Player Report - Son'Ka Ato'je

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Player Report - Son'Ka Ato'je

Post by JacksonDee » 11 Jul 2018, 05:41

Your Byond Key: MaximusRex

Your Character Name: Jackson "Shamrock" Dee

Accused Byond Key(if known): ReDikAl.ZiP

Character Name: Son'Ka Ato'je

Approximate time and date of the incident (Central US Time for fastest results): 3:00AM

What rule(s) were broken: Hunting Worthy Prey, Violation of RP guidelines.

Description of the incident: Redikal was playing as a predator during a round on Big Red, and was acting in a way unbecoming of a predator. During the round, ReDikAl was blindfiring plasma pistols and spike launchers into groups of injured marines, medics, and other innocent prey. He also assaulted wounded, retreating marines as they were falling back to the FoB with plasma pistol shots. Multiple medics and marines healing/transporting wounded were spiked/plasma pistoled/heavy castered by Redikal. This started after the one hour mark, after Redikal fought and won a duel with the scout spec. It disrupted the round to the point that the marines push failed, when there were only five living xenos left in Lambda.

In addition to the worthy prey issue, Redikal also broke the RP guidelines multiple times during the round. Redikal killed a defender near the end of the round and used LOOC to insult it, calling it annoying. Redikal called the same defender a "Nerd" IN CHARACTER after a fight. These are big rule violations for normal players, and should be considered even worse for a whitelisted role. On a lesser note regarding roleplay, he was dragging a dead xeno corpse in circles around the chapel FoB and flexing. A bit odd for a predator to do.

Evidence (screenshots, logs, etc): Screenshot of Redikal calling a defender a nerd IC -

How you would punish the accused: A re-evaluation of his whitelist, due to the fact that these are some severe problems. A predator is supposed to be a high roleplay whitelist designed to make a round more interesting. Flagrant violations of the honor code like this seriously degrade the enjoyment of the game by the affected players.
Last edited by JacksonDee on 11 Jul 2018, 06:02, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Player Report - Son'Ka Ato'je

Post by Dauntasa » 11 Jul 2018, 05:47

He also continuously charged into the xeno hive, spraying plasma shots around seemingly at random, for an extended period of time.

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Re: Player Report - Son'Ka Ato'je

Post by Redikalzip » 11 Jul 2018, 05:49

Right let's tell you what happened from my side and what I did wrong and what I didn't wrong about that round:

About using spiker and my pistole aganist marines when big group attacking from all sides (That makes unworty marines/xenos), while almost all round I was playing passive and didn't attack marines, because I know how hard both sides getting a fight with pred.

About calling nerds and idiots to marines and xenos is normal while it's not just a brokerule or broke of honor code, my actions were focusing on defence and being passive almost all round before you guys shot a LTB at me and tried roll me over by tank.

LOOC isn't good, while I was disscussing about how defender is good for duel with the pred and didn't call PRESONNALY that player who played as Defender, it was about all spectr of defenders. Because defender was a good player and I did enjoy his duel.

That round was about shitty round in the my life while Spiker and Pistole is't good combination for me, that's uhh, at least I see no honor broke about RP, calling xenos NERDS/IDIOTS, how they're stupid and they aint smart, I don't know why it's not normal, when marines call every fucking strange words about preds, that shows his Low RP.

You just guys didn't relise how I did RP with marines before and I tried to be a bit rude aganist marines to show my solid core, not like shooting at them.

P.S: At round start I was RPing with marines how I'd like it (Sad I had no translator for do more RP).

P.S.S: About charging hive, I tried take Karmak's body and blow it up, while dying without blow isn't honoralbe.
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Re: Player Report - Son'Ka Ato'je

Post by JacksonDee » 11 Jul 2018, 06:01

I regret not having the LOOC logs for what you said, but unless I was hallucinating, you directly talked the defender you just killed. You told him that you were tired of him attacking you over and over again, and said that he was annoying. It's considered bad form and taste to LOOC at a player you just killed with insults, no matter what you're playing. And since when is calling a Xenomorph a "Nerd" considered good RP as a predator? And by the way, as for how your actions directly affected me: I was heavily wounded after a fight in Lambda, and another wounded marine was splinting my bones. Out of nowhere, spike launcher rounds come flying in, hitting the poor guy splinting me and beaning the medics next to me. I was paincrit for a long while afterwards, until I was finally medivacced off the planet.

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Re: Player Report - Son'Ka Ato'je

Post by Redikalzip » 11 Jul 2018, 06:05

It wasn't focusing a LOOC aganist that player, I just said how his defender was good and almost killed me few times, and that a bit annoyed. That player shoed his power and I did enjoy his battles.

About spiker shots, you know how much caster gets aim like, off the screen. It looks like I tried (Not to kill marine), just make him a bit scare, I was shooting at the wall, that's bad part about while I used it not carefully.
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Re: Player Report - Son'Ka Ato'je

Post by JacksonDee » 11 Jul 2018, 06:07

Hopefully logs will be provided by Admins or others, let's see what others have to say about the round and what input they have

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Re: Player Report - Son'Ka Ato'je

Post by Redikalzip » 11 Jul 2018, 06:10

I know players are salty about how preds works and how to be defencive as pred, while every thing can kill you, without any RP input, I was crtted near offices alot times while I didn't want attack marines, but you know patience isn't forever.

In the roundstart I thought I'll do a big RP for marines, but marines failed and started attack me, without any good reasons.
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Re: Player Report - Son'Ka Ato'je

Post by Karmac » 11 Jul 2018, 06:21

Redikal you haven't acknowledged what this report is actually about at all, it's to do with your idiotic firing with both the plasma and spike gun hitting medics and the wounded they were treating while they had yet to instigate a fight between you and them.

This has nothing to do with marines being 'salty', as the other predator in that round I know of numerous players that took issue with this 'attacking wounded prey' business specifically. You could at least pay attention to what's being presented.
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Re: Player Report - Son'Ka Ato'je

Post by CCRWasHere » 11 Jul 2018, 06:22

Copy-pasted from my report before seeing JacksonDee beat me to the punch:

During one of his many offensive assaults on the Hive, his complete disregard for his gunfire resulted in the death of an innocent larva.
You could argue 948 had no business anywhere near the Predator, but this was an assault on the home of the Hive in Lambda. It could have tried to hide, but ReDikAl.ZiP was firing indiscriminately. I'm sure ReDikAl.ZiP did not mean to kill the larva, but I feel this must be shared.

Here you can see a group of wounded marines being attended to by a medic. ReDikAl.ZiP first approached this group from administration, but turned back upon seeing a marine holding behind the plateel barricade. ReDikAl.ZiP then proceeded to go around, blow a hole in the wall with his plasma pistol (circled below), and assault this group of wounded marines from their flank.
His assault was repelled, but this was not enough for the bloodthirsty ReDikAl.ZiP. He was out for the heads of wounded and downed marines, so he blew open ANOTHER wall (circled below) to flank the group AGAIN:

After ReDikAl.ZiP was finished harassing the group of wounded marines, he was set upon by a lone alien. The worthy prey Defender 248 attempted to engage the predator, but was repelled back by plasma pistol fire:
Defender 248, after recovering from the hail of plasma bolt spam, returned to attack the predator once again, but was met with smart-discs and plasma pistol fire. Son'ka Ato'je did not attempt to engage this worthy prey with melee weapons.
You could argue that ReDikAl.ZiP was hunting someone else, and that Defender 248 was intruding upon this hunt, thus making 248 unworthy, as noted here:
• Any prey or group who actively pursues/engage the Predator themselves, who the Predator is not hunting/disrupting. (Groups defending a FOB/Hive or defending others are not considered unworthy)
However, Son'ka Ato'je was completely alone save for 248. The nearest people were the group of wounded marines as pictured above (whom he had just finished attacking).

Finally, ReDikAl.ZiP was fond of approaching random marines during their assault on the Hive and harassing them to pull out their boot-knives and duel him. This is not against the Code of Honor, but when these marines waved him off, he proceeded to name-call them with insults such as "Pussy" and "Cunt". This may be grasping at straws, but I do not view this human-like behavior appropriate for an old, honorable, alien species. Furthermore, ReDikAl.ZiP has a somewhat lack of comprehension for the English language. It only takes a cursory glance at his emotes and says to prove this.
Last edited by CCRWasHere on 11 Jul 2018, 06:53, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Player Report - Son'Ka Ato'je

Post by Rohesie » 11 Jul 2018, 06:32

So, I'm the Alpha SL, Lydia 'Synth' Tournier. I spent a long, long time wounded due to a mix of lack of medevac and not the most diligent medbay around. But I finally make it back to the fray.


I follow the green line, back into the front. Around the green circle I stop and ask for clarification from command on the plan. We have marines there. Someone says we are being flanked. I ask about it, but before getting an answer we hear shots from our south-west. We head there, following the yellow line. In the yellow circle there are marines, some fighting the xenos, non-static locations in orange circles, a lot of them wounded, medics tending to them.

Then we hear the roar of the predator, flanking us from the east. Red circles show the non-static areas in where it was moving at the moment.

Its modus operandi seemed to be approaching us, shooting a mix of light and heavy bolts, and moving away. Some people would follow it and then return. Then the pred would approach again, and fire again, before withdrawing. At the same time we had to tend to our wounded and fight the xenos in the caves.

I ate both light and heavy plasma fire, unprovoked. It broke my leg and made me unable to communicate for quite a bit. I wasn't sure if I had been grenaded or what. Since I had just come from a very long wait at medical I was really not eager to go back up again for no reason, and that was a bit annoying.

The general feeling was that the predator was provoking the marines into an engagement it didn't want to commit to, while they were, at the same time, engaging xenos, the predator effectively flanking them with ranged fire and superior mobility.

Raw logs:

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Re: Player Report - Son'Ka Ato'je

Post by Redikalzip » 11 Jul 2018, 06:35

I'm working on my English at least every time, I did flanks in the walls just to make marines scared and make a GL stop shooting at me, just let marines go away and let them stop attacking me.

My lack of English grammer isn't a big problem for my RP, at least I had those moments when I can't translate my peftect dreams about RP and just trying do a thing.

About swarming hive, It was a bit strange thing, when I just tried scout their hive, I noticed I've killed that larva and, it wasn't good for larva and for me.

I don't like how xenos love chasing around pred and try attack it, I know it's not so good for marines I've shot at and I can say only sorry about it, Spiker has perfect aim and can hit you, while pred will be off the screen for the 5-8 tiles.

P.S: I may say I was almost ignoring all marines and didn't try attack while, marines tried attack North Lambda with main-forces, at lest I was about help marines don't die by few screeches.

Additional for the Karmac: At least I wasn't shooting at medics specialy with a plan about kill them all, from my situation plasma bolts were hit medics those were off my vision, and I didn't saw them all, you think I tired attack medics? While I saved few medics after xeno's attack. I'd like tell how marines did attack me and why I did start using those shit plasma pistole and spiker, it was an experiment about that pick and I don't like it.

At least again I may say sorry to those marines who were hittied off the screen by my spiker, while I tried deal with one marine, I know I've a bit messed my round after something, maybe not my day.
Last edited by Redikalzip on 11 Jul 2018, 07:20, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Player Report - Son'Ka Ato'je

Post by awan » 11 Jul 2018, 07:08

I have recorded everything from the moment just after he accidentally shot the survivor, went back into engineering.
The recording starts when the survivor shoots back at him.
SLC has this recording and I can send it to more managers.
It does contain the entire situation outlined in CCR his post. (I mean what happened not I did not check to see if it supports his version of events.)

I hope that this will clear up any questions and issues people have.

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Re: Player Report - Son'Ka Ato'je

Post by Yuliy » 11 Jul 2018, 07:35

A Charlie Marine, Alysha 'Nutjob' Cooper here. The similar time where IMVader was, I either saw some few blind plasma shots came across over the Filtration zone and hitting few marines who were injured, unarmed and not even cared about the predator. Either a medic was hit, who was unarmed, gun on his back and only focusing on healing the injured Marines. There was a tank on the group, which was a huge threat to the predator, but at that time where the predator was shooting at the Marines, the tank was only focusing on the Xenos in the south-east caves, not the Predator on the west. I also got some few instant shots, where the predator suddenly shows up in the corner and shot me instantly, without a check. Though yes, he did apologize (What I understand, as it did make some scribbly word), but after he passes by me, he started to shoot again, blind, aimlessly and towards where the Marines are, rather just getting away as it is already a considered as an 'Unworthy prey' (Wounded peoples, not interested on Predator and, or no intention of harming the Predator).

After I got annoyed about getting hit even I wasn't his target or a threat, nor having intentions of killing him, I tried to track him down and soon died, I watched the later action of him.

Well, unsurprisingly, he was using the full weaponry on the xenomorphs who are trying to leave via Alamo, Bothering by keeping on shooting the plasma gun and cannon through the wall. Not a specifical targetted hunt, but just shooting aimlessly through the wall at the LZ1 front towards the shuttle, as if he's trying to kill all the Xenomorphs as much as he can. Some Xenomorphs either tried to run away from him, but well, of course, he was tracking those Xenomorphs down by also using the full weaponry, such as disks and plasma gun, spike gun, etc. Whatever he can shoot or throw. Not because of those Xeno was running away from the duel, but just... Running away from the start to avoid the Predator.

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Re: Player Report - Son'Ka Ato'je

Post by Redikalzip » 11 Jul 2018, 07:52

I didn't try attack benos for just kill them, I found Karmac's body and tired get to body for set on SD, that's why I used all of my shitty tools for just take Karmac's body.
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Re: Player Report - Son'Ka Ato'je

Post by Survivor » 11 Jul 2018, 09:42

The Alpha Spec B18 here. I remember the first time I saw the predator that round, I was standing with a group of marines near Lambda, when they came up to us and started just firing plasma caster shots into the crowd. The thing is, two shots were clearly directed at me, and I wasn't even doing anything other than talking in radio.

Later that round, I did go on to attempt to take down the predator for trying to attack multiple innocent people and wounded, to which was no avail.

Another thing was that when we were near the office complex, you said that you were trying to get me to stop shooting at you. What really happened was I scared you off the CO's body so I could recover them, then brought them to a medic. From there, you continued to try and assault us through the walls when we were just helping wounded.
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Re: Player Report - Son'Ka Ato'je

Post by Nantei » 11 Jul 2018, 12:59

I was playing the XO this round and saw the predator hiding in the filtration building, firing off shots at marines.

I thought this was incredibly unusual, especially since I had explicitly told marines not to antagonize the predator, unless it was hostile first. Now, of course some marines could have disobeyed that, but I knew Lydia most certainly had not. You can actually see I was watching because of Lydia's logs. The predator pretty single-handedly ruined the push and dragged out the round doing this.

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Re: Player Report - Son'Ka Ato'je

Post by Aceluke123 » 11 Jul 2018, 16:31

Okay, so seeing as there are a lot of plasma (anything) logs (to be exact 175 and those are only the ones that hit), done by ReDikAl.ZiP I will be trying to give a few of them of the players who have reported being shot and posting them here.
► Show Spoiler
Lydia being shot twice
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Larva being killed
► Show Spoiler
LOOC conversation between pred and defender
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Indeed karmac was dead on the droship. From logs the logs he logged in as a predator and without saying anything went to the dropship and died to xenos while fighting them.
Afterward, when ReDikAl.ZiP saw his body a large fight occurred between himself and the xenos around the LZ area.

Anything else needed can be requested. As the defender was indeed shot by plasma weaponry. Same with several other defenders.

I could go into the things he said and how they seem to be spoken more as a human than a Yautja, but that would take a lot of logs. Overall it seemed not normal to say the least, with as it was brought up, calling people 'pussy' and 'cunt' in character.
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Re: Player Report - Son'Ka Ato'je

Post by lmwevil » 11 Jul 2018, 21:40

I was MP or CMP this round I don't recall much, but I remember at least 30 people brought up with IB along with general chaos, people screaming to run away from an aggressive Jamaican etc etc. It seemed extremely aggressive pred play, not defensive.

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Re: Player Report - Son'Ka Ato'je

Post by NoKohi » 12 Jul 2018, 14:05

Just to correct something written in this thread; specifically where Aceluke123 mentions an "LOOC conversation between pred and defender", that was a different player talking to him via LOOC, I only ever said things to him via say and never via LOOC. I never engaged him by calling him a nerd or whatever either. As for my involvement, I was observing him prior to becoming a xenomorph and, to me, it seemed like he had zero reservations about firing blindly or outright being confrontational. When I was attacking him solo as a T1 caste, he continuously used two of his smart-discs, rapid firing his plasma caster and etc against me. Then once more at the end, he used a hunting trap to slow me down and kill me (I don't blame him though, even trapped in a small room I managed to get off several hits on him and prior to that I was dodging most of his shots).

Now, to be fair I don't personally see the problem in him using all of that against me or anybody else, but that's my own views on how dangerous predators should be in a round. The real problem, I think, is the continuous low RP exhibited in the round - it didn't inspire an image of 'predator' as much as it did 'rampaging traitor'. Most people who get shoehorned into being UPP pull off better RP trying to do their best Russian stereotype than he did being a predator, which I think says a lot. Even if I disagree with whitelists, at the very least I try to believe that there is some merit to them and that they're supposed to help maintain some level of decency for whatever role that gets whitelisted. Stuff like this doesn't exactly help that perception.

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Re: Player Report - Son'Ka Ato'je

Post by Redikalzip » 14 Jul 2018, 01:11

Okay, right after 2 days I've reviewed what I did and what I did wrong with that round, pretty sure I was a bit drunk and I couldn't play as pred there, but happened what happened and I did sad things.

I know it's crazy situation for you all but I hope I'll fix that problem without any new problems and, sorry for being LRP pred, never tried be LRP pred before, but, that happened.

Sorry for you all my friends, I did bad and I know what, good luck.
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Re: Player Report - Son'Ka Ato'je

Post by Beowulfs » 14 Jul 2018, 04:29

It's 4 am and my first time posting so pardon any mistakes, but the round took forever to end. Redikal was lowkey for most of the round or at least I barely saw him. Stumbled upon him with a marine and the janiborg while healing so I went up to caress him, and potentially snag the marine away. He ended up smacking me with a blade once so I slashed him and ran away, all in good fun. Much later in the round when the marines have been fully pushed back to LZ1 fob, I decide to go looking for him as the siege was going to take a long time and I was sort of bored. Run around roaring a bit, find him, pounce and slash, boom get hunter trapped. Then we proceed to have a fight, but a lurker without speed is pretty worthless. Give him almost equal hits back and knock his mask off despite being trapped. After putting me in crit he drags me off, sheathes his weapons, and punches me to death laughing, all while I was trapped. Apparently this is somewhat against the rules or at least frowned upon so I thought I'd share here. Unfortunately I hit my record button quite a bit late so I only got the very tail end of it where I was already in crit. Image

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Re: Player Report - Son'Ka Ato'je

Post by Aceluke123 » 14 Jul 2018, 04:44

Alright well... sadly I need to add to this report as well as I was in the round that just occurred and was killed by the predator in question.

I was playing midway through the round (a bit later I would say) after dying as a young ravager and mature runner, and rejoined as a larva through a bursting marine in lambda. I ran to the queen and saw the predator was there, just about 7 tiles away from the ovi’s queen but it was through a wall. Which I suppose is fine? Though the general idea was he was sitting right beside the queen. Don’t know exactly if that is bad or not but I was dragged by the predator towards the queen to sit beside them and then evolved into a defender.

As soon as I evolved I was wandering around as I expected a marine push and was just generally waiting for the queen to give us orders when I was dragged off towards LZ2 to the cargo container area and it looked like I was expected to fight him.
While I honestly don’t go the defender/warrior caste tree I utterly suck at fighting as them as I don’t know their abilities and as a young defender I was extremely weak. Easily dying as I was trying to use the right abilities before running off as I knew I was no match for a predator. Eventually i Kadence it to weeks but was slashed a final time before going into crit, was dragged onto weeds and then punched once more to before I died.

The overall situation was rather imbalanced as I was definitely not a good fight but I thought I’d throw my 2 cents on what happened as I don’t personally view defenders as worthy fighting castes.

Throughout the round while observing (as I died a lot) I didn’t exactly like the fact we had the predator in question standing near the hive and staying very close to where combat was occurring between marines and xenos.

There was as well several plasma bolts and blasts being used this round though the blasts were typically used against a borg who was in the event and stunning the predator.

As I am adding to the report I will refrain from searching through logs from now on.
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Re: Player Report - Son'Ka Ato'je

Post by Redikalzip » 14 Jul 2018, 08:17

I was standing near the hive for looking of Warriors, I can't remember his number, that's why I was, and was closer to the ovi'd queen.

About that WASH borg: I don't really see any problem, because that benoborg used his stanbaton for stunlock me, at least he stunned me alot of times.

It was about like: You're dirty, "let's clean you", ''Dirt", I've noticed it's not normal and dishonored, like he tried touch me, and did it alot times.

P.S: About Ancient Lurker and his actions, before, he attacked me without any reason when I was RP'ing one of xenomorphs, it was bit surprise but I did nothing aganist this.

Next time I took a trap in my hand, because I had no room in my bag, you jumped at me and trap worked well, I gave you few secons but you tried slash me while trapped, not just run away.
Simon "ATOM" Sanford: "Use your brain and be a tactical man with your good aim for rifle"

I love my "SADAR".
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I love M41A with QF.

Be happy. Be marine.

Atole Bhu'ja
Son'ka Atoj'e

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Re: Player Report - Son'Ka Ato'je

Post by Lorem123 » 14 Jul 2018, 12:13

I was watching the predator for a while this round. The lurker did have it coming since he fell for a trap as a lurker, which basically means he got outplayed.
He did some stupid shit that round like firing his guns around but I didn't see too many outrageously bad things other than acting weird around the xenos.
Orlando Blackburn

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Re: Player Report - Son'Ka Ato'je

Post by Beowulfs » 14 Jul 2018, 13:33

Redikal V wrote:
14 Jul 2018, 08:17
P.S: About Ancient Lurker and his actions, before, he attacked me without any reason when I was RP'ing one of xenomorphs, it was bit surprise but I did nothing aganist this.
Blatant lie, I only ever attacked you once before you trapped me and that was in the encounter I mentioned where you slashed first and I ran off.
Redikal V wrote:
14 Jul 2018, 08:17
Next time I took a trap in my hand, because I had no room in my bag, you jumped at me and trap worked well, I gave you few secons but you tried slash me while trapped, not just run away.
I suppose lying is your only way out of this because that's untrue as well. As soon as I got trapped you started slashing me and there's no way I can escape while trapped so my best chance was to slash back. Regardless of that you still intentionally dragged me off weeds and finished me off, with your fists, while laughing. Very honorable, totally not a power tripping child.
