im the one that escalated it? give me a fucking break
[23:24:42]ADMIN: PM: TexasTwoStep/(Yukino 'Companyman' Nako)->BillyBoBBizWorth/(Brittany Breeze): Don't argue Billy, you should be more careful and if the logs didn't show you shooting him after he started punching you maybe this wouldn't be happening. He was dealth with, now i'm dealing with your side. Both of you two are at fault for that interaction.
[23:24:55]ADMIN: PM: BillyBoBBizWorth/(Brittany Breeze)->TexasTwoStep/(Yukino 'Companyman' Nako): like i told the previous admin too, the second time i had to run from the fuckwit, there was about a minute that i was back at the cades shooting south again like i was fucking trying to the first time, then he stepps behind me, about 2-3 tiles away, and just fires point blank.
[23:25:49]ADMIN: PM: BillyBoBBizWorth/(Brittany Breeze)->TexasTwoStep/(Yukino 'Companyman' Nako): i did fuck all aside from manning cades, your not meant to get noted for FF arent you? he made this FF happen, i was shooting at targets like im meant to
[23:26:44]ADMIN: PM: BillyBoBBizWorth/(Brittany Breeze)->TexasTwoStep/(Yukino 'Companyman' Nako): and im basically being punished because i was a scoped rifle, and fuckwits like him step into fire
[23:27:07]ADMIN: PM: TexasTwoStep/(Yukino 'Companyman' Nako)->BillyBoBBizWorth/(Brittany Breeze): Again, i'm not going to argue, you got a note for Improper Escalation (shooting him after he started hitting you after FF.) I already dealth with him, and you. You can appeal or make a complaint on the forums but we're done Billy.
[23:27:33]ADMIN: PM: BillyBoBBizWorth/(Brittany Breeze)->TexasTwoStep/(Yukino 'Companyman' Nako): fucking dogshit mate
[23:27:40]ADMIN: TexasTwoStep/(Yukino 'Companyman' Nako) has muted BillyBoBBizWorth/(Brittany Breeze) from adminhelp, admin PM and ASAY

So, you're making a report on a situation that was already handled by myself - in which both of you are noted.

If you want your note removed, you can appeal it - but afterall it is just a note.

If you want to report me for noting you, well I already gave you the link in our interaction today:

You can post our entire conversation if you want but this was the ending:

Player PM from BillyBoBBizWorth/(Cindy Breeze) (?): Hmm, ill take your word for it, very very lightly.Alright, well if i happen to be that next accidental buckshotter that happens to behead you, i wont be expecting a bwoink from you then, understood.

Player PM from BillyBoBBizWorth/(Cindy Breeze) (?): And if i do get bwoiked, ill be bringing up this conversation i had you with about it to anyone that enquires.

TrialModerator PM to BillyBoBBizWorth/(Cindy Breeze) (?): You know with this attitude? You probably will get bwoinked because you're trying to hard to skate past the rules Billy. Feel free to comment to anyone you wish, also - i'm responding to your report now as it seems like it's gone on too long.

Player PM from BillyBoBBizWorth/(Cindy Breeze) (?): GO for it mate, i want you to respond, do your worst, as i was intially going to make the report regarding both of you, or mainly about you and i didnt do that report on larson until i saw the CMP.I look forward to seeing your words. Skate past the rules, even though you wont, care to explain exactly how im doing that? Ohh right, your busy, no worries.

Player PM from BillyBoBBizWorth/(Cindy Breeze) (?): So once you respond in the report, i can then bring you into the matter as i wanted to in the first place, you only just came back as a mod, this looks good on your record.
TrialModerator PM to BillyBoBBizWorth/(Cindy Breeze) (?): Your attitude, again - Billy.

You're picking fights that don't exsist, i'm a Volunteer. I do this for fun. I help players for fun.

Here's a link to the Staff Reports section if you want to speak to my Record (player reports and staff reports must be filed seperately:) viewforum.php?f=118

Then you were muted.

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Re: Phil Larson

Post by BillyBoBBizWorth » 05 Jul 2018, 13:41

TexasTwoStep wrote:
05 Jul 2018, 02:24

Phil turns around and starts to punch you (we're escalating into a fist-fight now.)
[22:56:13]ATTACK: Abra_killing/(Phil Larson) punched BillyBoBBizWorth/(Brittany Breeze)
[22:59:03]ATTACK: Abra_killing/(Phil Larson) punched BillyBoBBizWorth/(Brittany Breeze)
[22:59:05]ATTACK: Abra_killing/(Phil Larson) punched BillyBoBBizWorth/(Brittany Breeze)
[22:59:06]ATTACK: Abra_killing/(Phil Larson) punched BillyBoBBizWorth/(Brittany Breeze)
[22:59:07]ATTACK: Abra_killing/(Phil Larson) punched BillyBoBBizWorth/(Brittany Breeze)
[22:59:10]ATTACK: Abra_killing/(Phil Larson) punched BillyBoBBizWorth/(Brittany Breeze)

You shoot Phil with a Weapon while we're still in a fist-fight.
[22:59:12]ATTACK: Brittany Breeze (billybobbizworth) shot Phil Larson (abrakilling) with a rifle bullet in the Northwest Colony Grounds (<A HREF='?_src_=holder;adminplayerobservecoodjump=1;X=50;Y=177;Z=1'>JMP</a>) (<a href='?priv_msg=[0x5000028]'>PM</a>)
How can you call one person punching someone else whilst the other person is restraining themselves and not defending themselves until a certain threshold, this being 6 punches(would of been more if i didnt warning shot him), a fist fight exactly? A one sided fist fight? I dont know how you guys do it in texas, but where im from, we call that a floggin.
TexasTwoStep wrote:
05 Jul 2018, 02:24

So, you're making a report on a situation that was already handled by myself - in which both of you are noted.

If you want your note removed, you can appeal it - but afterall it is just a note.

If you want to report me for noting you, well I already gave you the link in our interaction today:
Yeah, and quite clearly i was wasnt happy with how it was "resolved",

I already mentioned having the note is fine, if you read my report you would know that.Having it removed would be even better, but im not holding my breath.

Theres a recent report here thats somewhat similar to this one in a few ways, as you know :


That player got banned for doing the same thing basically.

So why didnt larson?

You even said yourself :

[23:23:29]ADMIN: PM: TexasTwoStep/(Yukino 'Companyman' Nako)->Abra_killing/(Phil Larson): Don't start arguing Abra. You know what you did, admit it or not you didn't care either way. With the amount of punches you may of very well sent him into Pain-Crit then endded it with the shotgun. He shouldn't of been clumsy, but you shouldn't of shot him.

Sounds like you knew it was abit one sided at that point.
TexasTwoStep wrote:
05 Jul 2018, 02:24
You're picking fights that don't exsist, i'm a Volunteer. I do this for fun. I help players for fun.
Pointing out issues and asking questions is not picking fights that dont exist, im here for exactly that same thing as you as you mentioned at the end, fun.Being BE'd all the time as a player is not my kind of fun, yet it keeps happening to me and apparently theres nothing that can be done about it regardless of the side of the spectrum im on.Thats exactly why i messaged admins with some questions about todays daily BE and actually was quite glad it was you that responded as you dealt with the previous matter.
Max Dallas has been hit in the chest by the M40 HEDP grenade.

I will murder you Brittany Breeze

"It was a fantastic round. If the CO hadn't cryo'ed before the end I'd have bothered him to give at least two more medals. To PFC Max Dallas, who kept doing the path between the frontlines to FOB (the only place with medical aid) with a roller bed, and saved a lot of marines who'd have husked otherwise. And to Dr. Haley Altman, who after all medics were gone was fixing us time and again for hours straight. At the end there were over 10 patients around her either dead or in crit, and she just kept going."

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Byond: TexasTwoStep

Re: Phil Larson

Post by TexasTwoStep » 05 Jul 2018, 15:41

That situation is only similar in the fact that the party should've ahelped instead of returning fire.

SLC agreed he should've ahelped instead of taking it into his own hands - hence why both of you got notes.

There's not really much more to say, Bobby - we're beating a dead-horse here, this isn't a staff-report - it's a Player Report on a player and a situation that was already resolved. I chose to note both of you instead of banning both of you.

Have a CM day.

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Byond: Imperator_Titan

Re: Phil Larson

Post by Imperator_Titan » 30 Jul 2018, 11:28

This was already dealt with ingame and I see no faults with how it was handled. Texastwostep was right in noting the both of you for improper escalation. Griefing a griefer is still grief and only makes it harder to find out who the real perpetrator is. All of this could've easily been avoided with one single ahelp but you two decided to take it out on one another.

Resolved - No further action will be taken as this situation was already handled. If you have an issue with how a staff member handles a certain situation in the future, make a staff report.
